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1.What is Physics
2.Branches of physics
3.Some important figures
4.Basic formulaes

Physics is the natural science that studies matter, its
motion and behavior through space and time, and the
related entities of energy and force. Physics is one of the
most fundamental scientific disciplines, and its main goal
is to understand how the universe behaves.

Branches of Physics
Classical Physics Modern Physics Nuclear Physics

Atomic Physics Geophysics Biophysics

Mechanics Acoustics Thermodynamics

Some important figures

Formulae’s in Physics

 T = 2π√Lg

 E = 12mv²

 W = F × d × cosθ

 T = F × r × sinθ

[1] Berkeley Physics Course volume 1. Charles Kittel, Walter Knight and Malvin Ruderman

[2] Although heat is wasted energy for a specific energy transfer , it can be often be harnessed to do
useful work in subsequent interactions.

[3] There are several sign conventions for this equation. Here, the signs in this equation follow the IUPAC

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