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Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

Honorable head of English language education study program, Mrs, Istiqlaliah Nurul Hidayati

Honorable Assistant of English language education study program, Mr. Abdul Rosyid, M.pd

Honorable Mr. Andi maulana hakim, M.pd and Mrs Leora Grahadila Andovita M.pd

Honorable the institutions faculty of teacher training and education

Honorable the judges of competition

Honorable chief of Hima D’Basis Nida Haniyatul A’lya

Honorable the members of Hima D’Basis

First of all, let’s thank to god Allah SWT, the lord of the lord, the king of the king, who had
given us mercy and blessing so we can attend in this occasion. (Educating with theme
“Upgrading Parenting amg Technology Skills for Milennial’s Generation”)

Second, peace and salutation just be upon to our nable prophet Muhammad SAW who had
brought us from the darkness to the lightness.

I’m …………. as master of ceremony, I’m going to tell you the rundown

- Opening
- Singing Indonesia raya
- The greeting
- Praying the du’a
- Take a picture
- closing

The first agenda is opening,

Let’s open our agenda by reciting basmallah (Bismillahirohmanirohim)

The second agenda is singing Indonesia Raya


The third agenda is greeting and report

The first report from chief of Educating, Maya Amelia. The time is yours


Thank you, Maya Amelia for your greeting report

The second is greeting from chief of Hima D’Basis, nida haniyatul A’alya the time is yours.


Thank you nida haniyatul A’lya for your greeting

The third is greeting from head of English language education study program, Mrs. Istiqlaliah
Nurul Hidayanti M.pd the time is yours


Thank you Mrs. Istiqlaliah Nurul Hidayanti M.pd for your greeting

The fourth agenda is praying du’a, from M. Hafidh Waliyudin Dzaki the time is yours


Thank you, M. Hafidh Waliyudin Dzaki for your praying du’a

The next agenda is delivering program kerja D’Basis Art Days

Allow me to speak in Bahasa

Kepada para hadirin dipersilahkan untuk menyalakan kamera karena kami akan melakukan sesi
foto bersama, kepada sie. PDDL dipersiapkan untuk pengambilan foto


Oke, pengambilan foto sudah selesai. Terima kasih kepada para hadirin yang sudah menyalakan
kamera untuk sesi foto ini. Untuk para tamu hadirin dipersilahkan meninggalkan ruangan zoom
meeting, saya Bunga Amelia Putri sebagai master ceremony pamit undur diri terima kasih.

Wassalamualaikum wr wb
Terima kasih kepada Ana kusuma wardani dan juga gifany nur azizanti yang tadi sudah
memaparkan juara disetiap perlombaanya, dan juga tadi ada penampilan dari guest stars yang
luar biasa.

Acara ini saya ambil alih

Agenda selanjutnya akan ditutup oleh ibu Istiqlaliah nurul hidayati, kepada ibu istiqlaliah waktu
dan tempat dipersilahkan


Terima kasih banyak ibu atas penutupannya

Selanjutnya ada pembacaan doa yang akan dibacakan langsung oleh halimatu fatiah, kepada
halimatu fatiah waktu dan tempat dipersilahkan


Terima kasih halimatu fatiah atas pembacaan doanya

Agenda selanjutnya ada sesi pengambilan foto

Kepada para hadirin dipersilahkan untuk menyalakan kamera karena kami akan melakukan sesi
foto bersama, kepada sie. PDDL dipersiapkan untuk pengambilan foto


Terima kasih kepada para hadirin yang sudah menyalakan kamera untuk sesi foto ini

Allow me to speak in English

Finally we have in the end of this event, thank you for all of the participant, Mrs istiqlaliah, Mr
rosyid, Mr andi, Mrs leora, the institutions faculty of teacher training and education, the judges
of competition, and all members of hima D’basis for your attend in this event. I’m bunga amelia
putri as master of ceremony, thank you for your attention and i do apologize if i made same
mistakes while guiding this event.

Wassalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

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