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14 Oscillatory Motion Chap.

Band Frequency range (Hz) Frequency Bandwidth

1 10-20 10
2 20-40 20
3 40-80 40
4 200-400 200

Figure 1.3-2.


1-1 A harmonic motion has an amplitude of 0.20 cm and a period of 0.15 s. Determine the
maximum velocity and acceleration.
1-2 An accelerometer indicates that a structure is vibrating harmonically at 82 cps with a
maximum acceleration of 50 g. Determine the amplitude of vibration.
1-3 A harmonic motion has a frequency of 10 cps and its maximum velocity is 4.57 m /s.
Determine its amplitude, its period, and its maximum acceleration.
1-4 Find the sum of two harmonic motions of equal amplitude but of slightly different
frequencies. Discuss the beating phenomena that result from this sum.
1-5 Express the complex vector 4 + 3/ in the exponential form Ae‘^.
1-6 Add two complex vectors (2 + 3/) and (4 - /), expressing the result as ALB.
1-7 Show that the multiplication of a vector z = by i rotates it by 90°.
1-8 Determine the sum of two vectors 5^'^^^ and and find the angle between the
resultant and the first vector.
1-9 Determine the Fourier series for the rectangular wave shown in Fig. P I-9.

Figure P I-9.

1-10 If the origin of the square wave of Prob. 1-9 is shifted to the right by 7t/2 , determine
the Fourier series.
1-11 Determine the Fourier series for the triangular wave shown in Fig. P I-11.

Figure Pl-11.
Chap. 1 Problems 15

1-12 Determine the Fourier series for the sawtooth curve shown in Fig. Pl-12. Express the
result of Prob. 1-12 in the exponential form of Eq. (1.2-4).

Figure Pl-12.

1-13 Determine the rms value of a wave consisting of the positive portions of a sine wave.
1-14 Determine the mean square value of the sawtooth wave of Prob. 1-12. Do this two
ways, from the squared curve and from the Fourier series.
1-15 Plot the frequency spectrum for the triangular wave of Prob. 1-11.
1-16 Determine the Fourier series of a series of rectangular pulses shown in Fig. Pl-16. Plot
c„ and versus n when A: = | .


— kir
Figure Pl-16.

1-17 Write the equation for the displacement s of the piston in the crank-piston mechanism
shown in Fig. Pl-17, and determine the harmonic components and their relative
magnitudes. If r/I = what is the ratio of the second harmonic compared to the

Figure Pl-17.

1-18 Determine the mean square of the rectangular pulse shown in Fig. P I-18 for k = 0.10.
If the amplitude is A, what would an rms voltmeter read?

A 1
____ 1____

1 1
1 1
____1____ 1
^ ------ r -------- Figure Pl-18.

1-19 Determine the mean square value of the triangular wave of Fig. Pl-11.
1-20 An rms voltmeter specifies an accuracy of ±0.5 dB. If a vibration of 2.5 mm rms is
measured, determine the millimeter accuracy as read by the voltmeter.
1-21 Amplification factors on a voltmeter used to measure the vibration output from an
accelerometer are given as 10, 50, and 100. What are the decibel steps?
16 Oscillatory Motion Chap. 1

too 1000 10000 100000

Figure Pl-22.

1-22 The calibration curve of a piezoelectric accelerometer is shown in Fig. Pl-22 where the
ordinate is in decibels. If the peak is 32 dB, what is the ratio of the resonance response
to that at some low frequency, say, 1000 cps?
1-23 Using coordinate paper similar to that of Appendix A, outline the bounds for the
following vibration specifications. Max. acceleration = 2 g, max. displacement = 0.08
in., min. and max. frequencies: 1 Hz and 200 Hz.

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