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Marc Anthony F.

Gigomo BETMXT-2A

1. What is the context of his speech?

Her speech was intended to discuss how she dealt with the problems and opportunities
she faced, as well as how she continued to mature into the person she is today. She
narrates the story of her personal development and what she's learned about being human
as a result. She encouraged us to embrace our differences and celebrate what makes us
unique. Mariana Atencio reminds us that being unique is a benefit, and we should be
proud of it in order to stand out. The most important lesson she learnt was that we all
have one thing in common: we are all humans.

2. Do you think the guidelines for effective oral communication were followed?

As I see it, yes, she followed the guidelines She delivered it well and clearly; her purpose
and intention were clear and have supporting facts as she experiences all of what she said.
When she gives a speech, she is relaxed and confident; there are no visible or audible
signs of nervousness.

3. Which ones were followed? Which ones were not? Why/why not?

She mostly follows the guidelines. Her speech context was a public speech context since,
it lacks the intimacy that are typical of one-to-one and small group interactions. Because
the speaker has a set time restriction and both the speaker and the audience keep their
roles throughout the speech events, there are no opportunities for feedback. Thus, the
promote access to information in communication ethics are not able to follow or utilize.

4. What advice would you give to make the speaker more effective?

My advice I give to make the speaker more effective is to follow the guidelines for
effective communication. Memorize the concepts, not the information, and use visuals
and sounds to reinforce the message. Be natural. Finally, include a humorous narrative
and powerful wording in your presentation.

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