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Review Article

Screening, Genetics, Risk Factors, and Treatment

of Neonatal Cataracts
Jinyu Li1,2, Chun-hong Xia3, Eddie Wang3, Ke Yao1,2, and Xiaohua Gong *3

Neonatal cataracts remain the most common cause of visual loss in children regarding the causes, progression, and pathology of neonatal cataracts.
worldwide and have diverse, often unknown, etiologies. This review Further investigations are also required to improve diagnostic criteria for
summarizes current knowledge about the detection, treatment, genetics, risk determining the timing of appropriate interventions, such as the implantation
factors, and molecular mechanisms of congenital cataracts. We emphasize of intraocular lenses and postoperative management strategies, to ensure
significant progress and topics requiring further study in both clinical cataract safety and predictable visual outcomes for children.
therapy and basic lens research. Advances in genetic screening and surgical
technologies have improved the diagnosis, management, and visual outcomes Birth Defects Research 00:000–000, 2017.
of affected children. For example, mutations in lens crystallins and C 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
membrane/cytoskeletal components that commonly underlie genetically
inherited cataracts are now known. However, many questions still remain Key words: cataract; eye; lens; vision; development

Introduction focusing. Congenital cataracts not only impair lens trans-

Screening, characterization, and treatment of congenital parency, but can also affect lens growth and other optical
cataracts in children have improved in recent years due to properties leading to detrimental vision loss.
technological advances, including whole genome DNA Although many mutated genes and risk factors are
sequencing, high resolution imaging, and stem cell associated with congenital cataracts, the resulting progres-
research (Chan et al., 2012; Gillespie et al., 2016; Wu sion of cataractogenesis and visual outcomes remains
et al., 2016). Visual outcomes depend on the timing of sur- unpredictable. The severity of congenital cataracts, associ-
gery to remove dense cataracts (Chen et al., 2016). Despite ated with different or even identical mutations of the
early surgery and aggressive optical rehabilitation, children same gene, can vary from dense opacity to clear, depend-
may still develop other ocular disorders, such as glaucoma ing on the individual. For example, many different point
and nystagmus (Gasper et al., 2016). mutations of GJA8 are associated with various types of cat-
Good vision is established postnatally and relies on the aracts (He et al., 2011); the GJA8 p.D47N mutation was
coordinated growth and spacing of the eyeball’s optical first associated with severe nuclear pulverulent cataracts
components, including the cornea, lens, and retina. Eye (Arora et al., 2008), but a later report showed that the
globe length along the visual axis increases dramatically in same mutation caused nuclear cataracts with incomplete
the first several years after birth, as does lens size. The penetrance among affected individuals of the same family
ocular lens is a central component of the eye’s optical sys- (He et al., 2011). Recently, we identified an 11-year-old
tem that allows fine focusing of light onto the retina. The child with the GJA8 p.D47N mutation displaying a very
growth, shape, and optical properties of the lens need to mild, diffuse, nuclear cataract (Fig. 1). Thus, genetic var-
be precisely regulated to establish good vision. However, it iance and differences in living environment seem to also
remains largely unknown how lens growth in childhood is significantly affect the development of congenital cataracts.
coupled to overall eye growth to guarantee proper Such uncertainties make precise diagnosis and determina-
tion of timely cataract surgery difficult.
Congenital cataracts result from disrupted lens devel-
Eye Center, Second Affiliated Hospital of Medical College, Zhejiang
University, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China opment or function during embryonic to postnatal stages
Key Laboratory of Ophthalmology of Zhejiang Province, China due to mutated genes or various other risk factors. The
School of Optometry and Vision Science Program, University of California, lens derives from head surface ectoderm, adjacent to the
Berkeley, California, USA optic vesicle, which undergoes thickening to form the lens
Authors Li and Xia are co-first authors. placode that invaginates to form the lens vesicle during
Supported by National Institutes of Health (Grant EY013849). the fifth week of gestation (Francis et al., 1999; McAvoy
*Correspondence to: Xiaohua Gong, 695 Minor Hall, Berkeley, CA 94720, et al., 1999; Graw, 2003; Bassnett et al., 2011; Cvekl and
USA. E-mail:
Ashery-Padan, 2014). Cells in the posterior half of the lens
Published online 0 Month 2017 in Wiley Online Library ( vesicle differentiate and elongate to form the primary lens
Doi: 10.1002/bdr2.1050 fibers that fill in the cavity of the lens vesicle; meanwhile,

C 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


fibers overlay on older fibers from the lens surface through-

out life as the lens grows (McAvoy et al., 1999; Cvekl and
Ashery-Padan, 2014; Mochizuki and Masai, 2014). Eventu-
ally, the tips of interior secondary fibers meet those of fibers
from an opposite hemisphere at the anterior and posterior
sutures. Fiber differentiation and elongation are accompa-
nied by the accumulation of a, b, and c-crystallins, and the
formation of membrane-cytoskeleton structures, including
surface protrusions and ball-and-sockets (McAvoy, 1978;
Willekens and Vrensen, 1982; Kuszak, 1995; Taylor et al.,
1996; Bassnett et al., 2011). Lens interior fibers transition
through several stages as they are buried progressively
deeper from the surface. Peripheral elongating fibers are
well organized and form surface ball-and-socket and protru-
sion structures, and then lose all of their organelles and
nuclei in the lens inner cortex to become mature fibers
FIGURE 1. A slit lamp photo of a dilated pupil from an 11-year-old affected
(Bassnett, 2002).
child with a congenital nuclear cataract caused by the GJA8 p.D47N muta-
Mature fibers further undergo tremendous surface
tion, which displays a pulverulent phenotype as previously reported (Arora
morphogenesis to form surface tongue-and-groove mem-
et al., 2008; He et al., 2011). The D47N mutation of connexin 50 causes
hereditary nuclear cataracts in this family with an autosomal dominant mode
brane undulations, while becoming highly compacted
of inheritance and incomplete penetrance.
(Costello et al., 2013). A diagram of lens development is
illustrated (Fig. 2). Gene mutations and various risk factors
can disrupt certain stages of lens development or damage
cells in the anterior half of the lens vesicle remain prolifer- lens cells of specific regions from the periphery to the lens
ative as lens epithelial cells (LECs). Thereafter, LECs prolif- core, resulting in various types of human cataracts.
erate especially in a region known as the germinative zone The human lens grows exponentially before birth and
just anterior to the lens equator (Mochizuki and Masai, in infancy (Gordon and Donzis, 1985; Bours and F€ odisch,
2014). 1986; Augusteyn, 2007; Augusteyn et al., 2012). However,
Lens growth relies on anterior LECs that are displaced lens thickness seems relatively unchanged early in life
toward the posterior, eventually differentiating into second- (Pennie et al., 2001; Mutti et al., 2005; Trivedi and Wilson,
ary lens fibers at the lens equator. Newly formed secondary 2007). Both axial length and lens thickness have been

FIGURE 2. Lens and fiber cell development. (A) The lens vesicle is a hollow cell-lined structure that forms in the fifth week of gestation. Cells at the posterior half
of the vesicle differentiate and elongate toward the anterior. (B) The elongated primary fiber cells fill the vesicle cavity while the cells at the anterior become lens
epithelial cells (LECs). (C) The lens grows by proliferation of LECs, especially in the germinative zone (GZ). LECs near the equator differentiate into new fiber cells,
elongate, and surround older fibers (blue cortical fibers). Eventually the fibers lose their nuclei and undergo compaction (yellow mature fibers). The original fibers
from the embryonic lens remain in the core of the lens.
BIRTH DEFECTS RESEARCH 00:00–00 (2017) 3

found to be shorter in cases of congenital cataract (Kugel- Lueder, 2006). With advances in genetic mapping and DNA
berg et al., 1996; Trivedi and Wilson, 2007). Lens and eye sequencing technologies, a large number of human here-
biometry has been performed in utero using ultrasound ditary cataracts has been linked to mutations in genes
and MRI (Sukonpan and Phupong, 2009; Velasco-Annis encoding lens crystallins, connexins, aquaporin, cytos-
et al., 2015). Pediatric eye biometry is performed with keletal structural proteins, and other key regulators of
contact or noncontact ultrasonography or partial coher- lens development.
ence interferometry (Al Shamrani and Al Turkmani, 2012). Many childhood cataracts are isolated, while some are
Of interest, the rate of axial length growth seems unal- accompanied by ocular and systemic disorders. For ocular
tered by intraocular lens (IOL) implantation (Sminia et al., disorders, congenital aniridia (Zhang et al., 2017), microcor-
2010). However, molecular and cellular mechanisms nea (congenital microcornea-cataract syndrome) (Leng
describing how lens growth and shape are regulated to et al., 2016), microphthalmia (Kondo et al., 2013), persistent
couple with postnatal visual experience remain elusive. hyperplastic primary vitreous (Prasov et al., 2012), Marfan
syndrome (Khosravi et al., 2014), and Marchesani syndrome
Prevalence and Epidemiological Characteristics (Steinkellner et al., 2015) are most common. Systemic disor-
of Congenital Cataract ders most commonly associated with congenital cataracts
Congenital cataract refers to a lens opacity present at birth are congenital heart disease and nervous system disease.
or detected within the first year of life. Studies on the preva- Other congenital cataract associated syndromes, such as
lence of congenital cataracts have been conducted in differ- Hallermann-Streiff-Francois syndrome (Pasyanthi et al.,
ent regions and populations with various epidemiological 2016), Wolfram syndrome (Morikawa et al., 2017), congeni-
characteristics; the numbers are quite variable from study tal cataract facial dysmorphism neuropathy syndrome (Mas-
to study, due to regional and socioeconomic factors. For ters et al., 2017), Nance-Horan syndrome (NHS) (Tian et al.,
examples, one study estimated that approximately 200,000 2017), and Lowe syndrome (Gao et al., 2016) have also
children are blind due to congenital cataracts globally (Fos- been reported. Ocular manifestations can result from inher-
ter et al., 1997); another reported a prevalence of 1 to 15 ited metabolic disorders (Rajappa et al., 2010), including
per 10,000 children worldwide, and from 1 to 3 per 10,000 galactosemia (Lee et al., 1995), Wilson disease, hypocalce-
births in developing countries (Lin et al., 2014); while a mia, hypo/hyperglycemia, and Lowe syndrome. Thus,
third study found the prevalence of childhood cataract to be genetic counseling and molecular testing could be very help-
0.42 to 2.05 per 10,000 kids in developing countries, com- ful in such cases (Santana and Waiswo, 2011).
pared with 0.63 to 13.6 per 10,000 children in developed Trauma and various diseases often cause nonhereditary
countries (Sheeladevi et al., 2016). congenital cataracts. Some congenital cataracts can be caused
A recent systematic review and meta-analysis calculated by intrauterine infections, such as rubella virus, herpes sim-
a pooled estimate of congenital cataract prevalence, based plex virus, toxoplasma gondii, cytomegalovirus, syphilis, and
on 17 population studies of 8,302,708 children, from varicella zoster virus (Dewan and Gupta, 2012; Jyoti et al.,
regions including Asia, Europe, Australia, Africa, and the 2015; Singh et al., 2016), and, therefore, it is necessary to carry
United States, spanning from 1959 to 2010 (Wu et al., out conventional TORCH tests (toxoplasma, rubella virus, cyto-
2016). The pooled value was 4.24 cases per 10,000 children megalovirus, HSV, and others) in pregnant women (Mc Loone
and considered the effects of diagnosis age, sample size, et al., 2016). In addition, malnutrition during pregnancy
research period, and included study quality (Wu et al., (Kumar et al., 2013), radiographic exposure (Shore et al.,
2016). Delayed diagnosis of affected children in developing 2010), medicines such as linezolid (Ilarslan et al., 2014), and
countries makes more accurate estimates difficult. Regard- intrauterine hypoxia can cause childhood cataracts.
less, the prevalence and life-long effects of childhood blind- Postnatal cataracts can be unilateral and bilateral, based
ness have made it a priority of the global vision 2020 on several systematic studies (Rahi and Dezateux, 2000;
initiative (World Health Organization Global Initiative for Wirth et al., 2002; Wu et al., 2016). The cataracts can be
the Elimination of Avoidable Blindness, 1997 WHO, Geneva, morphologically classified as total, nuclear, posterior sub-
publication no. PBL/97.61). capsular, anterior polar, posterior polar, zonular, nuclear,
Congenital cataracts have diverse etiologies with many lamellar, pulverulent, sutural, cerulean, corraliform, or poly-
unknown causes (Chan et al., 2012). The pooled estimates morphic (Hejtmancik, 2008). Morphology subtype analysis
indicate that the majority of congenital cataracts are idio- indicated that total and nuclear cataracts were the most
pathic (62.2%), while hereditary and nonhereditary causes common congenital cataracts (Perucho-Martinez et al.,
accounted for 22.3% and 11.5% of cases, respectively (Wu 2007). A better understanding of the prevalence, epidemio-
et al., 2016). Genetic abnormalities, such as chromosomal logical characteristics, and underlying mechanisms of child-
trisomies (trisomy 13; trisomy 18, Edwards syndrome; hood cataracts may lead to the identification of prevention
trisomy 21, Down’s syndrome), are also causes for congen- factors or strategies for improving visual function after cata-
ital cataracts (Pe’er and Braun, 1986; Catalano, 1990; ract surgery.

Screening Techniques and the Future gene regulatory networks for lens cell proliferation, differ-
of Prenatal Diagnosis entiation, elongation, and maturation during development,
Early diagnosis is essential for effectively managing con- as well as about metabolites required for lens homeosta-
genital cataracts; left untreated, visual deprivation can sis, provides molecular and cellular insights into the basis
damage the developing visual system of a child. Red reflex of many cataracts (Mathias et al., 2010; Bassnett et al.,
examination at birth is an easy method to screen for con- 2011). Congenital cataracts result from mutations of genes
genital cataracts; it is recommended to perform direct encoding proteins needed for normal lens structure, func-
ophthalmoscopy to check for light reflex and red reflex in tion, and homeostasis. The mutations generate missense,
newborn babies after birth (Mansoor et al., 2016; Rajavi nonsense, or deletion variants, and can also alter splicing
and Sabbaghi, 2016). Early detection is important for facil- sites and introns. Mutations of genes functioning in
itating genetic counseling and timely treatment. Moreover, embryonic or early lens development usually lead to
both genetic and mechanistic studies of congenital cata- nuclear cataracts: opacities in the lens core. Other gene
racts will allow clinicians to better understand cataract mutations, systemic diseases, and trauma can cause corti-
development and to determine surgery timelines that will cal cataracts: opacities appearing in lens peripheral fibers.
reduce or prevent postsurgical vision complications. In recent years, the number of genes and mutations
Great progress has been made in screening for congen- that are associated with congenital cataracts has greatly
ital cataracts using techniques, such as candidate gene expanded and is nicely summarized in this Web site: Cat-
approach, linkage analysis, DNA probe microarrays, and Map, (Shiels et al., 2010). To
gene sequencing. Next-generation sequencing approaches, date, congenital cataracts have been associated with muta-
including genome sequencing, whole exome sequencing, tions of genes encoding crystallins (almost half of muta-
and select target enrichment (Gillespie et al., 2016), have tions), lens membrane proteins such as connexins or
been used in the diagnosis of pediatric cataracts (Musleh aquaporin 0 (MIP26 or MP26), various growth or tran-
et al., 2016; Liu et al., 2017). scription factors, cytoskeletal components such as interme-
Prenatal genetic diagnosis can be provided for a fetus diate filament proteins, other membrane proteins, or
at early gestational stages through chorionic villus or proteins in degradation pathways. Less than 10% of the
amniotic fluid sampling by invasive operations. However, mutations occur in other proteins, including those of lipid
traditional invasive methods pose a risk to the mother and metabolism (Shiels et al., 2010).
unborn fetus. Genetic screening of fetal cells from the cer-
vix or fetal cells from peripheral blood by noninvasive
It is not surprising that crystallin gene mutations account
operations may be more safe and effective. Noninvasive
for almost 50% of all autosomal dominant cataracts. Crys-
prenatal testing (NIPT) is a new method that determines
tallins are the major structural proteins in the lens, mak-
the genomic status of a fetus in utero by analyzing circu-
ing up 90% of lens soluble proteins. Lens crystallin
lating fetal DNA in maternal plasma or serum. Current
proteins consist of a-, b-, and c- isoforms, encoded by dif-
advances in diagnostic NIPT will have significant impacts
ferent genes. Mutations have been identified in the follow-
on all prenatal testing (Liu et al., 2016).
ing crystallin genes: CRYAA, CRYAB, CRYBB1, CRYBB2,
Genetics of Congenital Cataracts and Childhood (Shiels and Hejtmancik, 2015).
Risk Factors At least 17 different mutations of CRYAA, and 10 different
Congenital cataracts display huge variation clinically and
mutations of CRYAB have been identified to cause congeni-
genetically, and can be associated with mutations, genetic
tal cataracts. CRYAA and CRYAB encode aA- and aB-
variance, and other risk factors. As previously mentioned,
crystallins, respectively, members of the small heat-shock
the prevalence and incidence of congenital cataracts varies
protein (sHSP) family with chaperone-like activities (Hor-
widely among different regions or countries (Francois,
witz, 1992; Clark et al., 2012). CRYAA mutations mostly
1982; Meinel, 1991; Haargaard et al., 2005). The majority
cause nuclear cataracts. CRYAB mutations are associated
of inherited congenital cataracts displays autosomal
with cataracts but are also linked to cardiac myopathies
dominant inheritance, but some cataracts are inherited
due to high expression in cardiomyocytes. Among all genes
according to an autosomal recessive, X-linked, or even
encoding b-crystallins and c-crystallins, CRYBB2 and
mitochondrial DNA mode of inheritance. Affected patients
CRYGD genes include the majority of identified mutations.
often show bilateral symmetrical cataracts with variable
Advances in genetic linkage analysis, exome sequenc- Mutations of connexins, components of intercellular gap
ing, and new high-throughput DNA sequencing technolo- junction channels, are the second most abundant gene
gies have greatly expanded our knowledge of cataracts mutations causing congenital cataracts (Cat-Map, http://
causing gene mutations. Growing knowledge about the The avascular lens depends on gap
BIRTH DEFECTS RESEARCH 00:00–00 (2017) 5

junction channels to transport small molecules, such as beaded-filament structures only found in lens fiber cells
ions, nutrients, and metabolites, between adjacent cells to (Song et al., 2009). Mutations in BFSP1 and BFSP2 have
maintain metabolic homeostasis and transparency been identified in both autosomal dominant and recessive
(Mathias et al., 2010). Gap junction channels in lens fiber cataracts; nuclear or lamellar cataracts usually appeared in
cells are mainly formed by gap junction proteins connexin- the dominant cases while cortical cataracts tended to form
46 and connexin-50, encoded by GJA3 and GJA8, respectively in the recessive cases. Vimentin is another intermediate fil-
(Gong et al., 2007). Many missense and frameshift muta- ament protein highly expressed in lens peripheral fiber
tions of GJA3 and GJA8 have been identified in members of cells; a few vimentin gene mutations have been identified
families with inherited cataracts, typically autosomal- to be associated with inherited cataracts (Muller et al.,
dominant nuclear and zonular pulverulent cataracts 2009; Ma et al., 2016). A recent study revealed a mutation
(Mackay et al., 1999; Rees et al., 2000; Yao et al., 2011; Zhu of the PRX gene, encoding a cytoskeletal scaffold protein,
et al., 2014; Yu et al., 2016). Functional studies of some periaxin, to be associated with congenital cataract (Yuan
mutant connexin proteins have revealed that mutations et al., 2016).
cause altered gap junction properties and altered cell sur- FYCO1 encodes a scaffolding protein active in microtu-
face expression, thus compromising intercellular communi- bule based transport of autophagic vesicles. Multiple
cation and resulting in lens opacities (Gao et al., 2004; Beyer FYCO1 mutations have been identified and associated with
et al., 2013; Yu et al., 2016). autosomal recessive cataracts (Cat-Map, http://cat-map.
Lens major intrinsic protein (MIP), also named as (Chen et al., 2011). Many NHS mutations have
aquaporin 0 or MP26, is an integral membrane protein been linked to congenital cataracts (Cat-Map); NHS enco-
that functions as a channel for water transport and plays des a regulator of actin remodeling and cell shape, and
an important cell to cell adhesion role. Identified MIP mutations cause X-linked cataract in males and mild
mutations cause mostly autosomal dominant cataracts. sutural opacities in females (Coccia et al., 2009; Brooks
Abnormal retention of mutant MIP within the endoplasmic et al., 2010). Thus, dynamic regulation of cytoskeletal fila-
reticulum was previously reported (Shiels, 2012; Lo et al., ments and their associated scaffold proteins are critical for
2014). Lens intrinsic membrane protein 2 (LIM2 or MP20) lens development and transparency.
is a transmembrane protein, and has a role in cell adhe-
sion, junction formation, and the formation of the lens
The PAX6 gene encodes a transcription factor with a highly
core syncytium. Several LIM2 mutations were identified
conserved homeodomain that is important for eye develop-
and associated with autosomal recessive cataracts (Shi
ment. Its mutations result in autosomal-dominant aniridia, a
et al., 2009; Maher et al., 2012).
syndrome including cataracts (Zhang et al., 2011).
Mutations of SLC16A12, a transmembrane transporter
Close to 20 mutations of HSF4 are associated with both
active in monocarboxylic acid transport, can cause domi-
autosomal-dominant and recessive cataracts (Cat-Map,
nant cataracts (Cat-Map, HSF4 regulates transcription of
Cataract caused by EPHA2 gene mutations are also
heat-shock proteins, including CRYAB (Somasundaram and
abundant; more than 20 mutations of EPHA2 have been
Bhat, 2004). Some cataracts can be caused by gene muta-
found in both dominant and recessive inherited cataracts
tions in other transcription factors, including PITX3, FOXE3,
(Cat-Map, EPHA2 encodes a
and MAF (Cat-Map, In addition,
member of the ephrin receptor subfamily of protein-
large numbers of mutations of the ferritin light chain gene,
tyrosine kinases, which plays a role in lens cell migration
FTL, are associated with hyperferritinemia-cataract syn-
through interaction with src kinase. Mutations might
drome (Cat-Map,, and the cata-
destabilize the receptor (Park et al., 2012; Shi et al., 2012;
racts are associated with hyperferritinemia without iron
Cheng et al., 2013).
overload (Girelli et al., 1995).
A network of various lens cytoskeletal proteins maintains Cataract Surgery and Concerns
cell shape and size. Lens cells contain three filaments: Early diagnosis for neonatal cataracts is important for
microfilaments, microtubules, and intermediate filaments. achieving good visual function, which largely depends on
Intermediate filaments of lens cells are important not only the timing of surgery to remove dense cataracts (Chan
for supporting fiber cell structures and organization, but et al., 2012). With the development of surgical techniques,
also for maintaining lens integrity and stability during lens microincision cataract extraction combined with primary
accommodation. IOL implantation has been accepted as the primary
Beaded filament structural proteins (BFSPs) form the method for the management of childhood cataract (Wang
unique lens-specific intermediate filaments. Two core com- and Xiao, 2015). Surgical intervention is also crucial to
ponents are encoded by BFSP1 (filensin) and BFSP2 prevent irreversible amblyopia caused by congenital cata-
(CP49), these two BFSPs combine with a-crystallin to form ract (Chen et al., 2016).

Because of children’s special anatomical features and inflammatory reaction, etiology of the cataract, and the
severe inflammatory response, pediatric cataract surgery age of the patient (Whitman and Vanderveen, 2014). PCO
remains complex and challenging. The timing of surgery is the most common complication of cataract surgery with
needs to balance the effect on visual development and the a risk of nearly 95%, and is associated with abnormal pro-
surgical risks. Neonatal cataract removal should be per- duction of inflammatory factors (Fan et al., 2006). Preven-
formed early enough to prevent the onset of deprivation tion of PCO is a major task faced by the entire pediatric
amblyopia, particularly in the unilateral cases. Infants ophthalmology community. Both the in-the-bag IOL fixa-
younger than 6 months ought to accept cataract extraction, tion and surgical technique influence the prevalence of
combined with primary posterior continuous curvilinear PCO. Primary posterior capsulotomy and anterior vitrec-
capsulorrhexis and anterior vitrectomy (Nagamoto et al., tomy are considered routine surgical steps, especially in
2015). There is increasing evidence of safety for IOL implan- children younger than two years old (Vasavada et al.,
tation in those younger than two years of age; however, it 2011).
remains controversial what the best age is for IOL implanta- Treatment with dexamethasone or cytoskeletal drugs
tion (Chen et al., 2016). Primary IOL implantation is a stand- was reported to inhibit PCO formation in human lens cap-
ard procedure for patients older than two years of age. In sules in vitro (Sureshkumar et al., 2012). Newly designed
terms of unilateral cataracts, primary IOL implantation is IOLs embedded with slow-release molecules may reduce
suggested to be carried out in patients over 1 year old inflammation and the need for topical anti-inflammatory
(Tadros et al., 2016). IOL implantation in children less than treatment (Kugelberg et al., 2010). Posterior capsulotomy
6 months old, particularly in bilateral cataracts, is still con- with Nd:YAG laser treatment is an effective way to elimi-
sidered high risk due to severe postoperative inflammation, nate PCO (Chen and Fredrick, 2010). Secondary glaucoma
posterior capsule opacification (PCO), and other complica- is another common complication after lensectomy (Baden
tions (Vasavada and Vasavada, 2017). et al., 2013). Diagnosis of glaucoma following congenital
The selection of IOLs is the most contentious and key cataract surgery requires lifelong surveillance (Ma et al.,
issue, which depends on the optical factors of the operated 2012). Moreover, a standardized amblyopia training pro-
eye; various measurements such as accurate estimation of
gram with long-term follow-up is essential for visual reha-
axial length, corneal curvature and refraction, and compre-
bilitation after congenital cataract surgery (Repka, 2016).
hensive evaluation of IOL and power selection (Al Shamrani
Due to postsurgical complications, congenital cataracts
and Al Turkmani, 2012). Foldable hydrophobic acrylic IOL
remain the leading cause for childhood blindness, thus
material is widely used, as it maintains centration and causes
new therapeutic strategies need to be explored. A recent
less severe PCO and inflammation (Wilson et al., 2007). Axial
study reported a novel strategy to restore lens transpar-
length can be measured using contact or immersion ultraso-
ency and visual function by using regeneration of endoge-
nography or optical biometry. Measurement error by these
nous lens stem cells (Lin et al., 2016). It is too early to
methods may play a role in clinically residual refractive error
judge whether endogenous stem cells from a cataractous
(Wilson and Trivedi, 2012). Among all the IOL calculation for-
lens would eventually generate a clear lens that could
mulas, the Hoffer Q formulas were reported to be more accu-
properly focus images onto the retina.
rate than others for children, especially in eyes shorter than
In summary, significant advances in DNA sequencing
22 mm (Kane et al., 2016).
technologies, personalized diagnosis, and genetic counsel-
Clinical ophthalmologists aim to choose the appropriate
IOL to gain the targeted postoperative refraction state, while ing have continually reduced childhood blindness due to
taking the myopic shift into account. Younger children at congenital cataracts. However, noninvasive prenatal diag-
time of implantation show greater myopic shift. To reduce nosis, and new surgical procedures in conjunction with
the necessity of IOL exchange, patients should be undercor- lens regeneration techniques will be important for treating
rected by 10 to 20%, with the residual refractive error cor- or preventing congenital cataracts in affected younger chil-
rected by spectacles that are continually adjusted dren. Perhaps, future studies in both lens regeneration
throughout life, according to refractive development (Dahan and inhibition of neonatal cataracts would lead to effective
and Drusedau, 1997). In terms of the type of IOLs, the poste- strategies for not only treating congenital cataracts, but
rior chamber IOLs in-the-bag implantation is most recom- also restoring visual function.
mended in pediatric aphakic eyes (Luo et al., 2013), anterior
chamber IOLs and iris-fixated IOLs may be used in some Acknowledgments
children who have inadequate capsular support, but are X.G. was supported by the National Institutes of Health. The
unlikely to be widely adopted (Barbara et al., 2016). authors declare no conflict of interest.
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ment, IOL pupillary capture, and decentration (Gasper Al Shamrani M, Al Turkmani S. 2012. Update of intraocular lens
et al., 2016); they are often related to aggressive implantation in children. Saudi J Ophthalmol 26:271–275.
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