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Avaliação – 9º ano

Read the text to answer questions 1 - 5:

Most people who come to the United States may already know a few things about the
people through TV. Although this is of course a skewed reality some of the stereotypes are
true, especially American friendliness and informality. People tend to not wait to be
introduced, will begin to speak with strangers as they stand in a queue, sit next to each
other at an event, etc. Visitors can often be surprised when people are so informal to the
point of being very direct or even rude. 

1. The purpose of the text is

a) criticize Americans.
b) inform about Americans.
c) defend an idea.
d) tell a funny story.

2. According to the text, Americans are

a) friendly.
b) sad.
c) timid.
d) smiling.

3. According to the text, who can be surprised?

a) the strangers.
b) the Brazilians.
c) the visitors
d) the Americans.

4. According to text, Americans never:

a) sit beside a stranger.
b) wait to be introduced.
c) talk to a stranger.
d) go to new events.

Read the text to answer questions 5 - 8:

5. The purpose of the text is:
a) advertise a product.
b) inform about news.
c) amuse readers.
d) give an opinion on a topic.

6. A expressão do texto que permite concluir que se trata de uma promoção é:

a) “UP TO” 
b) “WICKS”
c) “SALE”

7. Segundo o texto, os aparelhos divulgados são sobretudo para

a) escritórios.
b) escolas.
c) quartos.
d) empresas.

8. A expressão “Up to 80% off” significa

a) o valor do produto.
b) o total de produtos à venda.
c) o valor mínimo de desconto.
d) o valor máximo de desconto.
Read the text below and do exercises 1 – 5.

Chinese New Year

Chinese New Year starts on the first day of the Chinese calendar, usually in February. For
many families, it is a time for feasting and visiting relatives and friends, but in the heart of
the city, a spectacular procession takes place. Chinese families clean their houses to rid
them of last year’s bad luck before the celebrations begin.  “My family and I visit our
grandparents on New Year, and we take sticky rice cakes called Nian Gao with us. My
outfit is very traditional. It is made of silk and it is very,  very beautiful.”  Red is the main
color for clothes and decorations at New Year because it associated with joy and
New York: DK Children, 1997, pp. 8-9

9ª) Segundo o texto, o novo ano dos chineses inicia-se em 

a) march
b) april
c) february
d) September.
e) may.

10ª) O texto aborda 

a) o novo ano dos chineses.
b) como acontece o réveillon dos americanos.
c) o modo de vida dos chineses durante todo o ano.
d) como vivem os adolescentes chineses.
e) o relacionamento entre parentes e amigos dos chineses.

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