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CLINICAL REVIEWS Recognizing and treating depression

Recognizing and treating depression

in children and adolescents

n March 2004, the Food and Drug
Administration (FDA) issued a Purpose. The clinical presentation and adolescents 12 years or older. There is very
neurobiology of depression in youth and its little evidence for the effectiveness of any
public health advisory cautioning appropriate treatment, as well as strate- antidepressant in children 11 years and
physicians, their patients, and their gies for improving therapeutic benefit and younger. Youth receiving antidepressants
patients’ families to closely monitor preventing adverse outcomes, including should be monitored closely for new-onset
both adults and children with de- suicide, are reviewed. or worsening suicidality, particularly during
pression for the emergence of suicidal Summary. Functionally impairing depres- the first two weeks after starting medica-
behavior after beginning antidepres- sion occurs in 2–10% of children and ado- tion, and for three months of therapy. Be-
sant therapy.1 In October 2004, FDA lescents. A diagnosis of depression should havioral activation, aggression, worsening
be considered when a physically healthy depression, anxiety, insomnia, or impulsivity
required manufacturers of antide- child exhibits depressed mood or anhe- can herald a switch to mania or suicidality.
pressants to add a black-box warning donia, multiple somatic complaints, or be- Conclusion. Depression in youth is com-
to the labeling of antidepressants re- havioral changes, such as bullying, aggres- mon and treatable and responds best to
garding an increased risk for new- sion, and social withdrawal. Risk factors for multimodal treatment combining patient
onset suicidal behavior in children depression include childhood trauma, ge- and family education, cognitive behavioral
and adolescents taking antidepres- netic susceptibility, and environmental therapy, and antidepressant medication.
sants.2 This advisory was based on stressors. Antidepressants and cognitive The potential benefits of antidepressants
behavioral therapy are the most effective outweigh the risks for adolescents. Family
the results of 24 placebo-controlled treatments for adolescents with depres- and psychotherapeutic interventions are
trials of 4400 children and adoles- sion. Youth are at risk for the same adverse most effective for prepubertal children.
cents, which found that antidepres- effects as adults but have an increased risk
sant use was associated with an of behavioral activation, or switch, to mania Index terms: Adolescents; Antidepres-
approximate 4% frequency of new- and suicidal thoughts and behaviors early sants; Cognitive therapy; Depression; Diag-
onset suicidal behavior compared in treatment. Compared with other antide- nosis; Fluoxetine; Patient information; Pedi-
with a rate of approximately 2% with pressants, fluoxetine has the most evi- atrics; Suicides; Toxicity
dence for safety and efficacy, particularly in Am J Health-Syst Pharm. 2006; 63:233-43
placebo.2 None of the children in the
clinical trials completed suicide. The
FDA advisory committee recom-
mended that antidepressants not be creased by 10–16% in 2004, com- increased rates of youth suicide due
contraindicated in children and ado- pared with a 50% increase between to decreased use of antidepressants
lescents because access to them is 1998 and 2002. 3,4 An increased to effectively manage depression.5,6
necessary for those who benefit from awareness of teen suicide and the Strong support for the effectiveness
the drugs.2 need for parent and family education of fluoxetine in treating adolescent
The use of antidepressants in about treatment options for depres- depression exists in the literature.7,8
youth has received greater scrutiny sion have resulted from FDA’s warn- Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)
since FDA issued that warning.3,4 ing. However, clinicians express con- also has proven efficacy for the treat-
Prescriptions written for antidepres- cern that the black-box warning on ment of depression in children and
sants for children age 10–18 years de- antidepressant labeling will lead to adolescents.9

JULIE A. DOPHEIDE, PHARM.D., BCPP, is Associate Professor of Clini- Copyright © 2006, American Society of Health-System Pharma-
cal Pharmacy, Psychiatry and the Behavioral Sciences, Schools of cists, Inc. All rights reserved. 1079-2082/06/0201-0233$06.00.
Pharmacy and Medicine, University of Southern California, 1985 DOI 10.2146/ajhp050264
Zonal Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90089 (

Am J Health-Syst Pharm—Vol 63 Feb 1, 2006 233

CLINICAL REVIEWS Recognizing and treating depression

Although effective treatments for to poor academic performance, years) talk about running away from
depression in youth are well estab- impaired social functioning, poor home; display boredom, low self-
lished, community care for depres- self-esteem, and a higher risk of esteem, guilt, or hopelessness; and
sion in children and adolescents is suicide.5,12,14 have a fear of death. Compared with
lacking, with serious gaps in access to Clinical presentation. Major de- adolescents with depression, chil-
care and a lack of ongoing treat- pressive disorder has been validated dren with depression are less likely to
ment.10,11 This article reviews the in children as young as 3 years (Table suffer from delusions or make seri-
clinical presentation of depression in 1). 16-18 For example, preschoolers ous attempts to commit suicide.18
youth, neurobiological and environ- may persistently show suicidal or Depressed adolescents (age 12–17
mental risk factors associated with self-destructive themes in play, or years) display more sleep and appe-
depression in youth, pharmacologic parents and caregivers may notice tite disturbances and are prone to
and nonpharmacologic treatment that a physically healthy child is un- reckless behavior, delusions, suicidal
options, and recommendations for interested in play.16 Depression in ideation and acts, and impairment of
clinical monitoring and patient and children 8 years or younger may not overall functioning. 18 Depressed
family education. be recognized because this age group teenagers have more behavior distur-
is less likely to verbalize the emotion- bances and fewer neurovegetative
Epidemiology and clinical course al symptoms of depression and more symptoms (e.g., low energy, psycho-
An increasing body of knowledge likely to display symptoms of anxiety motor slowing) than do adults with
confirms that depression is a com- (e.g., phobias, separation anxiety), depression.12,18
mon and persistent illness in youth, somatic complaints (e.g., “my tum- When a child or adolescent displays
affecting 0.3% of preschoolers, 2% of my hurts,” “I don’t feel good”), and new-onset depressive symptoms with
elementary school-age children, and auditory hallucinations. 17,18 De- or without psychosis, bipolar disor-
5–10% of adolescents.12,13 The rates pressed children are irritable, have der should be seriously considered as
of prepubertal depression are similar temper tantrums, and display other a possible diagnosis.19,20 Risk factors
for boys and girls; however, depres- problem behavior (e.g., shouting, for bipolar disorder include a family
sion rates double in females after pu- lack of interest in playing with history of the illness, a history of
berty.12,13 Hormonal and environ- friends).18 Older children (age 9–12 antidepressant-induced mania, and
mental influences are thought to
contribute to the increased frequency
of depression in female adolescents.14 Table 1.
Rates of depression increase dramat- Comparison of Clinical Presentation of Major Depressive Illness by
ically as children move into adoles- Age8,12,16-18
cence.14 Comorbidities such as sub- Age (yr) Frequency (%) Clinical Presentation
stance abuse and anxiety disorders ≥19 17 Depressed mood or anhedonia and at least four of the
increase the risk of depression by nine following symptoms that last at least 2 wk with
two- to threefold.13,14 An estimated functional impairment: (1) sleep and appetite changes,
(2) psychomotor changes (slowing or agitation), (3)
10–20% of adolescents have had at hopelessness, (4) worthlessness, (5) diminished energy,
least one major depressive episode by (6) poor concentration, (7) tearfulness, (8) suicidal
age 18 years.13,14 One study of 9863 thoughts, and (9) suicide plan
12–18 5–10 Same as adult criteria except more impulsivity,
students age 10–16 years found that irritability, and behavioral changes; more reckless
29% of American Indian youth ex- behavior; poor school performance; more sleep and
hibited symptoms of depression, appetite disturbances than displayed by younger
children; suicidal thoughts and attempts similar to
compared with 22% of Hispanic, those in adults; genetic link to depression stronger;
18% of Caucasian, 17% of Asian- chronic course more likely
American, and 15% of African- 9–12 3–5 Same as adult criteria except more complaints of
boredom, low self-esteem, guilt, hopelessness,
American youth.14 wanting to run away from home, and fear of death
Untreated, a depressive episode 6–8 2–4 Same as adult criteria except for difficulty verbalizing
can last seven to nine months, and feelings; more somatic complaints (e.g., “my tummy
hurts, ” “I don’t feel good”); outbursts of crying,
approximately 50% of patients will shouting; unexplained irritability; anhedonia observed
relapse within five years of their by others
first episode.12,15 Depression compro- 3–5 0.3–0.5 Same as 6–8 yr olds, except symptoms not necessarily
present over an entire 2-wk period; markedly
mises the developmental process, diminished interest in play; feelings of worthlessness
with associated difficulties with con- or suicidal, self-destructive themes persistently evident
centration and motivation,15 leading in play

234 Am J Health-Syst Pharm—Vol 63 Feb 1, 2006

CLINICAL REVIEWS Recognizing and treating depression

psychomotor retardation associated ments for depression in the commu- rior cingulate cortex glutamatergic
with the depressive symptoms.19,20 It nity found that 44% of children concentrations were significantly
is important to screen for bipolar prescribed antidepressants were lower in children with depression
disorder in these patients because taking a concomitant psychotropic compared with age-matched con-
treatment with antidepressants is medication.10 trols.28 Blunted growth-hormone se-
more likely to trigger mania in these cretion is associated with an in-
individuals, thereby increasing the Etiology and risk factors creased risk of depression in youth.29
number or severity of suicidal behav- Youth involved in behaviors such Smaller hippocampal volume was
iors.20-22 If a diagnosis of bipolar dis- as bullying and substance abuse and found in depressed women with a
order is confirmed, a mood stabilizer those with frequent somatic com- history of severe and prolonged
(e.g., lithium, valproate) should be plaints have higher rates of depres- abuse in childhood but not in de-
initiated before adding an antide- sive symptoms compared with those pressed women who had not experi-
pressant to treat persistent depressive not exhibiting such behaviors.14 High enced similar abuse.30 Another study
symptoms.22 familial loading for a mood disorder found smaller amygdala volumes
Regardless of the presence of bi- (i.e., at least one first-degree and at in 20 children and adolescents with
polar disorder, children and adoles- least one second-degree relative has a major depression compared with
cents have a greater risk of develop- mood disorder), a mother’s lifetime 24 healthy controls; hippocampus
ing antidepressant-induced manic anxiety disorder, and a behavioral volumes did not differ between
conversion compared with adults.21,22 disorder in the child increases the groups.31 There is increasing evi-
A longitudinal study of 87,920 pa- risk of developing a depressive disor- dence of a link among early child-
tients taking antidepressants for any der by threefold.25 Other risk factors hood trauma, depressive illness, and
reason found that 4,786 patients for developing depression include morphological brain changes, fur-
(5.4%) age 5–29 years developed genetic predisposition and psychoso- ther substantiating the biological ba-
manic conversion.21 Prepubertal or cial stressors, such as maternal men- sis of depression in youth.28,30
peripubertal children age 10–14 tal illness, lack of paternal communi- Neurogenetic studies provide ad-
years had twice the risk of manic cation, unsafe living conditions, ditional evidence for the biological
conversion, approximately 10%.21 In physical or sexual abuse, and paren- basis of depression. Caspi et al.32
pediatric psychiatry clinics in the late tal loss through death or divorce.12,14 found that a functional polymor-
1980s and early 1990s, the rate of A longitudinal study conducted in phism in the promoter region of the
antidepressant-induced behavioral New Zealand followed 1265 children serotonin transporter (5-HTT) gene
activation, hypomania, or mania was from birth to age 21 and monitored moderates the influence of stressful
approximately 20–50%.23 The higher factors associated with increased life events on the development of de-
rate was likely due to the inclusion rates of depression and suicidal be- pression. They assessed 1037 chil-
of youth with bipolar disorder and havior.26 As expected, those exposed dren (52% male) for depression and
the relatively higher starting dosages to sexual abuse, physical abuse, inter- life stressors at ages 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13,
of antidepressants in older clinical parental violence, parental criminali- 15, 18, 21, and 26 years. These chil-
trials.22,23 “ ty, and parental use of illicit drugs dren were divided into three groups
Comorbidities. A depressed had higher rates of depression and on the basis of their serotonin-linked
youth with no other psychiatric diag- suicidal thoughts and behavior.26 promoter region (5-HTTLPR) geno-
nosis is a rarity. Common comorbid Factors associated with resiliency to type: those with two copies of the S
conditions include attention-deficit/ depression and suicidal behaviors allele phenotype (S/S homozygotes)
hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), op- were intact family support systems, (n = 147), those with one copy of the
positional defiant disorder (ODD), positive peer affiliations, and high S allele (S/L heterozygotes) (n = 435),
substance abuse, posttraumatic stress self-esteem.26 and those with two copies of the L
disorder (PTSD), dissociative states, Neurobiology of depression. allele (L/L homozygotes) (n = 265).
and trauma-related hallucinations.12 Magnetic resonance imaging studies The impact of life events on the self-
The presence of multiple comorbid have shown measurable brain chang- reports of depressive symptoms was
conditions and psychosocial stres- es in children and adolescents with significantly stronger among individ-
sors increases the severity and chro- depression compared with nonde- uals carrying an S allele than among
nicity of the depressive episode.12,14 pressed control subjects. The left sub- L/L homozygotes (p = 0.02).32
In addition, combinations of medi- genual prefrontal cortex volume was Further analysis showed that
cations can increase the risk of reduced in young women with ado- stressful life events predicted suicidal
adverse drug reactions and drug in- lescent-onset major depression com- ideation or attempt among individu-
teractions.23,24 An evaluation of treat- pared with healthy controls.27 Ante- als carrying an S allele but not among

Am J Health-Syst Pharm—Vol 63 Feb 1, 2006 235

CLINICAL REVIEWS Recognizing and treating depression

L/L homozygotes.32 A separate case– Completed suicide in youth is tors of suicide completion, male
control and family-based study lends considered rare, with an overall 12- sex was associated with higher sui-
support to these earlier findings.33 month incidence of 0.008% in youth cide completion rates. 34 Black fe-
Sixty-eight depressed children and age 15–19 years.34 Suicide comple- males were the least likely to com-
68 age-matched controls found an tion rates in youth actually decreased plete suicide.38
excess of the S/S genotype (p = from 1995 to 2005.5,34 Reasons cited In the United States, females re-
0.025) and of the S allele (p = 0.021) for this reduction include decreased ceive more prescriptions for antide-
among the children with depressive access to firearms and increased rec- pressants compared with males, but
illness.33 It seems that depressed and ognition and treatment of depres- males have significantly higher sui-
suicidal children are more likely to sion.5 One study examined regional cide completion rates.39 This sex dif-
receive the S allele of the 5-HTTLPR, antidepressant use and national ference applies to all ages, including
and this may predispose them to de- suicide mortality files of children and children. 5,34 According to several
veloping depression in association adolescents in 1990 and compared studies, most suicides and serious
with stressful life events. Polymor- them with similar data collected nonfatal suicide attempts are com-
phisms in the 5-HTT protein can in 2000.37 The study showed that mitted by individuals with major de-
affect the use of serotonin by the for every 1% increase in selective pression that was untreated at the
neuron.32 Serotonin dysregulation is serotonin-reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) time of death.39,40
implicated in the pathophysiology of use in 10–19-year olds, there was a
depression in youth, and most effec- decrease of 0.23 completed suicide Treatment
tive antidepressants modulate sero- per 100,000 youth. This study of real- Effective, first-line treatment op-
tonin neurotransmission.8,12,23 world antidepressant use in youth tions for depression in youth include
Suicidality. Suicidal thinking and showed that antidepressants offer a CBT, interpersonal psychotherapy,
attempts are common in youth with protective effect against suicide com- antidepressants, psychosocial inter-
or without depression, with 19% of pletion. This finding conflicts with vention, or a combination of non-
15–19-year olds thinking about sui- placebo-controlled clinical trials drug and pharmacologic options.8,9,41
cide and 9% attempting suicide each studying antidepressants in youth, In preschoolers and children under
year.34 If depressed, 35–50% will at- which found increased suicidality eight years of age, therapeutic inter-
tempt suicide, and 2–8% will com- early in treatment.2,37 ventions are primarily psychosocial,
plete suicide over a decade.6,34 Longi- Another study analyzed the rela- beginning with family counseling
tudinal studies have found that tionship between antidepressant and environmental modifications.41-43
increased rates of suicidal behaviors pharmacy prescription volumes and Psychosocial interventions are par-
in youth are associated with a family U.S. suicide rates in all age groups ticularly helpful in very young chil-
history of suicide, childhood sexual between 1996 and 1998.38 The annual dren when it is clear that depressive
abuse, personality factors (e.g., high suicide rate in those three years symptoms are a reaction to a child’s
rates of anxiety and novelty seeking), was 12.32 suicides per 100,000 environment.41,43 Examples of useful
negative peer affiliations, lack of people.38 Investigators found that psychosocial interventions include
school success, and untreated behav- prescriptions for SSRIs and other treatment and support for depressed
ioral disorders and depression.26,35 new-generation antidepressants or overwhelmed parents.43 Antide-
Increased suicidality may also be re- (nefazodone, mirtazapine, bupropi- pressants, CBT, and interpersonal
lated to developmental factors, such on, and venlafaxine) were associated psychotherapy have not demonstrat-
as the lack of coping mechanisms or with a 33% lower suicide rate, or 8.2 ed effectiveness in preschoolers or
“black-and-white” thinking, where suicides per 100,000 people, versus children under eight years of age.7-9,12
youth see themselves and their life as those not receiving antidepressants Older children and adolescents
“all good” or “all bad.” When things and those prescribed tricyclic antide- have a wider range of effective treat-
seem “all bad,” youth turn to suicide pressants.38 A high number of pre- ment options, including CBT and
because they are unable to conceptu- scriptions for tricyclic antidepres- antidepressants.8,9
alize other options to end their emo- sants in a county was associated with The effectiveness of CBT versus
tional suffering.9,26 Cognitive restruc- increased suicide rates, although antidepressants has not been ade-
turing and behavioral interventions counties with high rates of tricyclic quately assessed in children and ado-
toward the development of coping antidepressant prescribing had fewer lescents, although one study com-
skills and alternatives to suicide are antidepressant prescriptions.38 These pared placebo with fluoxetine and
two goals of CBT. CBT is considered findings were consistent in children, CBT, fluoxetine alone, and CBT
a first-line treatment for depression adults, and the elderly. Similar to alone in depressed adolescents. 8
in nonpsychotic youth.9,26,36 previous studies’ findings on risk fac- Combination CBT and fluoxetine

236 Am J Health-Syst Pharm—Vol 63 Feb 1, 2006

CLINICAL REVIEWS Recognizing and treating depression

produced the best therapeutic out- well-established efficacy in the treat- Scale (CDRS)–revised (p = 0.001).8
come, and all treatments were more ment of major depressive disorder in Fluoxetine plus CBT was superior to
effective compared to placebo. youth are summarized in Table 3. fluoxetine alone (p = 0.02) and CBT
Nonpharmacologic interven- Fluoxetine. Fluoxetine is the only alone (p = 0.01). Statistical analysis
tions. CBT is considered the first- antidepressant with FDA-approved revealed that patients’ response to
line treatment for children and labeling for the treatment of depres- fluoxetine alone did not differ signif-
adolescents with depression, with ef- sion in children age 8 years or older. icantly from CBT plus fluoxetine, al-
ficacy rates of 60–70%.9,42 CBT is The approval was based on two though both were superior to CBT
superior to interpersonal psycho- placebo-controlled trials. The first and placebo.
therapy and other nonspecific psy- study found that fluoxetine 10–40 Fluoxetine 10–40 mg/day was ad-
chotherapeutic interventions, such mg daily had significantly greater ef- ministered, with doses adjusted by a
as supportive, psychodynamic, and ficacy (56%) than placebo (33%) in blinded clinician based on response
family therapy, in relieving symp- children age 8–18 years for eight to during six follow-up visits over 6
toms of nonpsychotic major depres- nine weeks (p = 0.02).7 In the second weeks.8 The mean highest dosage of
sion.9,36 CBT teaches patients to iden- study, the efficacy rates were 41% for fluoxetine in each group ranged from
tify and counteract distortions in the children receiving fluoxetine and 28.4 mg daily in the CBT plus fluox-
way they view themselves and their 20% for those receiving placebo (p < etine group to 34.1 mg daily in the
circumstances.9,12 Interpersonal psy- 0.01).45 These studies included chil- placebo group. Fifteen sessions of
chotherapy focuses on problem areas dren with comorbid ADHD, ODD, CBT were administered over 12
of grief, interpersonal roles, transi- and bipolar II disorder. They did not weeks. Adverse events were consid-
tions, and disputes. Interpersonal stratify results by patient age. Head- ered mild, with 10% of patients in all
psychotherapy may be as effective as ache was the only nonsolicited ad- treatment groups except CBT alone
antidepressants for the treatment of verse event reported significantly reporting headache. Insomnia oc-
mild to moderate depression in more often in fluoxetine-treated pa- curred in five CBT plus fluoxetine-
youth.44 Therapists qualified to pro- tients versus those receiving placebo. treated patients, three patients re-
vide interpersonal psychotherapy In the Treatment of Adolescents ceiving fluoxetine alone, and one
and CBT range from well-supervised with Depression Study (TADS), 439 patient in the placebo group. Upper
novice social workers and occupa- adolescents age 12–17 years were di- abdominal pain was reported in
tional therapists to experienced child vided into four treatment groups: six patients receiving fluoxetine
psychologists and psychiatrists.9,44 CBT, fluoxetine, CBT plus fluoxe- alone and two in the placebo group.
One study found that younger tine, and placebo.8 After 12 weeks of One patient receiving CBT plus flu-
children and adolescents (10–14 treatment, combination CBT and oxetine and two patients receiving
years old) with less severe depressive fluoxetine was superior to placebo fluoxetine alone experienced irrita-
symptoms and less psychosocial im- on the Children’s Depression Rating bility and hypomania.
pairment may be more responsive to
psychotherapeutic interventions
compared with older adolescents
with more severe symptomatology.42 Table 2.
Another study showed that adoles- Published Trials of SSRIs Versus Placebo for the Treatment of Major
cents age 13–17 years with major de- Depression in Youth7,45-48,a
pression and conduct disorder re- % Pts. Improved or Points
sponded to CBT.36 Most studies of Duration Age No. Pts. on CDRS (Drug vs. Placebo)
CBT have been conducted with chil- Drug (wk) (yr) (Drug/Placebo) CDRS CGI
dren age 9 years or older, as younger Fluoxetine 8 8–18 48/48 –16.2 vs. –6.7 56 vs. 33
children may not have the verbal and (p = 0.002) (p = 0.02)
Fluoxetine 9 8–17 209/210 65 vs. 53 52 vs. 37
cognitive processing skills to benefit NS (p = 0.03)
from CBT.9 Sertraline 10 6–11 86/91 –24 vs. –22 NS
SSRIs. A summary of published 12–17 103/96 –21.5 vs. –18.2 (p = 0.01)
Paroxetine 8 12–18 93/87 69 vs. 59 65 vs. 48
controlled trials of SSRIs for the HAMD (p = 0.02)
treatment of major depression in Imipramine 8 12–18 95/87 NS 52 vs. 48
youth is provided in Table 2. The NS
Citalopram 8 7–17 89/85 36 vs. 24 47 vs. 45
place in therapy, initial pediatric dos- (p < 0.05) NS
ages, and special considerations for aSSRIs = selective serotonin-reuptake inhibitors, CDRS = Children’s Depression Rating Scale, CGI = Clinical

using antidepressants with the most Global Impressions, NS = not significant, HAMD = Hamilton Depression Rating Scale.

Am J Health-Syst Pharm—Vol 63 Feb 1, 2006 237

CLINICAL REVIEWS Recognizing and treating depression

Table 3. to the higher prescribing rate for ser-

Antidepressants with Well-Established Efficacy for the Treatment traline relative to other SSRIs.1
of Major Depressive Disorder in Youth8,23,24,46,48,51,52 The evidence for sertraline’s effec-
Place Initial Dosage Special Considerations tiveness in treating depression in
Drug in Therapy (Dosage Range) and Drug Interactions youth is not robust. Pooled data
Fluoxetine First linea ≤11 yr, 5 mg/day; ≥12 yr, Well studied in OCD and bulimia; from two studies comparing sertra-
10 mg/day (10–40 mg/ can increase plasma levels of line 50–200 mg daily for 10 weeks
day) macrolides, atomoxetine, versus placebo in depressed children
amphetamine, bupropion,
phenytoin, antipsychotics, and teens show a 69% response rate
zolpidem, and eszopiclone for sertraline versus 59% for those
Sertraline First lineb ≤11 yr, 12.5 mg/day; ≥12 Effective for OCD and other receiving placebo.46 After further ex-
yr, 25 mg/day (25–200 anxiety disorders; can increase
mg/day) plasma levels of macrolides, amination of the individual patient
atomoxetine, amphetamine, groups, patients age 6–11 years re-
bupropion, phenytoin, ceiving sertraline (n = 86) did not
antipsychotics, zolpidem, and
eszopiclone differ from those receiving placebo
Citalopram Second linec ≤11 yr, 10 mg/day; ≥12 Lower risk of drug interactions (n = 91) in their clinical outcome.
yr, 20 mg/day (20–60 compared with fluoxetine, but Adolescents age 12–17 years (n =
mg/day) drug interactions still possible;
least potent SSRI, so higher end 103) demonstrated a significant im-
of dosing range may be needed provement in depressive symptoms
Bupropion Second lined ≤11 yr, 37.5 mg IR b.i.d.; Can increase levels of versus the placebo group (n = 96), as
≥12 yr, 100 mg ER/day atomoxetine, amphetamine,
(100–400 mg/day) and risperidone measured by the CDRS (p = 0.01). Ad-
aFor children and adolescents with major depressive disorder or if obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) or verse effects from sertraline treatment
bulimia is present. that were more frequent than with pla-
bFor adolescents with major depressive disorder or if OCD, posttraumatic stress disorder, or generalized
anxiety disorder is present.
cebo were insomnia, anorexia, diar-
cFirst-line treatment if drug interactions with fluoxetine must be avoided; less evidence for efficacy. SSRI = rhea, vomiting, agitation, and urinary
selective serotonin-reuptake inhibitor.
dFor patients with comorbid attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder or substance abuse problems or who incontinence, the last of which was
want to stop smoking. IR = immediate release, ER = extended release. more frequent in children age 11 years
or younger. Suicide was attempted by
two patients in the sertraline group
and two in the placebo group.46
Suicidal thoughts occurred in on the CDRS. However, the results Paroxetine. Paroxetine was the
29% of all TADS participants at base- lacked generalizability to those with second most commonly prescribed
line but improved in all treatment multiple episodes of depression: 86% SSRI in 2002, despite only one pub-
groups.8 Patients receiving fluoxetine of study participants were experienc- lished trial describing its efficacy on
plus CBT demonstrated the greatest ing their first episode of depression. the secondary outcome measure, the
decrease in suicidal thinking (p = Because patients’ mean age was 14.6 Clinical Global Impressions (CGI)
0.02). Seven patients (1.6%) at- years, results cannot be generalized scale.1 There was no difference be-
tempted suicide (four CBT plus to children under 12 years of age. tween paroxetine and placebo in the
fluoxetine treated, two fluoxetine Sertraline. Before FDA issued improvement of depression on the
treated, one CBT treated, and zero in warnings about increased suicidality primary outcome measure, the
the placebo group), with no com- associated with SSRIs, sertraline was Hamilton Depression Rating Scale
pleted suicides. Patients with known the most commonly prescribed anti- (HAMD). This eight-week trial com-
risk factors for suicide completion depressant in youth.1 In 2002, 10.8 pared the effect of paroxetine (n =
(bipolar disorder, history of sub- million prescriptions for sertraline 93) to imipramine (n = 87) and pla-
stance abuse, psychotic illness, or a were dispensed to children and teens cebo (n = 95) in adolescents age
suicide attempt within the past six for various diagnoses, including 12–18 years.47 Exclusion criteria in-
months) were excluded from the depression and anxiety disorders. cluded the presence of bipolar illness,
study.8 The results of TADS are gen- Sertraline’s FDA-approved labeling schizoaffective disorder, alcohol or
eralizable to adolescents treated in for the treatment of obsessive- substance use, PTSD, and current
the community. Half of patients en- compulsive disorder (OCD) in chil- suicidal ideation or plans.47
rolled in TADS had at least one dren age six years or older, coupled Ten patients treated with paroxe-
comorbid diagnosis, and their mean with the drug’s lower risk of drug in- tine developed adverse psychiatric
illness severity ranged from moder- teractions compared with fluoxetine events, including worsening depres-
ate to moderately severe as measured and fluvoxamine, likely contributed sion (n = 2), emotional lability with

238 Am J Health-Syst Pharm—Vol 63 Feb 1, 2006

CLINICAL REVIEWS Recognizing and treating depression

suicidal ideation or gestures (n = 5), lack of response, and two patients in cacy and safety for adolescents with
conduct problems or hostility (n = the citalopram group withdrew from conduct disorder, substance abuse,
2), and euphoria (n = 1).47 Five pa- the study due to agitation. and ADHD with or without comor-
tients in the imipramine group de- In another study, 25 clinically- bid depressive illness.45,51,52 Bupropi-
veloped the following serious adverse referred children age 7–18 years par- on is contraindicated in patients with
events: maculopapular rash (n = 1), ticipated in a 12-week trial of citalo- concomitant seizure disorders or eat-
hostility (n = 1), dyspnea or chest pram to treat recurrent abdominal ing disorders because it poses an un-
pain (n = 1), emotional lability (n = pain associated with depressive and acceptable risk of seizures.53 It has
1), and visual hallucinations or ab- anxiety symptoms. 49 Twenty-one been suggested as an option for treat-
normal dreams (n = 1). An analysis children (84%) were considered re- ing refractory depression when two
conducted by FDA showed that pa- sponders, with CGI scores of ≤2.49 SSRIs trials have failed.54
tients taking paroxetine had a higher More studies are needed to deter- Venlafaxine. Venlafaxine current-
risk of developing new-onset or in- mine the role of citalopram in treat- ly has no literature support for ef-
creased suicidal behavior compared ing depression in pediatric patients. ficacy in pediatric depression. 51,55
with those receiving other SSRIs. It is an attractive agent, given its low- One placebo-controlled trial of
This prompted FDA to issue a warn- er risk of drug interactions compared immediate-release venlafaxine was
ing in June 2003.1 Due to a lack of es- with fluoxetine, fluvoxamine, and conducted in 33 outpatients age 8–17
tablished superiority over placebo in paroxetine. Currently, escitalopram, years with major depression.55 Chil-
treating depression and an increased the S isomer of citalopram, is being dren in both groups were rated week-
risk for causing suicidal behaviors investigated for the treatment of pe- ly using the Child Behavior Check-
when compared with other SSRIs, diatric depression. list, CDRS, HAMD, and Children’s
paroxetine should not be used for the Fluvoxamine. Fluvoxamine has Depression Inventory and received
treatment of pediatric depression. not been studied for the treatment of psychotherapy, primarily CBT. Each
Citalopram. Citalopram has not depression in youth, although clini- weekly session consisted of 45 min-
been shown to be clearly effective in cal trials show a positive response utes of individual and 15 minutes of
treating depression in children and for the treatment of anxiety disor- collateral therapy. Depressive symp-
adolescents, although one controlled ders, such as generalized anxiety dis- toms improved significantly over six
trial found it to have significant effi- orders, social anxiety disorder, sepa- weeks on all rating scales, but there
cacy over placebo. 48 Ninety-three ration anxiety, and OCD in children was no significant difference between
children age 7–17 years with major and teens. Fluvoxamine has FDA- venlafaxine and placebo groups.
depression were treated with citalo- approved labeling for use in children Dosages of venlafaxine were 37.5 mg
pram and 85 received placebo over eight years or older with OCD.50 It daily in children 8–12 years old and
eight weeks at 21 different academic has also been effective in decreasing 75 mg daily in older adolescents. Low
sites, including hospitals and clin- binging and purging, anxiety, and dosages and a short duration of treat-
ics.48 The youth had to meet criteria depressive symptoms associated with ment may have contributed to a lack
for major depression as defined by a bulimia in adolescents.50 Fluvoxa- of detectable drug effect with ven-
score of ≥40 on the CDRS. The pri- mine’s adverse effects are similar to lafaxine. Mania occurred in one
mary response criterion was a score those of fluoxetine, except that it is venlafaxine-treated patient, com-
of <28 on the CDRS at the end of the generally better tolerated when taken pared with none in the placebo
eight-week trial.48 Of the citalopram- at bedtime.23,51 Fluoxetine causes less group. Significant nausea was report-
treated patients, 36% met the re- insomnia when taken in the morn- ed in 7 of 16 venlafaxine-treated pa-
sponse criterion, compared with ing.23,45 Fluvoxamine is a potent in- tients, compared with 1 patient in
24% in the placebo group.48 There hibitor of the cytochrome P-450 the placebo group. It is unknown if
was no significant difference between isoenzymes 1A2 and 3A4 and can extended-release venlafaxine would
citalopram (47% of responders) and raise blood levels of drugs that rely have resulted in less nausea. Adoles-
placebo (45% of responders) on the on these isoenzymes for metabolism cents treated with venlafaxine had
CGI. The mean effective dosage of (e.g., caffeine, macrolide antibiotics, significantly increased appetite. Im-
citalopram was 25 mg daily.48 Citalo- some antipsychotics).23,50 provement in depressive symptoms
pram was considered well tolerated, Dual-reuptake inhibitors. Bupro- was likely related to weekly therapy
with abdominal pain, nausea, and pion. No published controlled clini- and contact with a clinician. Similar
rhinitis occurring in over 10% of cal trials have established the efficacy to paroxetine, FDA has found a rela-
citalopram-treated patients.48 Two of bupropion for children and ado- tively greater risk of new-onset sui-
patients in the placebo group discon- lescents with depressive illness, but cidality with venlafaxine relative to
tinued study participation due to two trials have demonstrated its effi- other antidepressants.1 In the ab-

Am J Health-Syst Pharm—Vol 63 Feb 1, 2006 239

CLINICAL REVIEWS Recognizing and treating depression

sence of demonstrated efficacy and Status of depression treatment in Monitoring and counseling
concerns over new-onset suicidality, youth. The literature points to sub- Follow-up appointments. Both
venlafaxine should be reserved for optimal treatment of depression in the safety and effectiveness of antide-
those who do not respond to fluoxet- youth. Analysis of health service use pressants can be enhanced through
ine or sertraline.54 data over four years (1996–99) in pa- regular monitoring and counseling
Nefazodone, trazodone, and mir- tients age 6–18 years showed that by a clinician.12,58 In response to the
tazapine. No controlled clinical trials only 1% received treatment for de- black-box warning of increased sui-
have established efficacy for nefa- pression, despite an estimated 2–8% cidality with antidepressants in
zodone and trazodone in children rate of depression.10 The majority youth, FDA has issued guidelines for
and adolescents with depressive ill- (79%) of treated children received monitoring.1 These guidelines rec-
ness. An open-label trial has de- one or more psychotherapy sessions, ommend weekly face-to-face contact
scribed nefazodone’s efficacy in and 56.9% received medication.10 with the clinician for the first 4 weeks
treating depression and sleep distur- Those treated with medication were after starting an antidepressant, with
bances.56 Nefazodone carries a warn- more likely to suffer from anhedonia, contact every other week for the next
ing of hepatotoxicity and is seldom live in large urban communities, 4 weeks, another contact with the cli-
prescribed.57 No controlled clinical have parents who graduated from nician after 12 weeks, and as clinical-
trials have demonstrated mirtaza- high school, and have health insur- ly indicated beyond 12 weeks.1 The
pine’s efficacy in treating depression ance. Nearly half (47%) of children risk of new-onset suicidal behavior is
in children and adolescents. One and adolescents received combined greatest in the first 2 weeks of treat-
open-label pilot study in 23 adoles- treatment with medication and ment. The risk steadily decreases
cents (age 12–18 years) with major at least one psychotherapy session. thereafter, with no increased risk af-
depression found a positive response The study found that continuing care ter 12 weeks of continuous treat-
at an average mirtazapine dosage of was lacking. For example, 33.5% of ment.62 A medication guide should
32.9 mg daily.58 The most common patients had only one or two psycho- accompany all antidepressant pre-
treatment-emergent adverse effects therapy sessions. For those who re- scriptions for any indication in
were tiredness, increased appetite, ceived more, the mean number dur- youth, including major depression,
and dizziness. ing a one-year period was 7.7 visits.10 anxiety disorders (OCD, PTSD, gen-
Tricyclic antidepressants. Con- Cumulative evidence on CBT and eralized anxiety disorder), and eating
trolled clinical trials have shown no interpersonal psychotherapy shows disorders.1
significant difference between tricy- that 8–16 weekly sessions are recom- The medication guide alerts fami-
clic antidepressants and placebo in mended for an optimal outcome.9,61 lies and caregivers of the following
the treatment of depression in chil- Of those who were prescribed medi- regarding antidepressant use:
dren and adolescents.12,57 The limita- cation, 15–18-year old patients were
tions of tricyclic antidepressant trials more likely to receive medications 1. There is a risk of suicidal thoughts or
include small sample size, possible than were younger children.10 The actions,
subtherapeutic dosages, and high duration of medication treatment 2. Close monitoring and contact with
response rates to placebo.12,51 The and the number of medication the clinician can prevent suicidal
cardiovascular toxicity of tricyclic follow-up visits were not reported. thoughts or actions in your child,
antidepressants is well established.59 A study examining the quality of 3. Behavioral changes or any increase in
Increases in pulse and diastolic blood care for Medicaid-covered youth in suicidal thoughts, attempts, worsen-
pressure and prolongation of the 1998 found that 42.1% of 507 youth ing depression, worsening anxiety,
P-R, QRS, and Q-T intervals are well with new episodes of depression re- panic attacks, agitation, restlessness,
documented in pediatric patients re- ceived an antidepressant.11 Of these aggression, anger, violence, impulsiv-
ceiving tricyclic antidepressants.59,60 youth, only 28% had three or more ity, and moodiness can indicate a
Therefore, the risks of tricyclic an- follow-up visits in the next three greater risk for suicide, and
tidepressants outweigh potential months, despite guidelines that rec- 4. There are benefits and risks associat-
benefits for most children with de- ommend weekly to biweekly follow- ed with antidepressant use, and these
pression.12,60 When these drugs are up visits in the first six to eight weeks must be discussed on a case-by-case
administered to youth with a comor- after starting pharmacotherapy. 1 basis with families and clinicians.1
bid condition like ADHD or enure- Twenty-nine percent had no further
sis, electrocardiograms and vital-sign follow-up visits.11 Lack of follow-up Additional clinician-provided
monitoring are mandatory at base- has been reported to lead to lack of counseling. Along with counseling
line, after each dosage increase, and adherence and lack of antidepressant patients and their families or care-
biannually thereafter.12,59 effectiveness.11 givers about the risk of suicidality,

240 Am J Health-Syst Pharm—Vol 63 Feb 1, 2006

CLINICAL REVIEWS Recognizing and treating depression

the clinician should spend time dis- Bupropion can cause similar ad- lescents is common. Multimodal
cussing depression as a chronic bio- verse effects to those of SSRIs (nau- treatment includes patient and fami-
logical illness that is responsive to sea and insomnia) but is not associ- ly education, CBT, and antidepres-
treatment.5,6 The onset of therapeutic ated with sexual dysfunction. Parents sant medication. The potential bene-
benefit of medication or nonphar- should be counseled on the risk of fits of some antidepressant agents
macologic treatment can take two seizures with bupropion, particularly outweigh the risks of treatment in
to four weeks.7,8,51 The dosage of anti- when bupropion is combined with adolescents; family and psychothera-
depressant may need to be increased alcohol or stimulants like amphet- peutic interventions are recom-
to the maximum tolerated dose for amine or cocaine. Venlafaxine’s ad- mended for pre-pubertal children.
eight weeks before an adequate verse effects are also similar to those
trial is achieved.12,54 Slow dosage ad- of SSRIs (nausea, insomnia or som- References
justment, with increases no more nolence, sexual dysfunction), but 1. Food and Drug Administration. FDA is-
sues public health advisory on cautions
than every two to four weeks, can venlafaxine carries an added dose- for use of antidepressants in adults
minimize the risk of behavioral acti- related risk of elevated blood pres- and children.
vation, hypomania, and other ad- sure.65 Compared with adults, youth answers/2004/ANS01283.html (accessed
2004 Mar 12).
verse effects.22,23 Once remission is who take antidepressants have an in- 2. Food and Drug Administration. FDA
achieved, patients should continue creased risk of behavioral activation, statement on recommendations of the
therapy for at least 6–12 months.51 hypomania or mania, and new-onset psychopharmacologic drugs and pediat-
ric advisory committees.
Maintenance therapy may be needed suicidal thoughts and behaviors.1,21,23 bbs/topics/news/2004/NEW01116.html
to prevent relapse.12 An antidepres- Clinicians should also counsel pa- (accessed 2005 May 16).
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for depression. www.washingtonpost.
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vere. 22,23 For example, withdrawal combination of psychosocial inter- a national sample of commercially in-
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from tricyclic antidepressants include first-line antidepressant because its macology. Preliminary report of the task
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viduals who take SSRIs include pressant is highest during the first trial. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry.
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nausea, diarrhea, restlessness, in- weeks to months of treatment or if 8. March J, Silva S, Petrycki S et al. Fluoxe-
somnia, headache, and sexual dys- the dosage is increased or decreased. tine, cognitive-behavioral therapy, and
function.7,12,23 Uncommon-to-rare 4. Children or adolescents who develop their combination for adolescents with
depression. JAMA. 2004; 292:807-20.
adverse effects include extrapyrami- anxiety, agitation, panic attacks, in- 9. Compton SN, March JS, Brent D et al.
dal effects (dystonia, pseudoparkin- somnia, irritability, hostility, impul- Cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy for
sonism, tardive dyskinesia). 23 In- sivity, severe restlessness, hypomania, anxiety and depressive disorders in chil-
dren and adolescents: an evidence-based
creased bleeding has been reported or mania during antidepressant ther- medicine review. J Am Acad Child Adolesc
in children age 8–15 years who de- apy may be at increased risk of wors- Psychiatry. 2004; 43:930-59.
veloped bruising or epistaxis one ening depression or suicidality. 10. Olfson M, Gameroff MJ, Marcus SC et al.
Outpatient treatment of child and adoles-
week to three months after starting 5. Children and adolescents have a great- cent depression in the United States. Arch
SSRI treatment.64 Children and ado- er risk of “switching” to hypomania or Gen Psychiatry. 2003; 60:1236-42.
lescents are susceptible to the same mania when taking antidepressant 11. Richardson LP, DiGiuseppe D, Christakis
DA et al. Quality of care for Medicaid-
adverse effects that adults experi- therapy; if this occurs, they should covered youth treated with antidepres-
ence, and all of the adverse effects seek help immediately.1,2,5,6,8,12,23,51,62 sant therapy. Arch Gen Psychiatry. 2004;
listed above have been reported in 61:475-80.
Conclusion 12. Birmaher B, Brent DA, Benson RS. Sum-
children and adolescents who take mary of the practice parameters for the
SSRIs. Depression in children and ado- assessment and treatment of children and

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