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Título: Speaking Activity

Estudiante: Fabian Nayver Calero Teran

Fecha: 26/04/2021

Código de estudiante: 4777197

Carrera: Veterinaria - Zootecnia

Asignatura: Idioma I
Grupo: ¨A¨
Docente: Lic. Wilson Alvarez Viri
Periodo Académico: I - 2021
Título: Speaking Activity
Autor: Fabian Nayver Calero Teran
1. Which is better, the city or the country? Why do you think so?

- I like the city more for the technology and the comfort.
- It may be because I never lived in the country.

2. You plan to paint your house one color. What color would you paint it? Why did you
Choose this color? What does it say about your personality?

- I would like to paint an Ivory color. Why is it warm

- Represents peace and quiet.
- It is a color that represents the balance in my life, the perfect color to give me peace.

3. What do you like about your neighborhood? What do you hate about it? Please explain.

- I like my neighborhood because it is quiet.

- I don't like cars going by fast because they can step on children.

4. Do you like to live on quiet streets or busy Street?

- I like to live in quiet places more than anything because I have small children.

5. Do you like to go out? Explain

- I like to go out as a family, because it makes me happy to see my children and my wife
enjoy a nice day.

Asignatura: Idioma 1 2
Carrera: Veterinaria y Zootecnia
Título: Speaking Activity
Autor: Fabian Nayver Calero Teran
6. Do you like to cook? explain

- I like to cook, but I would like to learn to cook many more dishes so that I can help at

7. Have you ever bought something because it was fashionable? If so, what?

- Yes, many times

- Clothes, cell phones, shoes and various digital accessories.

8. Do you prefer to go shopping or just browsing? Why?

- I personally like to go shopping.
- Because this way I make sure that it is good and I like what I am buying.

9. What piece of clothing do you spend your money on the most? why?

- I spend more money buying cell phones.

- Because I like to be up to date with cell phone technology.

10. Do you read fashion magazines? why?

- I do not but would like to.

- I think you can get the same information on the internet.

Asignatura: Idioma 1 3
Carrera: Veterinaria y Zootecnia
Título: Speaking Activity
Autor: Fabian Nayver Calero Teran

11. What job do you want?

- I would like to work in my own veterinary clinic, specialized in smaller and older

12. Do you like outgoing people? Why?

- Yes, they are nice people and with whom you can easily socialize.

Asignatura: Idioma 1 4
Carrera: Veterinaria y Zootecnia

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