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a dozen

destructive dragons
by philip reed

This PDF was created for those gamemasters who wish campaign; an overuse of dragons can remove the sense
to include dragons in the campaign. Personally, I have al- of awe that the party should face each time that they en-
ways thought that dragons should rarely appear in any counter a dragon.

A Dozen Destructive Dragons © 2020 Philip Reed, all rights reserved.

Some artwork copyright JIN LH, used under license. Some artwork by Infinity PBR, from The Game Crafter, used under license.
Some art by Dream Expander, Liu zishan, Polina Lopina, T Studio, and Warpaint, used under license from

a dozen destructive dragons • page 1

anatomy 2 1
of a
1. Every dragon includes an illustration to
help spark your imagination as you think
through how to best use the creature in
your campaign.

2. The dragon’s name.

3. Each dragon includes background informa-
tion to setup the dragon’s possible place in
your campaign. At times, when appropri-

ate, a description of the dragon’s personal-
ity has also been included.

4. Involving the party. This section describes

the way(s) in which you may introduce
the dragon to the adventurers. At times,
it is less of a direct introduction between
the two and more of how they could be-
come involved with the dragon and/or the
events in motion around the beast.

using the dragons

Most campaigns never see a single dragon, let alone Adventure. You’re an insane one, aren’t you? You truly
twelve, so the dragons that have been detailed on the plan to bring one of these dragons into the campaign
following pages should last for your entire career as a and pit the party against the wyrm and its situation.
gamemaster, right? Or not. I know that some of you are When used in this way, you’ll want to take time to pre-
far more liberal when tossing dragons into the action; pare the dragon’s game stats, using your preferred
if you’re running a game world that is swarming with game system and the description that follows as a guide
dragons, it is possible that you will burn through all in your efforts.
twelve of these dragons in a single session. I certainly
hope not; your player characters won’t know what hit Inspiration. Maybe none of these dragons are an exact
them if you do that. fit for your campaign and you instead find the dozen
wyrms a source of inspiration when writing up your
Background. You may never even introduce the PCs to own dragon. Awesome. I am always honored and ex-
the dragons, instead keeping the stories of the various cited to learn when someone uses my work as a guide
dragons as background matter for your game world. to devising something of their own. If you do create a
When used in this way, these dragon descriptions are dragon after reading the twelve I’ve detailed, please let
used to help add flavor and depth to your world. me know on Twitter: @philipjreed.

a dozen destructive dragons • page 2

chugait the fiery one
This great wyrm lives in the cliffs along the southern Invaders from the sea, a tribe of fishfolk intent on end-
coast, making his home within one of the many caverns ing the villagers’ fishing expeditions, attacked the village
that open several hundred feet above the sea. Chugait late one night when Chugait was sleeping in his lair. The
is a violent, angry monster who wishes only to destroy fishfolk were swift and brutal in their mission, killing the
anything – and anyone – he cannot own. villagers well before sunrise.

In his youth, Chugait was a kinder, gentler creature who The death of the villagers was soul-crushing for the drag-
befriended the people of a small fishing village several on and changed Chugait forever. Blaming himself for the
days ride from the dragon’s current lair. Chugait would death of the villagers – if only he had moved his lair near-
aid the villagers in their fishing trips, flying ahead of the er their homes, he could have saved them – the dragon
villagers’ boats in search of schools of fish and directing became angry and destructive, lashing out first at other
the people to the most-populated areas of the sea near villages for not aiding his friends and then attacking a
their homes. The dragon enjoyed life with the villagers, nearby halfling settlement.
spending almost all of his time with the people. This con-
tinue until a decade ago, when disaster fell on the village. Chugait now sits in his lair most days, only setting out
into the wider world when his anger overwhelms him
and he cannot resist the urge to destroy . . . something.

Involving the party. Psychologically, the dragon is

too far gone to be saved. The villages and towns along
the coast that must face the dragon’s anger every few
months pool their resources and issue a bounty on the
dragon. 1,000 gold to anyone who kills Chugait and
puts an end to the dragon’s destructive behavior.

“When a dragon is sighted,

the news spreads with
almost supernatural speed.”
– Nigel Findley,
Draconomicon (1990)

a dozen destructive dragons • page 3

A serpentine wyrm, stretching dozens of feet in length, Involving the party. Rumors of a powerful monster
Mavroissos lives far beneath the surface in what was attacking towns and villages near Drowfall Mountain
once a drow city. Centuries ago, the drow contacted a spread through the land, with the descriptions uneven
crystalline beast from the outer stars and summoned the and bizarre, and leading many to speculate that a gi-
monster, using their arcane powers to enslave the alien ant subterranean worm has found its way to the sur-
visitor and forcing it to serve as an energy source for their face world. Some who claim to have seen the monster,
city. The monster was too powerful for the drow mages, though, say that it is more dragon-like in form than it is
though, and eventually broke free of the spells that con- a worm, but they do not deny that the beast is wingless
tained it against the monster’s will. and that they’ve not seen or heard of its like before.

In the ensuing battle between the drow and their At first, the PCs may only hear the occasional rumor of
once-captive opponent, the arcane forces brought to the monster, snippets of information that suggest that
bear by both sides in the conflict were so great that it something is attacking the people who live near Drow-
shook the city, completely destroying the homes of the fall Mountain. Over time, if the PCs do not investigate the
drow and killing the monster in the devastating collapse rumors, the stories of destruction grow more and more
that opened a rift in the cavern and let the natural light of frequent . . . and sound increasingly violent.
the sun flood the once-enclosed pocket within the earth.
Soon, each of the towns and villages near the mountain
The crystalline monster’s death was marked by a strange post notices asking for heroes to slay the dragon. With
growth of giant, unusual crystals that soon dominat- each offering a different reward for proof of the monster’s
ed much of the ruins of the drow city. Stranger still, is destruction, adventurers from across the realms start to
that something serpent-like grew out of the monster’s close in on the region, with each certain that they will
corpse. Mavroissos – a wingless dragon that draws its be the heroes to kill the monster and claim the reward.
power from the crystals that fill the subterranean ruins of Will the player characters take part in the race to slay the
the city – rose from the remains of the beast. monster and, if they do, will they come out on top?
a dozen destructive dragons • page 4

A young green dragon, Neodrusskar lives in the tall Since he is so young, Neodrusskar has not yet built him-
grasses near Lake Halfling’s Luck, a small body of water self much of a treasure hoard. The dragon has what little
that sits several miles from Hightown. Using its claws and items he managed to take from the few humans and hal-
powerful strength, the dragon has hollowed out a deep flings who died at the dragon’s hands, but he has noth-
depression in the earth, digging until he struck an under- ing of true value in his cramped, ugly lair.
ground tunnel that was – before the dragon moved in
– the home to a small family of giant worms. The worms Involving the party. The dragon’s attacks on the region
are now dead, and Neodrusskar spends most days of the have not yet had a serious impact on Hightown or those
week sleeping in the narrow, unstable tunnels that were using the roads that lead into the city, but the frequen-
originally dug by the worms. cy dragon sightings have the people in the area talking
and asking if they should deal with the dragon before it
One or two days each week, when Neodrusskar is awake grows older (and more powerful).
and feeling playful, the green dragon explores the shores
of the lake and the plains near his lair in search of sport. Neodrusskar is such a minor threat that word of his ac-
The dragon is a murderous, violent creature who enjoys tions hasn’t spread far, so it is only if the PCs come into
playing with his prey before slaughtering and devouring contact with someone who was recently at Hightown
the unfortunate animal or monster that fell in his path. that they hear of the monster. Of course, a braggart who
has heard of the young green dragon may – to earn a free
As a young dragon, Neodrusskar has not yet learned the drink or two in the tavern – make up tales of the drag-
arts of subtlety and stealth and instead thrashes about on which could cause the PCs to take an interest in the
the region, causing as much destruction as he can while situation. How frustrated will they be if they defeat the
drawing more attention than he really should. dragon and learn that it has no treasures of value?
a dozen destructive dragons • page 5
“Dragons are creatures of myth, often described as the
first sentient race to appear on a world, with life spans
that stretch over hundreds of years.”
– Andy Collins, Skip Williams, James Wyatt,
Draconomicon (2003)

the other races of the land

who are foolish enough to not
run when the dragon attacks their
villages and towns. Mundemzark possess-
es an incredible hoard of valuables, and any ad-
venturer who hears rumors of the dragon’s treasures
will find it difficult to resist the urge to investigate the
spire and see whether or not the rumors are true.

Mundemzark is still quite active, setting out almost

monthly to seek new riches to add to his hoard. The drag-
The great dragon Mundemzark makes his home on a on is smart enough to spread his attacks out across the
sliver of stone that protrudes from the eastern ocean of lands, flying as far as 500 miles to seek out new towns and
the realms. Several miles from the nearest land, the stone villages to attack. He is most interested in magic items
outcropping is barely as thick as the dragon itself and ex- and gemstones, and will deviate from his planned path
tends hundreds of feet into the sky. Those who would if he spots a band of adventurers on the ground below.
seek to climb the towering island of stone are in for a
terrible challenge; the waves crash against the stone Involving the party. The heroes are crossing the wil-
constantly, threatening to knock off any who cling to the derness, whether by road or making their way across
sides of the formation, while higher up the strong winds open lands, when Mundemzark flies high overhead and
whip and whirl constantly. Any who reach the peak of the notices them. The dragon swoops around, taking a sud-
spire will find an opening, a tunnel that extends straight den interest in the party of adventurers.
down and opens into caverns well below the surface of
the sea. The dragon will fly past once, looking to see if the group
is worth his time. If any of the heroes are openly carrying
Mundemzark’s lair beneath the ocean is filled with many magic items – even something as basic as a +1 sword or
riches, from coins and gems to magic items that the drag- a simple magic ring – Mundemzark returns and attacks.
on has claimed after killing humans, elves, dwarves, and The dragon must own those magic items!

a dozen destructive dragons • page 6


One of the more powerful dragons on his planet, Jyro- Involving the party. A planar traveler, Holger Dehnert,
saks rules an entire continent that is home to hundreds crashes into a tavern one night, flinging the door wide
of dragons. Fortunately for the player characters and and collapsing at the feet of the adventurers. Once they
their world, the gateway that once connected the two manage to revive the man, Dehnert tells the PCs that
worlds was destroyed over 1,000 years ago. Some who he brings a warning of terrible destruction and that the
study the history of the PCs’ world think that it is possible world needs heroes who can stop the impending disas-
that all dragons originated on Jyrosaks’ home. ter before it can change life on the world forever.

Before the destruction of the gate – which was a If the party listens to the man, he shows them his ring of
ringed-construct made entirely of stone that hovered Planar Jumping and explains that he has just come from
several hundred feet over the eastern ocean – drag- a distant world of dragons. Dehnert was enslaved by the
ons flew back and forth between the two planets daily, dragon Jyrosaks for several months, during which time
transporting riches back and forth as they traded with the traveler overheard enough of the dragon’s plans to
one another. It was Jyrosaks’ grandfather, the great wyrm know that this world is doomed if the dragon army is
Grayosaks, who accidentally destroyed the gateway that not stopped before Jyrosaks can open a new gate be-
connected the two worlds. The ancient dragon tried to tween the two worlds.
take a minor artifact – the Crown of Stars – from one world
into the other which triggered an arcane cataclysm that Dehnert tells the PCs to take his ring and journey to the
destroyed the gate and closed the connection between dragon world. He can provide them with a crude map of
the worlds forever. Jyrosaks’ lair – a floating castle guarded by several oth-
er dragons as well as enslaved goblins and orcs – and
Jyrosaks recently found a way using his draconic magic tells them that they must find the dragon’s crystal ball
to re-open a gate between the two worlds and the drag- and shatter it before Jyrosaks uses it to open the portal.
on plans to amass an army of followers to join him on a Dehnert then falls dead, his will to live gone once he has
raid of the player characters’ home land. delivered the message of warning to the PCs.

a dozen destructive dragons • page 7

Born in the freezing wastelands of the north, the ice dragon Frostbreath has al-
ways thought of himself as superior to those around him. Even in his first days,
when the dragon relied on the protection of his mother, Frostbreath knew – deep
in his soul – that nothing in the world equaled his importance. As if intent on
proving himself and his place in
the world, Frostbreath
murdered his mother just a
few months after his birth, at-
tacking her as she slept and act-
ing swiftly to end her life before
she could awaken and deal with
her thankless offspring.

Ever since the death of his mother

almost 300 hundred years ago, Frost-
breath has had a single goal: to discover
his mother’s hidden lair and claim her hoard
as his own. Whether it was caution or premo-
nition, the dragon’s mother chose to keep her
hoard a secret from Frostbreath, and to this day
the dragon has been unable to find what – in his
mind – is a trove of riches that are meant only for him.

Frostbreath has made his home near the peak of one of

the taller mountains near the lands of the humans and
halflings, living within a cave that is eternally cold thanks
to a Wand of Frost that the dragon found several decades ago.

Involving the party. Growing desperate to locate his mother’s trea-

sures, Frostbreath uses his magic to change himself in a human male, ap-
pearing to be some sixty winters of age. Taking the name Justas Preidys, the
dragon – in his human form – visits taverns and inns in search of adventurers to
aid him in his search. Pretending to be a human explorer, Frostbreath tells po-
tential companions that he has narrowed down the location of a slain dragon’s
abandoned hoard to a specific mountain in the frozen north. He now seeks only
heroes willing to join him in the hunt and, of course, to share in the treasures.

In his human form, Frostbreath pretends to be an aging warrior with no knowl-

edge of the arcane arts. In actuality, Frostbreath retains the spellcasting powers
of his draconic form and could easily use those powers in an emergency. The
dragon shares what little he knows of the location of the hoard and admits to the
PCs that he is out of ideas of where to search.

The dragon’s goal is for the PCs to track down and locate the lost hoard, at which
point he will shrug off his human guise and attack his former companions. If all
goes according to plan, Frostbreath will finally possess his mother’s treasures.

a dozen destructive dragons • page 8

The ancient red dragon Atuntointh – once a terror re- Atuntointh now has fewer than two months to live, and
sponsible for many nightmares and instilling fear in the somehow the monster realizes this and has become
people of the middle-lands – is dying. Age is catching more desperate. Where he would once pause between
up with the powerful wyrm, and Atuntointh is not one assaults, buying himself time to heal and to recover from
to give in to defeat without a fight. Despite knowing the previous engagement, the dragon is now attacking
that death cannot be stopped, the dragon is now seek- places every day, flying from site to site and ripping into
ing power to make him an immortal being: Atuntointh is whatever defenses the place may be able to muster to
looking for the key to undeath and wishes to transform face the angry dragon.
himself into a dracolich.
Involving the party. The heroes happen to be in one
Fortunately for the world, the dragon has yet to discov- of cities that the dragon has not yet attacked when the
er the secrets needed to change his existence from one word is given: dragon sighting! Atuntointh is charging
of the living to an undead monster, and now it is a race the city, intent on concentrating his fury on the tower of
against the clock as death advances steadily and the Christos Panopoulos, a powerful wizard who lives within
dragon has less and less time to find someone – anyone! the walls of the city and – perhaps – will have a tome of
– with the power to halt his end. knowledge that contains the secrets of undeath.

Atuntointh is now spreading his search from the less- The PCs should find themselves embroiled in the action
populated regions to the civilized lands, attacking when the red dragon attacks, maybe joining the city
churches, wizards’ towers, libraries, and anyplace that he guard in taking the fight to the dragon. If the heroes do
suspects he will find the secrets to becoming a dracol- assist the city, it will do wonders for their reputation with
ich. Though the people of the cities know not why the the locals (even if they fail to stop the dragon). If Atun-
dragon is attacking, they recognize that his attacks are tointh is defeated, how long will it take the party to stop
becoming more and more frequent . . . and more violent. and ask the question: “Where is the dragon’s hoard?”
a dozen destructive dragons • page 9
Thousands of miles above the surface of the world, with- Once the flaming rock hits the lower clouds, the meteor
in the aethersphere that envelopes the known lands, explodes in a flash of light and sound that exceeds the
floats a stony shell that holds Medronthax, the terrible power of any thunderstorm. Houses shake. People up to
wyrm who once destroyed Castle Warlok. A millenia ago 1,000 miles away jolt from their sleep. Everyone knows
– when Medronthax faced off against the castle’s ruler, that something terrible has happened.
the wizard Klemens Moritz – the dragon won the battle,
completely obliterating the castle and killing Moritz and Involving the party. Wherever they may be, from a
his army. The wizard’s dying breath, though, was spent comfortable bed in an inn or sleeping beneath the stars,
delivering the last words of a spell that cocooned the the arrival of Medronthax awakens the PCs. Looking up
dragon in stones and flung the construction so high into to the stars, they see hundreds of stones raining, each
the sky that the dragon has been trapped in the aether- a streak of fire that sets small blazes as they strike the
sphere ever since. earth. Worst of all, they see the winged form of Medron-
thax swooping down from above. The dragon is once
Unfortunately for the world, Moritz’s spell is fading and again awake and wishes only to destroy everything.
the dragon is slowly awakening.
The dragon is disoriented, having been trapped for
It starts small. Stones falling from the heavens, rocks no 1,000 years, and doesn’t know anything about the land
more than the head of a dwarf, crashing into the coun- as it now exists. That’s unlikely to slow the monster’s
tryside near the city. For six nights straight, stones drop charge, though, and cities and towns across the region
from the sky, some trailing fire as they slam into the earth. must prepare to defend themselves from the monster’s
Buildings are damaged. A lamb is killed. Many minor ac- terrible assault.
cidents, but nothing that hints at the terrible danger that
hangs in the sky overhead. Will the player characters join in the fight against the
dragon, or will they take this opportunity to commit
On the seventh night, the core of the cocooned drag- some mischief or other as so many people are distract-
on drops, the fireball encircling the meteor so large and ed by the unexpected invader from the stars?
bright that it is seen from hundreds of miles away.

a dozen destructive dragons • page 10

sendra, scaledaughter
Still in her youth, Sendra the Gray is the daughter of the Involving the party. The dragon pays thieves and as-
vilified and once-feared Sendrakath, a wicked dragon sassins to carry her message to the world. Her thinking
who was responsible for the destruction of Dwarf’s Hold is that all she has to do is find – and pay – the right group
several decades ago. Known as “Scaledaughter,” Sendra and the Knight’s Rose will be handled once and for all.
has taken her father’s place in the region as a force for
evil and a terror that parents use to frighten their chil- The PCs may hear of the dragon’s request for adven-
dren into behaving. turers, but they won’t know that Sendra is behind the
assignment that states only “brave explorers and war-
Sendra has made her home in the dungeons beneath the riors needed.” The dragon is trusting the task to the local
ruins of Dwarf’s Hold, knowing that by making the dev- guild of thieves who will issue the orders and make the
astated town her lair, she reminds all who live in the re- payment if the mission is completed successfully.
gion of her relationship to Sendrakath. Though she may
be young, the Scaledaughter is cunning and will use any If the PCs follow the notice, they are introduced to
trick she can to maintain her position as the most-feared Civan Ilhami, an accountant in service to the guild who
creature in the land. tells them that the pay is 500 gold if they will join the
Knight’s Rose company and then kill at least half of the
Over the last few years since her father was defeated by seven soldiers who command the merc forces.
the Knight’s Rose mercenary company, Sendra has taken
an interest in the mercs and is seeking a way to crush the The dragon keeps to the shadows during the meeting
mercenaries as payment for the murder of her father. The with Ilhami, taking human form so that others do not
dragon has not yet exacted her revenge, but she is form- recognize her. She will also be there when the PCs are
ing a plan to hire a group of adventurers and assign them paid, if they succeed. If they fail, she will hunt them
to infiltrate and attack the mercs from within. down and try to kill the adventurers.
a dozen destructive dragons • page 11
siazied the destroyer
Three weeks ago, warriors under the command of Lord been forced to watch the destruction of its home from
Jeppe Knudsen entered the Valley of Phantoms to chase a distance. To guarantee that nothing would survive,
down and destroy Siazied, the dragon who was respon- Knudsen has kept three experienced wizards near the
sible for burning down Knudsen’s manor house and kill- lair. Every day, the wizards cast flaming spells into the lair
ing the man’s wife and children. With thirty experienced, in order to keep the fires constantly burning.
deadly warriors following his every order, Knudsen
thought for sure that he would find and kill the dragon. Involving the party. Siazied was wounded in the en-
counter and is not yet at full strength, but the dragon
Knudsen and his warriors did locate the dragon in its lair, is so angry that it refuses to wait to heal before setting
but they were unable to kill the great wyrm. Siazied es- its revenge in motion. While the monster hides from the
caped the attack, but Knudsen was prepared to wound nobleman and recovers, it is sending messages far and
the dragon where it would feel the pain the most: the wide promising 10,000 gold to anyone who brings the
nobleman had brought along two wizards just in case beast the head of Jeppe Knudsen.
the dragon managed to slip free and ordered the wizards
to unleash their flaming magics on the dragon’s hoard. The PCs may hear of the reward for the man’s head, and
Within hours of the dragon’s escape, the beast’s lair was a it is certainly a lot of gold that is sure to capture their
burning, devastated wreck. Incalculable riches were de- attention. The question is, though, whether the PCs
stroyed in the inferno, and Knudsen knew that the loss will act on the dragon’s promised reward or if they will
of the treasures had to harm the dragon more than if the side with Knudsen and help track down and finish off
beast had lost its life. the wicked wyrm? And if the party does act to fulfill the
dragon’s wish, how will they react if they succeed and
Sisazied is now homeless and plotting its revenge on the only then find out that the dragon is destitute and can-
nobleman. The monster has been unable to return to its not pay the promised reward?
lair – Knudsen left a force of twenty swordsfolk – and has
a dozen destructive dragons • page 12
deimbegax, firemaster
An excessively cruel nature and incredible control of his Deimbegax makes his home in Tower Kosal, which was
flaming breath weapon are the two traits that most de- once the home of the wizard Soun Kosal. The Amulet of
fine the dragon known to the world as Deimbegax. Even Firegates that the dragon uses to summon and control
amongst the dragons, Deimbegax’s ability to control his the fire elementals was stolen from Kosal and the wizard
fire blasts is a topic of conversation. Using the powers of thrown into the cells beneath the tower. Kosal lives still
arcane magic, the dragon has learned to manipulate the to this day, though the man has gone insane and is no
flame of his breath weapon to unleash an inferno that longer recognizable by any who once knew him.
burns hotter and lashes out at greater distances than any
dragon before him. Involving the party. The PCs may hear of Tower Kosal
and that the wizard who lives there has not been heard
In addition to projecting flaming attacks that are far from in over a decade. Maybe one of the man’s few liv-
more destructive and long-reaching than other drag- ing relatives wishes to send a message to the wizard
ons, Deimbegax uses an Amulet of Firegates to tap into and hires the adventurers to journey to the tower. They
the elemental plane of fire and infuse his breath weapon are in for an unwanted surprise when they knock on the
with fire elementals. Once each day, the dragon may un- door of this particular tower.
leash a burst of flaming breath that is accompanied by
2d4+2 small fire elementals. These planar monsters ride Or, perhaps, Deimbegax has grown restless and is tak-
the dragon’s fire attack, clinging to the stream and dou- ing to the skies more often than he once did, roaming
bling the damage of the attack. The fire elementals then the landscape and attacking caravans, farms, and villag-
linger, attacking targets as telepathically chosen by the es with an increased frequency. Such activity is sure to
dragon and amplifying the monster’s already destructive attract the notice of the local government, and that is
capabilities. certain to lead to a reward for the dragon’s death.

a dozen destructive dragons • page 13

“The most covetous of all true
dragons, red dragons tirelessly
seek to increase their treasure
hoards. They are exceptionally
vain, even for dragons, which is
reflected in their proud bearing
and disdainful expression.”
– Andy Collins, Skip Williams,
James Wyatt,
Draconomicon (2003)

fraylrun, lavatongue
One of the largest and most powerful red dragons in the Over the years, Fraylrun has sealed off many of the pas-
known realms, Fraylrun makes her home far beneath the sages and tunnels that connected the surface world to
ruins of Castle Graymaw, living thousands of feet below her lair, leaving only a few hidden tunnels unobstructed
the lair of the dragon Mokaelmiakra (see A Dozen An- so that she may come and go as she pleases. Those tun-
cient Dragons, p. 3). Though Fraylrun is fully aware of her nels that remain are also under careful watch; the dragon
enemy far above, Mokaelmiakra is to this day completely has placed arcane eyes all about the place that contact
ignorant of Fraylrun’s lair deep beneath Castle Graymaw. her telepathically if they notice any unusual activity.

Fraylrun settled her lair before Mokaelmiakra attacked Involving the party. Though Fraylrun wishes to be left
King Graymaw, living quietly away from the surface alone, the rest of the world isn’t quite willing to forget
world and enjoying her accumulated wealth and the qui- the existence of the dragon. In her younger days, she was
et of her chosen home. The dragon almost got involved quite active and made a name for herself as a force of de-
when Mokaelmiakra made his move against Graymaw, structive power that was best avoided. Now, as the drag-
but decided to keep out of the conflict. She has kept qui- on tries to enjoy retirement and old age, her past deeds
et for years, using a carefully-hidden shaft to leave her come to haunt her and cause troubles.
lair only on the darkest of nights to seek food and water.
The dragon owns more treasure than she will ever need A wealthy lady who lost her sons to Fraylrun’s rage has
and has reached a stage where even the act of collecting been promising a reward of 5,000 gold to any who will
new valuables no longer interests her. bring her the dragon’s head. It looks as if that reward may
soon be claimed, as Maya Jelade, a thief, approaches the
Despite being almost unimaginably powerful, Fraylrun PCs with a proposition: she claims to know the where-
has lost her taste for battle and has no desire to fight abouts of Fraylrun and will split the reward with the party
anyone, regardless of who they may be or what they may . . . if they will help her capture the dragon. Do the PCs
want. More than anything, she wants to be left alone. think that it is worth 5,000 gold to face a dragon?
a dozen destructive dragons • page 14

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