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Option 1: Using complete sentences, write your answers to two of these questions. You do
not need to answer all the questions—only two of them.

1. What are some accomplishments (times when you have succeeded in doing something) or
goals you have reached in your life? These can be as big or as small as you would like; an
accomplishment could be that you no longer bite your nails.
2. What was the biggest challenge you faced in getting to where you are today and how did you
overcome it?
3. In this lesson, you read the success stories of three immigrants who succeeded: Francisco
Jimenez, Mazie Keiko Hirono, and Khaled Hosseini. Which of these three people inspires
you the most and why?

Option 2: If you prefer to draw, you can create an Inner Map TM. An Inner Map is a
representation (an image that stands for something else) of your life story. There are five
pictures you should include on your Inner Map:

● Home: A belief, attitude, or inner quality that is at the heart of who you are.
● Challenges: One challenge you face.
● Energizer: One thing that gives you strength.
● Wings: One attitude or belief in your life that helps you soar (to rise or fly).
● Brakes: One attitude or belief that slows you down.

You can see what Mawi's Inner Map might have looked like at age 16.

After you draw your map, include a brief description so your teacher knows what each part of
the map represents. There is no right or wrong way to draw your Inner Map.

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