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Skit of Nicholas Nickelby

Yaya: Young Nicholas and his family enjoy a comfortable life, until Nicholas' father
dies and the family is left penniless. Nicholas, his sister and mother venture to
London to seek help from their Uncle Ralph, but Ralph's only intentions are to
separate the family and exploit them. Nicholas is sent to a school run by the cruel,
abusive and horridly entertaining Wackford Squeers.
The following skit is a sample of what happened when Nicholas visited Dotheboys
Hall for the first time where he sees a gruesome scene of malnourished and sad
children but most importantly the villains of this story mr queer and mrs queer.


bhalu ( assertive) : just finished
Here Smike take the basin away. quick!

Nishchal: Mrs. squeers wipes her hand on the head of a nearby boy not giving a
care abt how he feels.She continues to serve something that looks like porridge on
the table but the boys were used to the mistreatment and sat down.

Aryan (proudly and smugly): For what we have received, may the Lord make us truly

nish: Nicholas ate the porridge telling himself that it was better than nothing.
Taya: the school seemed to be the opposite of what we know of. Down spirited, and
all the students seemed to be following a so called discipline.
nish: the son of the queers wackford was "busy" stepping on other

aprim: the son is like the father (mumbles to himself)

taya: during class time, mr queers who came as if knowing everything walked
in proudly
Aryan: This is the first class in english spelling. first of all, Living in England
but not knowing English would be a disgrace. As such I hope u all get ur
spellings right.
Now where's the first boy?

Arnav: Please, sir hes cleaning the back room window

Aryan: so he is
(turning left side) we use a practical way of teaching nickelby
it helps them understand the meaning with a touch of physicality in it
hey u first boy! tell me whats the spelling of clean along with its literary
meanings! Quick!
arnav: C-L-E-A-N sir. It’s a verb ,meaning to make bright
Aryan: theres another synonym for it
W-I-N win, D-E-R der
now if u understand the meaning of it get going and clean!!!
(turning left to nickelby) when the boy knows this out of the book he goes
and does it, wheres the second boy?

Bipul: sir hes weeding the garden

aryan: B-O-T bot, T-I-N tin, N-E-Y ney bottiney , meaning a knowledge of plants. he
knows the meaning so he weeds on the plant with his bottiney. now go and help
bipul: yes sir!!
Aryan: (turning to nickelby) : this is our system nickelby what do u think of it

dikshyant: its very effective it seems (small voice but hearable)

Aryan: third boy whats a horse

prarup: a beast sir
Aryan: a beast it is. a horse is a quadruped, and quadruped means a beast , as
everyone who is English must have learnt. or whats the point of being one of us?
dikshyant: whats the point indeed( agreeing)

Aryan: third boy as ur perfect in that go and look after my horse and wash him well.
or ill wash the living day lights out of u quick!!
that’s the way we do it nickelby and a very good way it is too. now get going we
don’t need idleness take the fourteen boys there and hear thei reading
nickelby let out a sigh and he was soon listening to their reading slow and dull
feeling the time pass by slowly and lazily

THank you!!

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