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This assessment has two parts:

1. Craft a written response in English to the following prompt:

You've learned about cities popular within the Deaf community and a lot about
Deaf culture. If you were traveling with a deaf or hard-of-hearing friend, which city
would be the best destination: Austin, TX; Rochester, NY; Washington Metropolitan
Area; or Riverside/Bay Area, CA?
Your written response must include the following:
● an introductory paragraph that contains your claim
● a paragraph that provides evidence in support of your position, including at least
three sites that you would like to visit in the chosen city and why
● a paragraph that addresses the counterclaim of your position, including at
least one reason someone might disagree with your position and a rebuttal or a
response to their reason
● a concluding statement
● words, phrases, or clauses that provide organization to the essay, including
transitions and a variety of sentence structures
● a formal writing style

2. Want to know more? Of course, you do. Be sure to include at least one question in
English that you have about American Sign Language or Deaf culture.

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