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Білет № 14

Ще одним варіантом пробації є так званий розділений вирок…

1. Another form of probation is the so-called "split sentence", in which the

offender is placed on probation from the state penitentiary, on condition that
he serves a term in a local prison. There are options when such serving can
only take place on weekends or at night to enable the offender to perform his
family duties.

2. Everyone has the right to an effective remedy by competent national

tribunals in case of violation her fundamental rights granted to her by the
constitution or law.

3. Reuse of the same group of insecticides may cause to the development of

immunity to pests. Therefore it is always more expedient to use non
pesticide means. When the use of chemicals is unavoidable, rotate the
groups of insecticides.

4. This right is guaranteed by the binding state social insurance through the
insurance payments of the citizens, enterprises, institutions and
organizations, public and other resources of social insurance; by the
establishment of state, municipal and private institutions caring for the

5. In these cases the law provides increasing penalty – the judge must sentence
the offender to an additional three- year- term or( six-year-term in case of
using firearm equipped with a silencer) of actual incarceration, which must
be served before and separate from any other incarceration, including
another actual incarceration for the underlying offense.

6. They are also interested in the history of the offender's development, his
character, take into account the presence or absence of needs for correctional
and rehabilitation measures to correct him.
Білет № 15
Город саджають якомога раніше, аби рослини росли і визрівали…

1. The garden is planted as early as possible so that the plants grow and
mature in ideal conditions. Transplanting allows to harvest earlier and
increases the fruiting period of many vegetable crops. For small seed
crops such as carrots, lettuce or onions, the average planting depth is 2

2. In general, the standard of living is measured by the amount of goods and

services produced per person, and the economic development can be
ensured either by attracting all idle resources (unemployed, free land and
capital) to the process of production, ensuring short-term growth of the
economy, or by increasing the efficiency of their use, as a result of which
long-term growth can be expected.

3. States Parties condemn racial segregation and apartheid and undertake to

prevent, prohibit and eradicate all practices of this nature in territories
under their jurisdiction, and to this end between the other, declare as an
offence punishable by law any dissemination of ideas based on racial
superiority or hatred; any incitement to racial discrimination, as well as
all acts of violence or incitement to such acts directed against any race or
group of persons of another color or ethnic origin, as well as the
provision of any assistance to racist activities, including its financing.

4. A search warrant is issued (given) by a judge only when he has

reasonable grounds to consider that certain evidence of a crime can be
found in a particular place to be searched.

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