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7/9/2021 Qt, printing a QDialog in PDF format, quality issues - Stack Overflow

Qt, printing a QDialog in PDF format, quality issues

3 years, 3 months ago Active
3 years, 3 months ago Viewed
217 times

I have some problems using QPdfWriter and QPainter to print a part of a QDialog.

1 To contextualize a bit, I'm working as Engineer in a Telemetry/LiDAR company, and for

internal use I have developed a GUI for easily compare/simulate our systems. I have no
computer formation so I developed it only after following some Qt tutorials etc (I like coding in
general, but I mean I am not that goood at it).

In this GUI I have incorporated an "overview". In practice, it summarize all the inputs and
outputs, in a QDialog. This QDialog contains a scrollArea, defined at the centralWidget.
(screen right there : )

So my researches make me use this kind of coding to grab the scrollArea, and to print it in

QString filePath=QFileDialog::getSaveFileName(this, "System summary",path,"PDF

files (*.pdf)");

QPdfWriter pdfWriter(filePath);


QPainter painter;



QPixmap screenshotPDF = contenu->QWidget::grab();



In case of, the content of the screen area is completely manually made (It has the dimension
of an A4 paper, and I put the QGroupBox without layout).

Thing is the result doesn't have a good quality. I tried to play on the renderHint, on the
resolution, but I don't find something quite good.
screen here :
As you can see, it's "blurry" and not neat.

I guess I'm doing something wrong, but all that I try didn't work really well (for example, if I just
change the "setResolution" line to N*100, I end up with something N time too small/High)

That's the first time I post here, I hope my question is appropriate, also I wanted to thank you
for this forum which help a lot the neophyte I am.


qt pdf printing qprinter

Share Improve this question edited May 23 '18 at 7:15 asked May 22 '18 at 13:10
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7/9/2021 Qt, printing a QDialog in PDF format, quality issues - Stack Overflow

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