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As what Claudia Berendt said, “With small steps, come great steps, and with these great steps,

each and every one of us can help others less fortunate than ourselves, understand the greater good in
Change they say is the only constant in the world. And, here I am wondering when does poverty
will change? In the 2019 Human Development Report, the Philippines, with an HDI or Human
Development Index value of 0.712 placed 106 th out of the 189 countries and territories. The Philippines is
historically a third world country and is currently a developing country based on the reports. As we all
know that many countries around the world are rising and flourishing in progress nowadays, yet, and still
a miserable fact, the poor gets poorer. Filipinos are having a hard time surviving in such difficult
situations and conditions, and more and more are falling into extreme poverty. Because of this, there are a
lot of effects of poverty in the Philippines that make it difficult for people to live in such circumstances.
Inability to afford housing which puts Filipinos in danger. Malnutrition has become a lot more common
because of hunger. Child labor because parents often can’t make enough money to support their families.
Crime, with conditions so troublesome people resort to this.
We often look in front of the mirror asking and complaining about simple and nonsense things.
“Oh my gosh, I am becoming fat”, “Oh my! This pimple ruined my face”, or lying comfortable on your
bed and fully air-conditioned room “How boring life is without doing something” and such. Don’t you
know while you are bothering there about your physical appearance, while you are living in comfort and
thinking something fun – there are millions who live in squatters, setting up shacks wherever they can.
They are walking under the heat of the scorching sun and begging for food. They live on the streets with
only a piece of cardboard or even newspaper as their bed. Now, we’ve come into a realization that, how
dare man is being uncontented with what the world has offered him. How dare those well-off people walk
like kings and queens throwing sullen looks of intimidation to the people who are lower than them.
Poverty is not, and will never be a hindrance. There are things of greater value that money cannot buy.
But, this phrases will sometimes serve as our motivation to stay poor. Instead of searching opportunities,
some are wasting their time and energy by just drinking alcoholic beverages, sitting and gambling. We
are in need for a change, a change that will not come from others but with you.
It is our time to end this suffering. Now, let’s start on making changes, every small step we take
will make a difference. Let’s not wait for others to help us, let’s help ourselves. Make it your and our
goal, with our help we can make poverty history. We should aim high and strive for the improvement
because no matter what happens, the future lies in our hands.

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