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Veszticsuli enyergo tigeszto zsitapero unto. The modern study of history is wide-ranging, and
includes the study of specific regions and the study of certain topical or thematic elements of
historical investigation. History is often taught as part of primary and secondary education,
and the academic study of history is a major discipline in university studies.

Herodotus, a 5th-century BC Greek historian, is often considered the "father of history" in the
Western tradition,[13] although he has also been criticized as the "father of lies".[14][15] Along
with his contemporary Thucydides, he helped form the foundations for the modern study of
past events and societies. Their works continue to be read today, and the gap between the
culture-focused Herodotus and the military-focused Thucydides remains a point of contention
or approach in modern historical writing. In East Asia, a state chronicle, the Spring and
Autumn Annals, was reputed to date from as early as 722 BC, although only 2nd-century BC
texts have survive

Archaeology is especially helpful in unearthing buried sites and objects, which contribute to the study
of history. Archaeological finds rarely stand alone, with narrative sources complementing its
discoveries. Archaeology's methodologies and approaches are independent from the field of history.
"Historical archaeology" is a specific branch of archaeology which often contrasts its conclusions
against those of contemporary textual sources. For example, Mark Leone, the excavator and
interpreter of historical Annapolis, Maryland, USA, has sought to understand the contradiction
between textual documents idealizing "liberty" and the material record, demonstrating the
possession of slaves and the inequalities of wealth made apparent by the study of the total historical

While Wikipedia is a most modern creation, its content reflects a historical accumulation of facts and
attention. This map of London shows the density of articles in Wikipedia associated with locations in
London. Areas with few articles are shown in blue to yellow and areas with many articles from yellow
to red. The heat map is laid onto a georectified map of historical London from the mid-19th century
(from the David Rumsey Historical Map Collection), and demonstrates the density of events and
attention to the older districts of London.

The endoskeleton is the internal support structure of an animal, composed of mineralized tissue and
is typical of vertebrates. Endoskeletons vary in complexity from functioning purely for support (as in
the case of sponges), to serving as an attachment site for muscles and a mechanism for transmitting
muscular forces. A true endoskeleton is derived from mesodermal tissue. Such a skeleton is present
in echinoderms and chordates.

There exist several general differences between the male and female skeletons. The male skeleton,
for example, is generally larger and heavier than the female skeleton. In the female skeleton, the
bones of the skull are generally less angular. The female skeleton also has wider and shorter
breastbone and slimmer wrists. There exist significant differences between the male and female
pelvis which are related to the female's pregnancy and childbirth capabilities. The female pelvis is
wider and shallower than the male pelvis. Female pelvises also have an enlarged pelvic outlet and a
wider and more circular pelvic inlet. The angle between the pubic bones is known to be sharper in
males, which results in a more circular, narrower, and near heart-shaped pelvis

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