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Theo 4a-B

Quiz #1:

(1)What is the mission of Jesus in coming to the world?(5pts)

The mission of Jesus in coming to the world is to proclaim the good news and of the coming of
the kingdom of God to attain salvation. Jesus was born and became man with a mission to
spread the Good News which is the Word of God, the Gospels to teach us people about God's
Kingdom and the eternal hope that we had in Him. He came to reconcile a broken world, the
world of sinner and evil, restoring all that God created, saving us people and connecting us to
God's kingdom of righteousness, peace, and justice by preaching and performing miracles that
accompanied His message about the Kingdom of God.

(2) Explain briefly: Evangelization is a vocation proper to the Church.(10pts)

In truth, evangelization is the grace and mission exclusive to the Church, her fundamental
identity, the reason why she exist, the depository of the Good News to be proclaimed. It is a
task and a mission of the Church to evangelize, to proclaim Jesus Christ memorial death and
glorious resurrection in the power of the Holy Spirit, to reconcile sinners with God our Father,
so we people can open our hearts to Him and find salvation from our sins and the way to real
holiness in the Lord and in His Kingdom.

(3) Define Evangelization according to Evangelii Nuntiandi.(5pts)

Evangelization according to Evangelii Nuntiandi, involves “bringing the Good News into all
strata of mankind and, through its effect, reforming humanity from within and making it new.”
It happens when the message of Jesus (the good news) speaks to the hearts and minds of the
people, bringing Jesus message and teachings into every human action with the hope of
transforming individuals and society into a new life, a full profound change of heart and mind
which expresses our response to God's calling to the coming of His Kingdom.

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