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The wonderful love of GOD

I John 3:1-3

Behold what manner of love the Father has bestowed on us, that we should be called children
of GOD. Therefore the world does not know us, because it did not know HIM. Beloved, now we
are children of GOD; and it has not yet been revealed that we shall be, but we know that when
He is revealed, we shall be like HIM, for we shall see HIM as He is. And everyone who has this
hope in HIM purifies himself, just as He is pure.

1. The wonderful manner of HIS love Deuteronomy 7:8

a. Behold the depth and tenderness of it
b. Behold the sacrifice and suffering of it.
c. Behold the power and blessing of it
2. The wonderful bestowal of GOD’s love
a. He give it all Ephesians 2: 4-5 , 5:2
b. He was not brought to earth to be lifted or to be sought and found
c. But it was broken and poured into men’s souls and the gracious word of love
3. The wonderful purpose of HIS love romans 8:15 -17
a. He would not only rescue us but take us and adopt us into HIS family.
b. Make us HIS own
c. He bestowed on us childhood heritage, fellowship, partnership
d. Challenged us to be crowned with HIM
4. The present wonderful realization of HIS love Jeremiah 31:3
a. Not promised to be
b. Not going to be
c. Not hoping to be
5. The wonderful unbroken, unbounded future of GOD’s love I John 4:9
a. Our assurance of HIS love:
No condemnation
No alienation
No disintegration
No separation
No isolation
No miscalculation
No accusation

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