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2020 August 1 - CGT
Sede: Arequipa 
Carreras:  Administración
Profesor Titular del Curso:   MARIA GIOVANNA SALAS OBRIEN
Duración de la exposición:  5 minutos 
Fecha del examen: …Sábado/domingo ,  octubre de 2020 
Hora programada:  
Modelo de examen:  Indicaciones y Rúbrica



CÓDIGO UTP: U19208465         NRO. DE CELULAR: ______________________

CODIGO DE LA CLASE: ________________

CORREO ELECTRÓNICO PERSONAL: ___________________________ 

 Debe identificarse con su fotocheck o DNI, de lo contrario no podrá rendir el examen. 
 Deberá contar con cámara para hacer su presentación.  
 No está permitido el uso de apuntes, materiales de clase o separatas.  
 No está permitido el uso de celulares; apáguelo y guárdelo.  

My name is Rolf Lopez Neyra, I am thirty-two years old, I am from the city of Camana, I study Business
Administration at the UTP University of Arequipa, I work as a Pharmacist in my own business, my
father is Félix Lopez and He is married to my mother, my mother is Elsa Neyra, my father is a mining
engineer and my mother is a nurse, they live in the city of Camana. I have a brother, his name is Alex
Lopez Neyra, he is single, he works with my father, he is a Mining Engineer like my father, they work
together at Century Mining Peru S.A.C. In the city of Camana, my wife is called Marisol LLamocca
Flores, she is a Pharmacist, and we currently live in Arequipa.

I admire my brother, he likes to travel to the jungle, he likes Creole food, he likes to watch on TV,
soccer, the Champions League, but not national soccer, his favorite team is Barcelona, and he hates
Real Madrid He likes Rock music, but he doesn't like Ballads and Salsa, because he doesn't dance very
well, he really likes his work.

My brother wakes up very early to go to work, at six on clock in the morning he is awake, then he
takes a shower and washes, then he has breakfast at six thirty in the morning, and at seven on clock
he goes to work at Mina, he is very cheerful and very orderly, I wake up at seven in the morning, then I
shower and wash, at seven thirty I have breakfast with my wife, I like to have breakfast in bed, my wife
does not she likes breakfast in bed, she says that is wrong. I like to drink juice of papaya and to my
wife juice of strawberry. After that we go to work. For lunch we go to the mall, then we go back to
work. We leave work at nine at night, before going to sleep my wife likes to watch Magaly TV. She is
very funny we like to watch her TV show.
I want to work in a Laboratory. I can improve your sales; I can train your employees so they can sell
more. I can improve your products, but I can't do that without the work I ask for.

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