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Ruling on going to the Cinema and Watching

Movies―by Shaikh Ibn Bāz

Abu Khadeejah Abdul- 21 March

Wahid 2020

Frequenting cinemas is prohibited because most of what is screened is harām

(forbidden) alongside the playing of music which incites fitnah (temptation) ― and
because it is a waste of time that busies a person with that which brings no religious
benefit. In these times a Muslim is in severe need of occupying his time with that which
will benefit him, his family and the Muslim ummah. And visiting cinemas is a barrier to
the remembrance of Allah and to the fulfilment of religious obligations due to what
occurs [in the cinema and in movies] of free-mixing between sexes and other types of

(See Al-Jāmi’ fī Fiqhil-‘Allāmah Ibn Bāz, p. 1205)

My comment: Movies are fictitious and made-up (untruths) to give people a sense of
escapism and fantasy―quite often blurring the boundaries between fact and fiction
leaving audiences unsure, confused and even mentally disturbed. Many films contain
explicit sex scenes, immoral, lewd and adulterous relationships, extreme violence,
killing, rape, sexual exploitation of women, drug abuse, drinking of alcohol and
offensive language―all of which has a corrupting effect on the minds of viewers. Some
of the most depraved and lowly immoral film characters (male and female) become role-
models for movie-watchers and for large swathes of the population. Large numbers of
people (and especially young people) copy the risky, immoral and dangerous things
they see on the screen. Many of these films glorify unbelief, idolatry, magic and mockery
of religion. None of this is good for our families or for society at large, and only
encourages sinful behaviour―and things will only get worse until people wake up and
rectify themselves and their families. We need to occupy our time with beneficial
activities that help build our relationship with Allah and with our families and let us
choose pastimes that nurture our bodies and souls and make us better people.

SA says:
22nd March 2020 at 6:06 am
JazakAllah Kheyr for the insight. Addiction to movies for years was a hindrance to my
attemps in moving forward to do good. I will come back to this Pocket worthy article
again and again to remind me in striving against my soul to focus on what matters
most. My Allah guide us to the straight path. Ameen.

Sabiyhat Muhammad says:
23rd March 2020 at 8:34 pm
Alhumdullilah! Beautiful article and very well written. Beneficial reminder for all of us.
I shared this article with my two daughters who ask why we can’t watch movies and this
is just a reiteration of what I’ve already told them but with more detail. Jazaak Allaahu
Khayr and May Allah bless us ease in our ares of weakness



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