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X-ray Diffraction require x-ray wavelengths of the order of the inter-

atomic spacing to produce interference, and hence

X-ray diffraction has acted as the cornerstone of typical wavelength ranges are 0.07–0.2 nm. The most
twentieth-century science. Its development has cata- common radiation used in the laboratory is Cu Kα
lyzed the developments of all of the rest of solid-state radiation with λ l 0.15406 nm.
science and much of our understanding of chemical A typical x-ray powder diffraction pattern is shown
bonding. X-ray powder diffraction (XRPD) plays a in Fig. 1 and consists of diffraction peaks, or ‘‘lines,’’
critical role in materials research and development as a function of the diffraction angle, 2θ. Diffraction
because many materials and minerals are not readily occurs when waves scattering from an object con-
available in single-crystal form. Some 10 000–20 000 structively and destructively interfere with each other.
powder diffractometers are in use worldwide, and of The diffraction peaks in Fig. 1 are a result of con-
the order of 160 000 powder patterns are available in structive interference of waves scattered from the
the Powder Diffraction File (PDF) electronic data- atoms or ions composing a crystal. M. von Laue in
base. Although the technique is termed ‘‘powder 1912 first determined that x rays diffract from the peri-
diffraction,’’ any polycrystalline specimen may be odic arrangement of atoms in a crystal, exactly analo-
studied using the technique, including mono- gous to the diffraction of visible light from a grating.
lithic solids, thin films, and powders. Among the Based on the work of von Laue, W. H. and W. L.
applications of powder diffraction are: Bragg showed in 1913 that diffraction from a crystal is
$ Qualitative identification of the phases present in described by the equation now known as Bragg’s law:
a specimen using the powder pattern as a ‘‘fingerprint’’
of the phase which may be compared to known powder λ l 2dhkt sin θ (1)
patterns stored in a database. This equation allows one to measure the perpendicular
$ Quantitative analysis of the concentrations of distance (dhkl) between imaginary planes which form
each phase present in a multiphase specimen can be parallel families and which intersect the repeating unit
carried out. cell filled with atoms in a way described by the Miller
$ The unit cell metrics, i.e., the size and shape of the indices (hkl ). X rays of wavelength λ may be thought
unit cell, of any crystalline material can be determined, of as reflecting from these imaginary planes at the
and then refined to very high accuracy. Because the measurable angle θ, where θ is one-half of the
lattice parameters of a material change with chemical diffraction angle as shown in Fig. 1. A powder pattern
composition, XRPD finds widespread use in solid therefore contains a set of diffraction peaks at 2θ
solution analysis, phase diagram work, and for positions that correspond to the interplanar spacings
measuring the true density of materials. in the crystal. Although dhkl may be calculated for any
$ Full orientation distribution functions that de- set of (hkl ) planes in any unit cell using geometry, the
scribe the crystallite orientation in polycrystalline interplanar spacings are most easily calculated in
materials can be determined. reciprocal space. P. P. Ewald developed what is by far
$ Residual and applied stress can be determined the most useful method for describing diffraction
by measuring the strain present in the crystallites phenomena using reciprocal space.
composing a monolithic body. Ewald in 1913 showed that a reciprocal lattice can
$ Microstructural features of a polycrystalline be constructed by using the reciprocals of all of the
material including the crystallite size, microstrain distances in a real unit cell. The reciprocal lattice has
within crystallites, and defect densities may be the same symmetry as the real crystal lattice, but the
determined. points in the reciprocal lattice are equally spaced and
$ In situ techniques under controlled gaseous hence simple to manipulate. In an orthogonal lattice
atmosphere, temperature, pressure, field, and mech- (cubic, tetragonal, orthorhombic), all distances are the
anical loading provide a means of determining phase reciprocals of the real space distances. a*, b*, and c*
diagrams and reaction kinetics, and provide a means are the reciprocal lattice parameters, while the inter-
of tracking changes in materials during synthesis and axial angles are α*, β*, and γ*, where the reciprocal of
processing. an angle is defined as the complement or 180m minus
$ Full structure solution from powders. the angle. Likewise, the reciprocal of dhkl is d*hkl. In the
The applications listed above are strictly for poly- nonorthogonal systems, one must account for the
crystalline materials. It is important to note, however, interaxial angles when calculating the reciprocal lattice
that powder diffractometers may be equipped to study parameters.
thin films using x-ray reflectivity and high-resolution The convenience of using reciprocal space is demon-
diffraction. strated when calculating the d*hkl values. Since the
length of d*hkl is simply related to the real space d-
1. Origins of X-ray Powder Patterns spacing, one simply uses the d*hkl# equation:

X rays are relatively short wavelength, high-energy # l h#a*#jk#b*#jl #c*#j2hka*b* cos γ*

electromagnetic radiation. Diffraction experiments j2hla*c* cos β*j2kl b*c*cosα* (2)

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