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5-7 Questions in
NEET 2021
1. Bacteriophage f x 174 have how many nucleotides? 5386

2. E.coli and corona virus have how many bp? E. coli - 4.6 x 106 bp and corona virus have
apprx 30 kb.
3. In DNA nitrogenous base is linked to which carbon of sugar? 1’C
4. In a dinucleotide two nucleotides are linked through which bond? 3’-5’ phosphodiester
5. A polynucleotide have phosphate moiety at which end? 5’ end has phosphate moiety and
3’ end has OH gp of sugar.
6. Difference in RNA structure as comparted to DNA. In RNA 2’C of sugar have OH group
which makes it unstable and in RNA there is presence of uracil in place of thymine.

7. In RNA 5-methyl uracil is present, this is True or false. False 5-methyl uracil is thymine.

8. In B DNA which type of helix is present? Right handed helix.

9. Distance between two bases in a B DNA turn is? 0.34 nm and there are 10 bases
in a turn so pitch is 3.4 nm.

10. Central dogma was proposed by – Francis Crick

11. Length of DNA double helix is equal to? Number of base pairs x distance
between two consecutive base pair. 6.6 x 109 bp x 0.34 x 10-9 m/bp= appx 2.2 m

12. A typical nucleosome consist of around how many bp? 200 bp . In nucleosomes
negatively charged DNA is wrapped around histone octamer.

13. NHC proteins are required in which process? Packaging of chromosome at

higher level .These are Non-histone Chromosomal protein.

14. The transcriptionally inactive part of chromatin is known as? Heterochromatin,

densely packed, stains dark, inactive. While euchromatin is loosely packed,
stains light transcriptionally active.
15. Organism used for experiment of Transforming principle? Mice and bacteria
Streptococcus Pneumoniae strains (R and S strain (shaitan virulent strain
with mucopolysaccharide coating). Experiment done in 1928.

16. The biochemical characterisation of Griffiths experiment was done by?

Avery , Mc leod and Mc Carty (1933-44)

17. DNA is a genetic material was finally proved by which scientist and in which
year? Alfred Hershey and Martha Chase 1952. Used bacteriophages and
E.coli and radioactive isotopes of P 32 and S 35

18. In Hershey Chase experiment the radioactive supernatant was found in

which set of bacteriophages used. Bacteriophages grown in S 35 medium
having radioactivity in protein coat.
19. In CoVID -19 virus, QB bacteriophage and TMV virus genetic material is ?
Single stranded RNA
20. RNA was the first genetic material? It act as catalyst, reactive in nature and
also unstable. DNA has evolved from RNA by chemical modifications that
makes it more stable.
21. `Semiconservative mode of replication was first proposed by? Watson and
Crick in 1953.
22. From an E.coli with DNA having N15 isotope (N15 N15) provided with normal
Nitrogen N14 in medium, two intermediate density (N15 N14) and two less
density DNA strands (N14 N14) will be formed in how many minutes ?
About 40 min (one cycle of E.coli in 20 min)
23. The technique by which semiconservative nature of DNA replication was
proved by Messelson and Stahl ? CsCl2 density gradient centrifugation . N15 is
heavy isotope so bands of DNA with it are on lower side of the centrifuge
tube while bands of N14 are lighter and present above.
Nitrogen source provided as ammonium chloride.
24. Average rate of DNA polymerisation by DNA polymerase is ? 2000bp/sec
25. In DNA strand with template polarity 3’--5’ which type of synthesis takes place?
Continuous synthesis and strand formed is leading strand

26. DNA ligase activity is needed during which strand synthesis. Lagging strand on 5’
to 3’ polarity strand. Joining of small okazaki fragments

27. Failure in cell division after DNA replication results in ? Polyploidy

while failure in segregation of chromatids during cell division results in ?


28. Transcription unit is defined as how many units ? Three

a promoter, the structural gene and a terminator.

29. Transcription takes place on DNA strand having polarity ? 3’ to 5’ template strand

Initiation factor sigma and termination factor rho are required in transcription.

30. Newly synthesized mRNA sequence is similar or complementary to coding

strand? Similar having U in place to T.
31. The promoter of transcription is at ------------end of coding strand? Upstream
5’ end

32. Eukaryotes are mono or polycistronic. Eukaryotes are monocistronic


33. In processed RNA exons/introns are present. Exons

34. Bacteria have how many types of RNA polymerase? One in prokaryotes

35. Eukaryotes have how many types of RNA polymerase?

RNA pol I – rRNAs (28S, 18S, 5.8S), RNA pol III (tRNA, 5S rRNA, sn RNA
small nuclear RNA), RNA Pol II hnRNA heterogenous RNA.
36. At which end of hn RNA capping and tailing is done? Capping at 5’ and
Tailing at 3’ end In capping methyl guanosine triphosphate added and in
tailing 200-300 adenylate residues added.
37. The dNTPs in replication serve as? Substrate and source of energy the
terminal high energy phosphate bonds.
38. Which scientist first argued that genetic code is of three nucleotides ? George
39. Features of genetic code – Triplet, unambiguous, degenerate, contiguos,
universal, dual function of AUG (initiator and code for methionine)
TUDCUD nemonic
40. Single genetic code is for which amino acids? Tryptophan (UGG) and Methionine
(AUG) have single codes
41. Stop codons are ? UAG, UAA, UGA (AAJ AA GAYA) Amber, Ochre, Opal
42. t RNA also known as sRNA or soluble RNA.
43. Translation takes place on mRNA at 5’ to 3’ polarity.
44. On tRNA acceptor end for amino acid is at ? 3’ end . First anticodon of methionine
tRNA is UAC . The DNA Templet triplet for methionine is 3’ TAC 5’
45. Regulation of Translation in eukaryotes? Four stages- Transcriptional level,
processing level, transport of mRNAfrom nucleus to cytoplasm, translational level.
46. In lac operon number of structural gene ? Three z(beta galactosidase,), y
(permease), a(transacetylase)

47. lac operon is ? Negatively inducible. repressor protein binds to operator and
disturbs binding of polymerase at promoter resulting in transcription
inactivation. It is under positive control as well.

48. Human genome project launched and ended in? 1990 to 2003.

49. Vectors used in HGP are ? BAC (Bacterial Artificial Chromosome) and YAC
(Yeast Artificial Chromosome)

50. Last chromosome sequence deduced in ? 2006 , Largest chromosome 1 have

2968 genes . Chromosome Y smallest with 231 genes.

51. Satellite DNA is classified on the bases of base composition, length of

segment, number of repetative units. Satellite DNA appear as a small peak
during density gradient centrifugation. 99.9 % of DNA similar among humans.
52. DNA fingerprinting uses which techniques? Isolation of DNA, Gel
electrophoresis, Southern blotting, Autoradiography, and some times
PCR to amplify the DNA sample if it is very less.
53. DNA fingerprints are similar for? Monozygotic twins.
Technique discovered by Alec Jeffery
54. DNA fingerprint of a child is around what percent similar to his
mothers DNA fingerprint ? About 50%

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