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I. Install CH340 Driver

The CH340 has been tested on:

• Windows 7/10
• Mac OSX
o v10.10.5 (Yosemite)
o v10.11.6 (El Capitan)
o v10.13.0 (High Sierra)
o v10.14.5 (Mojave)
• Linux
o Raspbian Stretch (11-13-2018 release) for the Raspberry Pi
o Raspbian Buster (2019-07-10 release) for the Raspberry Pi
o Ubuntu v18.04.2, 64-bit

These operating systems have the CDC drivers pre-installed, which means you shouldn't need to
install any extra software. However, there are a wide range of operating systems out there, so if
you run into driver problems, you can get the archived drivers linked below:

• Windows (EXE) -- Driver executable

• Windows (ZIP) : Driver v3.4 (2016-09-27)
• Mac (ZIP) : Driver v1.5 (2018-07-04)
• Linux (ZIP) : Driver v1.5 (2018-03-18)

The CH340 is made by WCH. You can find the latest version of their drivers here, but most of
their pages are in Mandarin. If you use a Chrome web browser, you should have the option to
have the web page translated.


II. Install Arduino IDE

Launch the Arduino website, click on SOFTWARE and then, click to
download the Windows Installer for Arduino IDE (see Figure 1).
Figure 1: Install Arduino IDE
After the installed file is downloaded, double click to install the software.

Figure 2: Start Arduino IDE

When the installation is accomplished, search Arduino on the Start menu, then click on the
Arduino icon to run the software (see Figure 2).

III. First Project on Arduino: LED Blinky

Click on File/ Examples/Basics and finally, click on Blink

Figure 3: Blinky example project on Arduino
To download this software to Arduino board, select Tools/Port and click on the COM port,
which is connected to the board (see Figure 4).

Figure 4: Select connection port before programming

Then, click on the Upload button on the toolbar. If there is no error, the build-in led is blink
every second (see Figure ).

Figure W: Click Upload button to download the program to Arduino board

IV. Modify the Blinky Project
1. Modify the program in order to change the cycle of the LED from 1 second to 2 seconds.
Provide your source code in following:

2. Modify the program in order to turn on the LED for 2 seconds and then turn it off for 3
seconds. Provide your source code in following:
V. Exercise
1. Connect more LED to other pins and do some led animations. You can arrange the LEDs
in a beautiful shape for this exercise. Currently, the build-in LED is connected to Pin 13
of the Arduino. If your LED is connected to Pin 1 for instance, following codes are

2. There is a motor which three different LEDs, representing for Red, Yellow and Green.
These motors are connected to pins numbered 10 (Yellow), 11 (Green) and 12 (Red) of
the Arduino Uno platform.
Where: Red: the motor is stop 5s, Yellow: left motor move 5s, Green: right motor move
3. Write and run a program that make buzzer using Arduino
VI. Introduction
In data transmission, serial communication is the process of sending data one bit at a time,
sequentially, over a communication channel or computer bus. This is in contrast to parallel
communication, where several bits are sent as a whole, on a link with several parallel channels.
In this lab, a serial communication is used for data transmission between the Arduino board and a
computer or other devices. All Arduino boards have at least one serial port (also known as a UART
or USART) named Serial. It communicates on digital pins 0 (RX) and 1 (TX) as well as with the
computer via USB. Thus, if you use these functions, you cannot also use pins 0 and 1 for digital
input or output.

Figure 5: Data transmission using Serial communication

The process of sending data using serial communication is demonstrated in Figure 5. It is worth
noting that the Tx pin of the transmitter must be connected to the Rx pin of the receiver.

Figure 6: Create an empty project on Arduino by clicking File/New

Figure 7: Serial connection between Arduino Robot and PC

VII. Serial Interface in Arduino Uno

In this section, a manual to send data from Arduino board to the computer is presented briefly.
Firstly, create a new project on Arduino by clicking on File and select New. An empty project is
created as Figure 6. The first step in serial communication is set the speed of data transmission,
which is expressed in baud, or baud-rate. In computer communication, the baud rate and bits per
second (bps) are equivalent. An example bellow will set the speed of the serial to 9600 bps and
send “Hello, I am Arduino Uno” to the PC. In fact, the USB connection between your Arduino
board and PC is the Serial connection (see Figure 7).
void setup() {
// Set the speed to 9600bps
//Send a sentence to PC
Serial.println("Hello, I am Arduino Uno");
Now, you can save your project and then, click on Tools/Port, chose a correct USB port which is
used to connect to the board before uploading the code.
Figure 8: Select Serial Monitor to open the PC terminal

Figure 9: PC terminal: The speed is set to 9600 baud

Finally, click on Tools, select Serial Monitor as showed Figure 8 and then, a PC terminal will be
opened as depicted in Figure 9. Please make sure that the speed of the terminal is set to 9600
baud. Then, you can see the result on the terminal!!!

VIII. Receive a Character from PC Terminal

From PC terminal, you can send some data to the Arduino board by pressing any charater on your
PC keyboard and the click buttion Send. However, some code need to be implemented in the
Arduino board as following: the board keep checking if there is a character sent to it. If there is a
character, it will read this character and send it back to the PC terminal.

void loop() {
char temp =;
Serial.print("I received: ");
Figure 10: The result when typing letter A in the box, then click on Send button
After uploading to the board, you can open the terminal again by clicking on Tools/Serial Monitor.
The results can be found in Figure 10

IX. Exercise
1. Implement a short program to make the LED connected to pin 13 turn on if a character O
is received. Other characters, the LED is turned off.
Hint: Use the if statement: if(temp == ‘O’){ …. } else {….}

2. Implement a short program to make the LED connected to pin 13 turn on if a character O
is received. However, the LED is turned off only when receiving character F

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