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“TIT * Py: S-TIT * P55 yogopa SaT-SANGA FORTNIGH LY INSTRUCTIONS BY PARANHANSA YOGANANDA eK (To be Confidentially Reserved for MEMBER'S USE ONLY) PILI LISD LILLE LIL LEIA LLLIE ID TA ILIA E LD We 0 DIVING HART 0 Divine Hart, Iran for Thee, Equipped with spears of selfish desires. Thou didst fly! I raced for Thee In tho plano of loud prayer. It crashed to the carth Of my restlessness, 3 And the noise frightened Thee ayny from me. Stealthily I crept upon ‘Thee With the dart of my concentration. But my hand shook With unsteadiness, Ané@ Thou didst bound from me, And Thy Feet echoed; without devotion Thou art a poor, poor marksman\" With firmness of devotion, : ? As I held the dart of moditation, T hoard, thy Divine Steps resound azain: "I am beyond thy mental dart ~ I am boyondi" At lost, in despnir, I entered thé onve of Celestial Love And lo! Thov, the Divine Hart, Camest willinely within, TORI IAAL EAELAALRLIALE PAM AILIL PTI ELENA ME PRAYER TO PRECEDE TE PRABOEPTUM "Father Divine, teach me to dive deep in the ocean of medita- tion for the penrls of wisdom. ‘Tench me to plunge headlom:, armoured with the diving suit of cmsetence, that the sharks of passions my not destroy me. If I find not, the wisdom-pearls by one or two divings, teach me not to call the sen of meditation devoid of the poarls of Ty wisdom. Rather tench me to fina fault with my diving. Teach me to dive again and acnin in meditation, deeper and deeper always, until I find Thy tmmortn] pearls of wisdom and divine joy.” rie eertetin ee WHY PEOPLE DO NOT FIND COD, AND HOW 70 SURELY FIND HIM. PART 4, Do you wonder vhy you do not often find yourself progressing in every way? It is becnvse you feel that you are a helpless victim of your already formed habits and circumstances, no matter how you try to be otherwise, and becavse you do not know the technique of psycholo~ sical victory, and because you do not put forth the continued effort “Necessary for perfect success. Do you ask yourself at the end of each , S-ITI * P.S3 -Page Two- day whether you have progressed more than you did the day before? tomorrow must find you better than today, The worst pests which attach our plant of happiness are Inck of desire to progress, self-satisfaction, and scepticism. The chill of inertia, or lack of dofinite, constant effort to know the Truth, is the greatest 111 from which ovr happiness Plant suffers. Very few Master Minds can use exclusively their powers of free choice in making themselves what they want to be in life. ‘The m jority of people allow themselves pnssively and desultorily to grow in any un- directed way, according to the good or sinister influences of their pre-natal and post-natal habits, or according to the patterns of their passing moods engendered by specific environments. If you grow fat or thin, you can tell that by weighing your~ self. If you grow weaker or stronger physically, you can tell that by tensing the mscles of your body or lifting a weight, But it js very difficult to measure your intellectual progress each day, ofch weak, or at the end of ench year. Of course, intellectunl progress is more or less imperfectly measured by obtaining degrees at the end of one or more years from college. ‘The high school grndunte, the B.A. College gradunte, or the M.A. or Ph.D. student, all aerire a definite degree of intelectual progress when they attain those Tespective deerces, Yet one may be a Ph.D. and lack common sense or real progressive intelligence, or cultivated heart qualities. But Spiritual progress, unlike the above, is so subtle that it is very hard to ascertain its oxact effects upon people. EVERYONE IS A CHILD Go@ is equally present in every one, and OF GoD those who receive His Light through their self-created transparent purity ean surely be a child of God, Jesus, the mn, by discipline mnde Himself pure and Deeame God-like, a Son of God. Such a self-mide Christ can be the 1denl example of ominary Beings, also. The body in spoken of as n machine fravght with six deficion- cles of delusion. "It exists; 1t 1s born; 1t grows; it changes; it decays; and it 1s completely annihilated." And yet, most human beings expcot permonont happiness from this impermancnt body. ‘he devotee should remember that tho Divine Happiness is mich superior to and more engrossing than materinl pleasures, but, becavse of precedence, that is, because of the first experience of material pleasures, the Bgo is unwilling and unable to picture any other happiness superior to then, Many persons have dived in the Ocean of God's Abundance again and again to sock the pearls of opulence, power, and wisdom, but only a few divers have found them. ‘hese few persons hrve praised the vondrous rilches of God's Sen because they dived well and found the seoret trensure nook. ‘Those who divea in the wrong places blamed God's blue brine of abundance as dovotd of the most desired treasures, Wany persons perish diving in the Sea of Treasures, being devoured dy monsters of selfishness, greed, faithlessness, doubt, illness, and skepticism. “For unto everyone that hath shall be given, and he sm]1 have abundance; but from him that hath not shall be taken away even that which he hath." - Matt., 25:29, This illustrates the law of spiritual habit, and, in fact, of all kinds of habits. ‘he material interpretation of the above Bible quotation shows that if a man develops the habit of mking moncy, for instance, more and more progperity will lose even the prosperity consciousness which he had, ‘he person who hns already acquired the habit of attractine abundance through the Cosmic Law of Success will attract prosperity, and the person who has not cultivated the habit of attracting prosperity will not be prosperous, This is a lesson to men and women to create right hnbits by their daily activities. PUR YOURSELF 10 THE M™ST Arrange to cane in congact with persons who ridicule you or enter into unreasonable arguments with you, or insult you. Find out if you cnn tolerate the nnggings of your husband, or wife, or children, without being invardly ruffled or without talking back ina carping harsh lnnguage. Every day in every ciroumstance you must first learn to control your speech and manner whenever you nre mistreated by people. You must first control your ovter behavious, and then assume an inner calmness whenever you are the victim of a provocation. “ It is n11 right not to become a doomat, letting others tram- ple upon you. It is ood to be firm, silently resisting 111-treatment, but at no time must you lose your inner cnlm attitude of forgiveness and your unrvffled mentality, especially when you are the target of oriticism, ¥ Few people can control their outer behavious. Fewer can con- trol their inner balance during a bombardment of unkindness from others. As a student of Self-Realization, you must control your outer and your: inner behnvious. A storm of anger extinguishes the flame of peace, in™ the light of which nlone you can behold the Spirit. Selfish anger,is bad, but righteous indignation is thought to be good, Greed for gold is selfish, and crentes univefsal poverty by taking money away from unthinking needy people. Greed for constant meditation, orGod-contact, is good. To fear evil actions, or the in- fluence of bad habits, 1s good, and to fear to ¢o wrong 1s good, Therefore, we see that sometimes good can be bad, and bad can be good, Over-cating, wrong cating, and being under the spell of greed must be avoided. Over-enting destroys matal frecdom and keeps the Soul body-conscious during meditation. You should try to be prosper- ovr financially without being grecdy far money so that you forget the honest way of living. You mst have perfect control over your sex-life so that your Teason and will my gdide this most powerful instinct, instead of the sex impulse enslnving your wisdom nnd reason, Sex experience for pro= Pagating good children in marricd life is food, but scx temptation without self-control is bad, and is an absolute pence wrecker and des= troyer of inner harmony. Your body is like an obstinate dog. Leash your mind and body with will powor and whip thom to go in the direction that you want them tomove, Do not be led by them into the wrong direction, falling into the pit of misery, but whip them the more. ‘he more you whip thom, the better they will obey. Your mind and body have became rebels and constantly tell you of the impossible things which are in your path, but if you whip them hard, they will overcome those barriers. So, every aay if you know that you are progressine spiritunlly, mentally, and physically, then you can be happy, but if you find that every day | S-III * P.53. -Poge Four- you are becoming either touchy, finicky, or gossipy, than you know that you are going backward. ‘The best test 4s to analyze yourself and find out whether you are hnppier today than you were yesterday; If you feel that you are happier today, then you are progressing, and this feeling of happiness must contime, (To be continued) THE APOLOGUE THE SAINT WHO ATE FIRE Sananda was a great Saint who used to travel across the holy plains of Indin with a heterogeneous crowd of disciples, Some illu- mined individuals believe in staying in one place all the time and meditating at the Lotus Feet of the Infinite without undcrgoing the resultant distraction of continuous travel, Other Saints maintain that {t 1s spiritually nocessary to leave ench lodging place after a stay of three days at the most, in order to avoid the growth of nois- onous inner attachmat. ‘The mind is like a blotting paper, which absorbs the colour of its contacting environment. Saint Sananda was of the latter kind and was accustomed to travelling from place to place, depending for his living upon the aims given by the people, In America ministers have to depend upon salaries, or upon frec-will financial offerings, while in India Snints are usually given food, clothing, and shelter, In India, any religious householder considers it a privilege to entertain a real Saint and his disciples. — —~d In ancient times, the Hindu hovscholaers used to eat vogeta- rian food only. Especially, besf nnd venl cating ws condemned bo cause of the thought that the cow played the part of mother to chil- dren by supplying thom with milk, and beenuse beef-and-ven} onting was found to disturd the Astral and Spiritual vibrntions of the humn body, Saint Sannnda, with a retinve of forty disciples, arrived at the welcoming home of a rich farmer. According to the fmily custom of the farmer Saint Sananda and his disciples wore given non-vegeta- rian food. ‘he Saint himself accepted the non-vegetarian monl, but strictly prohibited his disciples from onting any ment, He explained that they were under training, learning how to control their passions ond appetites, and should subsist,on fruits, herbs, and vegetables only. He maintained that ment-eating was not good for the mornlly- uncontrolled and mentally-wonk individuals, whereas, a vegetable dict had a calming effect upon uncontrolled, emotionally-disposed noviti- ates. : Te Sananda ate n hearty meat dinner and took a second help- ing in the presence of some of his disgruntled, greedy disciples, After the dinner, the Saint orderod the disciples to take up their little bundles which were fastened on smnll bamboo sticks and carricd over their shoulders, and proceed on a march of fifty miles. After the dinner the tedious march started, and the Master Saint was alwys ahead, ond kept going round ana round to the Inaging disciples, ur- ging them to walk cheerfully and with speed, beenuse he wanted to reach the next village before nightfall, Feoling the rebellious vi- bration of one of the disciples, named Narkat, who was a combined doubting Thomas and Judas, the Snint specinlly exhorted his disciples to let their mental power predominate over the body and dispel fat- igue éuring the hurried march under the rather over-zealous tropical et (To be continued) S-III * P.53 -Poge Five- HEAL » FOOD PREPARATION Certain foods do NOT 1m themscives well to raw consumption and assimilation by the human digestive organs at this stage of anatomical avolution, at least, whatever may have been the power and cnpacity far, far in the unrecorded past. This is especially true of starches and grains, In these days of rabid evan- gclicizing in numerous other directions besides Religion, we wish to warn our students against reactions that are sure to follow experimen- tations that are sudden, complete opposition to what has in the pat formed the nucleus of one's hnbits of eating unless fortified by nde- quate training, and thorough understandine of the principles involved as well ns their relntion to the individual concerned. Bovare of the feverish tendency towards intense faddistness in the matter of Dict, with few of the teachers arrecins on mny points, The Awnkening Nis- ciple, inspired by the onrushes of effervescent thoveht that follows personnal recognition and quickening of hitherto dormint potential Pow- ers, 1s easy prey to gullible leadership, must side-stop the danger of succumbing to that “ALL or NOTHING” STATE OF MIND which might so easily lead to confusion, both mental and physical. Y-Y-1-1 FORTNIGHTLY INSPIRATION BE CALMLY ACTIVE, and ACTIVELY CALM, a Det erirencly impartant'ta tint oft thr ougiet tee ee ther you can keep the contimity of your enimmess, or not, Your mus= cles, your senses, your desires, and the misunderstandinas of others, all come to disturb the ovictude of your Sovl. 4 calm person reflects reatfulness in his eyes, keen intelligence in his fnce, and propor recep= tivity in his mind, ané he is a man of decisive and prompt action. He is not moved by impulses and desires thrown at him. A restless person 1p like a puppet thet dances at the instigation of the emotional de- sires of the temptation offered by others. Be sure t0 work slowly or fast from the centre of calmess. Under no ciroumstances work or act from the centre of restlessness, with your concentration centralized on your restless state of mind, All work should be performed with peace, calmess, self-possession, intelligence and keen concentration. If you keep your mind on the resolve never to lose your peace then you onn attain godliness. To be controlled by moods is to ben part of matter. You must keep a seoret chamber of silence within your- self, where you will not let moods, trials, battles, or inharrony enter, If you ean keep a chamber of pence within you, wherein no hatred, no revengefulness, no desires, or inharmony enter, then God will visit you. You must remnin apart in the worls, but be not of the world. ‘That is why the real Yogis tnlk and mingle with people, but their minds are wrapped in God, renee FORTNIGHTLY KFFIRMATION "Be Thou the Pose-Star of my Ship-“recked thovehts.” -0-0-0~ ee ee Se

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