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- An Earth-Centered View of the Universe
- Ptolemy accepted Aristotle’s idea that the Sun
- The study of the evolution of the universe and the planets revolve around a spherical
- Evolved within the modern European Earth, a geocentric view
scientific Tradition - Christian theologians argued that the Earth
- Modern cosmology draws on ideas, was a realm of sin and imperfection; but
techniques, and traditions from much of Afro- surrounding it, in Ptolemy’s model, was a
Eurasia. realm of perfection.
- However, in the sixteenth century, Ptolemy’s
EARLY COSMOLOGIES model of the universe came under attack from
Christian Theology (The Bible) several directions.

- estimates suggested that God had made the Retrograde motion

Earth and the universe in about 4000 BCE - - is an APPARENT change in the movement of
just over 4,000 years old at the height of the the planet through the sky. It is not REAL in
Roman Empire. that the planet does not physically start
Ptolemy of Alexandria (ca. 90–168 CE) moving backwards in its orbit. It just appears
to do so because of the relative positions of
- The work of the Roman-Egyptian astronomer the planet and Earth and how they are moving
became the foundation for ideas about around the Sun.
astronomy and the universe.
Ptolemy’s explanation of retrograde motion:
- The planet moves in a small circle called the
- Greek scientist Aristotle showed that the epicycle.
Earth is spherical. - The center of the epicycle moves in a large
- Aristotle supported his statement that the circle called the deferent.
Earth is round with observations. - The combination of small and large circles
- The Earth’s shadow on the Moon during a produces retrograde loop
lunar eclipse is circular. The only object whose - Epicycles preserved the geocentric model and
shadow is always circular is a sphere. kept the planets moving in perfectly circular

- Eratosthenes (ca. 200 BC, Alexandria, Egypt) NICOLAUS COPERNICUS (1473–1543)

measured the Earth’s circumference: - A Sun-Centered View of the Universe
- Eratosthenes: 42,000 km - a Polish-born astronomer, revived the ancient
- Actual: 40,000 km idea that the sun (heliocentric), not the Earth,
BASIC ASSUMPTIONS OF GREEK ASTRONOMERS: lay at the center of the universe
- He was able to show that such an idea could
- Greek astronomers developed a geocentric solve some important anomalies in the
(Earth-centered) model for the universe Ptolemaic system.
- Spherical Earth is stationary, at the center of - Yet, the idea of a Sun-centred, or
the universe “heliocentric” universe was only accepted
- Earth is corrupt, heavens are perfect after the work of Kepler and Galileo.
- Heavenly bodies move with uniform circular


Ptolemy - Copernicus - Kepler - Newton - Hubble

Galilei- Leavitt
- Sir Isaac Newton developed the three basic
laws of motion and the theory of universal
gravity, which together laid the foundation for
- Demonstrated that the planets did not orbit in our current understanding of physics and the
the perfect circles required by Ptolemy’s Universe.
cosmology, but in ellipses, or squashed-up - Newton understood gravity as a universal
circles. property of all bodies, its force dependent
- Kepler developed laws that marked a key step only on the amount of matter contained in
in the revolution which moved the center of each body.
the universe from the Earth (geocentric - By combining physics, mathematics, and
cosmology) to the Sun (heliocentric), and they astronomy, Newton made a giant leap in
laid the foundation for the unification of human understanding of Earth and the
heaven and earth, by Newton, a century later. cosmos.

KEPLER’S LAW OF PLANETARY MOTION Putting these laws together, Newton was able to state
the Law of Universal Gravitation.
Kepler’s First Law:
It states that every mass attracts every other
- The orbit of each of the planets is an ellipse, mass in the universe, and the gravitational force
with the Sun at one focus. between two bodies is proportional to the product of
Kepler’s Second Law: their masses and inversely proportional to the square
of the distance between them.
- The radius vector joining the planet to the Sun
sweeps out equal areas in equal times. This Stated more simply, the gravitational
means that the planet orbits, its speed attraction between two bodies decreases rapidly as
changes. It moves fastest when it is closest to the distance between them increases. Gravity affects
the Sun (at “perihelion”) and slowest when it everything with mass – and has nothing to do with an
is furthest away (at “aphelion”). object’s charge or chemical composition.

Kepler’s Third Law: This means that it can account for both the
force that causes the planets to orbit the Sun - as
- The square of the orbital period of the planet described by Kepler - and the downward force that
in years is proportional to the cube of the causes objects to accelerate towards the Earth - as
semi-major axis of the planet’s orbit. This described by Galileo.
simply relates average distance from the Sun
to orbital period. These laws showed that the HENRIETTA LEAVITT (1868–1921)
planets did indeed orbit the Sun, supporting - American astronomer known for her
the Copernican universe. discovery of the relationship between period
GALILEO GALILEI (1564– 1642) and luminosity in Cepheid variables, pulsating
stars that vary regularly in brightness in
- An Italian scholar, put to rest the idea that the periods ranging from a few days to several
sublunar and heavenly regions were months.
completely distinct. - The subsequent calibration of the period-
- Galileo was one of the first astronomers to luminosity curve allowed American
view the heavens through a telescope. astronomers Edwin Hubble, and others to
- By doing so, he was able to show that the determine the distances of many Cepheid
sun’s face, far from being flawless, was stars and consequently of the star clusters
covered with spots, while Jupiter had moons. and galaxies in which they were observed.
Both facts contradicted Ptolemy’s model.
- Galileo also explained why we don’t feel the Before the invention of the telescope, ancient Greek
Earth moving. astronomers use parallax to try to determine the
distance of stars from Earth.
ISAAC NEWTON (1642–1727)
Parallax is the change in the apparent relationship - In other words, the farther away a galaxy is
between two fixed objects caused by the movement from us, the faster it travels away from us.
of the observer. - Thus the universe is expanding.

Finding distances of objects far out in space required VESTO SLIPHER

different techniques.
- An American astronomer who performed the
Leavitt found that a certain type of star, the first measurements of radial velocities for
Cepheid variable, pulses at a rate that’s related to its galaxies.
brightness. - He was the first to discover that distant
galaxies are redshifted, thus providing the first
Leavitt discovered a direct correlation
empirical basis for the expansion of the
between the time it takes for a Cepheid variable to go
from bright to dim and back to bright, and how bright
- He was also the first to relate these redshifts
the star is (its “intrinsic brightness”). The longer the
to velocity.
period of fluctuation, the brighter the star. This meant
that even though a star might appear extremely dim, WHAT IS RED SHIFT?
if it had a long period it must be extremely large; it
- Astronomers often use the term redshift
appeared dim only because it was extremely far away.
when describing how far away a distant object
By calculating how bright it appeared from Earth and
comparing this to its intrinsic brightness, one could
- When an object in space moves toward us it
estimate how much of the star’s light had been lost
light waves are compressed into higher
while reaching Earth, and how far away the star was.
frequencies or shorter wavelengths, and we
say that the light is blueshifted.
- When an object moves away from us, its light
EDWIN HUBBLE (1889–1953)
waves are stretched into lower frequencies or
- Showed that some Cepheid variables were longer wavelengths, and we say that the light
outside our own galaxy, the Milky Way. is redshifted.
- This proved for the first time that there were
many different galaxies in the universe, which - Scientists examining the light emitted by stars
showed once again that the universe was observe dark lines in the spectrum.
much bigger than most astronomers had - These dark lines are caused by different
supposed. elements, such helium, in the stars being
- He has been called one of the most influential studied.
astronomers since the times of Galileo, - Edwin Hubble observed that the pattern of
Kepler, and Newton. dark lines in light from distant galaxies is
shifted towards the red end of the spectrum.
EXPANDING UNIVERSE - This red shift suggests that distant galaxies are
- Hubble discovered an odd fact: Almost every moving away from Earth and supports the
galaxy he observed appeared to be moving idea of an expanding Universe.
away from the Earth. He knew this because - Red shift occurs because of the Doppler
the light coming from the galaxies exhibited effect, which can be observed in sound waves
redshift. and electromagnetic waves.


- basically states that the farther away the - The Doppler effect means that sound moving
object was, the larger the red shift; in other away from an observer appears to be lower in
words, the faster it seemed to be moving frequency.
away from us. It was proof that the Universe - - The same thing happens with light from
is expanding. distant galaxies, which appears to be shifted
- The rate at which a galaxy is moving is directly towards the low frequency, red end of the
proportional to its distance from us. spectrum.
- This means the distant galaxies must be - Edwin Hubble's 1929 observation that galaxies
moving away from the Earth. were generally receding from us provided the
- It has also been observed that the further first clue that the Big Bang theory might be
away a galaxy is, the greater the amount of right.
red shift.
2. The cosmic microwave background (CMB)
- This means that very distant galaxies must be
moving faster than near, all of which is
evidence for the Big Bang theory. - The early universe should have been very
hot. The cosmic microwave background radiation is
the remnant heat leftover from the Big Bang.

3. The abundance of the light elements H, He, Li

THE ELECTROMAGNETIC SPECTRUM - The Big Bang theory predicts that these light
elements should have been fused from protons and
Shorter wavelength – higher frequency, higher energy
neutrons in the first few minutes after the Big Bang.

Longer wavelength – lower frequency, lower energy COSMIC MICROWAVE BACKGROUND RADIATION

The absorption lines have all been “shifted” towards - Long-wavelength radiation that fills all space.
the longer wavelength end (red end)… - Can be detected using special antenna. (1% of
this can be detected in the static on your TV
- The faster the light source moves the further
its light will be “shifted” (Red shift)
- A like Doppler Effect George Gamow (1940’s) predicted there should be
“echoes” of the Big Bang “explosion.”


In 1929, Edwin Hubble used the redshift of light from
galaxies to calculate the velocities and distances of - Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe
these galaxies from the Earth.
He discovered that they were moving away from the
- captured the “glow” of the Big Bang by
Earth and from each other. His calculations supported
detecting temperature changes just like COBE.
the theory that the universe is expanding.
- WMAP was much more precise.
- The observation of red shift is a key piece of
- WMAP data reveals that its contents include
evidence for the Big Bang theory about the
4.6% atoms, the building blocks of stars and
origin of the Universe.
planets. Dark matter comprises 23% of the
- This states that the Universe ‘began’ with a
universe. This matter, different from atoms,
colossal explosion 13,700 million years ago
does not emit or absorb light. It has only been
and has been expanding ever since.
detected indirectly by its gravity.
The other key piece of evidence for the Big Bang - 72% of the universe, is composed of "dark
theory is cosmic microwave background radiation energy", that acts as a sort of an anti-gravity.
(CMBR). This energy, distinct from dark matter, is
responsible for the present-day acceleration
CMB is radiation remaining from the Big Bang
of the universal expansion. WMAP data is
explosion and fills the whole of the Universe.
accurate to two digits, so the total of these
This radiation has cooled as the Universe has numbers is not 100%. This reflects the current
expanded and is now slightly less than 3 degrees limits of WMAP's ability to define Dark Matter
above absolute zero. and Dark Energy.


1.The expansion of the universe
Hubble’s Law was proof that the Universe is 2. Dark matter is no clouds of normal matter
expanding. No astronomer had expected this. 3. Dark matter is not antimatter
4. Dark matter us not black holes
Indeed, Einstein— whose theory of relativity had
appeared a few years before Hubble published his GRAVITATIONAL LENSING
results—was so shocked by Hubble’s results that he
Astronomers cannot see dark matter directly, but can
insisted for a time that there must be an error. He
study its effects. They can see light
even modified his own theory of relativity to avoid the
possibility of an unstable universe by suggesting the bent from the gravity of invisible objects called
existence of a new type of force that balanced gravity. gravitational lensing. They can also
He later accepted Hubble’s results, calling his
attempts to avoid it one of his greatest blunders. measure that stars are orbiting around in their
galaxies faster than they should be.
Curiously, recent developments may have partly
vindicated Einstein, for, his quick fix seemed to point
to the existence of a new force that we now call dark
energy. Dark energy is a form of energy that seems to
push space itself apart, and that pervades the entire
universe. BIG HISTORY An Introduction
- Is a value that varies, or scales, in magnitude - Big History tells the story of the Universe from
but it does not have a direction. Examples of the Big Bang to the present, a time span of 13.8 billion
scalars are mass and volume. years.
Chameleon Particles - Big History is the modern, scientific origin
- Hypothetical particles vary in mass according story, based on the best evidence that scientists and
to the surrounding density of energy. historians have compiled to date. As new and better
evidence is found, the story will need to be updated.

- Big History asks big questions. Among the

DARK ENERGY questions that big historians tackle are: How was the
One explanation for dark energy is that it is a property Universe created? Why does it work the way it does?
of space. Albert Einstein was the first person to realize Why are stars so big? Why are you and I so small?
that empty space is not nothing. Space has amazing CHRONOMETRIC REVOLUTION
properties, many of which are just beginning to be
understood. Chronometry

The first property that Einstein discovered is that it is - from Greek word chronos, "time" and metron,
possible for more space to come into existence. Then "measure“
one version of Einstein's gravity theory, the version - the science of the measurement of time, or
that contains a cosmological constant, makes a timekeeping.
second prediction: "empty space" can possess its HISTORY BEFORE THE CHRONOMETRIC REVOLUTION
own energy.
History and Science were not talking to each other!
Because this energy is a property of space itself, it
would not be diluted as space expands. SCIENCE X History

As more space comes into existence, more of this There seemed to be no history to Science. There
energy-of-space would appear. As a result, this form seemed to be little science in History!
of energy would cause the universe to expand faster NO DATES MEANT NO DATES!
and faster.
What is Dark Matter
- Before the mid 20th century all absolute dates
1. Dark matter is dark based on written records
- As History became more “scientific” it needed 1. They consist of multiple diverse components:
rigorous chronologies
Complex things are composed of many diverse
1. These used written evidence
components. Simple things such as atoms contain few
2. Could only reach back 5,000 years
elements: just one proton and one electron in the
3. History came to mean “human history”
case of hydrogen. More complex things, like a
- New Paradigms:
molecule of DNA, may contain billions of atoms of
 In Big Bang Cosmology, Plate Tectonics &
Genetics different kinds. So, the first thing we can say is that
 Made the sciences more historical complex things contain many diverse components.

The Chronometric Revolution: 2. They are arranged within a precise structure:

- Provided absolute dates for the whole of Their

- Linked cosmology, astronomy, chemistry,
geology, biology, human history
- Within a single timeline


ABB (After Big Bang)

BP (Before Present) - “before 1950,” which was when

radiometric dating techniques began to be used.

BC (Before Christ)

CE (Common Era)

BCE (Before Common Era)

AD (Anno Domini) - Years are designated as after the

Christ's birth.


- offer accounts of the origin of all things, of

people, animals, landscapes, the Earth, stars, components are bound together in precisely specified
and the universe as a whole ways. ways. Take all the pieces of a modern airliner
- based on the best available knowledge in each and rearrange them arbitrarily. You’ll soon realize that
society so they provide a sort of road map for you can’t fly unless the parts are arranged in just the
understanding the history of everything right way. The different parts must function as if they
- these maps of the past are powerful because were part of a single team. Similarly, the atoms that
they help individuals understand how they fit make up a molecule of DNA can do nothing much
into the whole story of the universe and of life unless they are arranged in a particular pattern so that
on Earth the many genes making up the DNA molecule can
work together.
3. They have new or emergent properties:
- the state or quality of being intricate or
complicated The ways in which things are structured give them
- complex things have many diverse certain distinctive properties. When complex things
components that are arranged in precise ways are arranged in the right patterns, in patterns that
so that they generate new qualities called enab their parts to work together, they can do new
emergent properties things. New features “emerge. ”Arrange a molecule of
amoeba D NA correctly, and it provides all the
information needed to assemble a living organism.
4. They appear only where the conditions are just that helped shape the universe.
right: example, the surface of our Earth is ideal for First came the radiation era,
named for the dominance of radiation
complex chemical reactions. There are lots of different right after the Big Bang.
chemical elements, there are solids, gases, and This era is made of smaller stages call epochs
liquids, and temperatures are just right for chemical that occurred within the universe's
reactions. first tens of thousands of years.
The earliest is the Planck epoch.
The Goldilocks principle is named by analogy to the 01:42
No matter existed in the universe at this time,
children's story "Goldilocks and The Three Bears", in 01:45
which a little girl named Goldilocks tastes three only energy and the ancestor
different bowls of porridge and finds that she prefers 01:47
porridge that is neither too hot nor too cold, but has to the four forces of nature, the superforce.
just the right temperature. The concept of "just the At the end of this stage, however,
right amount" is easily understood and applied to a 01:53
wide angel of disciplines. a key event occurred in which gravity
5. They are held together by flows of energy: split away from the superforce.
The forms of complexity that will interest us most Next came the grand unification epoch,
depend on flows of energy. Take away the energy 02:01
named for the three remaining unified forces of nature.
flows and they lose the emergent properties that 02:05
make them different. This is true whether they are This epoch ended when one of those forces,
stars, which cease to shine when deprived of fusion 02:08
reactions at their center, or humans who die when called strong, or strong nuclear, broke away.
deprived of energy from food, or cars that stop Then the inflationary epoch began
moving when they run out of gas. 02:15
during which the universe rapidly expanded.
The Second Law of Thermodynamics is about the 02:19
quality of energy. It states that as energy is Almost instantly it grew from the size of an atom
transferred or transformed, more and more of it is 02:22
to the size of a grapefruit.
wasted. The Second Law also states that there is a 02:25
natural tendency of any isolated system to The universe at this time was piping hot
degenerate into a more disordered state. 02:28
and it churned with electrons, quarks, and other
Then came the electroweak epoch,
- [Narrator] The universe is everything when the last two forces, electromagnetic and weak,
From the tiniest particles, 02:39
to the largest galaxies, finally split off.
to the very existence of space, time, and life. 02:41
But how did it all begin? During the next stage, the quark epoch,
The origin of the universe is the origin of everything. 02:44
Multiple scientific theories all of the universe's ingredients were present,
plus creation myths from around the world 02:47
have tried to explain its mysterious genesis. however, the universe was still too hot and dense
However, the most widely accepted explanation 02:51
is the Big Bang theory. for subatomic particles to form.
The Big Bang theory states that the universe began 02:54
as a hot and infinitely dense point. Then, in the hadron epoch, the universe cooled down
Only a few millimeters wide, it was similar enough
to a supercharged black hole. 02:57
About 13.7 billion years ago for quarks to bind together and form protons and
this tiny singularity violently exploded. neutrons.
And it is from this explosion, this bang, 03:03
that all matter, energy, space, and time were created. In the lepton and nuclear epics,
What happened next were two major stages 03:05
of the universe's evolution. the radiation era's last two stages,
Called the radiation and matter eras, 03:07
they're defined by key events
the protons and neutrons underwent a significant 04:44
change. Heat within the stars caused the conversion
03:11 04:47
They fused and created nuclei. of helium and hydrogen into almost all
03:14 04:50
And in doing so, they created the first the remaining elements in the universe.
03:16 04:54
chemical element in the universe, helium. In turn, those elements became the building blocks
03:22 04:57
The universe's new ability to form elements, for planets, moons, life,
03:25 05:03
the building blocks of matter, everything we see today.
03:27 05:07
queued the matter era. This ecosystem of everything was only possible
03:29 05:10
Much as the name suggests, the matter era's defined because of the many stages in the universe's
03:33 development.
by the presence and predominance 05:16
03:34 While countless questions about the origins
of matter in the universe. 05:18
03:37 of our universe remain, it's only a matter of time
It features three epochs that span billions of years. 05:22
03:40 for some long-sought answers to emerge.
The vast majority of the universe's life span,
and includes the present day.
The first was the atomic epoch.
In this stage, the universe's temperature
cooled down enough for electrons
to attach to nuclei for the first time.
Called recombination, this process helped create
the universe's second element, hydrogen.
This hydrogen, along with helium atoms,
dotted the universe with atomic clouds.
Within the clouds, small pockets of gas
may have had enough gravity to cause atoms to
These clusters of atoms, formed during the galactic
became the seedlings of galaxies.
Nestled inside those galaxies, stars began to form.
And in doing so, they queued the latest
and current stage of the universe's development,
the stellar epoch.
The formation of stars then caused
a tremendous ripple effect
and helped shape the universe as we know it.

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