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ID: CBE-03

Title: Forgot Password

Description: When the user forgets his password, here is a link he should press to
retrieve his password or to create a new one
Primary Actor: Bank Account Holders
Preconditions: user gets the “incorrect password” message
Postconditions: The user retrieves his password or creates a new one
Main User tries to enter the password and system responds with “incorrect
Success password” message so will do the following steps
Scenario: 1- Press on the Forgot Password link
2- User asked to enter the following details
- Digital User
- Mobile
- E-Mail
- Answer the Security Questions
3- ECIS System will verify and match the user’s data then sends an
SMS and E-mail to the user with a reset password link
4- The user should press the link to be redirected to the reset
password online page
5- User will enter a new password and re-enter the same password
6- Press submit button
7- System redirects the user to the login page

Note: Password pattern used is strong type


Frequency of Use: It happens when the user forgets his password

Status: Pending Review
Priority: P3 - Medium

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