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I have been reporting crimes to my ND.

servants for years, None of you care of the

massive; universal human, civil, constitutional and natural rights violations you
all do hidden behind the I recorded and proved to you all. YOU totally
destroyed me for it. YOU are a willing accomplice in these war crimes. Every crime
I faced, I proved, you were the guilty, I was attacked, ignored, silenced and
destroyed for it. I am a victim of YOUR war crimes in your own law books, and a
political refugee of ND. for challenging your power. Must I or you die to prove it
to you? I will take the $ the 4 billion reserve funds of your scam C.A.F.R. from
you and seek to your LAWFUL execution as this train wreck of justice is righted.
To all you paid people who claim to serve, protect and defend OUR RIGHTS, YOU are
derelict in your duty and accomplice in a world wide war on the human race you are
destined to loose. When the curtain falls, Justice will come for you, you will have
no defense for your actions. YOU have destroyed countless lives and it will be your
turn soon.
You all are in a seditious conspiracy to over throw my lawful gov and YOU ALL are
documented war criminals. You monsters have done everything to silence me,
I have been robbed, terrorized, threatened, extorted, Kidnapped, assaulted, abused,
lied to, mentally, physically, emotionally destroyed and enslaved, For my own
protection? Every crime a sane person would expect your help to defend from is who
you are. You proved YOU our greatest threat not stopping these criminals. I proved
to you, YOU are the threat to society.
YOUR OATH is your duty, not robbing, hunting, lying and destroying the people who
pay your way. Hold out as long as you can, the rage will have you drug into the
streets for real justice, I knew this 20 years ago, you choose to hide from justice
but you won’t when justice returns. I am NOT leaving your kind to our kid's future,
your word means nothing. YOU ALL take MY PAY to protect and defend YOURSELVES, NOT
our rights and freedoms, you all know this but you do not care? You are in this for
the power to murder millions and enslave the rest. YOU were in a trap to save the
world from all you power drunk psycho’s,YOU ARE traitors to the human race. What if
I took a job building your house and did everything my way and just gave you the
bills? All you do is Show your insanity.
I am educating a public jury and will make my case until I am compensated in
full for the massive CRIMINAL damage I suffered from the people behind the
JUST- US system. Your actions /in actions sent me to prison, cost me everything
for standing on the laws my money was taken BY PARASITES you all showed to be for
the world to see. I invite you all to protect and defend, YOUR silence is my
consent. With Your low thinking stand, YOU will be the first tossed under the bus
when the whole gov. scam falls and your crimes known to all. I want YOU to tell all
your swamp buddies as they have me pretty well banned from the net.
We all will be held accountable for these massive crimes, WE ALL will be brought
to justice... when justice returns, just read your oath and see! This is a lawful
execution when the curtain falls, It is all in your records!
YOU ALL stole our money, freedoms and lives for jobs never done and fell into the
trap I warned you about years ago only to be destroyed by your hands, feet, guns
and silence for it. Treason, aggravated assault, aggravated kidnapping, deliberate
indifference, sedition, crimes against humanity and treason These are war crimes
that will never go away. The people are wakening up to who you really are. A crime
takes a victim and we all are yours.You stepped out of your office of protector of
the public. Go to: or key in Ed Curtis,or write the
links will auto sent. “Affidavit of honesty and “Time to settle the score” All I
have left to do is give them away. Until I am compensated or see you are put in a
cage you belong in. The longer you fight justice we paid you for What you do to
your own kids and neighbors is what you will live with. The scum of the world has
risen as swamp scum for easy cleaning, clean or be cleaned. The Military will take
you as just another traitor on a quest for the power to rule and destroy us humans.
I would be just as guilty if I did not do this. you will hang with them. READ MY
SIDE AND JUDGE, or Laugh till it is presented in your war crime’s trials. WE had
FREE WILL, YOU chose evil, I will stand until justice is on you!

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