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One summer day, a family decides to go

to the beach and they take their pets.
The pets were two dogs named Bobby
and Toby, both loving and playful.
However, there were some differences,
like that Bobby was smaller than Toby,
while the fastest was Toby. The oldest
was Bobby and he was also the one who
paid more attention to orders, lastly
Bobby was honey colored and Toby was
dark brown.

We all know that there are several

differences between life in the city and life
in the country. One of those differences is
in their houses, in the way they are built,
design, materials, size and price.
So we can say that the houses in the city
are more expensive than those in the
country and the latter are the most rustic.
The construction of the houses in the city
is of noble material, while in the
countryside they are still made with adobe
or another material depending on the
geographical area, for the same reason the
houses in the city are more resistant than
those in the countryside. So, the house you
have will depend on your tastes, financial
solvency and where you live.
Juan and Karla are cousins who have not
seen each other for 10 years and despite
the distance they were best friends, but
Karla's family decided to return to Lima
and now they live only 10 minutes apart.
Now they are both 25 years old, Juan is
much taller than Karla, he is also lighter
skinned than her. Their family decides to
spend Christmas together so that they
can meet again. When the day came, the
doorbell of Karla's house rings and they
ask her to open the door, when she
does, she sees her uncles who greet her
and suddenly a young man taller than
her hugs her lifting her from the ground,
she is surprised and he tells her that he
is his cousin Juan.

Albus was the most outstanding student of his

group, when he finished university he entered
one of the best universities without problems.
When he was finishing his freshman year, he
decided to join the college basketball team and
became one of the best on the team. At the end
of his career, he decides to work in a large
company for a time and after a few years he
creates his own company. During his adulthood
he dedicated himself to working and growing his
company. He did not marry or have children
because he devoted all his time to his work.
Now that he is older than before, he has started
to have some difficulties. Albus lives with his
brother Eren, who is 5 years younger, despite
not having much age difference, Albus is thinner
than Eren, he is also the deafest, the most
forgetful and between the two he is the one
with the most gray hair.

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