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Basic Commands

by Caleb Espinoza G.
$ git init

● To create a new local repository.

● It does all of the initial setup of a
● Running this command creates a hidden
.git directory
$ git init
$ git status

● It will display a lot of information depending on

the state of your files the working directory, and
the repository.

● It shows us about new files that have been created

in the Working Directory that Git hasn't started
tracking, yet
$ git status
$ git clone

This command:

● takes the path to an existing repository

● by default will create a directory with the same
name as the repository that's being cloned
● will create the new repository inside of the
current working directory
$ git clone
$ git add

● This command is used to move files from the Working

Directory to the Staging Index.
● This command:

* takes a space-separated list of file names

* alternatively, the period . can be used in place
of a list of files to tell Git to add the current
directory (and all nested files)
$ git add .
$ git commit -m “Message”

● The git commit command takes files from the Staging

Index and saves them in the repository.
$ git log

● This command displays information about the

existing commits.

the SHA
the author
the date
and the message
$ git log
$ git show fdf5493

● This command will show only one commit.

● And by default, git show displays:

the commit
the author
the date
the commit message
the patch information
$ git checkout

● This command allows us to move through our commits

or our branches.
● git checkout branch_name //moves through branches
● git checkout fdf5493 //moves through commits
● git checkout -b branch_name //create a new branch
and move towards it.
$ git checkout
$ git branch

● The git branch command is used to interact with

Git's branches.
● It can be used to:

* list all branch names in the repository

* create new branches
* delete branches
$ git branch

● Git branch branch_name //Create a new branch

● git branch -d branch_name //Delete a branch
$ git branch
$ git reset

● This command deletes the commits.

● Git reset --soft //Don’t touch our Working Area

● Git reset --mixed //Delete the Staging Area and

don’t touch the Working Area

● Git reset --hard //Delete all in the commit

$ git remote

● It’s lets you create, view, and delete connections

to remote repositories.

● $ git remote add <name> <url> //add a new remote repo

● $ git remote remove <name> //remove a remote repo

● $ git remote -v //print the list of bookmarked repository names

$ git pull

● It first runs git fetch which downloads content

from the specified remote repository.

● Then a git merge is executed to merge the remote

content refs and heads into a new local merge

● $ git pull origin remote_branch_name

$ git pull
Before After
$ git push

● It’s used to publish an upload local changes to a

central repository and share the modifications with
remote team members.

● $ git push origin remote_branch_name

$ git push
Before After
$ git help

This command helps us to know how git works or some

its commands.
$ online_resources_about_git

Free course in spanish

Free course in english

Git key terms in PDF
$ the_end

$ git commit -m “Thank you so much!”

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