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SHI # Py YOCODA SATSSANGA FORTNIGHTLY JNSTRUGTIONS BY BARAMHANSA YOGANANDA ~00= (fo be confidentially Reserved FOR MEMBER'S USE ONLY) a ee ae ee eS ETERNI?Y Oh, will that day arrive When I abali ceasckcadessly ank, And drive SBternnl questions Into Thine car, 0 Eternity, And have solution How weck weeds grow and stand unbont, Unstak'n beneath the trampling ovrrent; How the storm wrecked titanic things; Uprooted trees; And quick disturbed the mighty sons; How the first spark blinked, And the first tres; The first goldfish) the firat blue bird so foee An4 the first crooning baby In thie wonéer house made Their visit ané entry. They come, I sea; Thoir growth alono t watch, thy Coenie Movldering Hant That segret works oh lahd and seo; T wibh to seize, 0 Eternity, PEPE PPE EP PPE PPh PPE PEPE Ee PE ey ERAEGBETUM EBRAYER_ "Bless mo, that I my behold nothing but that which is goods . Teach mo; that I may touch nothing but purity. in me that I moy Listen only to Ty Voice in all good speech and in the beauty of sonzai Direct me to inhale only the breath of purity - oxbding perfumes from flowers of Spiriti Invite me to indulge in wholesome tastes of soul+ nourishing food. ‘each me to touch that which remainds mo of Thy ouch» THE ABT QF RBLULENGATION Bart th REL, TION OF WILL POWER TO ENERGY Self-Realization ts the KNOWING, in all parts of the body, mint, and Soul, that we are now in possesaion of tho Omipresence of God; that we tio not have to pray that 1t come to us; that we are not merely near it at all times, but that God's Omnipresence is our Cmniprescnes; that He is just as mech a part of us now as He will ever be, and that all we have to do is to improve our KNOWING. %} those who can mnsotously realize this at every moment, no instruction can be given, for a11 knowledge is theirs; It is ali there is of religion, For those who are not immodiately able ta comprchond thts an’ consciously yiold their existence to the recognition of this ‘ruth, whose very simplicity forms. the grentest bar to ite acceptance an? unterstanding, certain suacestions an? methods are availiable by § S-T * PG “Page Tvo- which complete understanding may be realized, and theso mothods com prise thework of the YOGODA SA&T-SANGA, The material human consciousness cannot grasp the Universal Core cfousness within iteelf, no mtter how desirous it is to ao 20, but when the student, by the methods of Self-Realization, throvgh concen- tration and meditation, enlarges the calibre of his consejousnesa and raises its quality, he can perecive the Universal Conseiovsness in all atoms, ‘This what is meant by "Received Him." ‘Thus all Souls ean actually find their Souls One with Cosmic Gonecios ness, by intuitive Self~ Realization, They can know thomselves as "Sons of God". THE PHYSIOAL BODY Tho physical body in a combination of cells which are made of moving molecules, These cellular molecules are made of whirling atoms, protons, and electrons. These cellular and molewukr atoms and clec- trons in turn are made of seml-intelligent sparks of God's thoughts, Therefore, we see that the physical body 1s a bundle of motions, On the surface of this body is found the chemical motions and dance of cells. Below the surface of the waves of the chomical and cellular motion 1s found the dancing waves of zolecuhr notion, Below the mole~ cvlar motion move the waves of atomic motion, Below the atomic motion is found the electro-protonic motion, Below the cleetro-protonic mo- tion is found the dancing waving sparks of the vitel forces. Below the surface of the vital sparks lic the woves of sensation. Helow tho waves of sensation lic the waves of thought, feeling, and will-force. Below all the above layers of waves the Ego is found to remain hidden, On the surface, tho body appears tobe a solid mass, occupying a small portion of space, but xe sec that these ecllular waves are manifestations of a vaster area of dancing molecular waves, Likewise, the molecular waves are manifestations of a vaster oren of atanic waves. ‘The atanic waves are mnifestations of vaster olectro-protonic waves, ‘The electronic waves are mnifestations of the vast forces of all forms of sub-consciousness, super-conseiousness, and Cosmic Conse lovsness, On the surface, the body as chemical motion is small and do- pendent vpon chemicals drawn from the earth, ana upon food, water, and sunshine, but on the internal side the body ‘and its chemical ecllular motions are nothing but condensed waves of Cosmic Consciousness, ‘there fore, the body aga solid substance occupies a very swall space, but sincs the body on the internal side is condensed Cosmic Consciousness, it is very vast and ever Omnipresent. Tissue is the gemral name for o11 the different forms of materials of which the body 1s composed. ‘Then again, the same invisi- ble force biologically so arranges the cells that some form into hard bones wonderfully worked into 0 skeleton frame, around which the flesh onn cling. This superstructure of flesh and bones hns, on the oxternal sids, been mde dependent upon the ultra-violet rays in the sunshine, and vpon oxygen, good food, amd pure liquids, such a water, frit Juices, and so forth, On the interna) side, these living celis, whic constitute the flesh, bones, am all tissues, are kept rejuvenated by thoughts am biological forces, ’ It is very strange that the chomicn] motions of the body have to be kept alive and dancing by the forces of food, chemicals, end sunshine, while it would be entirely possible to keep them alive and flooded with vitality from the inner sovree of Cosmic Consciousness, but the body being motion, cannot live without motion; henes it has tobe kept stirred with life externally by food forces, and internally it has to be kept dancing with vitality derived from Cosuie Consei- ov sne HE POWER OF WILL ises generally teach one to ancentrate upon Ger oneself a muscular Being only. Tey help Mecmnical oxer: the muscles and to cons S-I « P.6 “Page Threc- to stimulate the animol consciousness in mn and not his subtle nature, Self-Realization Instruction teaches the science ignored by most ex: cises. It teaches its students how to concentrate upon their life energy and Will Power, awakening the consciousness of their subtle Spirltual nature, It teaches its students that strength comes from within and not from the muscles, and that Life does not depend solely vpon food or exercise, but sustained from the powers within. For example, a dead mn artificially made to exercise with dumb-bells does not become strong, nor does he live if his stomoh is stuffed with food, sinee his Life Energy is absent. Self-Realization Instructions teach one to spiritualize the body, which is the reflection of the Spirit, It teaches one to consi- der oneself as the Life Energy and not a body consisting of bones and muscles with 1 cortain weight. It shows how by TENSION, energy can be put forth in the body, and by RELAXATION it cnn be withdrawn from it, Since expenditure of Life Ynergy is involved in nll processes of thoveht, fecling, and physical activity, Self-Renlization Instructim shows how to replenish the reckless expenditure of energy by tapping at its source, It tenches that the seat of Life Energy is the Medulle Oblongata. It shows that this Life Mnerey ean be continvally supplicd to the body by. stimulating it by the power of Conscious Will. ‘The “111 serves to bridge the gulf existing between the Life Energy in tho body and the Cosmic Energy surrounding it. It teaches one how to work with- out fatigue by keeping in touch with Cosmic Life Energy. All limbs and msclos are moved by the oxereise of Will and 1l;fe Energy. ‘The flow of Life Energy into the sensory nerves is caused by Divine Will and your own Will; into the motor nerves by your om will. ‘the greater the Will, the greater the flow of Life Energy into a particular body part, Angry men and angry animls manifest abnormal strength. ‘This abnormal strength is not due to their muscles crowing stronger within the short period of their anger, Their Will is stinu- ln ted by anger and caves an extra flow of Life Energy or strength into their musbles and bodies. Most mechanical physical culture systems ignore the above facts, and because they usg only unconscious mecmnical will, their exercises consist of muscle - tumping, Such exercises do not cause a sufficient flow of Life Enerey into the muscles and tisaves used. If you follow bhe teachings of Self-Realization Instruotion, you will learn how to vitalize every body cell. RELAXATION AND TENSION The activity of life consists principally in expressing motion and consefoveness in the muscles, limbs, and bodily organs. Relaxation means the release of the energy and consciousness which have beon employed by the entire body, or any of its parts, duril mental or physical activity. Man receives sensation coming from outside stimulation through his eyes, oars, nose, tongue, and skin surface by means of the immls- es which travel through the sensory nerves, and he responds to sensa- tions by sending enerey back throuzh the strings of motor nerves which causes tension or contraction of the muscles. Tension reswlts from willimy to send mergy to any muscle. Lift your richt arm, Now ask yourself what -powers are used in, the lifting of the arm, You will say: "Will Power", But think, if your arm becams paralyzed, your will to lift it wovld still be present, but still you would not be able to raise it. Why? Because the energy could not flow freely through the nerves into the muscles of the ares But if the arm wero honled, you wovld again be able to lift it by will- anes throbbing with Merefora, Look at your right arm resting at your side, enersy. Can you lift it without willine? No, you cannot. ft remember that you use both ENERGY and WIIL in the liftinz and movin of the limbs or any part of the body. eI «P16 -Page Four BVERGY AND WILL . Experiment: Lift your right arm forward, shovlder high, paras lel to the eround with palm up. Closs your Jeft hand and place it on your upturned reht palm, pressing downward ds 1f your left hand weighted atout five pounds. Resist this pressure by tensing the right arm, Inerease the proswre of the left hand to ten pounds, Will to hold it and jneroase the tension by willing to sem more energy to tho right arm, Now incrense the pressure with the left hand to fifteen pounds ani will to hold it by increasing the tension in the right arm to hold the greater welght. You onn do this weight lifting exereise mentally withovt pressure or use of weights, ns shown in the following: Rolax and drop your arms to your side, Again lift your right arm parallel to the ground with upturned palm, Hold it thore. Now realize tiaé a certain amount of Will and Mnergy holds your arm in this position, If you take the will away from the uplifted right arm, tho arm will fall, drawn by gravity, and hang by your side; or it will fall if the nerves are suddenly cut, or paralized, or if the energy is with- drawn, . Now raise your right arm and tense it as much as is required to hold an imaginary weight of five pounds. ‘then tense it stronger, to hold an imeinary ineroased wofght of ten pounds. Ton tense stronger still to hola an imaginary inereased weight of fiftcen pounds. Now relax and arop your arm. When holding actual or imaginary pressure or weight of five pounds, you have to Will to hold it, and accordingly you use the amount of Energy necessary to hold it. Likewise, wien you will to bold an increased woight of ten or fifteen pounda, you inerease your Will and the amount of Energy sont to the arm in order to hold thee reater weight, It my now be socn that we experimce weight necording to the acerco of Will and awcunt of Energy spent in lifting it. This experi- ment of lifting imaginary weights proves that an act of pute conacious- ness or Will produces actual Tnergy in a body part. ‘Will 4s the invi- sible switch of consciousness which sends Energy to any body part and produces tension in that part, If you touch the two poles of an electric battery, your bands will be energized and tased. If you drink milk or eat food when tired, you will fool added Energy in your body. You produce this Energy in the body through cleotricity or food, through some outward meterial agency introduced in the body, But in tensing or energizing your right arm, or any body part, with Will, you produce Encrey in the arm or the vody part purely by the power of consciousnesabr Vill. By imgining that you are sending Encrgy to the right arm, you my ‘succeed in send~ ing a faint currmt there, but it is only by Willing that you can por- coptibly send tnergy, By enoreizing through tension, the great Link between consciousness, (Will), Energy, and tho body is found, By will- ing to energize the right arm (1) you rouse Energy felt as power and thon (2) you ereate tension in the muscles, ‘his shows that conscious— ness (Will), is the prime factor in creating changes in the flow of Mnerey to muscles or to any body parts. Also, in lifting weights by Will Power, thegreat relation be- tweon W411 and Enerey is found. "he grenter the Will, the greater the amount of Energy and Tension in any body part. (Technique of Refuvenation continued in next Praecep tum) (For the Entire Family) THE MOUSE WHO BECAME A TIGER A dark forest inhnbited by wild animals, encompas a the holy city of Bonares, in Indin. In the bowels of this deep junzie lay 7 wtiful Hermigage where Lived n erent, God-knorn Saint who po: mirnculovs vowers, This holy man had no one near to him dn t S-I # P.6 -Page Five-~ tho dangers of ferocious tigers and wild beasts of the forest in omer to visit the great Saint, and all brovght offerings of fits and flov- ors, No disciple ever goes empty hatided to his Master, who gives the disciple priceless Spiritual treasures. Everyone who came to visit the Saint marvelled at the great fricndship betwoen him and the mouse, and everyday threw tit-bits to this Sage's pet, rho was universally known as the Saint's Mouse. - One day, when a group of students wore visiting the great Kas- ter at this secluded Hermitage, they found the movse being chased by ' © ent, and he ran squeaking at the fect of the Master Sage far proteo- tion, ‘the Sage stopped the eat from its work of crime, and right be~ fore the wondering gaze of his atudents, changed the little trembling movse into a huge, ferocious cat, ‘The metamorphosed mouse henceforth fearlessly went unmolested in the company of cats. ‘The mouse was hap py and only resented it when some of the old disciples would exclaim: "0, look at the Saint's glorificd monse-cat." One doy, while the same group of students were visiting the Master, the cat was being wildly pursued by jungle dogs and came mew ing at top speed for protection at the feet of the Sage. The Sage exclnimed: "I am tired of saving you from the vicious dogs. From now on, be thou a wild dog. ‘he disciples were amazed to see the bewil- derment and disappointed rotiromont of the wild dogs, when they sudden- ly, Tight before their eyes, saw the mouse-cat changed into a dog. The movse-dog became friendly with the other wild dogs, playing with thom and eating the same food with them in a scornful sense of superiority. on another ovension, while the group of students were studying with the Master, to their utter dismay they found a full-grown Royal Bengal Tiger chasing the mouse-dog, who was racing for shelter at the feet of the sage. ‘The Master, by his miraculous powers, petrified the tiger and exclaim “Mr. Monse, T am sick of constantly protecting you from your enemies throughout the day am night, so you must be a tiger henceforth." No sooner had the Saint said this than the mouse-dog became transfomed into a very wild tiger. the students, relieved of thelr fear, laughed heartily, oxclniming: Look at that Saint's wild tiger, He is only a glorificd mouse. As days wont by and the visitors to the Hermitage found out that the fearsome tiger patrolling ghe place was no other than an uplifted mouse through the miracle of the Saint, then, often some sarcastic students would be heard saying to who were afraid of this tiger: "Don't be nervous, ‘that is not a tiger. Tt is only 9 mouse glorified into a tiger by the Master.” The mouse who became n tiger got tired of this popular affront constantly hurled at him, So he thoveht: “If I covld only kill the Saint then the constont memory of my @inerace as his transformed mouse could be removed.” Thinking this, the mouse-tirer sprang to try to kill the Sage, to the arent consternation of his disciples. In an instant, beholding the avdacious ingrate motive of his | transformed pet, the Sage loudly commanded: “Be thou a mouse again," and lo, the roaring tiger vino transformed into a squonking little mouse. Now; remember, dear fricnds, mest of you forget that by using God-given will power you have changed from a little human mouse, squeak— ing with failure and fear, into a brnve tiger of industry and power, but forget not that if you try to be antagonistic to that power, you may change again froma tiger of power to a mortal mouse of failure. So, never forget God while you perform your duties but, no matter what duties you are performing, always, in the background of your mind, hum a silent devotional song of love to your beloved Heavenly Father, senior ret AL@TH CU ERALING LAWS ALI that 16 necessary in Feduvenating the beay \s to S-I * B16 ~Page Pive- the dangers of ferocious tigers and wild beasts of the forest in oner tovislt the great Saint, nnd alt brought offerings of fruits and flow- ers. No disciple ever goes ompty hatided to his Master, who gives the disciple priceless Spiritual treasures. Everyone who cam to visit the Saint marvelied at the great friendship between him and the mouse, and everyday threw tit-bits to this Sage's pet, vho was universally kiown as the Saint's Mouss, - - One day, wien a group of students were visiting the great Was- ter at this secluded Hermitage, they found the mouse being chased by ' 4 cat, and ke ran squeaking at the fect of the Master Sage far protec~ tion. ‘he Sage stopped the cat from its work of orims, and right be- fore the wondering gaze of hia students, changed the littic trembling movse into a huge, ferocious oat. The metamorphosed mouse hencoforth fearlessly went unmolested in the company of cats, ‘The mouse was haps py and only resented it when some of the ola disciples would exelnim: 0, look at the Saint's glorified mouse-ont.” One dey, while the same group of students were visiting the - Master, the ‘cat was being wildly pursued by Junglé dogs and came mew. ing at top speed for protection at the feet of the Sage, ‘the Sage exclaimed: “I am tired of saving you from the vicious dogs, From now on, be thou a wild dog, the disciplics were amzad to see the bewil- derment and disappointed retirement of the wild dogs, wheh they suddens ly, right before their eyes, saw the mouse~cat changed into 1 dog. the mouse-dog tecam: friendly with the other wild dogs, playin with them and eating the same food with them in a scornful sense of superiority. On another cccosion, wiile the group of students were studying with the Master, to their utter diamay they found a full-grew Royal Bengal Tiger chasing the movse~dog, who was racing for shelter at the feet of the sage, The Master, by his miraculous powers, petrificd the tiger and exclaimed: "Mir, Mouse, I an sick of constantly protecting you from your cnemlos throughout the day ani night, so you mst be 4 tiger henceforth," . No sooner had tho Saint said this than the mouse~dog became transfomed into a very wild tiger. he students, relieved of their fear, laughed heartily, oxclaiming: “Look at that Saint's wild tiger. He ia only a glorified movse, As days went by and the visitors to the Hermitage found out that the fearsome tiger patrolling ghe place was no other than an uplifted mouse throvgh the miracle of the Saint, then, often some sarcastic studamts would be heard saying to who were afraid of this tiger: “Don't be nervous. ‘hat is not a tiger, It is only a mouge glorificd into a tiger by the Master.” The mouse who became a tiger got tired of this popular affront constantly hurlod at him, So he thought: "If I could only kill the Saint then the constant memory of my disgrace as his transfarmed mouse sould be removed." ‘Thinking this, the mouse-tirer sprang to try to kill the Sage, to the great consternation of his disciples. In an instant, deholding the avdacious ingrate motive of his transformed pet, the Sage loudly commanded: “Be thoy a mouse again,” and lo, the roaring ticer was transformed Into a squeaking little mouse, Now, remamber, dear fricnds, mest of you forget that by using God-g4ven will power you hove changed from a little human mouse, squeak- ing with failure and fear, into a brave tiger of industry and power, but forget not that if you try to be antagonistic to that power, you may change again froma tiger of power to a mortal mouse of failure. So, never Torget God vhile you perform your duties but, no matter what duties you are performing, always, in the background of your mind, hum a silent devotional song of love to your beloved Heavenly Father. Sem eae HEALTH QULTURE HEALING LAWS ADL that 18 necessary in rejuvenating the body is to S-I " P.6 -Poge Six ‘ supply it with the sixteen clemonts of food chemicals which it needs , Plus sunshine from regular sunbaths and good oxygen, and from regular, Proper breathing, While walking every day, inhale, counting one to twolve. Hold the breath twelve counts, thon oxanle, cotnting one to twelve. Do thet twontyfour times every time you walk. Everyone must have ot lonst a half hour sunbath twice a week, or preferably, every day. The mind must vover have suggested to it the human limitations of sickness, old ago, and denth, but it should be constantly, inwardly told: "I am the infinite, which has bovome the body, ‘The hody as a monifostation.of Spirit is the ever-youthful Spirit.” DIETARY Lats “ Lunoh for People with Sodentary Habits. Eat a raw ground vegetablo salnd, © different one every doy. Grind the vegetebles, Use one handful of any ground nity with vegstable salad, Six prunes, dates, or figs (unsviphured), vouy small portion of cooked vegetables, Eat a little'frosh cottage choose, Lunch for People with Normal Health. A big Taw vegetable salad every day with orange and orcam of nut dressing. Use.a now vegatable every day, Grind the vegetables, A piece.of whole wheat broad or one bran muffin and bread. One cooked vogetablo. Six unsulphurod prunes or svoh dates or auch figs. Drink no water with meals, Cconsionally you may zat e piece of fish brioled, if you are # non-vegetarion, Fat your biggest meal ot lunch time. One table-spoonful of honey. Juice of one lemon. PERE LE DERE FORTNIGHTLY INSPIRATION If tho poor win victories by satisfying the demands o* real necessities, they raveize contentment and my live and dle rich. That is real prosperity, But to live in poor contentment and dic spiritually poor in spite of miterial riches,,is real poverty. Re pProsporovs by smiling, no matter what happons; Do not be armid to sell the bonds of smiling vhen tho market of happiness is lows Keep omiling while planning and acting for success, ond your smiles will fetch priceless treasures in the end, Wise, persevering activity, with unfading smiles, brings sure success, CRapeeIGS "T am youthfel, Iam youth, I am healthy, I am health, I am strong, I om strength, I am joyful, I em joy, T am successful, I am svccess, I am peaceful, I am pence, I am Immortal, 1 am Inmortality. HEAL UI! PEACE! THMOR TLL u-n-n-n-n-n

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