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Ovelin LAY Kaperek1, Junuda RAF2

Doctoral Profession Study Program, Faculty of Medicine, Halu Oleo University
Department of Psychiatry, Faculty of Medicine, Halu Oleo University

Corresponding Author E-mail :

Background :Personality disorders are disorders that often occur in society and their
behavior will have a negative impact or be judged by society, so Masochism is sexual satisfaction or
gratification from experiencing pain or suffering caused to him, often including sexual fantasies or the
urge to be hit, abused, tied up, tortured as an increase or substitute for sexual satisfaction.. Etiology :
Trauma, people who experience trauma such as being abused tend to respond to the event. Fear due to
parental behavior where as a child was beaten by his parents in the erogenous area, and get very deep
sexual satisfaction because of the beating. Desire, behavior, and sexual fantasies cause clinically
significant distress or impairment in social, work performance, or other important areas.
Management: Treatment methods such as social skills training and SSRI medications can reduce
sexual pleasure and drive and behavior and may be best suited for individuals with anxiety.
comorbidity, depression or obsessive compulsive disorder. Prognosis: Existing interventions only
allow for increased voluntary control through self-management skills over sexual arousal and reduced
sex drive, with the best outcome prognosticating only for people who are truly motivated to change..

Keywords : Etiology, Masochism Personality Disorder, Prognosis


Background: Mental disorders are a public health problem in the world. In general, mental disorders
are caused by psychological pressure both from outside the individual and from within the individual.
Coastal communities have a unique life, are faced directly with harsh ecosystem conditions, and
sources of life that depend on the utilization of coastal and marine resources (SDP). One form of
mental disorder that is found throughout the world is an organic mental disorder, one of which is a
personality disorder. Discussion: The communication model is an ideal description of what is needed
for communication to occur. Development communication is an organized effort to use communication
processes and media to improve social and economic standards, which generally take place in
developing countries. Coastal communities tend to survive by fulfilling their needs from marine
sources, namely fisheries. People who live in cities or coastal settlements have socio-economic
characteristics that are closely related to the economic source of the sea area. Conclusion: After
carrying out various efforts in development communication in the coastal region of the Brunei
Darussalam, there are various hopes that can improve economic conditions with various management
of coastal resources and other efforts.

Keywords: personality, coastal, development

A. PRELIMINARY Personality disorders are disorders that

often occur in society and their behavior
will have a negative impact or be judged a. Bind themselves
by society, so that it can cause severe b. Piercing their skin
damage to the life of the sufferer. c. Applying electric shock
Personality disorders can be found in all d. Burn yourself
groups of people and in various regions. e. Jump
Incidence and lifetime prevalence rates are f. Closed eyes
roughly the same worldwide. (Melisa and g. Beaten
Ramadhian, 2016). h. Flagellated (whipped)
Masochism is sexual satisfaction or i. Humiliated by urinating or
gratification from experiencing pain or defecating
suffering caused to him, often including j. Forced to cross-dress, part of a rape
sexual fantasies or the urge to be hit, simulation
abused, tied up, tortured, or other things
Sexual Masochism Behavior Criteria In
that make him suffer, as well as an
general, sexual masochistic behavior
increase or substitute for sexual
criteria are: (Saadat HS, 2014)
satisfaction (Berger FAQ, 2020).
a. During a period of at least 6 months,
Masochistic has the characteristics
strong and arousing sexual fantasies,
of getting sexual excitement and
behaviors, desires, or acts associated with
satisfaction obtained from stimulation by
humiliation, beating, shackles, or other
being treated cruelly both physically and
acts of violence or pain were actual (not
psychologically. Violent treatment can be
done alone or by a partner (Sudira and
b. Sexual desires, behaviors, and fantasies
Saraswati, 2017).
cause clinically significant distress or
The prevalence of masochism in
impairment in social, occupational, or
Australia who conducted telephone
other important areas. The most dangerous
interviews with more than 19,000
behavior of masochism is hypoxphilia,
respondents found that about 2.2% of men
which causes sexual arousal by
and 1.3% of women (Wylie R and Wylie
experiencing a lack of oxygen, which can
A, 2016).
be achieved by using straps, plastic bags,
Masochistic activities may be a
chest compressions, or chemicals that
preferred or exclusive way to generate
cause a temporary decrease in oxygen
sexual arousal. Masochistic people act out
levels in the brain.
their fantasies to themselves, for example,
by: (Brown RG, 2021)
Hypoxyphilia is a dangerous form of b. Often individuals get sexual stimulation
masochism involving sexual arousal with a from sadistic and masochistic activities.
lack of oxygen achieved by means of chest c. This category is used only when
compressions, snares, straps, plastic bags, sadomasochistic activity is an important
masks, or chemicals. Lack of oxygen can be source of stimulation for sexual
done alone or with a partner. Data from the gratification.
United States, United Kingdom, Australia and d. It must be distinguished from brutality
Canada indicate that 1–2 deaths per million in sexual relations or anger unrelated to
population are reported annually (Berger eroticism.
FAQ, 2020). The diagnosis of sexual masochism
Asphyxiophilia is one of the most disorder is based on specific clinical
dangerous conditions associated with SMD criteria from the Diagnostic and Statistical
and is characterized by the use of various Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition
strategies to achieve the oxygen depletion (DSM-5): (Brown RG, 2021)
level required to increase sexual arousal, such
a. The patient has been repeatedly
as self-strangulation, hanging, suffocation
and severely aroused by being
with objects such as plastic bags over the
humiliated, beaten, tied up, or
head, chest compressions, use of volatile
abused; arousal is expressed in
gases or solvents, or a combination of these,
fantasies, strong urges, or behavior.
to the point of loss of consciousness
b. Their fantasies, strong urges, or
(Coluccia A et al, 2016).
behaviors cause significant distress
The diagnosis of sexual masochism or interfere with functioning at
disorder is based on specific clinical criteria work, in social situations, or in
from the Pocket Book on Diagnosis of Mental other important areas.
Disorders. Brief Reference From PPDGJ-III c. This condition has existed since 6
and DSM 5: (Maslim R, 2013) months.
a. A preference for sexual activity that
1. Trauma, people who experience trauma
involves bondage or causes pain or
such as being abused tend to respond to
humiliation; (individuals who prefer to
new events as if reliving the traumatic
be recipients of such stimulation are
event. This unconsciously makes him
called 'masochism', as perpetrator =
currently stressed for no apparent reason.
2. Fear due to parental behavior where because they do not know how to form
when he was a child his parents were healthy relationships, whether sexual or
beaten in the erogenous area, and got very nonsexual, with other people.
deep sexual satisfaction because of the Although social skills training is not
beating. So that every time he wants to considered a substitute for medication or
repeat the masochistic event. Especially psychotherapy, it does appear to be a
when the child is an adult and has a useful adjunct to treatment. The twelve-
partner. 3. Model of homosexuality step program for sexual addicts has proven
“Exotic Becomes Erotic”, Uang to be very helpful in many cases. Couples
formulated the concept of “lovemap” therapy or family therapy is especially
which refers to the cognitive helpful for patients who are married and
representation of the erotic ideal and whose marriages and family ties have been
sexual union with that ideal. In the case of strained by their disorder (Berger FAQ,
heterosexual men, the "lovemap" will 2020).
contain a maximally attractive Pharmacological treatment may be
representation of a woman and a needed to reduce sexual fantasies or
representation of a sexual relationship with behavior when an individual continues to
an ideal lover (Abrams M, 2012). experience stress from their masochism or
C. GOVERNANCE when they put themselves at risk of harm,
A person with masochism rarely asks for for example asphyxiation, bodily injury or
help until someone becomes an unwilling blood loss. No medications are specifically
or hurt partner. The seriousness and licensed for sexual masochism disorder but
intensity of this behavior often increases SSRI medications can reduce sexual
over time. The prospects for improvement preoccupation and drive and behavior and
vary depending on the depth of the may be best suited for individuals who
underlying dynamics and the motivation of have comorbid anxiety, depression or
the patient. Like any other type of obsessive compulsive disorder. (Wylie R
problem, fixing is largely down to people's and Wylie A, 2016).
willingness and willingness to change D. PROGNOSIS
(Berger FAQ, 2020). Although psychological and
The method of treatment is in the pharmacological interventions are
form of social skills training. It is thought designed to manage paraphilias and
that some people who develop sadistic and paraphilia disorders; final treatment or
masochistic behavior may, in part, do so change has not been established. Existing
interventions only allow for increased disorders/paraphilic-
voluntary control through self- disorders/sexual-masochism-disorder
management skills of sexual arousal and Coluccia A, Gabbrielli M, Gualtieri G,
reduced sex drive, with the best prognostic Ferretti F, Pozza A, and Fagiolini A.
outcomes only for those who are truly 2016. Sexual Masochism Disorder
motivated to change. Those who with Asphyxiophilia: A Deadly yet
participated in therapy either alone or, Underrecognized Disease. Hindawi
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reductions in the intensity and frequency StatPearls Publishing LLC
of deviant sexual arousal and the resulting
behavior. However, the literature shows
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Brief Reference from PPDGJ-III.
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Dysfunction in Men Age 45 years. J
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Saadat HS 2014. A Review on Paraphilias.
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