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Journal of

Social Psychology
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 39 (2003) 563–576

Regulatory focus and temporal distanceq

Ginger L. Penningtona,* and Neal J. Roeseb
Graduate School of Business, University of Chicago, 1101 East 58th Street, Chicago, IL 60637, USA
Department of Psychology, University of Illinois, Champaign, IL 61820, USA
Received 17 June 2002; revised 15 March 2003


Four studies identify and examine a temporal component to regulatory focus. Results support the assertion that promotion focus
tends to predominate for temporally distant goals, whereas proximal goals are characterized by more balanced consideration of both
promotion- and prevention-focused concerns. In Study 1, students rated the importance of promotion and prevention goals at two
points in time: 2 weeks before and a few minutes before an examination. Promotion goal importance increased with temporal
distance, whereas prevention goal importance remained constant over time. Study 2 replicated this pattern holding the actual time-
span constant (3.5 weeks) and varying only the psychological sense of proximity/distance. In Study 3, subjects rated the regulatory
focus of goals at varying points in time, both future and past. The temporal effect was replicated for both time periods. Study 4
provided evidence for the reverse effect, that of regulatory focus on the perceived temporal distance of future goals. Taken together,
these findings suggest an integration across research domains that links regulatory focus to temporal perspective for both pro-
spective and retrospective judgments.
Ó 2003 Elsevier Science (USA). All rights reserved.

Introduction & Trope, 1998), the planning fallacy (Buehler, Griffin, &
Ross, 1994), the ‘‘rosy view’’ (Mitchell, Thompson,
We are all mental time travelers: Although forever Peterson, & Cronk, 1997), durability bias (Gilbert, Pinel,
chained to the present, much of our mental activity Wilson, Blumberg, & Wheatley, 1998), and regret
nevertheless aims at events at varying points in the future (Gilovich & Medvec, 1995). We argue that these lines of
and past. But how do perceptions of temporally distant research have yielded findings compatible with a general
vs. proximate events differ? And are there any com- conclusion—changes in temporal perspective alter the
monalties between perceptions of future vs. past? Some self-regulatory strategies individuals adopt during goal
answers to these questions have appeared in independent pursuit. Temporal distance to a goal is proposed to
research on optimism shifts (e.g., Shepperd, Ouellette, & affect the extent to which goal-related concerns are
Fernandez, 1996), temporal construal theory (Liberman framed in terms of promotion and prevention (e.g.,
Higgins, 1998). More specifically, we argue that tem-
porally distant goals are associated with a relatively
Preparation of this paper was supported by National Institute of greater emphasis on promotion vs. prevention. This
Mental Health Grant MH55578 and by the Canada Research Chair difference narrows as goals draw nearer in time, how-
program, both awarded to the second author. Study 1 was a ever, permitting prevention focus to exert relatively
component of the first authorÕs MA thesis and was completed under
the direction of the second author. We thank Galen Bodenhausen,
greater influence on self-regulation in time periods close
Tory Higgins, and several anonymous reviewers for comments on to the present.
earlier drafts; Mike Bailey and Lorne Campbell for their statistical
suggestions; and Kerry Coupland, Colin Defreitas, Vivian Hsing, Regulatory focus
Mischa Lumiere, and Colleen Saffrey for their assistance in data
Corresponding author.
The principle of regulatory focus (Higgins, 1998)
E-mail addresses: (G.L. Pen- distinguishes between two strategies for goal attain-
nington), (N.J. Roese). ment—promotion focus and prevention focus. Although

0022-1031/$ - see front matter Ó 2003 Elsevier Science (USA). All rights reserved.
564 G.L. Pennington, N.J. Roese / Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 39 (2003) 563–576

both strategies embrace the hedonic goal of approaching likewise diminish. Individuals instead shift their em-
pleasure, they are distinct in that a promotion focus phasis to self-protection and maintenance of the status
involves sensitivity to the presence or absence of positive quo. Consistent with this proposal, impending dead-
outcomes (e.g., emphasizing advancement, accomplish- lines or time restrictions have been shown to result in
ment, etc.), whereas a prevention focus involves sensi- behaviors typically associated with prevention focus,
tivity to the absence or presence of negative outcomes such as less extensive information search, restrictions in
(e.g., emphasizing caution, protection, etc.). Regulatory the range of alternatives considered, decreased risk-
focus has been operationalized both in terms of situa- taking, greater attention to negative information, and
tionally labile cognitive states as well as chronic pro- greater selectivity in information processing (Ariely &
cessing tendencies, each having similar classes of Zakay, 2001; Ben-Zur & Bresnitz, 1981; Maule & Ed-
consequences. First, regulatory focus influences social land, 1997; cf. Liberman, Idson, Camacho, & Higgins,
perception in that it orients attention toward informa- 1999, 2001).
tion compatible with the regulatory focus (Higgins, But whereas time is a resource, regulatory focus is a
Roney, Crowe, & Hymes, 1994). Second, failure to constraint. If we flip the direction of causation around,
achieve promotion or prevention activates emotion to the effect of regulatory focus on temporal distance,
clusters centering on, respectively, dejection, or agitation promotion vs. prevention differentially constrain the
(Higgins, Shah, & Friedman, 1997). Third, performance bounds of temporal imagination. Maximal goals offer an
(as mediated by effort and persistence) varies as a unbounded upper limit, meaning that they minimally
function of the match between regulatory focus and task constrain ambition. Therefore, promotion relative to
characteristics (F€orster, Higgins, & Idson, 1998). prevention focus invites goals that demand more time to
Importantly, promotion focus may be said to involve prepare, more time to implement, more time to com-
maximal goals, whereas prevention focus involves mini- plete, and overall that occupy a mental space more
mal goals (Brendl & Higgins, 1996; Freitas, Liberman, temporally removed from the here-and-now. Thus, we
Salovey, & Higgins, 2002; Idson, Liberman, & Higgins, hypothesized that merely inducing a promotion rather
2000). A maximal goal reflects the most that one could than prevention focus, because it focuses attention to
wish for, whereas a minimal goal reflects bare necessities betterment rather than preservation, would push the
or the least one could comfortably tolerate. A key dis- individual to an imagined time point further removed
tinction between these two types of goals centers on the from the present.
boundary of focus, i.e., whether one tends to focus on This proposed relation between regulatory focus and
potential variation above or below the goal point. For temporal perspective may account for a range of previ-
maximal goals, individuals focus on the upper bound- ously observed temporal patterns in judgment, encom-
ary—the range of higher and better outcomes surpassing passing judgments of the past as well as the future. The
the goal point (e.g., an Olympic athlete might strive summary below is intended to illuminate the common-
toward getting onto the medal stand, but nevertheless alities across these various research areas, with a spot-
imagine what it might be like to get the bronze, or the light on temporally focused goals, that is, target tasks
silver, or the gold, or even to set a new world record). By with a discrete completion point (e.g., getting married)
contrast, for minimal goals, individuals strive to keep as opposed to those that are ongoing and open-ended
from falling below a minimally acceptable outcome, (e.g., being happy; see Madey & Gilovich, 1993).
focusing on holding at bay a range of inferior possible
outcomes (e.g., an Olympic athlete might strive to pre- Prospection
serve the honor of his nation by not scoring in the
bottom half). In short, maximal goals involve an un- People tend to view temporally distant goals more
bounded upper range of ever more desirable possibili- optimistically than goals that are close at hand. That is,
ties, whereas the scope of action for minimal goals individuals evince heightened confidence in their ability
involves the lower range of unwanted possibilities. to achieve success at discrete tasks when the relevant
This distinction is of pivotal importance in linking events (e.g., exams, athletic contests) are temporally
regulatory focus and temporal distance. Two aspects, distant rather than proximate (Gilovich, Kerr, & Med-
reflecting opposing directions of causal effect, are evi- vec, 1993; Shepperd et al., 1996; Taylor & Shepperd,
dent. First, in the case of the effect of temporal distance 1998). Further, the planning fallacy refers to the pattern
on regulatory focus, time itself is a resource, both whereby individuals anticipate more rapid task com-
subjectively and objectively. Time affords the luxury of pletion than is actually the case, in part because of their
maximal goals. That is, with a temporally distant per- faith in specific facilitatory behaviors that they intend
spective, individuals have the liberty to envision opti- to perform combined with disregard for potential im-
mal outcomes, to consider alternative strategies, and to pediments (Buehler et al., 1994; Newby-Clark, Ross,
survey information widely. When this temporal re- Buehler, Koehler, & Griffin, 2000). Two lines of the-
source dwindles, however, promotion focus should ory provide explanations for heightened confidence in
G.L. Pennington, N.J. Roese / Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 39 (2003) 563–576 565

success at temporally distant as opposed to proximate And second, (Pennington & Roese, 2003; Roese, Hur, &
goals, one affective and one cognitive. First, processes of Pennington, 1999) drew a direct connection between
affect regulation might result in attempts to brace for the these same counterfactual subtypes and regulatory fo-
worst by downgrading performance estimates to soften cus, showing that additive counterfactuals are evoked by
the blow of potential failure (Sanna, 1999; Shepperd, promotion failure, whereas subtractive counterfactuals
Findley-Klein, Kwavnick, Walker, & Perez, 2000). Sec- are evoked by prevention failure. Collectively, these two
ond, level of construal shifts with increasing temporal lines of research suggest that individuals perceive dis-
distance, such that events in the distant future are con- tantly past events with a promotion focus (as evidenced
strued on an abstract, schematic level, whereas imme- by predilection for additive counterfactual thoughts),
diate events are construed at a task-specific, contextual whereas proximately past events are viewed with a pre-
level (Liberman & Trope, 1998; Trope & Liberman, vention focus (as evidenced by a preference for sub-
2000, in press). The contextual and concrete nature of tractive counterfactuals).
obstacles may thus render them more salient as events Additionally, Gilovich et al. (1993) found that ret-
draw near, resulting in reduced confidence relative to rospective confidence in the completion of promotion-
temporally distant events. oriented achievement goals was greater for temporally
These findings may be summarized in terms of rela- distant as opposed to proximate events (Study 3), a
tively greater promotion focus for temporally distant pattern that was equivalent in prospective confidence
events and prevention focus for proximate events. judgments (Study 2). More directly relevant, they
Moreover, both affect and cognition are intimately re- found that participantsÕ prospective thought-listings
lated to temporal optimism shifts. Heightened promo- contained greater emphasis on the causes of success
tion goals for temporally distant events initiate action (i.e., promotion focus) than on the causes of failure
and encourage enthusiasm without getting ‘‘bogged (i.e., prevention focus) when focusing on temporally
down in details.’’ A relatively greater emphasis on pre- distant than proximate events (Study 4). Mitchell et al.
vention focus for proximate than distant events might (1997) also examined both prospective and retrospec-
reflect increased levels of anxiety and also heightened tive judgments, discovering that both were evaluatively
task-specific attention that incorporates assessment of more positive than was the actual present-tense expe-
both facilitating and inhibiting factors. Research on rience. Again, this pattern was associated with a de-
prospective judgment is thus compatible with the argu- crease in relevant negative thoughts as temporal
ment that promotion looms larger than prevention distance from the target event increased. Thus, previ-
concerns with increasing temporal distance from the ous research on retrospective judgment may also be
present. That promotion goals are, on average, con- summarized with regard to increasing promotion focus
strued at a more abstract level than prevention goals with temporal distance.
follows from this reasoning, and is tested directly in
Study 3. The present research

Retrospection This research examined two directions of effect, that

of temporal distance on regulatory focus (Studies 1, 2,
Research on retrospective judgment likewise hints at and 3), and of regulatory focus on temporal distance
a relation between regulatory focus and time, though (Study 4). Study 1 was a longitudinal examination of
work in this domain has followed a different path. Re- studentsÕ perceptions of an exam when it was either in
flection on failures in oneÕs past typically involves the near or distant future, with promotion and preven-
counterfactual thoughts that specify how the goal might tion focus measured at both time points. Study 2 used a
have been achieved (Roese, 1997). Two lines of research framing manipulation (cf. Wilson & Ross, 2001) to test
on counterfactual thinking jointly point to a connection experimentally the effect of perceived future temporal
between regulatory focus and temporal perspective. distance on regulatory focus. Study 3 also assessed the
First, Gilovich and Medvec (1994) showed that when effect of temporal distance on regulatory focus, but was
people consider events in the distant past, they are likely additionally intended to widen our scope by examining
to generate additive counterfactuals (i.e., specifying the not just 2 but 11 time points in both past and future,
addition of some new action that was not in fact per- permitting an assessment of whether patterns are local-
formed), whereas when considering the more recent ized within pockets or generalize linearly over broader
past, people are more likely to generate subtractive spans of time. Study 4 focused on the reverse causal
counterfactuals (i.e., specifying the subtraction of some relation, that of regulatory focus on temporal distance.
action that was in fact performed). Gilovich and Med- Participants were induced to focus on either promotion
vec (1995) offered several explanations for this temporal or prevention for either the future or the past, then
pattern, the most relevant of which was the tendency for asked to estimate the time point of both goal initiation
obstacles to become less salient in memory over time. and completion.
566 G.L. Pennington, N.J. Roese / Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 39 (2003) 563–576

Study 1 Regulatory focus items were averaged to produce

promotion and prevention subscales of adequate reli-
Study 1 tested studentsÕ perceptions of an upcoming ability (CronbachÕs a ¼ :78 and .74). Overall, promo-
exam at two points in time spanning two weeks. The tion (M ¼ 6:01; SE ¼ :11) was of greater concern than
contrast between temporally distant vs. proximate prevention (M ¼ 5:36; SE ¼ :14), F ð1; 78Þ ¼ 44:8; p <
events was thus within-subject. :0001. As expected, however, the interaction between
temporal perspective and regulatory focus was signif-
Method icant, F ð1; 78Þ ¼ 4:45; p ¼ :04. Whereas prevention
concerns remained steady over time, promotion con-
Eighty undergraduate students (52 women and 28 cerns decreased as the event drew nearer. Participants
men) from an introductory cognitive psychology course indicated a higher level of concern with promotion-
at Northwestern University participated. focused issues 2 weeks prior to the exam (M ¼ 6:12;
Participants completed a written survey at two points SE ¼ :12) than directly before the exam (M ¼ 5:89; SE
in the academic quarter. Two weeks before a midterm ¼ :13), tð78Þ ¼ 1:90; p ¼ :03 (one-tailed). In contrast,
exam, the experimenter distributed consent forms and prevention-focused concerns remained equally salient
surveys at the beginning of the class period. Participants when the exam was distant (M ¼ 5:36; SE ¼ :15) and
who chose to participate were asked to record the last proximate (M ¼ 5:37; SE ¼ :15), tð78Þ ¼ :04; p ¼ :97.
four digits of their student identification numbers and Correlations between optimism and regulatory focus
were allowed approximately 10 min to complete the difference scores (at Time 1 and 2) are presented in
survey. On the day of the course exam, the survey was Table 1.
distributed at the beginning of class. Students were re- Of additional interest was whether the observed
minded that the exam would take much less time than temporal differences in regulatory focus might account
the allotted class period (which was over 2 h), in order to for the pattern of lowered expectations. We used tech-
assuage any possible concerns that the survey would niques suggested by Judd, Kenny, and McClelland
interfere with studentsÕ ability to complete the exam in (2001) for testing mediation in within-subject designs.
time. To obtain a single measure of optimism, we first stan-
Participants first estimated how well they expected to dardized and averaged the (percentage) grade estimate
do on the exam by providing an estimated grade per- and the subjective confidence ratings for each time pe-
centage score and by completing a subjective confidence riod. In addition, a regulatory focus difference score
rating along a 9-point scale ranging from extremely (promotion focus minus prevention focus) was created
poorly to extremely well. For the measure of regulatory for each time period. The difference in the two optimism
focus, participants were asked to think about their scores (Time 1–Time 2) for each participant was then
performance on the exam and to indicate the extent to regressed on two predictors: the sum of each partici-
which they were concerned with 10 different issues. Five pantsÕ regulatory focus scores for Time 1 and Time 2,
of these items described positively framed promotion- and the difference in each participantsÕ regulatory focus
focused outcomes (getting a high score, doing well scores (see Judd et al., 2001). A significant regression
compared to others taking the test, showing strengths, coefficient for the regulatory focus difference predictor
being pleased with performance, improving GPA). The indicated mediation of the optimism effect by regulatory
remaining five items pertained to negatively framed focus (B ¼ :190; p ¼ :04). Furthermore, the estimated
prevention-focused concerns (avoiding an unfavorable intercept was not found to differ from zero
score, scoring in the lower end of the distribution, re- (B ¼ :053; p ¼ :56), indicating complete mediation of
vealing weaknesses, disappointing oneself, and damag- optimism shifts by changes in regulatory focus.1
ing transcript). Each was rated with regard to current These results provide support for the argument that
concern on an 8-point scale ranging from extremely regulatory focus is a common thread linking a variety of
unconcerned to extremely concerned. temporal shifts in judgment. Regulatory focus was
shown to shift in importance over the course of goal
Results pursuit. We regard the results of the mediation analysis
as intriguing though preliminary. It is important to note
ParticipantsÕ optimism about their exam performance that alternative methods of testing mediation (such as
decreased over time, replicating past research. Partici- examining expected grade and subjective confidence
pants predicted a higher grade (M ¼ 89:9; SE ¼ :74)
when the exam was temporally distant vs. proximal 1
(M ¼ 86:8; SE ¼ :85), F ð1; 77Þ ¼ 22:77, p < :001. Like- Corresponding mediational analyses were conducted to examine
the reverse causal relationship. Although temporal change in regula-
wise, participantsÕ subjective confidence decreased from tory focus was partially accounted for by declining expectations
7.73 to 6.68 (SEs ¼ :10 and .15) as the exam drew nearer (B ¼ :292; p ¼ :04), the effect of time on focus persisted over and
in time, F ð1; 77Þ ¼ 69:29; p < :001. above any change in optimism (B ¼ :234; p ¼ :03).
G.L. Pennington, N.J. Roese / Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 39 (2003) 563–576 567

Table 1 Following this paragraph, a timeline approximately

Zero-order correlations between temporal changes in regulatory focus 5 in. long appeared on the screen, and participants were
and expectancies in Study 1
asked to locate today on the line (‘‘Please indicate TO-
Expectancy type Regulatory focus DAY by selecting a point along the line with your
Promotion Prevention mouse.’’). Twelve response buttons were evenly spaced
Percentile .145 .046 across the line. In the near condition, the timeline was
Likert .391 .098 anchored by the labels ‘‘Beginning of fall term’’ and
Index .273 .061 ‘‘End of term.’’ In the distant condition, the labels
Note. Regulatory focus and expectancy ratings are represented by ‘‘Midterm’’ and ‘‘End of term’’ were used. This differ-
difference scores (Time 1 ratings minus Time 2 ratings). ence in labeling was intended to alter the psychological
p < :05. nearness of the target event by influencing the perceived
p < :01.
distance between now and finals (see Wilson & Ross,
separately) did not reveal equally strong evidence of 2001, Study 6).
mediation. Following the temporal distance manipulation, par-
ticipants specified the exact completion date of their fi-
nal exam by choosing one of eight response options
Study 2 (corresponding to ‘‘before finals,’’ each of the six days of
finals week, and ‘‘after finals’’). This item allowed us to
Whereas Study 1 examined changes in objective time, determine whether the manipulation of psychological
Study 2 examined subjective time. An examination of distance also altered the objective temporal distance
the actual passage of time offers strong external validity, upon which participants focused.
but also introduces a number of complicating factors, As a measure of regulatory focus, participants were
such as differences in the amount of actual task prepa- presented with the target goal they identified and asked
ration across conditions. To address these issues, in to provide a promotion-focused and prevention-focused
Study 2 we held the actual time span constant and rating. The promotion item was, ‘‘The goal you listed
manipulated participantsÕ subjective experience of time earlier is printed below. How much do you think it fo-
using a framing manipulation derived from Wilson and cuses on ACHIEVING SOMETHING YOU WANT?’’,
Ross (2001). Students were asked to focus on upcoming and the prevention item was, ‘‘How much does your
final examinations, which for all was approximately 3.5 goal focus on PREVENTING SOMETHING YOU
weeks in the future. These exams were framed as very DONÕT WANT?’’ Participants provided ratings along a
near or relatively distant; we then assessed participantsÕ 7-point scale ranging from not at all to completely.
promotion and prevention focus regarding this exam. Participants also provided a rating of how well they
expected to do on the task using a 7-point scale ranging
Method from extremely well to extremely poorly.

Fifty students (26 women and 24 women) from the Results

University of Chicago volunteered to participate in a
study of goals in exchange for cash payment of $6.00. As a manipulation check of the distance manipula-
Participants were recruited (via campus fliers) to tion, participantsÕ timeline markings were analyzed.
complete the study soon after midterm exam period Along the 12-point timeline, participants in the near
(November 14th). In a questionnaire administered via condition placed ‘‘today’’ significantly closer to the
computer, participants were asked to identify a specific target event (M ¼ 8:63; SE ¼ :12) than did participants
task (e.g., exam, paper, and assignment) that they nee- in the distant condition (M ¼ 4:91; SE ¼ :43),
ded to complete during finals week (December 9–14). In tð48Þ ¼ 8:98; p < :01. Importantly, however, the psy-
the near condition, the next instruction portrayed the chological distance manipulation did not affect the ob-
final exam period as psychologically close in time: jective temporal distance of participantsÕ target. The
actual event date provided by participants in the distant
This study concerns how people view tasks as they approach in condition (M ¼ 2:91; SE ¼ :34) was no later in time
time. This study is being conducted as we approach ‘‘Week 8’’ than in the near condition (M ¼ 3:15; SE ¼ :35),
of the term. So as of today, ‘‘finals week’’ is only a couple of
weeks away.
tð48Þ ¼ :48; p > :60.
Unexpectedly, participantsÕ performance expectations
In the distant condition, finals were described as rel- were not found to differ across conditions. Expectations
atively far away: were equally favorable for participants in the near
This study concerns how people view tasks at a distance. This
condition (M ¼ 2:82; SE ¼ :17) as compared to those
study is being conducted near midterm. So as of today, ‘‘finals in the distant condition (M ¼ 2:57; SE ¼ :18), tð48Þ ¼
week’’ is still a number of weeks in the distance. 1:02; p ¼ :31. Thus, we were unable to replicate previous
568 G.L. Pennington, N.J. Roese / Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 39 (2003) 563–576

findings on temporal shifts in optimism. We are unaware individuals construe goals at a more abstract level with
of any previous research assessing this effect using a increasing temporal distance (e.g., Liberman & Trope,
psychological or subjective manipulation of time, how- 1998). Accordingly, we tested whether regulatory focus
ever, which may account for this result. and construal level were correlated, and more impor-
A 2 (temporal distance: near vs. far)  2 (regulatory tant, whether the effects observed in Studies 1 and 2
focus: promotion vs. prevention) ANOVA revealed a would remain reliable even if construal level were sta-
main effect for regulatory focus. Promotion ratings tistically controlled. We expected that construal and
(M ¼ 5:78; SE ¼ :19) were higher than prevention rat- focus would indeed be associated. Brendl and Higgins
ings (M ¼ 3:43; SE ¼ :27), F ð1; 48Þ ¼ 39:76; p < :01. (1996) argued that, as compared to minimal (preven-
Of primary interest, however, was the significant inter- tion-focused) goals, maximal (promotion-focused) goals
action between temporal distance and regulatory focus, tend to support high-identity goals (p. 110). Maximal
F ð1; 48Þ ¼ 4:49; p ¼ :04. As expected, participants in- goals specify the most positive end state one hopes to
dicated a stronger promotion focus when the goal was achieve, a cognition that is likely to be somewhat broad
made to feel distant (M ¼ 6:22; SE ¼ :28) vs. near and self-reflective. Conversely, minimal goals have rel-
(M ¼ 5:33; SE ¼ :25), tð48Þ ¼ 2:36; p ¼ :02. In con- atively bounded upper limits. As such, we expected a
trast, prevention focus did not vary as a function of correspondence between promotion focus and high-level
distance condition (Ms ¼ 3:08 and 3.78, SEs ¼ :39 and construal on the one hand, and prevention and low-level
.36), tð48Þ ¼ 1:29; p > :20. construal on the other. Based upon our speculation that
This pattern precisely replicates that of Study 1 and cognitive construal is but one component of the more
provides especially compelling support for the relation- encompassing motivational constellation of regulatory
ship between temporal distance and regulatory focus. focus, however; we suspected that temporal changes in
Even when various factors associated with the actual regulatory focus would persist even with construal levels
passage of time (such as amount of preparation) were statistically controlled.
controlled, temporal distance influenced regulatory fo-
cus. Method

Subjects were 31 students (22 females and 9 males)

Study 3 enrolled in an introductory psychology course at Simon
Fraser University, participating for course credit. The
The findings of Studies 1 and 2 suggested that pro- design of the experiment was a 2 (regulatory focus:
motion focus increases with temporal distance to a goal, promotion vs. prevention)  11 (temporal distance).
whereas prevention focus remains stable. Two questions Points in time were designed to correspond to 1 week, 1
are raised by these findings: (1) does the same pattern month, 6 months, 1 year, and 10 years. In order to by-
hold for retrospective as well as prospective judgments pass any assumptions students may hold about these
and (2) does this pattern hold across a greater range of ‘‘standard’’ points in time (e.g., ‘‘in 1 year I will be a
specific points in time, such as a week, a month, a year, sophomore,’’ etc.), the time points were shifted by
or even 10 years in the distance? Much previous research adding minor numerical variation.2 Thus, subjects made
into perceptions of time has relied upon measurements ratings for 11 points in time corresponding to (1) today,
at only two points in time. Our understanding of tem- (2) 9 days from today, (3) 9 days ago, (4) 40 days from
poral perception would be enriched considerably by today, (5) 40 days ago, (6) 7 months from today, (7) 7
examining perceptions over multiple time points. Study months ago, (8) 14 months from today, (9) 14 months
3 took the same general form as the previous studies, in ago, (10) 11 years from today, and (11) 11 years ago.
that the effect of temporal distance on regulatory focus Subjects were asked to record one goal associated
was examined. However, Study 3 focused on partici- with each point in time and were given a single line on
pantsÕ mental time travels into both the past and future. which to record each goal. Subjects made three 9-point
That is, this study examined variation in individualsÕ ratings of each goal with regard to promotion, preven-
perceptions as a function of momentary consideration of tion, and goal importance. The ratings of promotion
different points in the past and future. In a within-sub- and prevention (‘‘How much does this goal focus on
jects design, participants generated goals that they ac- getting something you want?’’; ‘‘How much does this
complished or intended to accomplish at 11 specific goal focus on avoiding something you donÕt want?’’)
points in time ranging equivalently over the past and were both anchored by not at all and completely. The
future. For each goal that participants recorded, they rating of construal level (‘‘When you think about
rated the extent to which it could be characterized as a this goal, how much do you focus on the Ôbig pictureÕ
promotion goal and a prevention goal.
In addition, this study examined variation in tempo- 2
Thanks to Tory Higgins for suggesting this procedural improve-
ral construal over time. Previous research shows that ment.
G.L. Pennington, N.J. Roese / Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 39 (2003) 563–576 569

vs. small details?’’) was anchored by small details and big with increasing temporal distance, F ð1; 30Þ ¼ 9:36;
picture. p ¼ :005, whereas promotion ratings did not vary as a
linear function of temporal distance, F ð1; 30Þ ¼ 3:37;
Results p ¼ :08.
Looking at the pattern of construal ratings across
Promotion vs. prevention goal ratings were compared the 11 time points, we see that the predictions of
at each point in time within a 2 (Regulatory Focus)  11 temporal construal theory were confirmed, but only for
(Temporal Distance) ANOVA. The main effect of regu- prospective judgments. That is, looking only at the
latory focus indicated greater promotion 6-time points ranging from present to future
(M ¼ 7:75; SE ¼ :67) than prevention (M ¼ 6:19; SE ¼ (Ms ¼ 6:33; 4:53; 5:73; 5:93; 6:80; 7:40), the upward
1:40) focus overall, F ð1; 30Þ ¼ 27:72; p < :001. Also, linear effect was reliable, F ð1; 30Þ ¼ 14:54; p < :001,
there was a linear main effect of temporal distance, but the same test conducted on the 6-time points from
F ð1; 30Þ ¼ 10:92; p ¼ :002, such that combined promo- present to past was not, F ð1; 30Þ ¼ 2:30; p ¼ :14
tion and prevention importance increased over the time ðMs ¼ 6:33; 5:43; 4:57; 5:73; 5:70; 4:57Þ. In other
span from distant past to present to distant future. The words, with increasing time from the present into the
linear interaction between the two factors was not sig- future, subjects generated goals focusing more on the
nificant, F ¼ :27, but of central interest was the quadratic ‘‘big picture’’ as opposed to small details. But with
interaction between these two factors, F ð1; 30Þ ¼ increasing time from the present into the past, con-
11:86; p ¼ :002, which suggested that the main effect of strual level showed no such stable linear pattern.
regulatory focus was minimal in the present but grew We anticipated that construal levels and regulatory
with greater prospective and retrospective distance from focus would be associated, with promotion focus leading
the present. In order to examine this effect more closely, a to more abstract thinking (i.e., a positive correlation),
regulatory focus difference score was conducted for each and prevention focus to concrete thinking (negative
point in time (promotion focus minus prevention focus). correlation). This prediction received only weak sup-
As expected, single sample t tests indicated that difference port. For judgments of the future, promotion was
in promotion and prevention focus was not significantly modestly correlated with construal (r ¼ :32; p ¼ :08).
different from zero for time periods surrounding the Construal was uncorrelated with prevention in the fu-
present (9 days ago, now, 9 days from now). As distance ture, however (r ¼ :15; p ¼ :87). For retrospective
from the present increased, however, this difference judgments, neither promotion (r ¼ :16; p ¼ :39) nor
generally widened (t values are presented in Table 2). prevention (r ¼ :10; p ¼ :59) was associated with con-
Several further contrasts were conducted to better strual.
characterize this pattern. Looking only at prospective Although promotion focus was only weakly associ-
judgments, promotion ratings evidenced a linear upward ated with abstract thinking overall, we conducted ad-
trend with increasing temporal distance, F ð1; 30Þ ¼ ditional analyses to conclusively determine whether the
19:67; p < :001, whereas this same linear test was not temporal pattern of construal might partially account
significant for prevention ratings, F ¼ 1:07; ns. This for the regulatory focus effects described previously. A
pattern precisely replicates that of Study 1. By contrast, separate growth curve analysis (Karney & Frye, 2002;
the reverse was evident for retrospective judgments: Singer, 1998) was used for each of the promotion and
prevention ratings evidenced a linear downward trend prevention ratings over the full time range, each with
construal level ratings entered into the model. The re-
stricted maximum likelihood approach tests degree of fit
Table 2 between the data and a quadratic vs. linear model of
Promotion and prevention scores as a function of temporal distance
(Study 3)
change over time in within-subject data.
We first looked at promotion ratings. In order to
Distance Mean score Statistics
determine whether construal ratings reduced or elimi-
Promotion Prevention t p nated the obtained effects, we compared a model con-
11 years ago 7.81 4.61 4.852 .000 taining intercept, a linear effect of time, and a quadratic
14 months ago 7.68 6.10 2.608 .014 (i.e., parabolic) effect of time to the same model with
7 months ago 7.74 6.16 2.958 .006 construal ratings additionally entered (both models
40 days ago 7.65 6.32 2.135 .041
achieved good fit, v2 ¼ 30:2; 35:8, both ps < :001). A
9 days ago 7.48 7.29 .434 .667
Today 6.84 6.16 .950 .350 confirmatory test of the curvilinear effect of time on
9 days from now 7.35 6.35 1.755 .089 promotion scores indicated that the quadratic effect of
40 days from now 7.94 5.97 3.555 .001 time (tð318Þ ¼ 3:75; p < :001) remained significant with
7 months from now 7.61 6 2.719 .011 construal ratings entered, tð317Þ ¼ 3:59; p < :001. With
14 months from now 8.52 6.1 4.870 .000
regard to prevention ratings, we again compared the
11 years from now 8.65 7.03 3.416 .002
same models with and without construal ratings entered
570 G.L. Pennington, N.J. Roese / Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 39 (2003) 563–576

(both models achieved good fit, v2 ¼ 36:4; 56:3, both to complete them. Study 4 assessed both goal initiation
ps < :001). Because our primary analyses revealed only and completion time, to provide a clearer glimpse of the
an overall linear effect of time on prevention scores, we time span individuals recall or expect to dedicate to
considered only the confirmatory test pertaining to that promotion vs. prevention goals. Promotion-focused
effect. As expected, the linear effect of time was reliable goals, as maximal standards, were hypothesized to invite
without construal ratings entered, tð318Þ ¼ 1:98; p ¼ lofty, resource-hungry agendas, whereas prevention-fo-
:05, and remained so with construal ratings entered, cused goals (minimal standards) were expected to ne-
tð317Þ ¼ 2:57; p ¼ :01. In sum, construal level of a goal cessitate focused, immediate attention. Thus, we
was not able to account for the observed effects of time expected that promotion-focused goals to be temporally
on regulatory focus.3 distant from the present time relative to prevention-fo-
In addition to replicating the results of Studies 1 and cused goals, with regard to both initiation and ultimate
2 for judgments of the future, Study 3 revealed both an completion. While our theorizing pertained most
interesting similarity and a divergence between judg- markedly to judgments of the future, we expected a
ments of the future vs. past. Consistent with findings for similar pattern to be evident in judgments of the past.
prospective judgment, the relative difference between The increased salience of prevention in the Ôhere-and-
promotion and prevention focus increased with retro- nowÕ was expected to result in prevention-focused goals
spective temporal distance. In contrast to previous being most readily identified for time periods in the re-
prospection findings, however, this widening was a cent past.
function of changes in prevention focus rather than As discussed by Madey and Gilovich (1993), goal
changes in promotion focus. This exact pattern has been completion may be more or less temporally focused (i.e.,
replicated in additional studies in our lab (e.g., see specifiable in terms of a discrete point in time). For
footnote 4).4 example, the goal of completing taxes on time is tem-
porally focused, whereas the goal of being financially
cautious is unfocused—one can be financially judicious
Study 4 in an ongoing and continuous manner. Promotion suc-
cess (presence of positive) and prevention failure (pres-
Whereas the previous studies examined the effect of ence of negative) tend to be focused, in that they both
temporal distance on regulatory focus, Study 4 tested involve the presence of a particular outcome, whereas
the reverse relation, the effect of regulatory focus on promotion failure (absence of positive) and prevention
temporal distance. Like Study 3, this experiment as- success (absence of negative) tend to be less focused, in
sessed both retrospective as well as prospective judg- that they involve a non-occurrence. Of course, even non-
ments. The design was a 2  2 between-subject occurrences may be temporally focused (e.g., Janice
manipulation of regulatory focus (promotion vs. pre- failed to pay her taxes before April 15), but given that a
vention) and temporal direction (prospective vs. retro- natural correspondence is evident between temporal
spective). focus and commission/omission, we attempted to hold
Our interest was in determining whether adoption of both temporal focus and outcome valence constant. All
a distinct type of regulatory focus would affect individ- participants thus completed a questionnaire formatted
ualsÕ temporal scope. Whereas previous research has to elicit temporally focused (rather than unfocused) re-
demonstrated that future prevention goals tend to be sponses, and all conditions focused on successful (rather
initiated sooner than promotion goals (Freitas et al., than unsuccessful) completion of goals.
2002), it remains unclear whether promotion vs. pre-
vention goals (as well as goals of the past vs. future) Method
differ with regard to how long one must spend working
Participants were 56 students at Simon Fraser Uni-
versity (30 women and 26 men) who participated in
In a replication of Study 3, ratings of goal importance were exchange for bottled water or candy bars; 1 outlier was
obtained for each point in time. Similarly, analyses indicated that removed leaving a final sample of 55. The design of the
perceived importance of the goal could not account for the overall experiment was a 2 (regulatory focus: promotion vs.
pattern of regulatory focus change across time.
In an additional study ðn ¼ 30Þ using an identical 2 (Regulatory
prevention)  2 (temporal direction: prospective vs. ret-
Focus)  11 (Temporal Distance) design, we replicated the temporal rospective) factorial.
pattern to regulatory focus. As in Study 3, results indicated that the Participants were asked to generate and record three
main effect of regulatory focus was minimal in the present but grew goals. Instructions in the promotion focus condition,
with greater prospective and retrospective distance from the present. varying by temporal direction, were: ‘‘What are some
Promotion ratings evidenced a linear upward trend with increasing
temporal distance in the future, but not the past (ps ¼ :001 and .12,
positive things that you expect to be successful at
respectively), whereas prevention ratings evidenced a linear downward achieving [have been most successful at achieving]?
trend with increasing distance in the past (p ¼ :02), but not the future. Please take a moment to think about your future [past],
G.L. Pennington, N.J. Roese / Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 39 (2003) 563–576 571

focusing on desirable things that you expect to attain than those focusing on prevention goals (M ¼ 1:53
[have attained]. In the space below, please record three years). Planned contrasts revealed that this difference
of these things, using no more than one sentence for held only for judgments of the future, however. Al-
each. Then try to estimate when you might start [started] though the regulatory focus effect was reliable for pro-
working actively toward achieving each, and when each spective estimates (Ms ¼ 2:34 vs. 1.10 years, SEs ¼ :45,
might be [was] achieved. BE SURE TO FOCUS ON .29), tð28Þ ¼ 2:86; p ¼ :001, it was not reliable for ret-
GOALS THAT HAVE A CLEAR COMPLETION rospective estimates (Ms ¼ 1:92 vs. 1.95 years,
DATE (e.g., winning a tournament, getting a job) RA- SE ¼ :59; :54), tð23Þ ¼ :37; p ¼ :71.
THER THAN GOALS THAT ARE ONGOING.’’ Looking at the goal initiation time estimates (Cron-
Instructions in the prevention focus condition, also bachÕs a ¼ :81), the most obvious (and least interesting)
varying by temporal direction, were: ‘‘What are some effect was that goals of the past have initiation points
negative things that you expect to be successful at further removed from the present (M ¼ 4:33 years,
avoiding [have been most successful at avoiding]? Please SE ¼ :68) than goals of the future (M ¼ :63 years,
take a moment to think about your future, focusing on SE ¼ :13), F ð1; 51Þ ¼ 4:39; p ¼ :04. More interesting is
undesirable things that you expect to prevent [that you the replication of the findings of Freitas et al. (2002), in
have avoided or prevented]. In the space below, please that subjects expected promotion goals to be initiated
record three of these things, using no more than one further in the future (M ¼ :88 years, SE ¼ :19) than
sentence for each. Then try to estimate when you might prevention goals (M ¼ :37 years, SE ¼ :15), tð28Þ ¼
start [started] working actively toward preventing each, 2:45; p ¼ :02. Goals of the past did not differ in initia-
and when each might be [was] prevented. BE SURE TO tion times (Ms ¼ 4:27 vs. 4.38, SEs ¼ 1:25, .77), tð23Þ ¼
COMPLETION DATE (e.g., not missing classes during To put the goal completion time findings Study 4 into
fall semester, not creating a huge student loan debt be- clearer perspective, we may summarize the above effects
fore graduation) RATHER THAN GOALS THAT by averaging across initiation and completion times to
ARE ONGOING.’’ Three labeled lines appeared next, produce an estimate of the midpoint of the temporal
with blanks underneath for participants to provide time deviation from present for the entire period spent on a
estimates for both goal initiation (‘‘will start [started] particular goal. This midpoint between initiation and
working toward it’’) and completion (‘‘can be [was] completion of goals was further in the future for pro-
achieved/prevented’’). Participants filled in initiation motion goals (M ¼ 1:61 years, SE ¼ :31) than prevention
and completion times in ‘‘year(s) and month(s) from goals (M ¼ :73 years, SE ¼ :21), tð28Þ ¼ 2:82; p ¼ :009.
now.’’ This midpoint did not vary as a function of regulatory
focus for judgments of the past (Ms ¼ 3:10 vs. 3.17,
Results SEs ¼ :89, .59), tð23Þ ¼ :22; p ¼ :83.
Yet another way to frame these data centers on the
Participants recorded goals centering on a variety of total amount of time that individuals expect to spend
events of personal importance. Examples of promotion on a particular goal, which may be defined as the ab-
focused goals include ‘‘getting my driverÕs license (past)’’ solute difference between initiation and completion
and ‘‘starting on the varsity team (future).’’ Examples of time estimates. The reliable main effect for temporal
prevention goals include ‘‘not spending money so that I direction suggests the operation of a bias similar to the
can afford my trip to Australia (past)’’ and ‘‘not getting planning fallacy: subjects judged their task durations to
any F s during spring semester (future).’’ Because the be briefer in the future (M ¼ 1:17 years, SE ¼ :20) than
distribution of time estimates was skewed, analyses were in the past (M ¼ 3:13, SE ¼ :50), F ð1; 51Þ ¼ 6:32;
performed using natural log transformed data (all p ¼ :02. Importantly, however, participants neverthe-
means presented here are untransformed). One outlier less intended to spend more time implementing pro-
subject was dropped because the goal initiation time motion goals (M ¼ 1:45 years, SE ¼ :29) than
estimate provided (16.0 years) was 4.58 SDs above the prevention goals (M ¼ :73 years, SE ¼ :19) in the fu-
mean for the rest of the sample (M ¼ 2:31; SD ¼ 2:99). ture, tð28Þ ¼ 2:36; p ¼ :03. This variable did not vary
Analyses reported below were performed on the result- as function of regulatory focus within judgments of the
ing sample of 55 subjects. past (Ms ¼ 2:40 vs. 2.90, SEs ¼ :82, .72), tð23Þ ¼ :28;
Completion time estimates for the three goals were p ¼ :78.
averaged to produce a single index of temporal distance These findings offer an intriguing contrast to the
(CronbachÕs a ¼ :57). In the 2 (Regulatory Focus)  2 previous studies, which focused on the effect of temporal
(Temporal Direction) ANOVA, the main effect for distance on regulatory focus. Here, we found that reg-
regulatory focus was reliable, F ð1; 51Þ ¼ 4:39; p ¼ :04. ulatory focus influences temporal distance, such that
Participants focusing on promotion gave more tempo- promotion goals prompt greater distance of temporal
rally distant goal completion estimates (M ¼ 2:13 years) gaze. Further, this effect occurred for judgments about
572 G.L. Pennington, N.J. Roese / Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 39 (2003) 563–576

the future but not the past, a finding we have replicated looking to the past, as temporal distance increased
in independent investigations.5 promotion goals remained constant while prevention
goals shrank.
We believe that this difference may speak to the
General discussion process underlying the effect of temporal distance on
regulatory focus. The processes that drive self-regula-
A range of prior research on temporal distance effects tory strategies toward future goals are likely to have a
in both prospective and retrospective judgment is con- subsequent effect on oneÕs recollection of goal striving in
sistent with a relation between temporal distance and the past. In other words, we view the key process as
regulatory focus. Looking across these varied litera- unfolding during future-oriented goal pursuit, with later
tures, we noticed that greater temporal distance in- ramifications for retrospective judgments. Regulatory
creases the relative impact of promotion over prevention focus theory (Higgins, 1998) is essentially oriented to-
focus. In conducting a series of studies to test our sus- wards future goal attainment. Promotion and preven-
picions, we took two approaches, that of measuring the tion strategies are two distinct ways individuals attempt
effect of temporal distance on regulatory focus and the to close the gap between the current self and a desired
reverse approach of assessing the effect of regulatory future self. We believe that differences in the emphasis
focus on temporal distance. placed on these strategies over time are a function of
In the first approach, time appears to be a mental perceived resource availability.
quantity: large vs. small amounts of time alter judg- Actual and/or psychological distance from an event
mental strategy. With increasing amounts of time, in- provides a cushion of resources; distance affords indi-
dividuals become more attuned to acquisition, viduals greater opportunity for taking risks and mak-
achievement and the presence of things desired as op- ing mistakes because it provides some latitude for
posed caution, security, and the prevention of things correction. Thus, at a distance individuals are better
unwanted. We found this pattern using three distinct equipped to adopt a promotion focus and to pursue
methods. In Study 1, we used a longitudinal design to maximal goals. As previous research indeed attests, a
examine studentsÕ expectations of exam performance. promotion focus fosters greater creativity, risk-taking,
We found that individuals place greater weight on pro- information search, hypothesis generation, and open-
motion than prevention, an effect which is stronger ness to change (Liberman et al., 1999, 2001)—all stra-
when goals are temporally distant than proximate. Sta- tegic practices that one is only free to engage in
ted somewhat differently, promotion concerns shrank as provided sufficient time and resources. In contrast,
goals drew near, but prevention goals remained un- actual or perceived proximity to an event signals re-
changed over time. In Study 2, we varied subjective as source depletion. One no longer has the cushion of
opposed to objective temporal distance. Participants time to correct mistakes. Thus, a more restrained and
who considered an event expected to occur several weeks cautious approach to goal attainment is likely to be
hence evidenced greater promotion vs. prevention focus more functional, and a decreased emphasis on pro-
when that event was framed as distant vs. near. Finally, motion strategies should ensue. According to this per-
in Study 3, participantsÕ perceptions of various points in spective, prevention-focused concerns typically occur
time, both in the future and past, were assessed for the relatively late in goal striving.
importance placed on promotion vs. prevention con- As such, when individuals reflect upon goal striving
cerns. Again, the difference between promotion and in their past, prevention-focused concerns should be
prevention grew with temporal distance, and moreover, most salient for goals near to the present time. Only
this effect was roughly equivalent for both prospective within the sphere of the present are prevention-focused
and retrospective judgments. When we say ‘‘roughly,’’ concerns highly salient. Both the need and the ability to
we mean that although the mean difference between recall security-focused information should be greatly
promotion and prevention looks the same in judgments reduced the longer the temporal distance from the
of the future and past, the curves of each reversed their present. The relative prevalence of promotion focus
form. Replicating the findings of the first two studies, throughout goal striving should make promotion-fo-
Study 3 revealed that, when looking to the future, as cused information easiest to recall and more resistant to
temporal distance increased promotion goals grew while decay. In sum, our current theorizing suggests that in-
prevention goals remained constant. However, when dividuals are prompted to adjust self-regulatory focus
and strategies in response to perceived reductions in
resources as events draw nearer in time. The processing
The results of Study 4 have been replicated with regard to goal differences individuals engage in during goal pursuit
completion estimates. In this replication ðn ¼ 59Þ, a significant
interaction emerged between regulatory focus and temporal direction,
then feed back to influence what is remembered about
such that a regulatory focus effect was reliable only for prospective goal striving in the near and distant past. Certainly, our
judgments (p ¼ :02), not for retrospective judgments (p ¼ :34). account of these processes remains to be rigorously
G.L. Pennington, N.J. Roese / Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 39 (2003) 563–576 573

tested, and we regard this framework as a promising Table 3

avenue for future research. Temporal estimates as a function of direction and regulatory focus
(Study 4)
Whereas our primary focus was on the effect of
temporal perspective on regulatory focus, the findings of Condition Time measure
Study 4 make an additional, distinct contribution to our Completion Initiation Total spent
understanding of the relationship between these vari- Past
ables. This study examined whether the induction of Promotion 1.92 4.27 2.40
either promotion or prevention focus would launch Prevention 1.95 4.38 2.90
people on mental time travels of a particular duration. Future
This is a very different question from those of Studies Promotion 2.34 .88 1.45
1–3. Whereas those studies examined the impact of Prevention 1.10 .37 .73
mental time, which is akin to a resource that can facil- Note. Values represent time in years.
itate or hinder goal completion, Study 4 focused on the
effect of goal-related cognitions themselves on assump-
tions about time. Referring back to the idea of perceived prevention focus. Together, these factors produce the
resource availability, we assumed that promotion- additive pattern represented in Table 3. Relatedly,
focused, maximal goals would be regarded as resource- Newby-Clark and Ross (in press) showed that indi-
demanding, and that as a consequence, individuals viduals, when asked to recall personal memories, ten-
would regard the completion of such goals in the future ded to retrieve a mix of successes and failures, but
as distant in time. In contrast, we expected that when asked to generate expectations for personal ex-
prevention goals, as perceived necessities, would be periences, they focused almost exclusively on successes
regarded as essential and thus resource-independent and positive experiences. Our Studies 3 and 4 required
(i.e., this needs to be done here-and-now). As such, we subjects to focus only successes, and it is important to
expected participants to identify future prevention goals emphasize that valence and regulatory focus are con-
as being satisfied more immediately. ceptually orthogonal (one can successfully learn to
Participants in Study 4 made estimates of both goal drive and successfully avoid gaining weight). Even so,
completion and goal initiation times. We found that Newby-Clark and RossÕs studies dovetail with our
promotion goals, on average, were seen as more tem- studies to indicate that when individuals focus on fu-
porally removed from the present than prevention goals. ture personal goals, they aim high, emphasize promo-
Unlike the ‘‘rough’’ equivalence of prospection and tion, neglect prevention, and generate optimistically
retrospection found in the first three studies, however, rosy images.
Study 4 indicated an effect only for perceptions of the Overall, the findings support for our interpretation
future, not the past. The lack of an effect for retro- that draws together prior research on optimism shifts
spective judgments was somewhat unexpected, in that (e.g., Shepperd et al., 1996), temporal construal theory
we anticipated participants would be best able to re- (Liberman & Trope, 1998), the planning fallacy (Buehler
member prevention goals that were located in the recent et al., 1994), the ‘‘rosy view’’ (Mitchell et al., 1997),
past (as the result of increased salience, consistent with durability bias (Gilbert et al., 1998), and counterfactual
the logic presented above). One possible reason that thinking and emotions of regret (Gilovich & Medvec,
these results do not mirror those found in Study 3 may 1995; Roese et al., 1999). We argue that all contain
be that in Study 4, participants were directly asked to shards of evidence consistent with the view that regu-
identify goals with a specific type of regulatory focus. latory focus shifts with temporal distance from goals.
Even though prevention goals may be most salient for Our findings are compatible, for example, with findings
periods of time in the recent past, these results suggest from research on temporal construal theory, which has
that individuals may be perfectly capable of identifying demonstrated that individuals give less weight to desir-
prevention goals from both the recent and distant past ability (a promotion-focused concern) when making
when they are directly asked to recruit examples of decisions for immediate events vs. temporally distant
prevention goals. events (Liberman & Trope, 1998). However, Study 3
Another interpretation of the pattern is that com- showed that temporal construal theory could not sub-
pletion times for future promotion goals are greater sume our findings: temporal distance produced an effect
than the three other means because of essentially the on regulatory focus that was independent of temporal
same factor twice implemented. Depth of temporal construal. An additional, and we think highly interest-
gaze is unlocked by open-ending thinking; the future is ing, discovery was that we replicated the previously
more open-ended than the past, and (according to the noted effect that more abstract construals are associated
linkage between Gilovich & Medvec, 1995 and Roese with more temporally distant goals, but only for pro-
et al., 1999 with regard to the time course of regret) spective but not retrospective judgment. Although
promotion focus tends to be more open-ended than temporal construal theory (Trope & Liberman, 2002)
574 G.L. Pennington, N.J. Roese / Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 39 (2003) 563–576

seems at first glance applicable to retrospective judg- in time. Finally, conflict theory targeted situations in
ment, this preliminary evidence suggests otherwise.6 which approach and avoidance responses were incom-
patible. Miller (1944), for example, described the ap-
Relation to classic research on approach/avoidance con- proach and avoidance behaviors in his research as
flict ‘‘obviously mutually exclusive’’ (p. 456)—an organism
could not both approach and avoid the target event. Our
Our conception of temporal shifts in regulatory focus work, on the other hand, illuminates situations in which
(at least with regard to future goals) shares similarities the target event (e.g., an exam) may be simultaneously
with classic work on approach/avoidance conflict (e.g., construed in terms of approach (promotion) and
Lewin, 1935; Miller, 1944, 1959). Early research on this avoidance (prevention). Overall, our research is aimed
conflict theory (e.g., Brown, 1948) explored differences more at higher, multifaceted human cognition embrac-
in the strength of approach vs. avoidance tendencies as a ing both tactical and strategic goals.
function of an organismÕs closeness to a goal. Our re-
sults are consistent with one basic assumption of this Relation to recent research on regulatory focus
work—namely, that approach (promotion-oriented mo-
tivation) is relatively stronger than avoidance (preven- Our findings also share some resemblance to those
tion-oriented motivation) when goals lie in the distance from two recent lines of research. First, F€ orster et al.
(spatially or temporally). Our results for prospective (1998) explored the ‘‘goal looms larger’’ effect (i.e., the
judgments do not converge, however, with two other finding that motivational strength increases with prox-
fundamental assumptions of conflict theory. First, ap- imity to a goal) and found that effort and persistence on
proach and avoidance gradients in past research were a task increased as one moves closer to goal completion,
generally characterized by a positive slope. Second, in particularly when there is a match between regulatory
earlier work, the gradient for avoidance was found to focus and the immediate demands and format of the
increase more steeply than the approach gradient over task. At first glance, the F€ orster research might be
the course of goal pursuit. In contrast, our findings re- construed to suggest that promotion focus gets stronger
veal a stable focus on prevention over time. We found rather than weaker with goal proximity. However, the
that prevention focus indeed exerted a greater relative F€orster research held regulatory focus constant then
influence when a goal is near vs. distant, but this influ- examined effort/persistence over time. By contrast, our
ence stemmed from dampened promotion focus rather research suggests that regulatory focus qualitatively
than any increase in prevention focus. shifts as events draw nearer in time. Further, our find-
In comparing our findings to this older body of work, ings pertain to the overall importance individuals assign
it is important to emphasize some key conceptual dif- to promotion- and prevention-framed concerns rather
ferences that render direct comparison less informative. than motivational strength as measured by F€ orster and
First, our research centers on a higher level of analysis. colleagues (e.g., arm flexion/extension). Freitas et al.
Conflict theory centered on simple behaviors (moving (2002) also examined the relation between time and
toward or away) conditioned by directly presented regulatory focus, showing that individuals prefer to
stimuli (food or shock) most typically in animals (rats initiate prevention goals earlier than promotion goals.
and mice), and thus spoke to the simplest hedonic This finding is certainly compatible but does not overlap
mechanisms of pleasure and pain. Our research, by with our findings. The results of Studies 4a and 4b
contrast, encompasses the more complex inferences replicate the Freitas et al. finding for goal initiation time,
processes involved in information selection, reasoning, and also indicate the overall effect on goal duration and
and decision-making. Even when this older research completion latency. We concur with Freitas et al. (2002)
focused on humans rather than animals, there was a that prevention focus motivates individuals to begin
tendency to assess avoidance with regard to immediate goal pursuit immediately, and provide a broader theo-
termination goals, as when Epstein and Fenz (1965) retical framework to encompass these effects.
assessed avoidance in parachutists using such Likert
items as ‘‘wanting to turn back and call the jump off.’’ Implications
Our research instead emphasizes the manner in which
individuals frame a goal as they continue to approach it A temporal shift in regulatory goal strength may be a
specific example of a more general proximity effect in
judgment. For example, analogous findings may emerge
It is also interesting to note the discrepancy between these results for spatial proximity as for temporal proximity. Pro-
and past findings suggesting that abstract memories tend to persist motion focus may typically involve activities ranging
longer than specific ones. Although it is beyond the scope of the
current paper to speculate about potential reasons for this disconnect,
further from home (vacationing, exploring strange new
it is certainly an interesting avenue for further research. Our thanks to worlds, and seeking out new life and new civilizations)
an anonymous reviewer for raising this issue. than does prevention focus (keeping the grass trimmed,
G.L. Pennington, N.J. Roese / Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 39 (2003) 563–576 575

the toilets clean, and the furniture dusted). Even more self-regulatory systems. Journal of Personality and Social Psychol-
generally, psychological distance might embrace both ogy, 66, 276–286.
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activity engagement (Van Boven, Loewenstein, Welch, Idson, L. C., Liberman, N., & Higgins, E. T. (2000). Distinguishing
& Dunning, 2003). We are presently conducting further gains from nonlosses and losses from nongains: A regulatory focus
investigations of this compelling question. perspective on hedonic intensity. Journal of Experimental Social
Psychology, 36, 252–274.
To conclude, individuals may be said to inhabit Judd, C. M., Kenny, D. A., & McClelland, G. H. (2001). Estimating
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opment. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 82, 222–238.
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by obstacles and hindrances. Merely focusing on ac- Liberman, N., & Trope, Y. (1998). The role of feasibility and
quisition vs. obstacle, moreover, induces a gaze with desirability considerations in near and distant future decisions: A
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Liberman, N., Idson, L. C., Camacho, C. J., & Higgins, E. T. (1999).
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