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Part 1

People can be happy and healthy at an old age. Suggest things that keep elderly people happy.

A : Talk about exercising

 The elderly should take part in social engagement

 Exercise can be made into a fun social event. For example, ageing adults can join a
jogging group, go to fitness classes or visit a gardening club. Maintaining strong
social ties is important for the elderly to feel a sense of purpose and avoid any
feelings of loneliness or depression.  

 Exercise can help ageing adults prevent illness

 Maintaining regular physical activities is significant to help the elderly prevent many
common diseases, such as heart disease and diabetes. Exercise improves our immune
function, which is useful for ageing adults as their immune systems are often
compromised. Take some light exercise, such as jogging will help them with
preventable disease management.

Exercise is good for the elderly. It is recommended that ageing adults should cooperate
exercise into their life.

B : Talk about staying connected

 The elderly should learn how to use social media

 Social media is no longer used exclusively by the younger generation. Nowadays,
particularly Facebook and Twitter, are getting more population among the older population.
By using social media, they are allowed to stay connected with friends and families.
Otherwise, the elderly can access daily news by using social media.

 The elderly might try using video chat

 When a simple phone call just doesn’t cut it, video chatting is an ideal way to connect with
those who are living outside. If your elderly families already can make video calls to people
in their contact list, they might try using some applications that can allow for video
messaging. For example, the application “ facetime “ comes pre-installed for Apple users.

C : Talk about taking care of appearance

D : Talk about learning something new

 Improved memory
 Learning something new will help the elderly keep their brains active. Challenging their
mind with a new activity such as learning a new language or taking up an instrument might
help them to keep their memory sharp and slow cognitive ageing.

 Helps the elderly opportunity for socialization

 Having an active social life provides numerous benefits to older adults, such as improving
cognitive function and reducing the risk of depression. It’s also a good try for the elderly to
open themselves to meeting with new people and enjoying additional socialization

Part 2

Elderly people need care and comfort to lead a healthy life. In your group, discuss how best to care
for the elderly.

How best to care for the elderly

 Assess their needs

 Medication
 Some senior citizens need proper medication to remain healthy such as doctor’s
visits, dental care, foot care, eye care and physical therapy if needed. If they need
assistance with taking their pills or giving themselves shots of insulin, a home-
health nursing system may require to be added to their daily plan of care.
 Personal care
 Personal care is an important daily need for a senior citizen. For example, they may
need assistance with bathing, dressing and personal grooming. Hire a home health
aide who might help with these tasks if necessary.

 Install safety features

 Install some safety features at home can avoid bathroom hazards.
 Set the thermostat on the water heater no higher than 120 °F to prevent scalding.
 Ensure that have grab bars installed in the shower and near the toilet to make
getting around easier and safer.
 Put rubber mats in the bathtub to prevent slipping.

 Make sure that your home have enough safety-proof for the elderly
 Make sure all hallways, stairs, and paths are well lit and clear of objects such as
books or shoes.
 Use rails and bannisters when going up and down the stairs. Never place any scatter
rugs at the bottom or top of stairs that might cause the elderly falls.
 Tape all area rugs to the floor so they do not move when you walk on them.

 Help with errands

 Lending a helping hand for the elderly
 A companion is important for the elderly. For instance, they can help for older
adults to load and unload groceries, or carry huge bags of dog foods out of a store.
A companion can help the elderly share the load, so that the elderly are able to
maintain their independence and get everything they need to age in place safety
and comfortably without any struggle or stress.

 Take care of the elderly hygiene and cleanliness

 Hire a home health aide to help assist the elderly with bathing, dressing and
personal grooming. Wiping down their vehicles with antibacterial solutions before
and after each use and practising through handwashing can keep their hygiene
 Help them socialise

 Adopt a pet
 Pets are a wonderful form of companionship for seniors, responsibilities associated
with their care and upkeep tie into providing a sense of purpose and duty for their
senior owner. Adopt a dog or cat to help the elderly reduce their feelings of
loneliness and depression.

 Incorporate social media & technology

 Social media provides seniors with an easy and often instantaneous method of
socializing with family and friends. Technology allows seniors to call or video chat
with each family member. There are even phones designed with larger buttons and
louder speakers for seniors that can be found in any marketplace.

 Encourage physical activity

 Choose a healthy gift for the elderly
 For birthday or special occasions, choose a gift that can encourage our senior
citizens to be more active. For example a new sneakers or workout clothes, a
basketball or balance ball, a fitness tracker or a yoga mat that can help elderly more
interest about physical activities.

 Suggest some activities that we can do together with the elderly.

 Start with the small activities. For example, we can try taking a walk after dinner
twice a week, or doing push-ups during commercials while watching TV. Learn new
stretches and warm-up exercises or join a fitness class that can encourage the
elderly interesting in physical activity.

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