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Chapter 1: The universe and Solar System

CLASSICAL ASTRONOMY 1973 to mark the 500th anniversary of

The Aristotle Universe his birth.

The greatest philosophers of ancient Copernicus began to consider an

Greece are Plato and Aristotle. Their alternative to the Ptolemaic universe,
writings shaped the history of probably while he was still at University.
astronomy. Sometime before 1514, he wrote an
essay proposing a model of a
Plato (427-347 BCE) he wrote about heliocentric universe in which the sun,
moral responsibility, ethics, the nature of not Earth, was the center. To explain the
reality, and the ideals of civil daily and annual cycles of the sky, he
government. proposed that Earth rotates on its axis
and revolves around the sun. Although
Aristotle (384-322 BCE)-student of
this early essay discusses every major
Plato. He wrote about almost every area
aspect of his later work, it did not
of knowledge and is probably the most
include observations and calculations.
famous philosopher in history.
Ptolemy-is a brilliant mathematician,
and he used his talents to create a The Copernican Hypothesis
mathematical description of the motions solved the problem of the place of Earth,
he saw in heavens. For him first but it didn't explain planetary motion.
principles took second place to The puzzle of planetary motion was
mathematical precision. solved during the century following the
death of Copernicus through the work of
two men.
Tycho Brahe (1546- 1601) was, during
Copernicus (1473-
his lifetime, the most famous
1543) pursued a
astronomer in the
lifetime career in the
world. Proud of his
Church, but he was
noble rank, he wears
also a talented
the elephant medal
mathematician and
awarded him by the
astronomer. His
king of Denmark. He
work triggered a revolution in human
was well known for his
thought. These stamps were issued in
vanity and his lordly
manners, and by all accounts he was Kepler's Three Laws of Planetary
proud and haughty nobleman. Tycho's motion
disposition was not improved by a
dueling injury from his University days. An ellipse is a figure that can be drawn
His nose was badly disfigured, and for around two points, called the foci.
the rest of his life he wore false noses
made of gold and silver, stuck on with Table 1-1 | Kepler's Laws of
Planetary Motion
I. The orbits of the planets are ellipse
In 1572, a "new star" (now called
with the sun at one focus.
Tycho's supernova) appeared in the sky,
shining more brightly than Venus, and II. A line from a planet to the sun
Tycho carefully measured its position. sweeps over equal areas in equal
intervals of time.
Tycho saw no parallax in the
position of the new star, so he III. A planet's orbital period squared is
concluded that it must lie above the proportional to it's average
distance from the sun cubed: P2y =
sphere of the moon and was probably 2
a AU
on the starry sphere itself. This
contradicted Aristotle starry sphere as
perfect and unchanging.
The Rudolphine Tables
Johannes Kepler (1571-1630) was
Tycho Brahe's The Rudolphine Tables was
successor. Kepler's masterpiece. It could predict
This diagram the positions of the planets 10 to 100
based on one times more accurately than previous
drawn by tables. Kepler's tables were the precise
kepler, shows model of planetary, motion that
how he believed the sizes of the Copernicus had sought but failed to find.
celestial spheres carrying the outer
three planets—Saturn, Jupiter and mars
remembered as the
—are determine universe based on
great defender of
geometrical spacers. The five regular
Copernicanism, also
solids, also known as the platonic solids,
made important
are the tetrahedron, cube, octahedron,
discoveries in the
dodecahedron, and icosahedron. They
physics of motion. He
were considered perfect because the
is honored here on an
faces and the angles between the faces
old Italian 2000-Lira
are the same at every corner.
note. He was born in Pisa, a city what is
now Italy, and studied medicine at the The birth of modern astronomy
university there. His true love, however, and modern science dated from the 99
was mathematics. years between the deaths of Copernicus
and Galileo. The Renaissance is
The telescope was apparently commonly taken to be the period
invented around 1608 by lens makers in between 1300 and 1600, and that
Holland. Galileo, hearing descriptions in places the 99 years of this story at the
the fall of 1609, was able to build culmination of the reawakening of
telescopes in his workshop. In fact, learning in all fields.
Galileo was not the first person to look
at the sky through a telescope, but he Isaac Newton was born in
was the first person to apply telescopic Woolsthorpe, England, on December
observations to the theoretical problem 25, 1642, and on
of the day—the place of Earth. January 4, 1643. So
December 25 in
The book Sidereus Nuncius (The Starry England was January
Messenger) reported three major 4 in Europe. If you use
discoveries. the English date, then
1. The moon was not perfect– it had Newton was born in
mountains and valleys on its the same year that
surface, and Galileo even used Galileo Galilei died. Newton was a quiet
some of the mountains' shadow child from a farming family, but his work
to calculate their height. at school was so impressive that his
2. The Milky Way was made up of uncle financed his education at Trinity
myriad stars too faint to see with College, where he studied mathematics
the unaided eye. and physics. During 1665 and 1666,
3. Galileo's telescope revealed four Newton spent his time at home in
new "planets" circling Jupiter, Woolsthorpe, thinking and studying.
objects known today as the The mass of an object is a
Galilean moons of Jupiter. measure of the amount of matter in the
The moons of Jupiter were strong object, usually expressed in kilograms.
evidence for the Copernican model. He recognized that the force of gravity
Sidereus Nuncius was popular and decreases as the square of the distance
made Galileo famous. He became chief between the objects increases. If the
mathematician and philosopher to the distance were tripled, the force would
Grand Duke of Tuscany in Florence. decrease by a factor of 33, which equals
9. This relationship is known as the
ISAAC NEWTON AND ORBITAL inverse square relation.
You are linked through a great Solar system comes from the
chain of origins that leads backward division of the planets into two groups,
through time to the instant when the small Earth-like worlds and the giant
universe began, 13.7 billion years ago. Jupiter-like worlds.

History of the Atoms in Your Body Notice three important points and learn
two new terms:
The universe
began in the Big 1. The two kinds of planets are
Bang. By the time distinguished by their location.
the universe was The four inner Terrestrial
a few minutes planets are quite different
old, the protons, neutrons, and electrons from the four outer Jovian
in your body had come into existence. planets
The matter in the early universe was 2. Craters are common. Almost
about 75 percent hydrogen (by mass) every solid surface in the
and 25 percent helium. Although your solar system is covered with
body does not contain helium, it does craters.
contain many of those ancient hydrogen 3. The two groups of planets
atoms unchanged since the universe are also distinguished by
began. properties such as number of
moons and presence or
Big Bang Theory—the universe started absence of rings. A theory of
with small singularity then inflated. the origin of the planets needs
to explain those properties.
The Solar Nebula Theory
Cosmic Debris
Astronomers have proposed two kinds
The sun and planets are not only
of hypotheses for the origin of planets:
products of the solar nebula. The solar
1. Catastrophic hypotheses system is littered with several kinds of
proposed that planets formed space debris: asteroids, Kuiper belt
from some improbable event objects, comets, and meteoroids.
such as collision of the sun and
The Asteroids, sometimes called
another scar.
minor planets, are small rocky worlds,
2. Evolutionary hypotheses
most of which orbit the sun in a belt
proposed that planets formed
between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter
gradually and naturally as the sun
(more than 100,000 have orbits that are
Two Kinds of Planets
Since 1992, astronomers have Neptune, respectively, contain 15 and
discovered more than thousand small, 17 Earth masses.
dark, icy bodies orbiting in the outer
fringes of the solar system beyond 2) Earth has about 150 impact craters
Neptune. The collection objects is called but many more have been erased by
the Kuiper belt after astronomer Gerard erosion. Mercury is so close to the sun it
Kuiper (KYE-per), who predicted their is difficult to study from Earth. The
existence in the 1950s. MESSENGER spacecraft flew past
Mercury three times in 2008—2009 and
A comet may be visible for many went into orbit in 2011 returning detailed
weeks as it sweeps through the inner photos of the planet's entire surface.
solar system. The brightest comets can
be seen with the naked eye and are 2a. the surface of Venus is not visible
impressively beautiful objects. through its cloudy atmosphere, but radar
maps reveal a dry world of craters and
3) The Terrestrial planets have densities
like that of rock or metal. The Jovian
planets all have low densities, and
1)The inner four planets, Mercury, Saturn's density is only 70 percent the
Venus, Earth, and Mars, are density of water. It would float in a big-
Terrestrial planets meaning they are enough bathtub.

3a. The atmospheres of the Jovian

planets are turbulent, and some are
marked by great storms such as the
Great Red Spot on Jupiter, but the
atmospheres are not deep. If Jupiter
small, dense, rocky worlds with little were shrunk to a few centimeters in
or no atmosphere. The outer four diameter, its atmosphere would be no
planets, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and deeper than the fuzz on a badly worn
Neptune, are Jovian planets meaning tennis ball.
they are large, low-density worlds
with thick atmosphere and liquid or 3b. The interiors of the Jovian planets
ice interiors. contain small cores of heavy elements
such as metals, surrounded by a liquid.
1a. In Terrestrial planets, Earth is the Jupiter and Saturn contain hydrogen
most massive but the Jovian planets are forced into a liquid state by the high
much more massive. Jupiter contains pressure. Less-massive Uranus and
over 300 Earth masses, Saturn nearly Neptune contain heavy-element cores
100 Earth masses. Uranus and surrounded by partially solid water
mixed with heavy material such as rocks survives its fiery passage to Earth's
and materials. surface is called a meteorite.

3c. All four Jovian planets have ring Age of the Solar System
systems. Saturn's rings are made of ice
particles. The rings of Jupiter, Uranus, According to the solar nebula
and Neptune are made of dark rocky theory, the planets should be about the
particles. Terrestrial planets have no same age as the sun. The most
rings. accurate way to find the age of a rock
body is to bring a sample into the
laboratory and analyze the radioactive
Figure 1-15 Comets orbit the sun in elements it contains. When a rock
long, elliptical orbits and become visible solidifies, it incorporates known
when the sun's heat vaporizes its ices percentages of the chemical elements.
and pushes the gas and dust into a tail A few of these elements have forms
pointing away from the sun. (a) A comet called isotopes that are radioactive,
may remain visible in the evening or meaning they decay into other isotopes.
morning sky for weeks as it moves For example, potassium-40, called a
through the inner solar system. Although parent isotope, decays into calcium-40
comets are moving rapidly along their and argon-40, called daughter
orbits, they isotopes. The half-life of potassium-40
are so distant is 1.3 billion years. Uranium-238 decays
that, on any with a half-life of 4.5 billion years to form
particular lead-206 and other isotopes.
evening, a
comet seems to hang motionless in the The oldest Earth rocks so far
sky. Comet Hyakutake is shown here discovered and dated are tiny zircon
near Polaris in 1996. (b) A comet in a crystals from Australia that are 4.4
long, elliptical orbit becomes visible billion years old.
when the sun's heat vaporizes its ices
Figure 1-17
and pushes the gas and dust away in a
tail. (a) The radioactive atoms (red) in a
mineral sample decay into daughter
Meteors—flash across the sky in atoms (blue). Half the the radioactive
momentary streaks of light. They are atoms are left after one half-life, a fourth
commonly called "shooting stars". after two half-lives, an eighth after three
Friction with the air vaporizes the half-lives,and so on. (b) Radioactive
dating shows that this fragment of the
material about 80 km (50 mi) above
Allende meteorite is 4.56 billion years
Earth's surface. In space, before its old. It contains a few even older
fiery plunge, the object is called a interstellar grains, which formed long
meteoroid, and any part of it that before our solar system.
THE STORY OF PLANET BUILDING According to the solar nebula
theory, the observed pattern of planet
Analysis of the solar spectrum shows that the
densities originated when solid grains
sun is mostly hydrogen, with a quarter of its
first formed, a process called
mass being helium and only about 2 percent
being heavier elements.
Table 1-3 | Observed and
Table 1-2 | Characteristic Properties
Uncompressed Densities
of the Solar System
Observed Uncompressed
1. Disk shape of the solar system
Orbits in nearly the same plane Planet Density Density
Common direction of rotation and (g/cm ) (g/cm3 )
revolution Mercury 5.44 5.30
2. Two planetary types Venus 5.24 3.96
Terrestrial–inner planets; high Earth 5.50 4.07
density Mars 3.94 3.73
Jovian–outer planets; low density Even farther from the sun there
3. Planetary rings and large satellite was a boundary called the ice line
systems beyond which water vapor could freeze
YES for Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, to form ice particles.
and Neptune
NO for Mercury, Venus, Earth, and The sequence in which the different
Mars materials condense from the gas as you
4. Space debris-asteroids, comets, and
move away from the sun toward lower
meteoroids Composition, Orbits
Asteroids in inner solar system, temperature is called the condensation
composition like Terrestrial planets sequence (Table 1-4).
Comets in outer solar system,
composition like Jovian planets
5. Common age of about 4.6 billion Formation of Planetesimals
years measured or inferred for Earth,
In the development of the planets from
the moon, Mars, meteorites, and the
sun. the material of solar nebula disk, three
processes operated to collect solid bits
Condensation of Solids of matter—metal, rock, ice—into larger
bodies called planetesimals, which
The uncompressed densities—
eventually made the planets.
the densities the planets would have if
their gravity did not compress them, or
to put it another way, the average Table 1-4 | The Condensation
densities of their original construction Sequence
materials—can be calculated using the
actual densities and masses of each
planet (Table 1-3).
Conden Planet
Temperature sate ( Estimated
(K) Temperature
1500 Metal Mercury
oxides ( 1400 )
1300 Metallic
iron and
1200 Silicates
1000 Feldspa Venus ( 900 )
680 Troilite Earth ( 600 )
(FeS) Mars ( 450 )
175 H2 O ice Jovian ( 175 )
150 Ammoni
120 Methan
65 Argon- Pluto ( 65 )
neon ice
The second process of
planetesimals format ion is accretion,
the sticking together of solid particles.

Growth of Protoplanets

The violent impacts of infalling particles

would also have released energy called
heat of formation.

Differentiation is the separation of

material according to density.

The creation of a planetary atmosphere

from a planet's interior is called

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