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Activity 3

1. Construct a Bible definition based from the letters of the word

B ook of grace

I nspired us
B ook of everyone
L eads us to
E verlasting
2. Write a short reflection /statement on the importance of the Bible to you being
a student, member of a family, citizen. Be able to cite Bible verses.

Psalm 119:24 “Your testimonies also are my delight, they are my counselors.”

The importance of the bible to me as a student is that it teaches us about important life issues
As a student, I think that it is important to teach us about the important life issues that I may encounter
and how I can deal with it. Bible stories feature different struggles faced by different individuals and how
I will be able to overcome it. These stories can serve as important life lessons to me that I can carry
with them at all times.

“Honor your father and your mother, so that you may live long in the land the LORD your God is giving
you” (Exodus 20:12).

God repeats realities that we should pay close attention to. God places a high value on honoring our
father and mother, thus it must be a top priority in our hearts. The relationship with our parents is so
important that it is the first earthly relationship mentioned in the Ten Commandments, and it is the only
one that comes with God's blessing. I frequently ask myself, “Why?” God is not scared of our inquiries,
and I believe that if we are struggling to understand why I must honor our parents, whether I am young
or old, I can bring our concerns to God, knowing that He understands the hardship I encounter in carrying
out this mandate. He is faithful when I ask for assistance.

Good citizenship begins with a right mindset, according to God: "Remind the believers to submit to the
government and its agents." I should be obedient and always willing to do the right thing. I must avoid
slandering others and quarreling” (Titus 3:1-2, NLT).

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