Lifestyle Scrubs Brand: Background

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Lifestyle Scrubs brand


With the recent pandemic, frontline healthcare workers have been subjected to more stringent
health protocols. A majority are required to wear protective gear including masks and face
shields, which further lessened the chances of expressing themselves. As a result, a lot of brands
have popped up offering more fashionable scrubs as this has become one of the few ways to look
good and feel great in the workplace.


There are approx. 65,000 Nurses & 40,000 Doctors in the Philippines. An average healthcare
worker works 6 days every week, hence it is essential for them to own multiple scrubs. There are
also other professions that now require PPEs, especially those in the service industry – i.e.
cleaning service, nail service, spas, dentists and others. With this healthcare crisis seemingly not
going away soon (approx. 2 years until we reach a reasonable vaccination in the PH), these
professions will continue to require this clothing.

The Pain point(s):

The fit
A usual painpoint of the market for the regular scrubs is the fit. They are usually loose and
unflattering to the wearer because they want to be more comfortable while in duty.

The design
The pockets, the fabric, the cut, the style, all these come into play. With athleisure trend being
more acceptable in the workplace, scrubs can now follow suit. Also the design is usually just a v-
neck cut and no other option is offered unless you buy custom-made scrubs.

Limited Color
There are only limited colors for scrubs and they are usually the neutral/common ones. Blue,
black, gray, beige, etc. This is because scrub suits are preferred to be in basic colors.

The price
Style can come at a high price. A higher price indicates that the design is more complex with
much pricier fabrics.

The Benchmark – Figs
Local competitors:
OTG (On the go) Scrubs
Icon Scrubs

The task

3 Brand name studies
-Name studies with background / research as to why it works
-Be ready to present name studies to the market through a survey

3 Logo studies
-Based on the name studies and background provided by copywriter
-Also provide context and background to the design
-Be ready to present design studies to the market through a survey

Community manager:
-What our competitors are doing?
-How are they pricing their products?

Launch calendar
-What activities are we doing to get traction for this project?
-What promos are we offering (free mask holder, free matching color face shield)?
-Who or what brands will it be good to have synergies with?


Draft due by Tuesday, July 6

Logo studies due by Thursday, July 8

Community manager:
Research & Launch calendar due on Thursday, July 9

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