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Dr Suyash Bharat
MD Pharmacology
GMC haldwani
• Progestin  favouring pregnancy.
• Natural progestin – progesterone 21C steroid ,
derive from cholesterol , secreted by corpus
luteum* / placenta*
• Synthetic progestins – high oral activity
-progesterone derivatives (21C) – apart from
progesteronal activity it have weaker
antiovulatory axn
Blastocyst secrete

E & P coz release
of prolactin from
pitutary milk
secretion starts

Placenta secrete E & P from

2nd trimester
• 19-nortestosterone derivatives  Estranes(18 C)
- progesteronal activity, potent antiovulatory *
axn , weak estrogenic, androgenic, anabolic axn.
• Estranes with a 13–ethyl substitution  Gonanes
increase potency antiovulatory * axn & reduced
androgenic activity.
• * Suppress GnRH
Physiological and Pharmacological
• Neuroendocrine Actions decreasing the
frequency of GnRH pulses.
• Reproductive Tract decreases estrogen-
driven endometrial proliferation  l/t
development of a secretory endometrium 
abrupt decline  onset of menstruation.
• Endocervical glands secretion turn to scant,
viscid material.
• Progesterone  imp for maintenance of
pregnancy suppresses menstruation and
uterine contractility
• Mammary Gland. Development requires both
estrogen & progesterone.
• During pregnancy acting with estrogen,
brings proliferation of the acini of the
mammary gland. Toward the end of
pregnancyacini fill with secretions &
vasculature of the gland increases
• After the levels of estrogen and progesterone
decrease at parturition does lactation begin.
• Under influence of progesterone mitotic
activity in the breast epithelium is very low in
the follicular phase and then peaks in the luteal
phase .
CNS Effects.
• During a normal menstrual cycle, an increase in
basal body temperature of about 0.6°C (1°F) at
mid-cycle correlates with ovulation.
• Progesterone also increases the ventilatory
response of the respiratory centers to CO2 and
leads to reduced arterial and alveolar PCO2 in the
luteal phase of the menstrual cycle and during
• Progesterone also may have depressant and
hypnotic actions in the CNS, possibly accounting
for reports of drowsiness after hormone
Metabolic Effects
• Progesterone  increases basal insulin levels &
the rise in insulin after carbohydrate ingestion, but
it does not normally alter glucose tolerance.
• Long-term administration of more potent
progestins decrease glucose tolerance.
• Progesterone stimulates lipoprotein lipase
activity and seems to enhance fat deposition.
• Progesterone & analogs (MPA) increase LDL &
no/little reductions in sr HDL levels.
• 19-norprogestins (androgenic activity)
effects on plasma lipids
• Micronized progesterone does not
significantly affect beneficial estrogen effects
on either HDL or LDL profiles.
• Progesterone diminish effects of
aldosterone in the renal tubule and cause a
decrease in Na+ reabsorption  increase
mineralocorticoid secretion from the adrenal
Mechanism of Action
• Single gene encodes two isoforms of the
progesterone receptor (PR): PR-A and PR-B. The
first 164 N-terminal amino acids of PR-B are
missing from PR-A.
• The ratios of the individual isoforms vary in
reproductive tissues as a consequence of tissue
type, developmental status, and hormone levels.
• Both PR-A and PR-B have AF-1 and AF-2
transactivation domains, but the longer PR-B
also contains an additional AF-3 that contributes
to its cell- and promoter-specific activity.
• Ligand-binding domains  PR isoforms are
• In the absence of ligand, PR is present in the
nucleus in an inactive monomeric state bound
to heat-shock proteins (HSP-90, HSP-70, and
• Binding progesterone, HSPs dissociate 
receptors are phosphorylated  form dimers
(homo- and heterodimers) that bind with high
selectivity to PREs (progesterone response
elements) located on target genes
• Transcriptional activation by PR occurs primarily via
recruitment of co-activators such as SRC-1, NcoA-1, or NcoA-
• The receptor-co-activator complex then favors further
interactions with additional proteins such as CBP and p300,
which have histone acetylase activity remodeling of
chromatin  increases the accessibility of general
transcriptional proteins, including RNA polymerase II, to the
target promoter.
• Progesterone antagonists also facilitate receptor
dimerization and DNA binding, but conformation of
antagonist-bound PR is different from that of agonist-bound
• This different conformation favors PR interaction with co-
repressors such as NcoR/SMRT, which recruit histone
deacetylasesincreases DNA interaction with nucleosomes
and renders a target promoter inaccessible to the general
transcription apparatus.
• In most cells, PR-B mediates the stimulatory
activities of progesterone; PR-A strongly inhibits
this action of PR-B and is also a transcriptional
inhibitor of other steroid receptors.
• PR-A antiproliferative effect
• PR-B mediating hormone effects in the
mammary gland .
• Progesterone increased Ca2+ mobilization in
sperm (membrane-bound progesterone
receptors).  spermatozoa and oocyte
maturation .
Mechanism of Action
• PR nucleus of target cell(Female genital tract,
breast , CNS , Pituitary)

• P binding the PR undergoes DIAMERIZATION

• Attaches to Progesteron Response Element(PRE)

of target gene.

• Regulates transcription through co-activators

Absorption, Fate, and Excretion
• Rapid first-pass metabolism
• IN PLASMA, bound by albumin and
corticosteroid-binding globulin.
• Elimination half-life 5 minutes eliminated in
the urine
• 19-nor steroids have good oral activity  ethinyl
substituent at C17  slows hepatic metabolism
• Synthetic progestins longer half-lives (7 -24 Hrs)
Therapeutic Uses
• Contraception
• hormone therapy of postmenopausal women
• Secondary amenorrhea, abnormal uterine bleeding in patients
without underlying organic pathology (e.g., fibroids or
• Luteal-phase support to treat infertility, and premature labor
• Progesterone can be used diagnostically to test for estrogen
secretion and for responsiveness of the endometrium.
• Highly efficacious in decreasing the occurrence of endometrial
hyperplasia and carcinoma caused by unopposed estrogens
• Hormone releasing IUD decrease estrogen-induced
endometrial hyperplasia
• Palliative measure for metastatic endometrial carcinoma
• Megestrol acetate 2nd-line treatment for breast cancer.
• Mifepristone- derivative of the 19-
norprogestin norethindrone progesterone-
receptor modulator (PRM)
• Competes with both progesterone &
glucocorticoids for binding to their respective
• Onapristone, asoprisnil
• Pharmacological Actions. Mifepristone 
competitive receptor antagonist for both
progesterone receptors BUT exhibits some
agonist activity .
• Early stages of pregnancy, mifepristone causes
decidual breakdown (blockade of PR)
detachment of the blastocyst decreases hCG
productionThis coz decrease in progesterone
secretion from the corpus luteum accentuates
decidual breakdown.

• Sensitizes myometrium contractile actions.

Mifepristone cervical softening

• facilitates Expulsion of Blastocyst.

• Delay or prevent ovulation
• If administered for one or several days in the
mid- to late luteal phase, mifepristone impairs
the development of a secretory endometrium
and produces menses.
Absorption, Fate, and Excretion
• Mifepristone  orally active with good
• plasma t1/2 of 20 - 40 hrsbound by a1-acid
• Metabolites mono- and di-demethylated
products formed via CYP3A4-catalyzed
• Drug  hepatic metabolism and enterohepatic
Therapeutic Uses
• Mifepristone 600 mg  f/b 48 Hr later
Misoprostol (PGE1) 400mg Termination of
early pregnancy
Success rate  >90% among women with
pregnancies of 49 days.
• Cervical ripening-
• Postcoital contraceptives
• Adverse effect Vaginal bleeding (lasts from 8
to 17 days ) , abdominal pain and uterine
cramps, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea

• CI Women receiving chronic glucocorticoid

therapy (anti-glucocorticoid activity)
Patient anemic or receiving anticoagulants.
Women with cardiovascular risk factors
Ulipristal(selective progesterone
receptor modulator)
• Use- Emergency contraceptive

Inhibit ovulation (suppress LH surge)

Interfere with implantation
Thank you

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