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Journal of Engineering Design & Construction Studies

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DOI 10.17605/OSF.IO/R8NF7 | JUNE 2021 Edition

Does Climate Change Impact our

Ronald Gomeseria (Author)
ME/PME, PMP, PE, PEng, CEng, CBuildE, CEnv, ASEANEng, ACPE, IntPE, CEMgr, CHCMgr, CEMgr, MPM, CIPM, SPMgr, SEMgr
@ 23 June 2021 Ronald Gomeseria y Valledor, All Rights Reserved
Ph.D. (Summa Cum Laude), MSME (Magna Cum Laude), MSCM (1.14 GPA), BSFPLS (Distinction), BSME (Scholar)
A Chartered Environmentalist and practitioner specializing in Upland Resources Environmental Management
Environmental Science and Engineering Consultant

In the author article published, “Environmental Possibilism,” ViewPoint Journal March 2018
edition, had been discussed and described that “Climate Change is occurring all across the globe
and the manifestations are different in different areas.” Thereby, often used biophysical
environmentalism seeking to compensate for the negative work effect contribution of human
activity across the countries natural environment which is referring to the loss of old-growth
forests and species extinction that is supposed to be the shield for the growing pollution seeking to
minimize but resulting to Climate Change. Moreover, Climate change is not only popular right
now, but a coincidental part in the development and human activities around the globe as a result
of the “greenhouse effect” – producing hot periods and ice ages wherein the changes are always
relevant several thousand years ago. However, the consequences effect of the natural greenhouse
is hard to predict because naturally, the Earth is warm but some regions are warmer and others are
not. As an example, the Climate Change effect for the Middle East Region is different from what
is experiencing in the Tropical Countries like the Philippines and from the northern part region
against the southern part of the globe. The Middle East Region, on the other hand, is not
impacting in the same manner because of their richness in culture and a living desert
environmental development whereas Oil and Gas as their main financial source noticeably.
Due to the severe precipitation happening in many countries around the globe, it is the fact of
disastrous results contribution of greenhouse gases effect that caused of continued global
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AUTHOR except for the use of brief quotations in a literature review. (Under Sec. 172 of R.A. 8293 of which consent of the copyright owner has been secured)
ePrinted from/by Gomeseria, Ronald y Valledor, Quezon City, Philippines / ePrinting, 2021
Journal of Engineering Design & Construction Studies
Creative Commons License - Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
DOI 10.17605/OSF.IO/R8NF7 | JUNE 2021 Edition

warming. Even in the form of science and new technology, we have now or even the wealthy
economic region can’t be able to thwart the wrath of ecological landscape to regain the natural
beauty of the Earth. It is the environmental continual deteriorations done by humans in polluting
the environment we live subservient to every country’s economic compulsions, development, and
richness, however, adoption and mitigation processes are the only way can sustain the needs in
right earnestness to survive and heartedly within the spheres of human life for the sake of future
generations. Hence, absorbing stresses and improving sustainability resilience is the solution.
Environmental Benchmark
Historically, everybody knows about industrialization was begun in 1750 in Great Britain and is
widely spread within the United States of America region even today. However, the development
continues throughout European Countries from 1850 until today’s generation impacting the entire
world benevolently, and from then, the average temperature of the planet’s atmosphere has
drastically increased by 0.87 °Celsius1 exponentially, which is about 140 years now compared to
hundreds or thousands years before – the developed greenhouse effect to the ecological landscape.
And that means they conclude that Climate Change is real because of gathering evidence and
information from all scientific research conducted by scientists around the world over the years.
Given the fact occurring the hottest years since 2000 and up to now, the environmental significant
view came to effect when the Paris Agreement on Climate Change has been implemented the
ordinances globally notwithstanding the serious doubts in the 2015 United Nations Climate
Change Conference (COP21) of the promises that have been made as agreed upon.
To the fact that based on the National Geographic Science and quoted; “The temperature of the
earth is rising at nearly twice the rate, it was 50 years ago. This rapid rate and pattern of
warming, scientists have concluded, cannot be explained by natural cycles alone. The only way to
explain the pattern is to include the effect of greenhouse gases (GHGs) emitted by humans.”2 On
the other hand, overpopulation and pollution of the environment, which we have now is one of the
biggest hazards ever experienced, which human beings are facing today due and contributes to the
global climate change. And it is the fact too that the combustion process is in effect because of a
tremendous increase in Carbon Dioxide from industrialized factories all over the world in
simultaneous operation. The gases have been accumulated in the outer Earth hemisphere and the
heat reflects from the planet’s surface back to the surface wherein the heat is being trapped in the
atmosphere that causes warming up the Mother Earth, which is called the Climate Change effect.
Moreover, the industrializations continue in their expansion around the world in the modern
civilization and nobody can control it as it becomes the main source of family’s income and if
these productions are interrupted resulting in a closure, it affects the employment fluctuations
resulting in poverty and country’s economies. From these activities point of view have raised the
atmospheric carbon dioxide levels from 280 parts per million to 400 parts per million in the last
150 years according to the given IPCC 5th Assessment Report that has been concluded by the
scientists. However, even they have more evidence gathered that brought to the table; still, the
current global warming as we are experiencing today cannot be explained accurately by these
ecological transformations, but several programs and initiatives are being pursued across the
board n order to lessen the environmental impact and working out to be included in the
Observance on Climate Change
Taking the case of the Middle East as an example, its environmental records have been impacted
due to Oil and Gas exploration and production resulting in CO 2 contributions to the environment
and that counts accumulation of air pollution. The generated carbon pollution has been created
due to burning fossil fuels in the Oil and Gas industries, although as the main source of income in
the Middle East Region; however, it is driving the climate disruption and warming the globe
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AUTHOR except for the use of brief quotations in a literature review. (Under Sec. 172 of R.A. 8293 of which consent of the copyright owner has been secured)
ePrinted from/by Gomeseria, Ronald y Valledor, Quezon City, Philippines / ePrinting, 2021
Journal of Engineering Design & Construction Studies
Creative Commons License - Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
DOI 10.17605/OSF.IO/R8NF7 | JUNE 2021 Edition

scientifically. Because the more the sun’s energy is trapped; the more heat is also trapped, which
will lead to hotter climates and that is a similar application to industrial factories affecting not
only in the Middle East Region but globally. Additionally, the rapid construction of high-rise
buildings and continues infrastructure development will experience the same greenhouse gas
effect that will contribute to Climate Change, thus, the earth’s temperature is increasing
In the observance of Climate Change, let us understand what Greenhouse Gases (GHGs) are all
about and how these gases formed. These are made of Water Vapor, Carbon Dioxide, Nitrous
Oxide, phenomena of Methane gas, and Chlorofluorocarbons in the Earth hemisphere; and due to
industrialization and human activities, the rational compositions formed into warmer conditions.
The occurrence might happen and experience simultaneously in some part of the globe that leads
to severe evaporation and precipitation variably some places are wetter and driers conditions –
oceans warming, partially melting the glaciers and ice resulting to sea-level rise into flooding.
Although the Middle East Region is not the same as other countries having rains and typhoons
like what happening in tropical areas, wherein they will not be experiencing severe flooding in
any locations, and if ever the flood comes, they can mitigate it easily with an alternative solution.
However, a desert environment tends to drought stresses providing unhealthy soil which becomes
inefficient to their agricultural productions compared to tropical countries like the Philippines.
The rising awareness of Climate Change impacting both national and international bodies,
although, it can be an argument in the first place with the given theories and yet has to be
translated into practice so that everyone will be informed and geared towards climate resilience.
Climate Change as Deniers
On the other side of the world with tropical areas like the Philippines with archipelagic locations,
it is indeed that Climate Change impacting and suffers the entire environment. And as a
consequence of this phenomenon, the cause of the flooding is more frequent and intense
throughout the archipelagic terrain of the country due to the low pressure that has been developed
in the Pacific Ocean especially whenever typhoons are held. In the author’s article; “Climate
Change, ‘Deniers,’ is it?” published on ResearchGate / OSF, February 15, 2020; the Philippines
biodiversity and environment as an example, however, the landscape ecosystem whereas the
country is always facing multiple calamities every year and these are consistent happening
according to the two-agencies; PAGASA (Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical, and
Astronomical Services Administration) and the PHILVOCS (Philippine Institute of Volcanology
and Seismology). Based on the experiences in the country, the author formulates the
environmental impact assessment in brief and there are about 9-Issues on What can be said as
Science Deniers on Climate Change experiences throughout the year in different seasons
(Summer Season from March to May; Rainy Season from June to November; and Monsoon
Season from December to February) in combinations as follows; 1) Heavy Rains, 2) Typhoons-
Severe Storms, 3) Flooding, 4) Landslide, 5) Tidal Wave, 6) Surge, 7) Earthquake, 8) Volcanic
Eruptions as well as experiencing 9) Extreme Temperatures consistently during summer yearly.
In the Middle East, if the author may not be concerned with the science and engineering working
in Qatar as an expatriate and might say, the said, “Climate Change” is not real because for more
than a decade, nothing happening in the country. However, based on the experiences in countries,
e.g. Qatar, UAE, KSA, Bahrain, Kuwait, and Oman; the author had formulated the environmental
impact assessment in brief and there are about 3-Issues on “What can be said as Science Deniers
on Climate Change.” But by the author’s experience in the country whereas; 1) Sandstorm, 2)
Heat Wave, and 3) Extreme Temperature is not unusual throughout the Middle East region as it
always happening and again, the climate occurrence every year of the same status.
With the given above scenarios, attending education will get a chance to apprehend Climate
Change, but, the Filipino layman will say, that is just, “normal!” Similarly, an uneducated Arab
guy who is sitting in the street might laugh at you and would say that you are “crazy!”
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All rights reserved. This ARTICLE or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the
AUTHOR except for the use of brief quotations in a literature review. (Under Sec. 172 of R.A. 8293 of which consent of the copyright owner has been secured)
ePrinted from/by Gomeseria, Ronald y Valledor, Quezon City, Philippines / ePrinting, 2021
Journal of Engineering Design & Construction Studies
Creative Commons License - Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
DOI 10.17605/OSF.IO/R8NF7 | JUNE 2021 Edition

However, with all the scientific studies and observations around the world and as a result, no one
can predict the accurate solution but Climate Change is one of the most complex issues ever
facing today. The phenomenal implication affecting science, society, countries economic,
political, moral and ethical dimensions wherein always a questions and continual discussions. As
described above, the worst thing there, when everyone is responsible, no one is responsible!
Thus, environment has been compromised & again, Climate Change continues as a global issue.
Environmental Protection
Protecting the environment, however, in the Philippines, the key economic priority has to
alleviate first the growing poverty happening nowadays; rehabilitation of all Surface Ground
Water Network (SGW) in the country, uplifting the economic condition or maintaining what we
have now under President Duterte’s vision and the dichotomy of economic development that is
usually lead to environmental degradation that must be studied carefully with a favorable solution.
With all the doubts, Climate Change impacting our environment and that is TRUE. Climate
resilience through adaptation and mitigation is in need to develop so that every citizen of the
countries can adjust to the growing global climate change. While industrial growth can’t uphold
which is an essential part of the country’s economic development, but the energy it takes will
always contribute to nearly 80% GHGs emissions aside from deforestation happening in the
mountains by the “kangaroos” and water pollution coming from the mining industries.
Essential points to bring to the table are the stakeholders, the developers, the government
regulatory authorities, and the consumers wherein must uphold the cognizance of the
environmental concern and responsibilities necessary in mitigating the impacts while
technological suppliers and the engineering consultants shall take care of the environmentally
sustainable design appropriately.
Moreover, with all the effects, the major challenges we need to develop not only in the
Philippines or in the Middle East Region, but a continual mitigation process and building
resilience. On the other hand, is to continue what our President Duterte’s economic development
programs as an example of tailored policies and the preservation of the environment using an
innovative renewable source of energy as VP Bongbong Marcos did in Ilocos Region having great
impact sustainably with economically viable solutions as well as the environmental programs that
have been working now with Secretary Cimatu of DENR. Ensuring regulation compliance to
environmental protection is more required in balancing the growing concerns.
Additionally, as far as flooding in the Philippines is concerned, we have an alternative solution
either using the pumping station or the technology that can support and protect our property and
the commercial assets through using the German Flood Control System Technology or using
both designs to suit the requirements. Perhaps, that is an alternative but a proven solution to the
problem, which can be a realization of the scenario whereas everyone might be the beneficiary.
In conclusion, the governments, corporate, industrialists, manufacturers, developers, etc., the
world will strive to adopt and adapt the most effective policies and technologies in protecting the
environmental assets, reducing pollution, and working towards the reduction of greenhouse gas
emissions. Further, the contributions of Consulting Engineers, Scientists, and Volunteers for the
same will help the government in implementing the environmental law, et al recognize the
imperative of cultivating a sense of environmental responsibility among the public in general and
within the industry. We understand the impact is from human activities of the causes on how the
greenhouse gas effect influences global warming. Given the facts, however, understanding global
climate policymaking will help in sustaining a sustainable environment for the next generations in
resolving environmental issues which become massive nowadays, incorporating the government
law into practice and hence, political will with a dedication to the rule of law will be successful.
Again and reiterated, Climate Change impacting our environment and that is TRUE!
Philippine Copyright @2021 by Gomeseria, Ronald y Valledor
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All rights reserved. This ARTICLE or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the
AUTHOR except for the use of brief quotations in a literature review. (Under Sec. 172 of R.A. 8293 of which consent of the copyright owner has been secured)
ePrinted from/by Gomeseria, Ronald y Valledor, Quezon City, Philippines / ePrinting, 2021
Journal of Engineering Design & Construction Studies
Creative Commons License - Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
DOI 10.17605/OSF.IO/R8NF7 | JUNE 2021 Edition

The structured landscape and biodiversity as an example, environmental law compliance towards
the ecological aspect must be addressed incorporating adaptation and mitigating calamities as
discussed above through technological and scientific innovational research study is a must. And
with the formulation of the UNDP's Sustainable Development Goals will help in the governance
by incorporating them into each country’s environmental law will secure an established
sustainable environment for the next generation. Hence, the developmental process and advocacy
are for long-term sustainability initiatives, adaptation, and mitigating climate change within the
ecosystem that must be implemented environmentally. And once done for the successful
transformation of all of these policies, therefore, the structured landscape model will benefit the
global citizens working and living in the country sustainably then follow the quality of life.
Write-Up References and Additional Readings
Gomeseria, RV; (January 2020); “A Point of Understanding after Reading the Text” Ret from;
Gomeseria, RV; (January 2020); “Desert Landscape to a Sustainable Environment;” Ret from;
Gomeseria, RV; (December 2018); “Environmental Advocacy & Conservation Personal Journal
& Reflections;” Durreesamin Journal (ISSN: 2204-9827) December Vol 4 Issue 3; Year 2018
UNDP Sustainable Development Goals (n.d.); Retrieved from;
Gomeseria, RV; (January 2020); “Urban Greening Policy, a Proposal;” Retrieved from;
Gomeseria, RV; (January 2020); “Human-Altered Landscape towards Country's Sustainable
Environment Vision;” Retrieved from;
Gomeseria, RV; (February 2019); “Review about the Reflection on the Battle of Manila Bay
(Leadership towards Sustainable Environment, a Political Will);” Retrieved from;
Gomeseria, RV; (Jan 2019); “Experiences, Ideas & Observation Environmental Advocacy;” frm;
Gomeseria, RV; (May 2019); “The Ethnography of Qatar Culture and the Community;” Ret from;
Gomeseria, RV; (January 2020); “Upland Environmental Governance Concerns;” Retrieved from;
Gomeseria, RV; (January 2020); “Landscape Structure and Elements, an Example;” Ret from;
Seasons in Qatar; Retrieved from;
Earth Observatory (NASA); Retrieved from;
National Geographic – Global Warming; Retrieved from;

About the Author

With 27,950+ LinkedIn Followers Connections (23 June 2021)

Er. Ronald Valledor Gomeseria, Ph.D. ME/PME, PE, PEng, CEng, CBuildE, CEnv, APEC (IntPE), ACPE, ASEANEng
Professional Engineer (Philippines, Qatar, India, UK); Chartered Engineer (India, UK); Chartered Environmentalist (India);
Chartered Engineering Manager (USA); Chartered Health Care Manager (USA); Specialized Engineering Manager (UK);
Specialized Project Manager (UK); Master Project Manager (USA); Chartered Building Engineer (UK); ASEAN Engineer; ASEAN
Chartered Professional Engineer; APEC Engineer (IntPE); Mechanical Engineer (Phils); Plumbing Engineer / Professional Master
Plumber (Phils); Master Electrician (Phils); Certified International Project Manager (USA)

Book & Article Author/Writer – CEAI ViewPoint Journal | Durresamin Journal | Academia and ResearchGate Platforms |

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AUTHOR except for the use of brief quotations in a literature review. (Under Sec. 172 of R.A. 8293 of which consent of the copyright owner has been secured)
ePrinted from/by Gomeseria, Ronald y Valledor, Quezon City, Philippines / ePrinting, 2021

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