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Extended Read I

Qemember Poems of the

to annotate
a5 You read. lndustrial Age
During the Industrial Reyolution, moni writers refl,e cted on the sea change
in technolog:, that wcrs happening urt'tr,tncl fhcrn. NIrtf or-pocf-s Rttdlrltz/
Kipling cmd Corl Sondburg rlcrt'grcctl y- inlhtcrttttl bt, tltc irll'olf i()rl.s of
tl"te lndustrial Age they litted in.

Rudyard Kip
936 ) was aBritish
poet and storyteller who won the Nobel Prize
for Literature in He often wrote aboutliJe
in India, the his birth. He also authored
many boohs.s@_
a recurring theme in Kipling\ worh.

Kiplingb poem "The Secret of the Mdchines," published in 1917, is about

t^ technologt and its pitfalls. Told Jrom the perspective of the machines
themselves, it explains how machines cdn serye humanity, and warns the
et & against the dangers oJ misuse. The poem is dividedinto fgv;sJs
of each set has eight lines, and the second
has four lines. The structtffe of the poem is sitnple , with an ABAB fltyme
scheme throughout.

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