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Networks in Temporal Lobe

Karina A. González Otárula, MDa, Stephan Schuele, MD, MPHb,*

 Temporal lobe  Epilepsy  Connectivity  Networks

 Epilepsy can be conceptualized as a disorder of neuronal networks.
 In this model, seizures and comorbidities associated with epilepsy are generated by a network of
interdependent epileptogenic nodes rather than attributed to a single focus.
 The network can be analyzed according to the interaction or “connectivity” between its different
parts using different methods.
 Neurophysiologic and imaging technologies have been used to evaluate functional and structural
 Temporal lobe epilepsy is associated with a wide variety of network alterations. Understanding
these network alterations may improve our ability to delineate the epileptogenic zone and predict
seizure outcome.

INTRODUCTION Within the mesial temporal lobe, seizures can arise

from the hippocampus alone or in association with
The goal of resective epilepsy surgery is to remove the extrahippocampal medial temporal cortex.4
the minimal area of cortex to produce seizure The extent of hippocampus and entorhinal cortex
freedom, known as the epileptogenic zone (EZ).1 resections are independently associated with
Temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) is the most common seizure freedom, suggesting that in some patients
type of focal epilepsy and the most frequent target the parahippocampal structures play an important
for resective epilepsy surgery. The International role in seizure generation.5 An improved chance of
League Against Epilepsy classification of epi- seizure freedom targeting entorhinal cortex and
lepsies from 1989 divided temporal lobe epilepsies parahippocampal gyrus in addition to the hippo-
in 2 main types: mesiobasal (amygdalohippocam- campus itself was also noted in a recent multi-
pal) and lateral (neocortical) epilepsy.2 However, center study using laser interstitial therapy.6
with the experience from invasive electroencepha- Seizures with onset in both limbic structures and
lographic (EEG) recordings and surgical failure af- the neocortex were named medial-lateral sub-
ter surgery it has become more apparent that TLE type.7 Aside from the mesial temporal structures,
can be considerably more complex, and involve in this scenario seizures arise from the lateral cor-
various temporal as well as extratemporal lobe tex and the temporopolar cortex.8 More complex
networks contributing to the extent of the EZ and seizure onset jointly arising from the temporal
directly affecting seizure outcome.3 lobe and close neighboring structures have been
Seizure onset in temporal lobe epilepsy can named temporal plus seizures.9 Temporal lobe
arise from interconnected structures within the plus seizures can implicate the orbitofrontal cor-
temporal lobe or from the temporal lobe and tex, the operculum, the insula, and the temporo-

neighboring regions more or less simultaneously. parieto-occipital junction and are a major

Department of Neurology, University of Iowa, University of Iowa Hospital and Clinics, 200 Hawkins Drive,
Iowa City, IA 52242, USA; b Department of Neurology, Northwestern University, Feinberg School of Medicine,
Neurological Testing Center, 251 East Huron Street, Galter Pavilion 7-104, Chicago, IL 60611, USA
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address:

Neurosurg Clin N Am 31 (2020) 309–317
1042-3680/20/Ó 2020 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
310 González Otárula & Schuele

contributor for surgical failure after anterior tempo- communication, with pathologic hubs seen in the
ral resections.10,11 Finally, seizures that arise from epileptogenic areas.19 In TLE, this network
outside the temporal lobe, but whose semiology or concept has been studied using neurophysiolog-
electro clinical features mimic those of TLE, are ical methods and neuroimaging, as we review
named pseudotemporal lobe seizures. below.
Based on the spatiotemporal organization of the
epileptic brain tissue and the consequent alter-
ations in the remaining structures, focal epilepsy
Interictal Networks
is proposed to be a disorder of neuronal net-
works.12 The network concept states the obvious Brain networks in TLE can be analyzed at the time
that seizures and other comorbidities of epilepsy of the interictal spikes or during the nonspiking
cannot be explained by a spatially restricted ab- “resting state” interictal period. It is hypothesized
normality of the brain and introduces the idea of that coactivated regions during interictal spikes
epilepsy affecting the whole brain to various de- may facilitate strong connections among the re-
grees. The concept of a network is able to explain gions involved, resulting in an epileptic network.
factors beyond a focal abnormality that affect sur- A study in mesial TLE using stereoencephalogra-
gical outcome in TLE, such as duration of epilepsy, phy (SEEG) showed that there are reproducible
early seizure spread, or presence of bilateral subsets of temporal lobe brain structures that are
convulsive seizures. Even if the goal of epilepsy jointly involved in the generation of interictal
surgery remains to remove the minimal amount spikes.20 These brain networks involved mainly
of cortex to render a patient seizure free, it is help- the mesial temporal lobe structures, but in half of
ful to consider the area to be resected as a “critical the patients independent neocortical networks
node” of the epileptic network. were also observed. This study showed that the
Human brain networks can be evaluated from networks involved during interictal spikes vary
different perspectives. The area initiating an among different patients but tend to be consistent
epileptic seizure can be considered a micro within 1 patient. This consistency of interictal spike
network allowing the study of seizure initiation.13 propagation was also shown to be reproducible in
The EZ can be conceptualized as a network other types of epilepsy.21 A more recent study
distinct from the area of propagation and clinical investigated the strength and direction of the net-
seizure expression.3 Based on the extent of brain works based on interictal spikes in 10 patients
critical for seizure generation, epileptic seizures with mesial TLE. It showed that the most prevalent
have been divided into regional, lobar, hemi- connection was from the hippocampus to the
spheric, and bilateral networks.14,15 Electrical amygdala, followed by propagation between the
cortical stimulation and resection studies have parahippocampal gyrus and amygdala on the left
expanded our view of eloquent and silent cortex, side and between the anterior fusiform gyrus and
allowing us to consider human brain function as amygdala on the right side.22 A study including
a network with “essential” nodes and other more mesial and nonmesial patients with TLE who un-
dispensable regions.16 derwent intraoperative electrocorticography found
Networks can be analyzed according to the in- clusters of synchronized activity at specific areas
teractions or “connectivity” between their different of the lateral temporal cortex that, when resected,
parts using a variety of methods. These interac- correlated with good seizure outcome.23 This
tions could be structural (“structural connectivity”) again showed that areas of higher interdepen-
or functional. Among the functional interactions, it dence might be involved in seizure generation.
is possible to analyze the nondirectional statistical Similar to epileptiform spikes, interictal high fre-
dependency between different signals (“functional quency oscillations, considered to be a better
connectivity”) or the directional/causal interac- marker of epileptogenicity, have been proposed
tions (“effective connectivity”).17 (Fig. 1) Structural to have propagation phenomena and network
connectivity networks in epilepsy allow the study organization.24–26
of widespread alterations in gray matter Analysis of the interictal intracranial EEG, not
morphology and white matter connections associ- limited to interictal epileptiform discharges, also
ated with various epilepsy syndromes. Graph the- showed local increase in the interictal synchrony
ory is 1 method that allows studying the topologic in structures within the EZ in TLE. Even when
properties of the functional or structural network spikes are suppressed from the analyzed interictal
as an organization made out of “nodes” with its EEG periods, functional coupling in the mesial
links to other parts named “edges.”18 To further temporal structures is increased.27 A study with
characterize networks, specific nodes can be resting-state SEEG data free of interictal spikes
viewed as “hubs” crucial for efficient that included 12 patients with mesial TLE and 3
Networks in Temporal Lobe Epilepsy 311

Fig. 1. Schematic representation of

brain networks. Brain network con-
nections or “edges” can be defined
by 3 types of connectivity: structural,
functional, and effective. Structural
connectivity refers to anatomic con-
nections and is frequently estimated
by fiber tractography from diffusion
tensor MRI (DTI). These connections
are illustrated with broken lines in
the bottom images. Functional and
effective connectivity are generally
inferred from the activity of remote
nodes as measured by using BOLD-
fMRI or EEG/MEG signals. Functional
connectivity does not provide direc-
tionality or causality and is therefore
depicted without arrows. Effective
connectivity can evaluate direction-
ality. This is illustrated by the 1-sided
arrows. (From Park HJ, Friston K.
Structural and functional brain net-
works: from connections to cogni-
tion. Science 2013;342:1238411; with

with neocortical epilepsy showed increased func- related connectivity in right TLE than in left
tional connectivity within the epileptogenic regions TLE.30 MEG recordings have been used to map
and between epileptogenic areas and other struc- the propagation of temporal lobe spikes, which
tures.28 A recent study using intracranial EEG correlated well with invasive EEG propagation.31
showed that the interictal epileptiform discharges, A study applying resting-state MEG looking at 44
particularly those occurring in the temporal lobe, patients, 22 with right and 22 with left hippocampal
could induce coupled spindles outside the ictal sclerosis, showed altered functional hubs in pa-
network, suggesting a global interictal network tients with left hippocampal sclerosis compared
dysfunction.29 with controls but not in patients with right hippo-
Although intracranial EEG recording have a high campal sclerosis, which the authors attributed to
temporal resolution and can record from deep intrinsic functional and structural asymmetries be-
structures, they are restricted by limited spatial tween patients with right and left TLE.32 Functional
sampling and absent coverage of areas not hy- hubs localized to the EZ in patients with good sur-
pothesized to be involved in seizure generation gical outcome but not in patients failing surgery.33
and propagation. Noninvasive neurophysiological
techniques, such as high-density EEG and magne-
Ictal Networks
toencephalography (MEG) have been used to
assess large-scale brain connectivity. It is known The pioneers of SEEG, Bancaud and Talairach,
that epileptic activity affects brain regions beyond proposed the idea that the epileptogenic “lesion”
the epileptogenic region. A study using high- or zone can be defined preoperatively through a
density EEG showed an asymmetry on the detailed understanding of the brain network
connectivity patterns in right and left TLE, demon- involved in the primary organization of the
strating more ipsilateral to contralateral spike- seizure.34 Different structures could be coinvolved
312 González Otárula & Schuele

at the seizure onset in patients with TLE, including habitual symptoms and EEG seizure pattern, iden-
mesial, lateral, mesial-lateral, and temporal- tifying electrodes essential for seizure generation
perisylvian structures.35 In mesial TLE, 2 main with a similar accuracy as spontaneously captured
seizure onset patterns have been described: seizures.41 Single-pulse electrical stimulation to
hypersynchronous activity seen when the onset in- elicit corticocortical evoked responses has been
volves mainly the mesial temporal structures and predominantly used to understand functional con-
low-voltage fast activity onset involving mesial nections of the brain.42 Further studies suggested
and lateral temporal, as well as the orbitofrontal that seizure onset areas were associated with an
cortex.36 Hypersynchronous, repetitive spiking is increased N1 response compared with normal
associated with better outcome after surgery, brain, correlating with a particular seizure pattern
likely related to its high specificity for mesial tem- of repetitive spiking before LVF activity linked
poral sclerosis.37 In many instances, low voltage with improved outcome.
fast (LVF) involves several brain regions rapidly at It is well known that rapid contralateral propaga-
seizure onset. Quantification of LVF over individual tion of temporal lobe seizures predicts poor surgi-
electrodes allows creating the so-called epilepto- cal outcome.43 In patients with mesial TLE who
genicity index representing the spectral power of underwent invasive explorations it was demon-
LVF activity over time in 3-dimensional space as strated that patients with rapid seizure spread
a representation of the epileptogenic network.3 A outside the mesial structures were significantly
recent study in 17 seizure-free patients after more likely to have recurrent seizures after anterior
SEEG evaluation and resection applied Morlet medial temporal resection.44 Another study
wavelet transformation to create time-frequency including 39 seizures with mesial temporal lobe
plots of fast- and low-frequency activity.38 The onset, comparing seizures that remained focal
combination of spikes preceding multiband fast versus those that generalized, demonstrated that
activity and loss of low frequencies in the seizure in seizures with secondary generalization the
onset zone generated a characteristic pattern, seizure activity consistently involved the
which was recognizable in 15 out of 17 patients posterior-lateral temporal region before propaga-
through a machine-learning algorithm, with 58 tion to other regions.45 The authors suggested an
out of 64 contacts localized within the resection epileptogenic potential of structures that are
area. involved in early seizure propagation. Seizure
Coherence analysis during invasive recordings propagation patterns have certainly an important
using SEEG has not only been used to describe impact when estimating prognosis after surgery.
subtypes of temporal lobe epilepsies, it also dem- However, it remains to be seen if more extensive
onstrates that neuronal networks show a more or- resections for temporal plus epilepsies or addi-
dered configuration during a seizure compared tional targeted resection or stimulation of propa-
with the interictal state.3 Preictal synchronization gation nodes would positively affect seizure-free
can be seen in patients with mesial TLE involving outcome and outweigh the additional risk.
the hippocampus and entorhinal cortex. Increased
thalamocortical synchronization using SEEG
involving the thalamus has been observed during
Structural Networks
seizure termination and negatively correlated
with seizure duration. Excessive synchronization Advances in neuroimaging have allowed studying
can be seen in structures associated with specific epilepsy pathologic structural substrates and net-
ictal semiologies, including humming or loss of works noninvasively. The term structural connec-
awareness. In 8 patients undergoing temporal tivity refers to anatomic interactions between
lobe surgery, effective connectivity measures brain regions. Quantitative neuroimaging has
showed that, during the first 20 seconds of ictal widened the understanding of the structural pa-
EEG, electrodes with the highest outgoing con- thology in TLE. Very detailed analysis of the tem-
nectivity corresponded well with the seizure onset poral lobe architecture can be performed with
zone.39 In a study that used scalp EEG and fora- high-resolution MRI. In mesial TLE volumetric
men ovale recordings, it was possible to identify analysis of the hippocampus, T1 and T2 intensity
seizures that were not visually identified by looking changes are used for presurgical diagnosis of hip-
only at scalp EEG recording using scalp EEG- pocampal sclerosis and have been correlated with
based coherence measures.40 findings of pathological conditions.46 Beyond the
Cortical electrical stimulation is a tool used dur- focal pathology, more diffuse alterations in the
ing depth electrode evaluations not only to assist gray matter have been found in TLE. MRI-based
with functional mapping but also to further define morphologic metrics, such as gray matter volume
the epileptogenic network by eliciting the patient’s and cortical thickness, allow for better study of the
Networks in Temporal Lobe Epilepsy 313

architecture of the gray matter. A recent study us- contralateral hemisphere, which the authors sug-
ing quantitative analysis showed intracortical gest could be attributed to compensatory
anomalies in the mesiotemporal and paralimbic effects.52
areas suggesting coupled structural alterations.47 Most of the studies involving fMRI have used
A morphometric MRI study in mesial TLE showed task-free resting state, based on spontaneous
increased covariance within the hippocampus, en- fluctuations in the blood oxygenation level-
torhinal cortex, and amygdala, hypothesized by dependent (BOLD) signals, investigating the rela-
the authors to be related to axonal sprouting. tion between different brain regions during this
The authors also noted a decreased interstructure interictal period. TLE studies also have shown
covariance suggesting a disconnection within the impaired connectivity of the mesiotemporal struc-
limbic circuit.48 Cortical thickness and gray matter tures, for example, between the anterior and pos-
morphology analysis have shown a more wide- terior hippocampus and the hippocampus and
spread alteration with an association between entorhinal cortex,53 in contrast to the EEG-based
TLE and bilateral neocortical atrophy that affects functional connectivity studies, which demon-
lateral temporal, frontocentral, parietal regions, strated increased connectivity in the epileptogenic
and the thalamus.18 areas.28 Altered functional connectivity has also
Diffusion-weighted MRI tractography provides been found between mesial structures and other
information on structural connectivity by visual- structures, such as temporal neocortex and
izing the architecture of the white matter. Clini- subcortical structures, such as the thalamus.54–56
cally, diffusion tractography has been used to When assessing the default mode networks, which
guide probe placement during interstitial laser consist of the deactivation of specific regions dur-
ablation of the mesial temporal lobe to avoid dam- ing the performance of cognitive tasks and activa-
age to the visual pathways.49 Diffusion MRI tion during resting with eyes closed, a study
studies in TLE have shown decreased fractional showed alterations in the default mode networks
anisotropy, particularly in the ipsilateral temporo- in patients with mesial TLE.57 The changes in
limbic tracts affecting the fornix, parahippocampal default mode functional connectivity in TLE seem
fibers, uncinate fasciculus, and cingulum,50 to be directly related to the severity of the hippo-
showing a higher correlation with the presence of campal atrophy.58 Functional connectivity pat-
a structural hippocampal abnormality and less terns in patients who successfully underwent
widespread changes than morphometric MRI con- temporal lobe surgery have been used to predict
nectivity studies (Fig. 2 shows examples of studies surgical outcome.59
on structural and functional networks in TLE). A combined strategy that includes a neurophys-
iological approach and functional imaging is
EEG-fMRI. This approach allows studying the he-
Functional Networks
modynamic changes that are related to interictal
Functional networks in TLE using imaging technol- epileptiform activity seen in EEG. In TLE, EEG-
ogy have been investigated with different ap- fMRI studies have shown extensive hemodynamic
proaches, including PET, functional MRI (fMRI), changes during unilateral temporal lobe spikes,
and single-photon emission computed tomogra- including ipsilateral mesial temporal structures,
phy (SPECT). These functional networks have basal ganglia, and bilateral neocortical temporal
been investigated during the interictal period regions.60 Interestingly, interictal epileptiform dis-
(resting state and at the time of interictal spikes: charges adjacent to the maximum BOLD response
spike-related) and during the ictal period. have a high correlation with the seizure onset zone
Fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG)-PET scans in TLE during subsequent SEEG recordings, suggesting
can help with the identification of the EZ demon- that EEG-fMRI response can reveal the origin of
strating hypometabolism.51 Ipsilateral temporal interictal epileptiform discharges or “spike onset
hypometabolism to the seizure onset has been zone.”61
associated with good surgical outcome, and hypo- Ictal SPECT allows assessing the cerebral
metabolism beyond the seizure onset zone or perfusion during a seizure. Cerebral blood flow
bilaterally has been associated with less favorable and brain metabolism markedly increase during
outcome. FDG-PET data can be used to analyze seizure initiation and propagation. In mesial TLE
the metabolic brain connectivity. In TLE, a study ictal SPECT shows hyperperfusion in the medial
that used graph theory-based analysis showed temporal region as well as in the insula, putamen,
altered and asymmetric connectivity in right and thalamus, and cerebellum.62 Resection of at least
left TLE. Higher lobar connectivity was found in part of the most prominent hyperperfusion signal
right TLE compared with left TLE for connections has been associated with good surgical
of the temporal and the parietal lobes of the outcome.63
314 González Otárula & Schuele

Fig. 2. Examples of structural and functional network abnormalities in TLE. (A) Upper panel shows results of
structural covariance of mesiotemporal subnetworks between patients with left TLE, right TLE, and controls
(CTR). Increases/decreases in patients relative to controls are shown in red/blue. This demonstrates reconfigura-
tions of mesiotemporal connectivity. Lower panel shows abnormalities of structural connectivity of the ipsilateral
entorhinal cortex in left and right TLE compared with controls. (B) Summary of studies reporting functional con-
nectivity alterations in TLE. Corticosubcortical altered regions belong to temporolimbic, default mode, sensory-
motor, and thalamocortical networks. LA/RA, left/right amygdala; LE/RE, left/right entorhinal cortex; LH/RH,
left/right hippocampus. ([A] Adapted from Bernhardt BC, Bernasconi N, Hong SJ, et al. Subregional mesiotempo-
ral network topology is altered in temporal lobe epilepsy. Cereb Cortex 2016;26:3242; and Bernhardt BC, Worsley
KJ, Besson P, et al. Mapping limbic network organization in temporal lobe epilepsy using morphometric correla-
tions: insights on the relation between mesiotemporal connectivity and cortical atrophy. Neuroimage
2008;42:519; with permission. [B] Adapted from Caciagli L, Bernhardt BC, Hong SJ, et al. Functional network al-
terations and their structural substrate in drug-resistant epilepsy. Front Neurosci 2014;8:411; with permission.)
Networks in Temporal Lobe Epilepsy 315

NEUROPSYCHIATRIC COMORBIDITIES necessarily associated with an obvious structural

lesion on conventional imaging and may help to
Neuropsychological dysfunctions are a common localize the EZ in the absence of a lesion.
comorbidity in patients with TLE indicating that ep-
ilepsy as a network disease can disturb complex
functions involving different cognitive domains. DISCLOSURE
These dysfunctions are seen in TLE independently
of whether a macroscopic lesion is present.64 The authors have nothing to disclose.
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