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Rights of patients and physicians

1. Patient autonomy (the right to decide for one's self), truth-telling, and confidentiality
I believe people have the right to either respectfully say the truth or just deny that they don’t want to
discuss any other information with them. I believe this because patients have the right to discuss as
much as they want and shouldn’t be forced to saying more than they want to say. As a physician they
should respect that without making patients feel uncomfortable or force them. Patients have rights and
it isn’t required to say confidential things.

2. Medical research ethics and informed consent

I believe patients should be explained any type of consent or research ethics. Whether they are paying
attention or not. Physicians should take the time to explain things and narrow it down what they are
signing. As for patients they do have the right to approve what they want done to themselves, whether
it be, surgery, primary care, or even plastic surgery. They should be informed in what consent says and
make sure they are aware if it doesn’t say something specifically to bring it up. As in wont cover if
something goes wrong, need a follow up visit, can be seen but if no insurance. Just things like that do

3. Genetic control (refers to gene editing)
I believe genetic control should be done since it has more benefits with patients than cons. For an
example with blind patients, they can have gene editing with their eyes and they would be able to see
again or be able to see somewhat. It is beneficial for those who have a positive side to it, With the cons I
don’t see a problem with because you would just be cutting a chunk into there DNA or trials they have. I
believe it is for such a great cause.

4. Reproductive assistance (egg and sperm donation, assisted reproductive techniques)

- This is not about men tricking/forcing women into getting pregnant.
I believe reproductive assistance is for a good cause for those who want children. Some women are not
as fertile or males that need help with having children. I believe egg/sperm donation is great for those
who look for an alternative or have marriage within the same sex and can’t reproduce. Other techniques
clinics have for reproduction is useful as in, pills, shots, medications, etc. to help people reproduce. I
don’t see any bad issues or problems with this.

5. Abortion
I believe abortion should be okay and shouldn’t be a political issue or to have men have a say what a
women can do to her body. If women were involved in rape, financial problems, mental health, etc. and
aren’t ready to have children then it is okay for abortion. Not many people can afford financially to keep
a baby or even mental health would leave them to suicide with the infant. So many things people don’t
take into consideration besides the fact theyre against abortion.
6. Treating or terminating impaired infants (infants who have been born - not fetuses)
I believe infants that are born with impairments should be treated and not terminated. They should be
cared for and there is so many support groups as well if families don’t know how to handle the stress or
are wanting more help/information. Hospitals also have clinical trials or better technology on how to
help those infants and families. The infants would adapt to the lifestyle changes they have growing up
and have so much help within the community.

7. Euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide

 I believe euthanasia should be allowed if family or patient signs that they agree to be put to sleep until
they pass. But physician assisted suicide shouldn’t be allowed because that’s more of assisting with
death and not knowing if the patient has a serious illness. With euthanasia I would consider it to be
more untreatable and the patient suffering. For that matter you could put the patient to sleep and have
the family just consent that they won’t feel pain and won’t be harmed.

8. Organ transplants and scarce medical resources
I believe organ transplants should be happening and should have the waitlist, but I believe that waitlist
could have a little more leniency with the people waiting for an organ. I know healthcare will always be
costly but maybe should be considered into lowering prices for the organs and who is eligible. I know
due to the long waitlist we limit supply and due to some supply, we lack we make the list much longer
due to what we have available, and I believe for this to improve we just need advance in some
equipment or studies.

9. Distributing health care (How it should be allocated based on age/status/ability to

 I believe distributing health care should be based on age, I don’t think it matters whether the ability you
must pay it or not or the status. But how I see it with an example of covid, is with the elderly and the
children that need ventilators. I believe the children or young people should be getting that first. The
elderly should be having different options or a different resort for it. I believe the young should always
have first with health care distribution.

10. Health care for women (unique challenges, responsibilities during pregnancy)
I believe women that need health care should get what they need vs turning everything into political
views or be determined by men. If female decide to face challenges or change something for health
care, then women themselves can change or vote for their own health care changes. If it involves
responsibilities with pregnancy, then they should investigate options or choices they have that they are
currently struggling in. Women should have the right and the choices to make certain things accessible
whether doctors or politicians agree or not.
11. Health care for people of color [previously referred to as "minorities"] (inequalities in
care, illegal immigrant health care)
I believe people who are considered minorities should still have the same access to health care just as
anyone. Everyone should have a right to access health care or feel safe going to a hospital/clinic and
getting taken care of. It should never matter what someone’s color is when they walk through an ED or if
a different person of color needs better treatment. Everyone should be treated the same and should
have access to any health care available.

12. Health care for and responsibilities of those with AIDS/HIV

I believe people who have AIDS/HIV should be treated the same as well just like anyone else. Of course,
we do need to know if they’re being seen in a hospital if they have AIDS/HIV, so no one encounters their
blood. They shouldn’t have to be charged more for health care or just the fact that people in the
healthcare field should let everyone know they have the disease. It should be confidential and, in their
chart, if seen at a hospital. But should never be rejected any type of treatment if people are careful with
handling specimens of them to not contaminate other people.

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