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P,55 YOGODA SAT-SANGA FORINIGHLY INSTRUCTIONS PARAMBANSS. YOCANANDA (1% be Confidentiatty | Reserved for MEMBER'S USE ONLY) . : TITLTETTTTTLITITITLLEITITIN TT TLITITTLLITITTIETIL IT ¥ It II a II GOD IS EVERYTHING It I II aI Tr Stnnza 2. Ti ’ IL His tenderness elances nt me iy 3 EH. ‘rough tho loving oyes of 11 mothers, i : \ 5 zy He is the friendship of all hearts, ~ ir -I1 The creative urge of all worthy minds. ee II His hand i&, vorking throvch all hands, il = « His are the feet walking throveh all feet, = Tr | He is the renson of our disorimination, 31 . . II And. the roseate hidden elory I ' IX Behind o11 ovr loves. _ Ir oy : II Tr Ee is the light in al our eyes 1 rt “And the lustre of the moon, Ir nr He is, the most hidden, a i Andyot Ee is the key to.n}] mysteries, IL II I saw Him hiding ar eae In the dark chambers of my sonsolouarees) if } vehold Him ee Watohing my progress through EBtorntity. - God is the last gente of my life. . IL i He is the Cosmic Carpenter a : ho shapes and chisels life ir | Into all’ its forms. iT | Goa 1s spread o'er everything; = | God is shaped into everything, Tr I. God 4s written 911 over everything. rr ! Goa throbs in my henrt, aaa * IL God 4s Bverything. it It Ir IILITIILITITIILITIZITIIIIIZITIIIIIIIILIITIILINIIIIIT PRAYER 10 PRECEDE THE PRAECEPTUM STUDY 0 All-Pervading Spirit, the breeze of thy inspiration has re- moved the clovds from my heart. ‘the firmament of my mind is clear, ana with a purified soul, I.behold ‘Thee alone everyvhere.. ‘The sunshine of ‘Thy Joy rapidly spreads to the farthest reaches of my Being, After my hunger of Ages, I feed upon Thy Light. By Thy grace and by constant snkefulness, may such Joy be mine, fgreyer and forever. # WHY PEOPLE DO NOT FIND Gop, AND HOW TO SURELY FIND HIM. s ‘ 3 , PART III The right Method " You can never have a trvly invnrdly and ovtwaraly of TTA TION happy jite une: u use the.power of God on. meditation to reelinin your lost Imnro of God, to control-destiny, and to conquor the Mystcrios of Lite, Throveh the art of Meditation one Tearns how'to actually contact the Divine Bliss (whieh Ss.Goa) by the faithful application of the sesence of Spiritual law, S-ITI'* P,55 -Page Two- The right method of meditation 1s the only way to all round free~ dom and success. It would be a tiresome lone journey by foot from Now York to Los Angeles and would take months to accomplish, but by a fast Airplane it would take only n few hours, Are you not tired of Praver hiking to God throveh the unexplored, tortuous theological jungle? Why not take the Airplane of high meditation and follow the shortest Yorn path to God? The soul of tho devotee during meditation looks at the misery moking material desires that dare to lure him and his spiritual percep- tions fron their svperior, lasting, and blissful states by offering cheap temporary pleasures latent with poisonous, ultimate suffering, both mental and phystenl. Upon awakening in the morning, instead of meditating and living forever in Codly havniness, most people eat a henvy brenkfast, which causes indigestion and shortens their lives. Most neople hate the light of eternal comfort in meditation, and will continue to do so un= 441 they deliberately uproot the offects of bad habits by performing good actions daily. Whether you eat, ride, drink, play, picnic, fish, ao to the movies, tour around the worls, carn a million dollars, meet the finest friends, be the healthiest man, or the king of the enrth, these thins will never give you that tangible ever-increasing joy born of the ever- increasing depth of meditation, You must Know God, It does not mtter how you learn about Mim It is eneier to know God if you intensely (not hnlf-heartedly) follow the technique of meditntion and other studies which we shall tench from time to time, and religiously follow the spirit of the Praceopta, ami, after each period of meditation, especially at night, constantly whisper to God: “Reveal thyself”, or praynto Him to come to you, in your own longunge of the henrt, Fonget time, but pray unt4l you see that you are lost in the thoveht of God, It is better to know God nnd enter Heaven Waimea than love sleep and be drowned in the hades of Misery. MEDITATION MUST BECOME Your meditation must not be mechnnicnl. Every DEEPER AND DEEPER day's meditation must be deeper, more enjoy able than that of the previous day. If you can keep on increasing this joy, you will find upon arriving at the Limitless joy, all-knowing, all-satisfying, sorrowless, ever-now joyous imperishable state of cosmic consciousness. Tis joy cannot de had by any other means, so do not deceive yourself into thinking that you enn know God only through charity, church going, of reading the Bible or Geeta, Meditate at hore alone and also in church in groups, whenever you find the opportunity, Grenter than one month's mechanienl church-going, is one hour's deep contact with Goa in the elurch or temple of your meditation. Remember the sciontists did not find inventions through blin prayer, but by meditation and the use of God's inws. So church members have not found God through blind prayer in centuries, ‘They will find Him when they use the Psycho-physical laws of meditation, intuition and devotion, Goa yields to wisdom's law and devotion only. PRACTICE IN COMPLETE SILENCE Just as you covld not hope to meditate swith the noise of vacuum cleaner go- ing on near you, so you cannot meditate until you have stilled, by wntch= ing your breath, the noises of the heart and the lungs, as they suree S-ITT # PLS5 Page Three ana swirl and beat in your physicn] body to clear away the dirt of venovs blood. Keep your concentration on the after-effects of meditation covery minute of your existence, and do not navtralize that peace with disturb- ing thoughts. If you anther concentration in the pail of meditation and have leak of restlessness, that cacentration will run out. You must not have any mental leaks, -If you let a bag of mustard secd bo thrown on the ground, it is hard to collect them again in the bag, so is th mind like a bag of consciousness filled with mustard seeds of thought, and if you let loose by recklessness the bag of concentration, and slash tho bag ef eacentration by the dagger of restlessness, thon all the thovghts like mustard seeds will scatter and it will be hard to get them again. As the oil is taken ovt of the mustard seeds by grinding, 80 by collecting the thoughts together and grinding them with the power of concentration, you ean bring out the ofl of Self-Renlization, ___ The silence which you experience while practicing this Lesson should be complete silence. Keep nt it, Practice continually and there is no end to what you ean do, You begin to feel penceful as soon as you grow silent, and you are inclined to think that is the end, but it is only the veriest beginning, Behind the darkness of closed eyes, right at the beginning many people see a light in the spiritval( Third) Bye, A fow hear the grent cosmic sound of "OM" at onee in the silence before they hoar any other Astral sound, Gling to the consciousness of pence which is the after effect of meditation, and go on inerensing that pence by incrensine your medi= tation ané doing things that mnke you happy ond you will find that you are fast appronching townrd God. If you éo not make the conscious of- fort, several incarnations will slip by without your renching the goal, But if you make the effort from now on, from this minute, and try to Keep your concentration on the inward peace of meditation continuovsly, then you will be one with God. Tho Yogi always trics to keep his meditation-born pence enthroned in his mind, in every activity and in 011 dealings with others. If you are 2 God of peace after meditation and suddenly change into a aavil of inharmony on the dropping of the hat, then your meditation is of no use. Meditation significs that you should enrcfully remind yourself of your forgotten pencefvl nature and with it subdue your mortally-acquirea mental graftings of disguictude, Med@itatfon is the only portal throveh which every seeker of overy religion mst pass in order to know, find, see, and contact God, Medi- tation is the only portal to God. Forsake intellectual and orthodox dogmatism. Do not be satisfied unless you know from the lips of God in the temple of Meditation that He 1s, He wns, and He will be with you evermore. ovormore. RESPONSE TO YOUR PRAYERS To receive God's response to your prayer demands, ask only for that which you real- ly need, The desire for superfluous material possessions ultimately brings misery and retards your spiritual progress. Before demanding anythin: from God, first establish your identi- ty with Him throvgh meditation. ‘Then demand, as a child of the father, knowing that your request will be granted, but not with the attitude of a begeer. Many prayers are repeated absent-mindedly, omnsisting of ompty words forced from without, “hen you meet a friend after n long absence, you do not consult books on friondship in order to know how to express your love forhim, God is your closest Friend. Let your prayer-demands to Him be spontaneous outpourings, welling up from the depth of your Heart. Whenever you have a Tenl need, the thought of it fs in your mind all the time, no matter where you arc or whnt you are doing. Devclop- ing such deep, dynamic, inner whispers is sure to bring a response from Him, Constantly, unceasingly, whisper to Him of your eternal love, of your burning desire to contact Him, 3 Offer deep mental whispers in the Tomple of Selentific Medita= tion until you hear His answer ine whispors everywhere, audibly and distinctly. negmananegencgn THE SAINT WHO ATE FIRE, PART Iii, Disciple Markat, highly chagrined and ashamed, hid his face in shame and fell at the feet of his master, sincerely asking his forgive- ness. This story illustrates that a disciple shovla followi with faith the discipline enjoined upon him by a true Master. Dovbting the motives of a true Master only retards progress in the discipline. Meehanicenl or willing obedience to the spiritually blind teacher is of littie value, for it makes an avtomiton of an ignorant disciple, but willing obedioncs to the wisdor-cuided will of a Master lends to freedom. a {11s are governed by their whims, hat“ts, and y dnek the self-control and power to do what + and consequently eannot obey. Disobedience to the wisdom of a Yoster, om the voice of easeience, lends to danger and misery, while obedience to the wise counsel of supermen lends to real freedom and to the attainmmt of the power to do at will what you think you should do and not what your uncontrolled instinets vant you to do. Do not mechanienily follow any sterSstyped, unprogressive, in= canprehensible, dormatic tenching, or spiritunlly stagnant teacher. Mnke up your mind to find only those spiritual specialists who through generations have scientificnlly studied all the mystery problems of life and solved thom. How enn you be satisfied by swallowing dogmas? Listen to the clarion call of Self-Realization Followship, which offers fellowship to nll religionists and truth-scelors and shows them the most actenti- fic and ovickest highway, the airplnne route to their ultimate gol, where bypnths of all beliefs conjoin, Follow this path and we will conv ince you now and forever throvgh your own daily expericnoe that you orn contact God scientifically and drown 222 your misorics in the necw tar sea of His omiipresence within you. Learn to find the fountain of al] power within yourself and @rink of its oll-scothing waters, and avench the thirst of your needs. HEALTH FOOD PREPARATION The method of cooking referred to in the two fore (concluded) going chaptors is oxtremoly simple. Mere?y moisten well the parchment paper, squeczing out the su: wmter, then, after cleaning and otherwise preparing the tegatables or whatever cise is to be cooked, empty it into the paper, tying up the corners to form o bag ? ah S-ITI * P55 Page Five- with a firm white cord or string into a bow knot that will be ensily vused, Meanwhile the pot of water into which thts is to be dronped been brought to a boil before the bag and contents have been placed in the water, the lid of the pot being clamped down tiehtly to prevent stenm escaping. If it is being cooked on n gas stove, the fi enn be turned down so as to merely keep up the nenr-boiling point. ‘he sim~ mor ing and confined steam will do the work. Several different kinds of food, tied up in scrnzate sheet of porehment paper, may be cooked in tho water at the same time with= out affecting ench other's taste or odor. As an exnmle, cauliflower is considerably odoriferous when cooking, but cne bag may contain -caul~ ifiower, another potatoes, another carrots and pens and neither of them will be affected, each retaining its original flavor, with no obnoxious odors flonting through the house. Housewives will soon realize the numerous benefits to be gained in the ultra-modern mamer of cookim , rejoicing in its use from the standpoint of infinitely less work entailed, not being required to stand over it constantly watching and stirring it to prevent buming; the superior quality of nourishment, the ovickness with which it can be prepared in emergency when time is limited; and most important of all, the assurance that the important minerals (of which we hear so much on gvery hand these days) are not thrown down the sink. ‘The moisture that naturally emptics into the parchment paper while cooking is to be served right with tho food itself. mR B88 served right with the food itself. KOKO FORTNIGHTLY L PROOF OF THE EXISTENCE OF GOD Te great proof of the existence of God cnn only be found with- in, daily and by dceply pancticing some right method ot meditation learned from a competent Guru or Preceptor, Self-Realization wil. never come throvgh unexamined beliefs. God's light enn never shine thpough closed door of blind sentiment. ‘Through the open windows of logical seeking, God my be found. Satisfaction in a belief about Goa without actwlly contacting Him is the death of wisdom and divine acquaintanceship. Do not romain 1dle and hidden behind the clonk of A @cnominational religion, and thus conse making a real effort to know God in this lire, Do not dic in ignorance, but dio in wisdom to live forever in Goa. The whole henrted practice of meditation as taveht in these lessons brings deep bliss. ‘This ever-new Bliss is not born of desire. It manifests itself the moment all restlessness and other undesimadie qualities melt away by tho mugic commana of your inner intvition-born calmness. Manifest this serenity always. When Bliss comes over you, you will recognize it as a conscious, intelligent universal Foing to whom you may appeal, and not as an abstract mental state. ‘his is the surest proof that God is eternal, ever-conscions, over-new Eliss, ranamangn SPIRATION “Noday,, with tre soft tou radio ana rid my mind of stat of cosmic vibration, the m vibrating in my supercenscioum a: a . tune my soul

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