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Lesson learnt in

Impart of Operation LAFIYA DOLE on Nigerian Army Medical Corp

There are many factors specific to Operation LAFIYA DOLE that have great impact on service deliveries
by Nigeria Army medical Corp.

The operations, organizations and deployment in the North East was based on conventional warfare
modes while the actual conduct of the warfare was asymmetric in nature. The nature of the enemy been
fought, the terrain and the types of tactics been used by the adversary are not subjected to conventional
rules and guidelines. For instance, Ambulance under the Geneva conventions are protected from enemy
fires on both sides, this is not so in guerrilla warfare.

The first challenges and lesson learn is that while the methodology, tactics and modus operandi of the
Nigerian Army in the conduct of its operations in the North East were based on received wisdom of
fighting traditional warfare, the reality of the fight is the one in which the enemy use unconventional
means, engage in asymmetric wars and respect no standard rules of warfare.

The deployment of the Nigeria Army medical corps also follows the basic organization and deployment
used and developed by the British Army during the two World wars, while this basic deployment works
well for a conventional wars, it is maladaptive for the types of operation been conducted in the North

Therefore, one fundamental lesson is the need to overall and improvise the general archaic deployment
modes currently been used to provides medical covers in the North East and march or upgrades to
current reality and time.

Deployment to the North East, is another factor that impart on the current operation, deployment to
United Nation is usually done with a preparation, screening and intensive evaluation of personnel.
However, there is no modus operandi by the Nigerian Army medical Corp for a general evaluation of
troops been deployed, Subsequently chronically ill patient with debilitating diseases like Hepatitis,
Hypertension, Diabetes and Kidney problems are packed into the theatre of operation. Posting to the
North East are usually seen as punishment ground where certain personnel are posted just for
disciplinary issues. Some of the personnel with chronic conditions can not only perform military duties
effectively, they cannot also assess quality health care due to the remoteness of the locations.

The North East of the Country had contributed to the unnecessary loss of skilled manpower’s. Young
Doctors with no specialized military training are posted directly to the combat zones without allowing
time to hone their skills. Prolonged deployment and poor welfare had contributed also to the migration
of skilled Military Medical personnel to highly developed countries abroad.
In addition to this, the level of skilled personnel among the soldiers managing patients in the combat
zones was not that adequate, there are no organized customized training to develop NAMC soldiers to
face current reality in the field. Those deployed in most of the cases are trained for a non-Medical and
nursing field and have to be trained in the theater.

There is a great logistics problems with a lot of impart on effective service delivery by the Nigerian Army
Medical Corp in the field.

Ambulances are mostly soft skinned, the right vehicles to move injured patients is Samaritan, and
however this is rarely available. Equipment and tools are most of the time obsolete and old. Modern
medical kits and advanced first class materials are basically not available and in most of the time, the
personnel supplement the medical cares with standard care from nearby Non –governmental Hospitals
and clinics.

Medical supplies are not of the optimal level as it supposed to be, Commanders in most of the time fails
to understand the need for constant supplies of quality drugs for its troops. There are no adequate
supplies of insect repellants and personal protective gadgets among troops, in most of the cases there
are spike in vector borne infections that greatly reduce combat effectiveness and increase admission at
the base clinics or hospitals.

Casevac is another great challenge at the theater, in most of the cases, the terrain of operation are
difficult to transverse with soft skin vehicles. Mines and IEDS planted by the enemies makes movement
extremely slow. In most of the time, the need for fast transport of personnel and patient across the
roads is almost impossible.

Due to the nature of deployment and organization of the Operation, most critical cases can only be
manage in 7 DIV hospital. The need to move this critical patients to 7DIV Hospital and then to
Referenced hospital if it requires further specialist care means that Air Casevac is indispensable.
However, there are no adequate synergy with the Air force to move casualties leading to unnecessary
loss of life.

In corollary to this, is the inadequate blood transfusion systems in the Operation areas, Laboratory
facility for fast and effective cross mating of blood is not available. Blood bank facility and skilled
training are not incorporated into the services. Bleeding patients on transit could be salvage if this
facility are readily made available by the services.

Another very important factor in Operation LAFIYA DOLE is impart of psychological problems on troops.
There have been many cases of suicides, shooting and killing of colleagues by depressed soldiers. The
stress, environmental hardship and other factors have a great effect on the mental status of every
soldier in the North East. In most of the cases, the external problems of deployment of troops is
compounded by the personal problems of personnel which the deployment at the field had greatly
amplified. Soldiers in North East are separated from their families and love ones, prolonged deployment
in the field means that the emotional needs of the personnel are in most of the cases not met. In some
cases, soldiers on pass are declared AWOL and their salary blocked making adding to the financial
difficulties of their families.

It is not wonder that there are increase incidence of substance dependence, depression and other Stress
related disorders in the troops.

In response to this problem, there have been inadequate response by the Nigerian Army medical corp.
Psychologist and Psychiatrist services were not readily available at the theater as compare with
advanced army like the US and UK Army.


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