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Activity Leader:
Date: June 1, 2021
Activity Goal: To be physically fit and active while having fun and enjoying at the same time.

Our group decided to do a Zumba. According to Mayo Clinic, Zumba is a fitness program
that combines Latin and international music with dance moves. It is an aerobic activity that can
count toward the amount of aerobic activity recommended for most healthy adults. Aerobic
exercises can reduce health risks, help maintain a healthy weight, strengthen the heart and
boosts mood. Not only do we get to benefit from Zumba as an aerobic exercise, but we also get
to have fun dancing to the beat of the music.
Number of members: Five (5)
Necessary items:

 First aid kit (incase someone gets injured during the activity)
 Speaker
The only mechanics is for all the members to join and participate actively on the dance
until start to finish. However, all participants must wear proper exercise attire that is lightweight
such as leggings, synthetic fibered shirts, and shoes to help keep them comfortable and for
them to be able to move freely. Participants are also advised to bring their own bottle of water
and towel.

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