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Mesial Temporal Lobe Epilepsy

William O. Tatum IV

is crucial for transferring short-term to long-term memory in the

Summary: Temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) is the most common form of adult
association cortices. It is principally involved with episodic (infor-
localization-related epilepsy. Hippocampal onset accounts for at least 80% of
mation tied to a time and place) and declarative memory (explicit
all temporal lobe seizures. The electroencephalogram (EEG) of mesial TLE
contains interictal features often associated with anterior temporal epilepti-
memory for facts) for experienced events and for spatial navigation
form discharges with a maximal voltage over the basal temporal electrodes. (Engel, 2003). Patients with extensive damage to the mesial temporal
Localized ictal patterns on scalp EEGs characteristically reveal unilateral 5- to lobes may become amnestic with an inability to form and retain new
9-Hz rhythmic ictal theta or alpha epileptiform activity maximal in the memories (Squire, 2009).
anterior temporal scalp electrodes. Invasive-scalp EEG comparisons have Hippocampal sclerosis (HS) is the most common disease
yielded direct information about mesial temporal sources and their corre- encountered in epilepsy surgery series and may be readily detected
sponding electrical fields. Refinement of macroscopic spatial and the by brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) as mesial temporal
temporal resolution suggest that a more precise seizure localization may sclerosis. Sclerosis of the hippocampus progresses over time as both
exist beyond 1- to 35-Hz frequencies observed in routine scalp recording. a consequence and a cause of seizures (Theodore et al., 1999). A
Defining the focal areas of ictogenesis within the medial temporal lobe normal-appearing hippocampus occurs in 30% to 40% (de Lanerolle
demonstrates a rich connection to a broad network that goes beyond the et al., 2003). Hippocampal sclerosis is a combination of atrophy and
medial structures and even the temporal lobe itself. Advanced electrophys- astrogliosis of the amygdala, hippocampus, parahippocampal gyrus,
iologic application in TLE may further our understanding of ictogenesis to and the enterorhinal cortex and is frequently bilateral (Thom et al.,
perfect surgical treatment and to elucidate the neurophysiologic corollaries of 2009). If isolated subfield involvement from HS occurs, mesial tem-
epileptogensis itself. poral sclerosis may be absent on neuroimaging results. Other causes
Key Words: mesial temporal lobe epilepsy, hippocampus, EEG, neurophys- of mTLE that are less frequently seen include gliomas, angiomas,
iology, nocal seizures, epilepsy surgery. caveromas, or traumatic or infectious lesions with a dual pathology.
These are seen in 5% to 30%. In drug-resistant mTLE, molecular
(J Clin Neurophysiol 2012;29: 356–365) mechanisms such as low brain gamma amino butyric acid levels
(Petroff et al., 1996), changes in glutamate levels, and neuronal
glutamate transporters are other mechanisms that are disordered

T he temporal lobe is the most epileptogenic region of the human

brain. Temporal lobe epilepsy is a group of disorders that pre-
dominately involves dysregulation of hippocampal function caused
(Crino et al., 2002). Genetic factors are also seen in mTLE. The famil-
ial forms may or may not have autosomal dominance and are generally
not associated with high-frequency oscillation, although they may be
by neuronal hyperexcitability (Schwartzkroin, 1986). Therefore, associated with high-frequency oscillation without seizures in first
mesial TLE (mTLE) is perhaps the best-characterized electroclinical degree relatives (Cendes et al., 1998). Other genetic markers, including
syndrome of all the epilepsies. The inherent potential for neuronal SCN1B, seem to share a phenotype with mTLE (Scheffer et al., 2007).
tissue of temporal lobe origin to be predisposed to focal seizures is The genetic polymorphism in the ABCB1 gene acts as a multiple drug-
based on the unique anatomic-functional electrophysiologic net- resistance gene (Siddiqui et al., 2003) in patients with mTLE.
works that involve the amygdalohippocampal complex and enter-
orhinal cortex. Anatomically, the hippocampal formation (HF) is
a three-layered allocortex with a lamellar organization that comprises
the dentate gyrus, hippocampus, and subiculum. The hippocampal CLINICAL FEATURES
complex is divided into the head, body, and tail. It ranges in length Common clinical features of mTLE are well described and are
from 4 to 4.5 cm. It is divided into subfields of the Cornu Ammonis reproducible in the majority of patients. Febrile seizures are
(CA1–CA4), which is surrounded by the dentate gyrus and contains common, though other causes including head trauma, perinatal
rich anatomic and functional connections through the parahippocam- injury, congenital brain malformation, central nervous system
pal gyrus to other temporal and extratemporal cortical association infection, and brain tumors may be evident. Up to two-thirds of
areas (Coan et al., 2009). Pyramidal cells in the subiculum and patients with mTLE may have had a febrile seizure before
hippocampus possess the capability for neural plasticity through developing focal seizures (French et al., 1993). When prolonged,
long-term potentiation and are a crucial element for growth and febrile seizures may induce hippocampal edema that progresses to
development (Cooke and Bliss, 2006). The medial temporal lobe HS (Scott et al., 2003; Van Landingham et al., 1998). The onset of
mTLE characteristically occurs at the end of the first or second
From the Department of Neurology, Mayo Clinic, Jacksonville, Florida, U.S.A.
decade. Focal seizures with and without impaired consciousness
Dr. Tatum receives research funding from the Mayo Clinic. are the most common seizure types in mTLE. Status epilepticus
Address correspondence and reprint requests to William O. Tatum IV, DO, and prolonged seizures are infrequently encountered.
Department of Neurology, Mayo Clinic, 4500 San Pablo Road, Jacksonville, The ictal semiology may exhibit a wide range of heterogene-
Florida 32224, U.S.A.; e-mail:
Copyright Ó 2012 by the American Clinical Neurophysiology Society ity. Auras frequently appear independently when seizures begin early
ISSN: 0736-0258/12/2905-0356 in life (Villanueva and Serratosa, 2005) and .80% of patients report

356 Journal of Clinical Neurophysiology  Volume 29, Number 5, October 2012

Journal of Clinical Neurophysiology  Volume 29, Number 5, October 2012 Mesial Temporal Lobe Epilepsy

an aura with experiential and viscerosensory symptoms. Psychic become apparent are then influenced by other intracortical and inter-
phenomenon commonly include anxiety, deja vu, and fear, and in cortical networks. Scalp interictal EEG is represented by synchro-
addition viscerosensory auras with a nausea, “butterflies,” or rising nous oscillations of large pools of neurons collectively summating
indescribable sensation from the epigastrium commonly occur postsynaptic potentials. For detection, a sufficient synchrony must
(French et al., 1993; Thompson et al., 2000). Focal seizures with exist, and the cortical region must reside in close proximity to
impaired consciousness (aka complex partial seizures) in mTLE are a recording electrode. Repetitive IEDs, rhythmic frequencies with
the primary seizure type. Motor manifestations are more common in sinusoidal waveforms, and complex waveforms or fields in epilepsy
children before 6 years of age (Fogarasi et al., 2002). The validation arise depending on the location of the generator and the networks
of the clinical semiology of mTLE focal seizures has been best involved in propagation of the ictal activity. Sustained rhythmic po-
defined through epilepsy surgery that results in seizure freedom tentials that occur during a burst of epileptiform activity vary in fre-
verifying the localization (Engel, 1993). Focal seizures are often quency, morphology, amplitude, duration, and electrocerebral field.
hypomotor or automotor with limited motor movement and a fixed At the neuronal level, the basis for focal interictal epileptiform
motionless stare. Additionally, oral and manual automatisms with abnormalities involves the genesis of a single set of paroxysmal
impaired consciousness for 30 to 60 seconds frequently accompany depolarizing shifts. Abnormal neurons produce repetitive action
the symptoms. Pupillary dilatation, hyperventilation, piloerection, potentials at rates exceeding normal maximal rates, which results in
and tachycardia are common autonomic features. Dystonic posturing prolonged depolarization from sudden shifts in the cell membrane
contralateral to the hemisphere of seizure origin with ipsilateral terminated with an after-going hyperpolarization. When an electro-
automatisms during the seizure are reliable lateralizing signs; how- physiologic threshold of summated apical dendrites in an involved
ever, propagation of the ictal activity to symptomatic regions may neuronal population is reached, the scalp or invasive EEG (iEEG)
occur and limit the usefulness of seizure semiology as a sole means detection of a paroxysmal depolarizing shift is translated into visible
of localization (So, 2006). Ictal speech, vomiting, and intermittent IEDs (i.e., spike-or sharp-and-slow-wave). When repetitive neighbor-
“responsiveness” suggest nondominant lateralization and postictal ing paroxysmal depolarizing shifts are synchronous and become
aphasia in the dominant temporal lobe. Tonic or clonic jerking and continuous, focal electrographic seizures are evident (Buzsaki and
postictal Todd paresis lateralize to the contralateral hemisphere Draguhn, 2004). Intrinsic currents from ion channels of radially
implicating propagation outside the mesial temporal lobe to involve oriented dendrites of pyramidal cells project to the surface for EEG
the ipsilateral motor neocortex. Seizure semiology is often nonspe- source localization.
cific in reflecting disease; however, HS may be more associated with
dystonic posturing. Focal seizures evolving to convulsions (aka sec-
ondarily generalized) are relatively infrequent and are usually con-
trolled with antiepileptic drugs (AEDs) (French et al., 1993). SCALP INTERICTAL ELECTROENCEPHALOGRAM
Electroencephalograms are often associated with anterior
temporal spikes or sharp waves with voltage that is typically
Electrophysiology of Mesial Temporal maximal in the anterior temporal regions in .90% of patients with
Lobe Epilepsy mTLE (Fig. 1) (Williamson et al., 1993). Midtemporal epileptiform
The EEG representation in human mTLE is based on the discharges may occasionally occur in mTLE, but consistent midtem-
limited sampling of the brain involving pyramidal cell neurons poral EDs should increase the possibility of a larger, or extramesial
located at the gyral crests within the basal–lateral neocortex. Tem- temporal generator. Approximately one-third of patients have bilat-
poral lobe epilepsy is a common cause of EEGs containing interictal eral temporal IEDs, which become apparent with long-term EEG
epileptiform discharges (IEDs) (Table 1). Interictal epileptiform dis- monitoring (Chung et al., 1991). Mesial TLE may also be associated
charges and focal seizures arise from large numbers of neurons with slow waves that have localizing value. Temporal intermittent
bursting in a synchronous fashion disrupting operation of normal rhythmic delta activity is seen in a minority of patients (Fig. 2A) but
neuronal activity (Kibler and Durand, 2011). Waveforms that is associated with TLE in up to 80% (Geyer et al., 1999). Postictal
slowing frequently correlates with the side of seizure onset, though it
may arise after seizure propagation and is less specific. The location
of the scalp field maximum of frontotemporal IEDs has also been
TABLE 1. Clinical Features That Lead to a Greater Detection
identified by iEEG (Ebersole and Wade, 1991). Two different pop-
of IEDs on Routine Scalp EEG
ulations have been defined in TLE. Type 1 possesses an inferior
Temporal lobe epilepsy temporal electographic maximum with vertex positivity. Type 2 is
Earlier age of seizure onset generated by a lateral temporal maximum. Dipole modeling demon-
Children strates either an elevated or vertical orientation for IEDs generated in
Specific epilepsy syndrome (LGS, BCECTS, CAE, West/Landau–Kleffner the basal temporal lobe or a horizontal or radial orientation for those
syndrome) generated in the lateral neocortex (Ebersole, 1991). With time, there
Size, depth, and orientation of SOZ is fluctuation in the primary spike topography (Fig. 3). Therefore,
Higher seizure frequency characterizing spike voltage fields is a dynamic process when at-
Sleep tempting to accurately represent the source. Furthermore, spikes
,24 Hours after a seizure originating in the basal temporal neocortex (from SP1/SP2, T1/T2,
AEDs without IED suppression FT9/FT10 electrodes) may propagate to other regions, including the
Number/type of EEG electrodes
lateral temporal neocortex and temporal pole. Projection of the sur-
Multiple/prolonged EEG recording
face negativity anterior to the frontotemporal (detected at F9/F10) or
AEDs, antiepileptic drugs; BCECTS, benign childhood epilepsy with centrotem- to the frontopolar derivations (detected at FP1/FP2) depends on the
poral spikes; CAE, childhood absence epilepsy; LGS, Lennox–Gastaut syndrome.
Adapted from Pillai and Sperling (2006). orientation and projection of the dipole from its source. Scalp-based
anterior temporal IEDs have also been found to be generated by the

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W. O. Tatum Journal of Clinical Neurophysiology  Volume 29, Number 5, October 2012

FIG. 1. A, Scalp electroencephalogram (EEG) demonstrating an anterior-mesial interictal epileptiform discharge (IED) in
temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) with an anterior field. Note the arrows depicting the field. B, SISCOM (subtraction ictal SPECT
coregistered on MRI) during presurgical evaluation of a patient before left amygdalaohippocampectomy with anterior tip
resection. The disease was nonspecific gliosis. The patient is seizure-free for 6 months. The case and SISCOM images appeared on

lateral temporal neocortex during simultaneous scalp-subdural Interictal epileptiform discharges that occur during wakefulness and
recording (Sperling and Engel, 1986). This has been reproduced rapid eye movement sleep are less frequent, though they may pro-
when evaluated by simultaneous magnetoencephalography and scalp vide better localizing information and are more often concordant
recording (Sutherling and Barth, 1989). with the seizure onset zone (Sammaritano et al., 1991).
The use of additional electrodes may help improve localiza-
tion, especially subtemporal electrodes such as F9/10, T9/10, and P9/
10 (Binnie et al., 1989; Ebersole and Wade, 1991; Kobayashi et al.,
2000). Sphenoidal electrodes may be useful in improving the source SCALP ICTAL ELECTROENCEPHALOGRAM
localizing precision of IEDs in mTLE (Fig. 4). Electroencephalo- Seizures represent complex waveforms on EEG with sus-
graphic source localization has been found to deviate by as much tained rhythmic discharges that evolve in frequency, morphology,
as 2 cm when sphenoidal electrodes were not used, reflecting the and electrocerebral field. Focal unilateral anterior temporal regular
need for basal temporal neocortical representation in scalp EEG and rhythmic temporal theta or alpha activity (typically 5–9 Hz) is
(Hamaneh et al., 2011). Because of their close proximity to the the hallmark of mTLE, when it occurs after the appropriate clinical
foramen ovale adjacent to the mesiobasal temporal lobe, SP electro- semiology and seems stable over the lifespan (Fig. 5). Risinger
des often demonstrate higher amplitude with better signal-to-noise reported this to occur in up to 94% of patients with mTLE and
ratios. Interictal epileptiform discharges originating in the amygda- correctly lateralized the seizure onset in 95% of the patients
lohippocampal complex are isolated from scalp recording, because (Risinger et al., 1989). Less commonly, a homologous or similar
of their curvilinear electrophysiologic field in the anterior–posterior parasagittal positivity that is maximal at the vertex may also be seen.
direction and small region of involvement. “Mesial” temporal IEDs Alternatively, a combination of ictal rhythm localizations may be
on scalp EEG truly reflect basal temporal propagation from larger seen depending on the precise direction and conduction of the dipole.
areas including enterorhinal and fusiform basal cortices. Scalp EEG When this mixed pattern occurs, it is less specific for mTLE and may
typically detects only a small fraction of the IEDs originating in the occur during the seizure in patients without hippocampal TLE
mesial temporal structures (Fernandez Torre et al., 1999). Spike (Gil-Nagel and Risinger, 1997). Focal seizures that propagated from
frequency has therefore been believed to be a biomarker for patients extratemporal or neocortical structures to the mesial temporal lobe
with mTLE and predicts a worse surgical outcome by some by virtue structures may explain the reduced specificity seen in patients with-
of reflecting greater extrahippocampal activity (Krendl et al., 2008). out HFA representing pseudo-TLE. Still, patients without HFA and

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Journal of Clinical Neurophysiology  Volume 29, Number 5, October 2012 Mesial Temporal Lobe Epilepsy

FIG. 2. A, A comparison of basal temporal electrodes in a patient with mesial temporal lobe epilepsy (mTLE). Note the highest
amplitude in the sphenoidal (arrow) and the left true temporal electrode in the Pz reference in the lower portion of the tracing.
SP1/2 ¼ sphenoidal electrodes. B, Four panels of “source brains” with fitted dipole models demonstrating the variability without
and with sphenoidal electrode use for source localization of interictal spikes in patients with temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE).
Borrowed from Hamaneh et al. (2010) with permission.

a normal brain MRI that have seizures associated with a rhythmic neocortex occurs. Subsequently, a regular 5- to 9-Hz subtemporal
ictal theta discharge at seizure onset may still predict a favorable and temporal rhythmic ictal theta pattern can be noted on scalp EEG
response to mesial temporal lobe resection without iEEG (Tatum recordings. However, when the ictal discharge is confined to the
et al., 2008). Focal seizures without impaired consciousness (aka mesiobasal temporal cortex, a vertex dominant rhythm can be noted
simple partial seizures) do not have the necessary recruitment of in association with the vertical orientation of the dipole. Finding
the surrounding tissue to permit detection by the scalp in 70% of widespread bilateral background attenuation, which corresponds to
the patients (Kapur et al., 1995; Sperling and O’Connor, 1990). a 20- to 40-Hz discharge on iEEG, and a pattern composed of irreg-
Event detection can be performed only after large volumes of the ular 2- to 4-Hz focal temporal delta ictal activity on scalp EEG at
neocortex have been recruited from a small original generator and onset are more likely to be associated with seizures of neocortical
have spread to superficial sites of the brain that are able to be origin. Scalp EEG patterns of temporal lobe seizures are not a direct
detected at the scalp. Frequency characteristics during focal seizures reflection of the ictal activity at seizure onset. Rather, they reflect
suggest mTLE if the seizure onset occurs within 30 seconds before the differences in seizure development, propagation, and synchrony
the clinical seizure onset when there is rhythmic ictal theta onset that of the direct cortical discharges (Pacia and Ebersole, 1997). The best
is $5 Hz (Risinger et al., 1989). However, using routine montages, surgical outcomes are derived when 100% unilateral temporal IEDs
IEDs may not appear on the scalp if there is ,10 cm2 of the cortex are combined with scalp ictal EEGs that remain regionalized with-
involved (Tao et al., 2005). Furthermore, the use of the 10 to 20 out contralateral propagation (Table 2) (Schulz et al., 2000). Tran-
system of electrode placement may limit ictal recordings. A greater sient epileptic amnesia is an ictal–postictal episode with clinical
number of electrodes in the form of high-density EEG may be able to manifestations that involves dysfunction of the hippocampus
overcome propagation patterns that may lead to erroneous source bilaterally (Fig. 5B). Transient epileptic amnesia may not be
localization (Lantz et al., 2003). Simultaneous intracranial and sur- clearly demonstrable with scalp electrodes in some patients (Pal-
face ictal EEG recordings (64 total channels) obtained from a com- mini et al., 1992). Other cases of transient epileptic amnesia seem
bination of invasive electrodes (subdural strips and intracerebral more heterogeneous with recruitment of the mesial structures by
depths) and scalp electrodes, demonstrated a difference in the types the parahippocampal neocortex and mesial temporal postictal
of TLE (Pacia and Ebersole, 1997). When the ictal rhythm demon- slowing identified by depth electrode recording (Walsh et al.,
strates hippocampal involvement alone, no scalp EEG rhythms will 2011). Ictal rhythms with a predominant basal source component
be detected until the recruitment of the inferolateral temporal have hippocampal onset seizures, while those with anterior temporal

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FIG. 3. Figure depicting inverse modeling in electroencephalogram (EEG) source localization (ESL). The scalp-recorded EEG field is in
the upper left-hand corner. The midleft graphic depicts the corresponding incremental field. The lower left represents the independent
component analysis field maps and the changing mean global contributions over time. Dipole and distributed ESL for single versus
averaged interictal epileptiform discharges (IEDs) in mesial temporal lobe epilepsy (mTLE) are modeled. Rotating sources are represented
in green and moving sources in blue. The 3 rows represent the onset, recruitment, and propagation at the beginning, midupswing, and
peak of the IED electronegativity. Standardized low-resolution electromagnetic tomography (sLORETA) constrained to cortex using
rotating sources is mapped with a boundary element method (BEM). Borrowed with permission from Plummer et al. (2010).

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FIG. 4. Localization with slow waveforms. In (A) temporal intermittent delta activity is present bilaterally in a patient with temporal
lobe epilepsy (TLE). B, Postictal slowing after a left temporal focal seizure in a patient with left surgically proven mesial temporal lobe
epilepsy (mTLE).

source maximum have enterorhinal onset and those with lateral INVASIVE ELECTROENCEPHALOGRAM
source maximum have neocortical onset (Assaf and Ebersole, In some instances, the seizure onset zone in mTLE cannot be
1997). Regional postictal slowing may appear in up to 70% of appreciated, localized by scalp recordings alone, or it bears
patients with TLE (Fig. 2B) and may be a useful localizing sign discordant information preventing localization. Scalp EEG alone
(Bowman et al., 2010). has a limited capability to solve the inverse problem of source

FIG. 5. Typical scalp ictal electroencephalogram (EEG) with the characteristic onset of unilateral 7-Hz rhythmic temporal theta
before clinical seizure onset of a focal seizure that evolves from an aura of “deja vu” to a focal seizure with dyscognitive features.
The patient has been seizure-free off antiepileptic drugs (AEDs) for .2 years.

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(Weinand et al., 2001). Other ictal features included a loss of inter-

TABLE 2. Interictal EEG Features and Ictal Scalp EEG
ictal spike or sharp wave discharges, which may challenge recogni-
Propagation Patterns and Percentage That Are Seizure-Free
tion of the pattern of ictal transformation. Propagation patterns after
After Resective Surgery for mTLE at 1 Year
seizure onset are usually slower and of higher amplitude than ictal
Propagation and scalp EEG Seizure-free outcome onset frequencies potentially limiting scalp reflection in patients with
(n ¼ 58; 347 seizures) (n ¼ 49) at 1 year mTLE (Fig. 6). Mesial–mesial and mesial–lateral temporal projec-
100% Unilateral temporal IEDs 84.6% tions are the localized regions of seizure spread after onset while
,100% Unilateral temporal IEDs 52.2% (P ¼ 0.015) dorsolateral frontal, orbitofrontal, lateral temporal, parietal, and
Regionalized EEG without 82.8% occipital onsets usually propagate to the ipsilateral temporal lobe
contralateral propagation (Jenssen et al., 2011). A nonlateralizing ictal EEG pattern often
Regionalized EEG with 45.5% (P ¼ 0.007) results in a poor postsurgical outcome in nonlesional TLE (Schulz
contralateral propagation et al., 2000). Similar to scalp recording, iEEG has used many forms
100% Unilateral temporal 88.9% of invasive electrodes (i.e., foramen ovale) that approximate the
IEDs 1 regionalized EEG mesial temporal lobes when bilateral seizure scalp ictal onset in
1 of 2 Variables 73.7%
TLE requires further clarification (Fig. 7). Long interhemispheric
,100% Unilateral temporal 33.3% (P ¼ 0.007)
propagation times are associated with good surgical outcomes (King
IEDs 1 regionalized EEG
and Spencer, 1995). Infrequently false lateralization on scalp EEG
with contralateral propagation
occurs. Bitemporal independent ictal onsets are noted in some
Adapted from Schulz et al. (2000).
patients with TLE. In a significant number of these patients, depth
records may be able to isolate a single active hippocampus for suc-
cessful surgical resection suggesting typical and atypical scalp EEG
propagation patterns from a single focus (Henry et al., 1999). Rarely,
identification. Using depth electrodes placed in the hippocampus, some temporal lobe seizures may involve rapid propagation with
IEDs were found to be asynchronous with ipsilateral temporal lobe generalized or diffuse bilateral onset reflecting large cortical volume
IEDs on scalp-sphenoidal recording (Tao et al., 2005). Furthermore, recruitment by the time of detection and reflecting superficial sites of
iEEG-scalp EEG comparison demonstrated the ability of iEEG to neocortical origin.
detect 25% more discharges and also discharges that have a broader The conventional range of scalp EEG analysis involves
distribution than scalp EEG (Gloor, 1991). Progressive rhythmic frequencies of 1 to 35 Hz. Atypical frequencies include both ultrafast
EEG activity was characteristic of spontaneous focal seizures in and ultraslow frequencies (Fig. 8) beyond the resolution of scalp
humans (Geiger and Harner, 1978). Focal hypersynchronous dis- EEG that may yield more specific localizing information with
charges were the most common patterns seen in approximately implications in epileptogenesis. Recently, depth electrodes and both
50% of patients and were an accurate localizing indication of cortical visual and spectral analyses have demonstrated interictal and ictal
irritability (Geiger and Harner, 1978). When ictal EEG precedes focal high-frequency oscillations in localization-related epilepsy
clinical seizure onset by .10 seconds, a greater accuracy in antici- (Ramachandran nair et al., 2008; Worrell et al., 2008). Physiologic
pating seizure freedom after amygdalohippocampectomy is expected frequencies may occur around 100 to 200 Hz. This bandwidth of

FIG. 6. A, Depth electrodes demonstrating subclinical seizures in the depth (red arrow) without surface detection (lower
channels). B, Subclinical status epilepticus with seizure durations of up to 20 minutes. The patient was without any observable
clinical signs with memory improvement after left amygdalohippocampectomy.

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Journal of Clinical Neurophysiology  Volume 29, Number 5, October 2012 Mesial Temporal Lobe Epilepsy

FIG. 7. Electroencephalogram (EEG) recorded with foramen ovale electrodes and surface-scalp electrodes. Note the early
onset demonstrated in the left foramen ovale electrode as a high-frequency discharge that becomes noted on the scalp EEG
18 seconds after the onset. Courtesy of Stefan Rampp, MD, Department of Neurology, Epilepsy Center, University Hospital
Erlangen, Schwabachanlage 10, 91054 Erlangen, Germany.

FIG. 8. Intracranial
electroencephalogram (EEG)
demonstrating the sites of maximal
ictal baseline shift at seizure onset with
an “open” high-pass filter. The DC
shift is shown by the circle during
a right temporal lobe seizure (arrow).
T ¼ temporal; O ¼ occipital; letters ¼
electrodes with nonoperational
channels TC2D-F. Note the circle with
the lowest amplitudes that occur at
seizure onset. Courtesy of Stefan
Rampp, MD, Department of
Neurology, Epilepsy Center,
University Hospital Erlangen,
Schwabachanlage 10, 91054
Erlangen, Germany.

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frequencies is generated in the hippocampus and enterorhinal cortex model, even a selective transaction of the CA3 region alone is
and may reflect normal cognitive processing and the transfer of capable of significantly decreasing or eliminating transhippocampal
information underlying memory tasks (Chrobak and Buzsaki, propagation of epileptiform activity (Kibler and Durand, 2011). Neu-
1998). Ripples (80–250 Hz) and fast ripples (250–500 Hz) are fre- rostimulation is a form of therapy that may be considered when
quencies beyond the recording limits of routine scalp recording. surgery is not an option. Despite the surge of new AEDs, the greater
When they are regionalized or widespread, they may appear as an availability of resective epilepsy surgery, and the resurfacing of the
electrodecremental response on scalp EEG. Ultrahigh frequencies ketogenic diet, neurostimulation maintains a unique role in the treat-
(250–500 Hz) are abnormal and seem to be generated by hypersyn- ment of refractory mTLE. Vagus nerve stimulator is not a curative
chronous pyramidal cell bursts in the epileptogenic mesial temporal device with ,5% that become seizure-free. A mean reduction in
lobe (Bragin et al., 1999). Discrete high-frequency oscillations occur seizure frequency of 25% to 28% at 3 months, improves to approx-
mainly in the seizure onset zone and not within areas of propagation imately 40% by year 1 (Handforth et al., 1998). Other forms of
in both the mesial temporal and neocortical temporal lobes on intracranial neurostimulation include thalamic deep brain stimulation
iEEG (Fisher et al., 1992; Jacobs et al., 2009) and interictal periods and the responsive neurostimulator. The responsive neurostimulator/
(Worrell et al., 2004). These high-frequency oscillations may be latter uses depth or subdural leads placed at 1 to 2 predetermined
present during the immediate preictal period at the region of seizure seizure foci. Neurostimulators are designed to “learn” an individual’s
onset in mTLE and rarely in the regions of propagated or nonlocal- abnormal electrocorticographic activity and respond by delivering
ized seizures (Jacobs et al., 2009). preprogrammed electrical stimulation to the regions of the brain
implanted to reduce seizure frequency (Morrell, 2011).


More than 60% of patients with focal seizures will achieve CONCLUSIONS
seizure freedom from AED (Kwan and Brodie, 2000). It is the failure
The inherent potential for neuronal tissue of the mesial
of the first AED to effectively control the seizures that is the most
temporal lobe to be predisposed to focal seizures is based on the
powerful predictor of drug-resistance (Kwan and Brodie, 2000), with
unique anatomic-functional electrophysiologic networks that involve
,10% of patients becoming seizure-free after 2 AEDs fail to control
the amygdalohippocampal complex and enterorhinal cortex. Scalp
the seizures (Kwan et al., 2010). When strict unilateral temporal
EEG possesses several significant limitations; however, it is the
IEDs are evident on scalp EEG and ipsilateral hippocampal forma-
foundation for localization in mTLE for surgical therapy. Invasive
tion atrophy is present on MRI, a high concordance with seizure
EEG may become necessary during presurgical evaluations to
onset is found leading some to question the need for ictal recordings
lateralize or localize the seizure’s focus or function in one temporal
in these patients (Cendes et al., 2000). This raises the question of
lobe. Because clinical neurophysiology expands to incorporate ultra-
whether patients should have epilepsy surgery discussed during ini-
high frequencies (250–500 Hz) and functional techniques coupled
tial treatment, when the MRI demonstrates mesial temporal sclerosis
with EEG, greater spatial-temporal resolution will provide more
and the EEG reveals IEDs in the corresponding area.
powerful localizing diagnostic and therapeutic options for patients
Observational studies suggest that when seizure freedom does
with drug-resistant mTLE.
occur with the introduction of new AEDs, it may last up to $12
months, but only in a limited number of refractory patients (Luciano REFERENCES
and Shorvon, 2007). Glutamatergic preictal discharges have emerged Assaf BA, Ebersole JS. Continuous source imaging of scalp ictal rhythms in
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