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Written by Robert Edmunds

Artwork by Laura Gullett, Kendal Leask & Amy Guthrie

The Emerald River setting was originally conceived in the summer of 2007, when I though it would be great to
have a fully detailed town that GMs could easily drop their players into and feel that it was a living breathing place,
something that had been carefully put together to save the GM time and hopefully give the players a place to call
home…or at least an interesting place to regularly visit.

Since its creation, I have wanted to expand on the original draft and find an artist who could further enhance the
job of bring the town to life, as well as bringing out adventures incorporating the familiar NPCs of Emerald River.

So here at last, after a good few months of work with the dedicated artwork of Kendal Leask, I can finally present
to you all, the Emerald River map pack, with plans of each building that is detailed in the main Emerald River
setting supplement.

I hope you enjoy your stay.

Ground Floor
Ground Floor

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