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Mother 1+2 FAQ/Walkthrough

For the Gameboy Advance
Version 1.0 (Created 9/21/2005)
By Devin Morgan

This file is Copyright (c)2005 Devin Morgan. All rights reserved.


Table of Contents

1. What's New
2. Introduction
3. Credits
4. Copyright Notice


-= 1. What's New -=

Version 1.0 (9/21/05): The first, complete version of this FAQ for both games
on the cartridge.


-= 2. Introduction -=

Mother 1

After so many years, Nintendo releases the game that started it all (and has
yet to reach US shores), as well as its popular sequel, on a single GBA
cartridge. It is pretty much an exact port, except for some cosmetic changes
and minor glitches being fixed. It even features the same characters from its
sequel, but with different names. The concept is generally the same as
EarthBound (Mother 2) though: go to 8 places and get the special song from
each, then defeat the evil alien boss. It is also a fresh breath away from
the traditional RPG styles of Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest which were also
popular in Japan at the time. At any rate, if it's a quirky and interesting
role-playing game you want, this may be worth a shot, especially since it
most likely won't ever make it to American shores, sadly.

Mother 2

During the midpoint of the Super Famicom's lifespan, there came a rather
unique RPG title, which has become quite the cult favorite in the present.
That game is called Mother 2 (EarthBound in the US). Basically, Mother 2 is
an RPG game at heart, but with many funky twists, not to mention the popular
sequel to the Japan-only Mother 1 found on this same cartridge. The MANY
references to life in the 1960s (battle backgrounds, some of the enemies, the
way some places look), as well as the use of many funny sayings, are the
highlights of this game, in my opinion. The story is pretty unique compared
to the customary "find crystals, defeat major bad guy, save the
princess/world/town" approach. I will not say more about the game here, other
than the fact that if you have yet to play this game, now's your chance!



Mother 1 FAQ/Walkthrough

This file is Copyright (c)2005 Devin Morgan. All rights reserved.


Table of Contents

1. Story
2. Controls
3. Overview
4. Walkthrough
5. Enemies
6. Weapons
7. Body Equipment
8. Items
9. PSI Spells
10. Shops
11. Secrets/Tips and Tricks


-= 1. Story -=

In the early 1900's, a dark shadow covered a small country town in rural
America. At that time, a young married couple vanished mysteriously from
their home.

The man's name was George. The woman's name was Maria. Two years later, as
suddenly as he left, George returned. He never told anyone where he had been
or what he had done. But he began an odd study, all by himself.

As for Maria, his wife... She never returned.

80 years have passed since then.


-= 2. Controls -=

Control Pad: Move your character

Start: Check your map

Select: Open player info window

A: Access menu screen, confirm selection on menus

B: Open player info window, cancel selection on menus

L: Check/talk to whatever is in front of you

R: Run (hold while moving)


-= 3. Overview -=

Status Ailments

There are a whole slew of effects that can adversely affect your party as you
progress in the game. Usage of Healing PSI or certain items can help protect
against everything the enemies throw at you. Here is a complete list of the
status effects in this game:

Asthma: The player wheezes during each round of battle, making them totally
useless until the battle ends, then the effect goes away. If you
can't wait that long, use Asthma Spray on them in battle.

Cold: The character loses 1 HP every few steps outside of battle; use
Mouthwash to cure.

Confused: In battle, you can choose the affected character's action, but they
will attack another party member or heal the enemy instead; use a
Noble Seed on the person to get rid of this effect.

Paralyze: Makes a character unable to act in battle for a few rounds; use
Healing Beta to clear this.

Poison: The character loses 1 HP every few steps outside of battle; use
Healing Alpha or Antidote to cure.

Sleep: The character is asleep, totally unable to act on their own. Use
Healing Pi to wake them up.

Stone: The affected player turns to stone and cannot move at all; use Healing
Gamma to remove it.

Using the ATM

Right from when you start the game, you will be introduced to your first ATM
Card. With this, you can obviously visit one of the many ATM machines
throughout the world and withdraw or deposit some cash. When you win battles,
your Dad deposits money into your account, which you can withdraw as needed.
If you want to keep updated with your balance, use a phone and call Dad;
he'll tell you over the phone. So basically, carry your ATM Card with you
EVERYWHERE; you never know when there's something you need some extra cash
for further ahead.

Visiting the Hospital

When battles turn ugly, there may be times where you have to pay a visit to
the local hospital. If you have an unconscious ally (their ghost is following
you), you have to pay the Nurse to revive them. Be prepared to pay if you use
any of the services in the Hospital. If you want to play smart, just stay
alive and use lots of healing items to prevent such a situation!


-= 4. Walkthrough -=


The game opens with the story being displayed on your screen. Read it then
press A when it's over to start the game itself.

Ninten's House

When you start off, you will be in Ninten's room. Nothing will happen yet,
but move toward the door and the Lamp will attack you. Defeat it with a
couple simple attacks, then exit the room. You'll see two doors to the north
that can be entered. Go into the east one first and defeat another Lamp. In
the west room, check the doll out and it will attack you. Defeat it and you
will reach Level 2 in experience. Check the doll again atop the dresser and
you will learn the first of eight melodies you need to memorize for later in
the game.

Anyhow, leave your sister's room and go downstairs. Check the phone and you
will talk to Dad (calling Dad from a telephone from here on out is how you
save your game progress). He will mention something that might help you in
the basement, however the Basement Key is lost apparently. After you're done
with the phone, go outside. Talk to the dog and check it (you have to use the
menu to check here) to get the Basement Key. Go back inside and select the
key from your inventory to open the basement door.

Head downstairs and you will find 3 presents. Open them to get your Great
Grandfather's Diary, a Plastic Bat weapon which you should equip right away,
and some Bread. Also a note about equipping gear, you must select it from
your Goods list and hit Use in order for it to be equipped. Anyway, go back
upstairs and exit the house.
North of Podunk

From your house, follow the path south and eastward. Now that you're in an
open area, you are prone to random enemy encounters (you don't see them
coming like in Mother 2). The baddies you find here are relatively easy
(though Wally can pack a real punch). So, fight around until you gain another
level or so in experience (you should also learn Lifeup Alpha in this time,
too). If you get low on health, you can always run home and talk to Mom; she
will cook for you and let you rest for the night.

When you are ready to progress, head east across a bridge. You'll spot a lady
panicking in front of the building. Talk to her and she will explain that her
daughter Pippi is missing, and if you're going to Podunk to tell the Mayor
about it. Continue going southward along the path and you will eventually
reach the city of Podunk.


When you enter town, be sure to talk with everyone that's around. You will
find out about their problem with the zombies, and one person even points you
towards the Canary Village in the northwest. For now, visit the Department
Store. You will need money in here so visit the ATM (it's the machine in the
lobby of the Department Store with "CD" on it). There is also a pay phone you
can use for $1 a pop. Go to the top floor, which is the pet shop, and talk to
the man on the left. He will offer you a canary chick, so tell him yes at
first. He will ask for $8 in exchange; tell him no and he will give it to you
for free!

Now, head back north to where you entered Podunk (where the sign was) and
head west and north through the woods until you reach a bridge. Cross it and
continue west; you will now be walking along a brick wall. Go north through
its opening to enter the Canary Village.

Canary Village

As you wander this canary-filled village, you will get no response if you
talk to any of the birds. In the northwest area of town there is a man. Talk
to him and he will see the canary chick you have; tell him you'll give the
baby back to the singing canary Laura, then he will ask where she went. In
the north section of the village you will find a line of statues; one of them
is colored differently. Walk behind that one to find a hidden passage going
north. Talk to Laura, the singing canary back there, and select the Canary
Chick from your goods menu. Laura will then sing and you will learn the
second tune!

Now that you have the second tune memorized, head back southward out of the
village, and return southeast to Podunk (along the way you may want to fight
so you hit Level 5-6 in experience - the higher the better).


Back in town, stop by the Department Store and withdraw some money from the
ATM. Then, go to the Hotel and rest for $39 (alternatively you can run north
to your house and rest for free). Also, if you have $500 saved up by now, go
ahead and buy the Wooden Bat in the Department Store. To the left of the
store is city hall (it has a sign out front). Go inside and talk to the Mayor
upstairs; he is the one in blue sitting down. He will ask you to help a child
that strayed into the cemetery. Agree to help find the little girl, then
leave the city hall.

Now, head to the southeast area of town. You will find a path leading to the
south from there. Also, if you talk to a couple of the people around you will
find they have become zombies and will attack you. They are rather powerful,
so be prepared for a fight! Continue southward to a signpost, then go east
across the bridges and then south some more. When the path splits, keep going
to the south. When you spot the brick wall, follow it to the left and walk
through the opening to enter the cemetery itself.


In this maze of tombstones, follow the path through the various sections of
the cemetery, fighting all sorts of bats and zombies along the way. This is
also a very good area for leveling up (I hit Level 10 at this point in the
game, just to give you an idea), so you may want to spend some time fighting
and using PSI Lifeup Alpha when needed. In the last section of the cemetery,
you will find 3 gold pillars, and a pit in between them. Drop into the pit
and you will enter an underground passage.

Going into the passage, head down the steps and through the doorway. In the
second room, you will find 4 caskets rattling on the floor; check them and
you will have to fight some zombies. When you open the final casket, you will
find Pippi, the missing girl! She will be glad you saved her, then she will
lead you out of the room. Go back upstairs and up the ladder to exit.

In case you haven't noticed, Pippi is now a member of your party and will
fight with you in battle. She is obviously weak at Level 1, and unequipped,
but Ninten should be strong enough to take on everything on his own for now.
Fight around to gain a few levels for Pippi quickly, then make your way
westward to the church building. From there, go north to exit the graveyard.
Then, just backtrack your way to Podunk once more.


Back in town, pay a visit to city hall (it's next to the Department Store, if
you forgot). Inside, go upstairs and talk to the Mayor sitting down. He will
give you $100 as a reward for returning Pippi. She will leave your party at
this time, too. The Mayor will ask you to check out what's going on at the
zoo, so agree to help and he will mention getting the key from Abbott, his
assistant. Talk to the other person in the room to receive the Zoo Key. Now,
leave city hall.
Make your way to the northwest section of Podunk, and follow the north path
out of town. Go north and you will reach Pippi's house, where Pippi and her
mother will be standing outside. Talk to Pippi and answer No, then Yes to her
questions. She will give you a Franklin Badge. Continue to your house in the
northwest to rest/save, then return to Podunk. When you reach the sign that
says welcome, go west. Follow the path west and north, like you're going to
the Canary Village. This time though, when you reach the village perimeter,
go north across another bridge and follow the path to the city zoo.

When you finally reach the zoo, you will spot a monkey standing in front of
the gate. Approach it and the monkey will steal your Zoo Key! When it runs
off, go through the broken gate to enter the zoo.

City Zoo

In the zoo, you will face wild animals as your enemies in battle, of course.
They give very good experience at this point in the game, so spend some time
fighting to gain a couple levels. Follow the path all around the zoo until
you reach the Superintendent's Office (the tall building). Go inside there
and you will see 2 rooms to the north. Enter them and open the presents to
get an Antidote and a Rope. Go upstairs and check the east room's present to
find some Bread. On the third and final floor, first enter the east room and
get the LifeUp Cream from the present box.

Now, go into the west room and you will see a floating capsule. Make sure
you're at full health before checking it, though. When you're ready, check
the capsule to engage in battle against Starman Jr. The Starman will hit you
hard so be ready to use Lifeup PSI when necessary to avoid dying. Since you
should have the Franklin Badge in your inventory, it will reflect the PK
Beams sent your way so you don't get hurt. Just attack the monster for a few
rounds until you defeat it.

Once the Starman is gone, the capsule will fly away and the noise that was
bothering the zoo animals will cease. This also means you will no longer have
random enemy encounters within the zoo. Leave the building and go northwest
to the Singing Monkey's cage (it's the one with a white sign in front of it).
Read the sign and the monkey will sing its tune, which you will memorize.

Now that you have the third tune, it's time to make your way westward out of
the zoo. Once you go through the gate, follow the dirt path all the way east
and northward across a bridge. You will eventually come to a bridge that is
blocked by 2 guards. Talk to them and you will find the curfew was lifted,
and they will let you pass. Continuing onward, you will meet some new enemies
but they are nothing you can't handle. Follow the passage going east until
you reach a cave, then go inside.


In here, go north to a strange swirl. Use your Telepathy PSI on it, and you
will communicate with the stone. Then, before you know it you are warped into
the strange world of Magicant.

In this strange and colorful world, there are a lot of people you can talk
to. Spend some time entering all the homes and talking to everyone you can.
In the southwest area there is a person in a house who wants to give you a
Big Bag in exchange for your Cash Card. Trade with them, then talk to the
person again to get the bag and your card back. Also, in the east side of
town talk to another person inside their house and they will give you an
Ocarina (this item is useless so it's up to you for keeping it).

You may also want to check out the shops in the north section of town, as
well as one of the houses in the northwest segment where you can rest for
free. Make your way north through Magicant to exit the town area. There are a
few different areas you can visit outside the town. In the northwest region
is a fountain; use your Telepathy PSI on it and an old man will appear. You
can use him to withdraw some cash. Also, if you just walk up to the fountain
you will fully regain your HP.

If you go north and east of the town, you will come to an area blocked off by
3 guards. Talk to the center one and then use Telepathy PSI to solve their
riddle. When they move, go through the gate and enter the castle. Inside, go
left and enter the second door. In the next room, go into the left room and
you will come to an area with 3 doorways to enter. The first two have regular
present boxes for you to open. In the far left room there are 6 chests but
you can only open one of them. Here are what the chests contain to aid you in
your picking from left to right: (top row) Boomerang, PSI Stone, Fight
Capsule, (bottom row) Rope, Ruler, Berry Tofu. Your best bet in my opinion
would probably be the Boomerang, since everything else is quite useless.

Anyway, go back into the room with 3 doorways. Exit to the right and you'll
be in the room with 2 doorways. This time, enter the east door to the north
and you will be in the throne room. Go all the way left and talk to Queen
Mary. She will ask you to sing the melody comprised of 8 notes. You can't do
this yet, so you will be returning later of course. For now, go back right
and make your way out of the castle (just keep going through the far right

Back outside, go down and talk to the guards to make them move again. Head to
the southeast across the bridge, and you'll find a patch of small wells in
the ground. Walk over them all until you go down into a cave. Below, you will
find 2 more holes in the ground. If you drop into a hole, the room below will
be of the same layout. So, drop into the following holes to reach the end:
right, left, left, right.

In the new segment, go south and east to a path split. There is a present
with a Magic Herb inside, grab it and continue southward. Go south and east
to another present containing a PSI Stone. Heading north, you will find a
sleeping dragon to the west (we'll worry about that later). For now, go east
and you will find a hole. Make sure you have high enough HP, then check the
hole to fight a Fish. Defeat it and you will be able to go downstairs. Open
the present there to get the Onyx Hook. This allows you to return to Magicant

Go back up the ladder and continue northwest. Check the present you come
across to get a Sword (if you don't have room for it, come back later for it
since you won't need it for a while). Continue to the end of the maze and you
will see a "forgotten man" in the doorway. Talk to him 5 times and then he
starts asking you questions. Tell him you're not a forgotten man too, then
say yes if he asks about ignoring him. This will make him leave, so go
through the doorway and head out of the cave.

Outside once more, make your way northward since that's the only way you can
go. When you reach a path split, go west and down a ramp, then north into the
city of Merrysville.


In this new city, walk around and talk to the people for a bit to find out
some information. Apparently there are rocks blocking the railroad tracks,
and a bottle rocket from the Duncan factory can clear them. Also, there are
beasts around that attacked some of the people in town. When you get a
chance, take out some money from the ATM and rest at the Hotel for $65. In
the Department Store, you should also buy an Aluminum Bat for Ninten.

When you're done, go south to the large school building at the town entrance.
Inside, go upstairs and enter the second to last room on the right. Inside
you will find 2 presents with a Plastic Bat and a Slingshot. Go back
downstairs and enter the rightmost room. Talk to the cranky janitor inside
and answer his questions in this order: Yes, Yes, No, Yes. Do this and he
will take you to the roof which is otherwise locked. Up on the roof, check
the shaking garbage can and talk to the person hiding inside. Answer Yes to
his questions and then he will come out. He will introduce himself as Lloyd
(the weakling that the other kids made fun of) and will mention bottle
rockets from Sweet's Little Factory.

So, head back inside and exit the school entirely. Then, make your way all
the way southward to the factory.

Sweet's Little Factory

Here, make your way west until you find a ladder leading upstairs. There are
plenty of side rooms on this floor and on the lower level if you climb down a
ladder, but all the items that can be had aren't really important, so don't
worry about it. When you reach the ladder going up, climb it and continue to
the right. Go up the next ladder and make your way left this time. When you
reach the garbage can, check it to get a Bottle Rocket (there is an infinite
supply, but one will suffice for now). Take it and head back to Merrysville.


Once you make it back to town, go to the school. Head upstairs to the roof
and talk to Lloyd once again. He will see the Bottle Rocket and then takes
you to his lab in the school. After destroying the lab, he will become your
permanent friend! Since Lloyd is only Level 1 though, you will need to catch
him up a bit before progressing. Also, now is a good time to equip him with a
weapon (either the Stun Gun or the Boomerang will suffice).
As for leveling Lloyd up a bit, your best bet would be to return to Magicant
by using the Onyx Hook (you can also buy him the Magic Coin and Gold Ring to
boost defenses there). When Lloyd is around Level 10, return to Merrysville
and head north this time.

When you reach the railroad tracks, follow them to the northwest. You will
soon reach the spot where rocks are blocking the path. From there, go west to
the river and then continue north. As you go up the hill to the upper
plateau, you will pick up a Pass which will allow you access to the factory
ahead. So, continue north and east at the end, and defeat the Stray Dog in
the way. Then, enter the factory.

Duncan Factory

You will notice that this factory is quite sprawling and wide open, which
means there are a lot of areas to explore. Feel free to wander at your own
leisure, but to reach where we need to be, take all the ladders going upward.
Make your way to the very top level, then go all the way left into the last
room. Here you will find a rocket on its launcher; check it and the rocket
will launch. Your mission in this factory is now done, so head back out and
return to Merrysville.


Once you're back in the vicinity, rest at the Hotel and call Dad to save your
game, then go north to the railroad tracks. If you follow them to the
northwest you will find that the rocket cleared the rocks out of the way. Now
that you can progress, go northwest to the train station. Inside, pay for 2
tickets to Reindeer, and you'll be on your way.

When you arrive at the station in Reindeer, talk to the old woman standing
around. Tell her you're going to Snowman and she will give you a Hat that
belongs to a girl there. If you need to rest or need extra cash, exit the
station and head south into Reindeer for some R&R. Otherwise, buy 2 more
tickets ($40 total) to Snowman. When you arrive, exit the station and go east
into town.


When you arrive here, there are only two buildings you can enter (the ones
with rounded doors). The shop here is rather useless, so save your money for
later. Stay at the Hotel if you need to ($125 a person), too. Talk to the
people around town and they will point you towards a chateau where some girl
lives in the east, so head in that direction. Follow the winding path to the
small building at the end, and go inside. Talk to Ana and use the Hat you
received earlier, and she will join your party.

Now that you have a third party member, it may be a good idea to level her up
a bit in a safe environment (Magicant). You can also buy her the Magic Coin
and Gold Ring there, so why not? If you go to Magicant, if you go out of the
town, head west through the trees and use PSI Telepathy on the swimming cat
to get the Magic Ribbon for Ana. When Ana is sufficiently leveled (up to at
least 10), make your way back to Merrysville and visit the Department Store
first. Buy a Boomerang for $1100 and have Ana equip it (it's much better than
the Frying Pan you could've bought back in Snowman). Now, go north to the
station and take the train to Spookane ($25 each, $75 total for now).


When you arrive at the station, exit and you'll have two options: east or
west. For now, follow the tracks east then take the southbound path just
before the tunnel. Follow the path all the way south until you go down a
hill, then head east into the town. By talking to the residents, you'll find
that the original city was taken over by monsters, so everyone ran away or
moved into this more secluded area. If you go to the eastmost area of this
place, you'll find a guy standing in front of his house, and a woman nearby.
Talk to the woman and she will give you a Ghost Key for entering the Rosemary

To get to the Rosemary house, head directly north. You'll come to a hill with
a sign next to it stating that it is private property ahead. Continue onward
anyway and make your way north, then northeast to the mansion.

Rosemary Mansion

Inside the mansion, you will find that it is dark and sometimes dangerous in
regard to the enemies you'll bump into. Talk to the mouse in the first room
if you want, then enter the top door on the left side. In the next room,
which looks the same as the previous one, enter the top door again. For the
last two rooms, enter the bottom doors. At the end, if you followed this path
right, you'll get a message saying "TURN BACK" and you'll come to a room with
a piano in the corner.

Open the present in the middle to get LifeUp Cream, then check the piano to
get the next melody to memorize. Now that you're done here, keep going
through the right doors to exit this haunted house.


Back outside, head back south to the town area, then make your way to the
train station. Before you leave, if you want, visit the original town to the
west. In the Hotel, pay $6 a person to stay the night (you'll all be fully
recovered from this) and fight the Starman in the morning for good
experience. When you're ready, go to the station and pay for tickets to Union
(Merrysville station - $25 a person).

As soon as you arrive at the Merrysville station, exit and head east along
the tracks. When you reach the broken bridge, go north (the other way leads
to a dead end). Follow the path going north and east through the hills, and
you'll eventually come to the desert region.
Yucca Desert

When you step into the desert, it is just a large mass of nothingness really.
Make your way to the east, working towards the next dot on your map (above
the S in Station). You will find a war veteran sitting outside a tent with a
plane and a tank. Talk to him twice and he will offer you a ride in his
plane. There are three different flight plans you can take; for our purposes
you only should check the cheapest flight out. Also note if you get 10 ticket
stubs, you can ride the tank.

If you take the cheap flight, he will circle a patch of 2 cactus plants, one
of which has what appears to be a face. When the flight ends, head to the
northwest and seek out that plant. When you find it, use PSI Telepathy and
you will learn the fifth melody. Now that you have the melody from this
region, head back east and south a little to the war guy. Take a few more
plane rides until you have 10 Ticket Stubs total.

Once you have 10 stubs, go to the man and use one of the stubs, and he will
allow you access to his tank. Walk onto the tank and you will take control.
You have free reign with this thing, but you cannot leave the desert terrain.
Make your way all the way east with it, and you'll find some ruins. Try and
enter them with the tank, and a robot called R7037 will attack. This is an
easy fight since the tank will make quick work of it. After the fight though,
the tank will be destroyed, but you'll have access to the ruins, so go down
into the hole ahead.

Monkey Cave

In this sprawling underground maze, you will find a bunch of lying monkeys
wandering the halls. Luckily there are no enemies in here, so you won't have
to worry about being attacked. Wander around this first floor until you find
a hole leading downstairs. On the second floor, you will find some presents
with PSI Stones inside, which can be quite useful. After much more wandering,
you'll come across the second and final hole leading downstairs. Walk along
the short passage and use the Telepathy PSI on the pink spiral to warp back
to Magicant.


Back in Magicant yet again, take this opportunity to rest for free and cure
any illness you may have incurred. When you're ready, go north to exit the
town and go east/south to the holes. Drop down the appropriate hole and get
through the maze to exit Magicant. However, when you exit the cave this time,
you won't come out by Merrysville, but at an alternate area.

From where you exit, head east to the train tracks, and follow them eastward
to the station. Once you reach the station, head southwest and you'll enter
the next town.

In this town, you will notice all the adults are missing, leaving just the
kids to hold up the fort. Talking to them, they speak of this baby that lives
in a house to the west. Check out the item shop and (free) lodgings in the
east side of town. Be sure to get the Air Gun for Lloyd, which is the most
powerful weapon he can get. When you're ready, go to the west side of town
and enter the house there. Talk to the parents, then use Telepathy on the
baby and it will teach you the PSI Teleport! That way you can warp back to
any town you've previously visited, assuming you have enough room for the
running involved.

Now that you've done all you can here, head to the east. You'll come to a
signpost and a bridge, with a kid standing next to it. Cross the bridge and
you'll be in the swamp.


Once you're across the bridge, you should make your way north and east over
some more bridges. Follow the path as it heads in that direction before going
southward to a house (you'll see the dot on your map). Inside the house
you'll find Pippi, who will heal your party free of charge. In front of the
house there is a garbage can that is shaking; check it and you'll find
Lloyd's father. He will just ask if your name is correct; tell him yes and
that will be the end of the conversation.

If you want, wander around this vicinity building up experience and resting
with Pippi when necessary. When you're ready to continue, go south and west
from the house and follow the path southward for a while. You're heading in
the right direction if you start to face tougher enemies, too. Keep following
the path as it goes southwest, then finally eastward and to the north again.
Eventually the path will lead you west into the city of Ellay.


In this city, you will find that it is infested with a gang called the B.B.
(Bla Bla Gang). You can spot them easily since they are the blue clothed
people wandering around town. If you talk to one, they will engage you in
battle; they are really easy so don't worry too much about it. Plus, you can
talk to the same one again and again to keep fighting for experience. Also if
you're bored and happen to have a few Strawberry Tofus on you, go to the
Watch Tower in the northwest and rocket over to an island where you can give
the tofu to 3 people to get a couple useless items and some information.

At any rate, go over to the Department Store and take out about $1000 from
the ATM, then go to the top floor and buy the Ticket for $350. Leave the
store and head toward the south side of town, near the Live House building.
You'll find the war veteran from earlier standing outside, and if you talk to
him he'll ask for $200 to cover damages to his tank. Pay him, then go inside
and use the Ticket in front of the lady and she will let you into the show
(you're lucky that you bought the ticket in the store, because there is
someone outside the club selling it for $1200 instead, what a ripoff).

Inside the Live House, talk to the guy standing near the stage and say yes to
singing on stage (there is a lady here who will offer to buy you a drink -
say no or else you'll be taken to jail and have to buy back your weapons from
the police). After the song, the B.B. gang boss will come up and accuse you
of beating up his friends. Regardless of what you answer, he will attack you
anyway. It's a one on one fight between Ninten and this guy, but the fight is
VERY simple; just a few hits will end it.

After the fight, the boss will join your party, while replacing Lloyd for a
period of time. The new member is named Teddy, and he is quite powerful, so
he will definitely come in handy for the areas ahead. You've done all you can
in Ellay for now, so use the Onyx Hook and warp back to Magicant.


Here once again, visit the shops to buy Teddy the Magic Coin and Gold Ring to
boost his defense. Also, if you picked up the Sword earlier in the game (in
that maze where the sleeping dragon was), equip it to Teddy since it's
extremely powerful. If you want to level him up a couple times, that will be
great too. When you're ready, make your way out of Magicant, then use the
Teleport PSI to return to Ellay.


Once you rearrive in Ellay, head to the northeast section of the city. Take
the path going east as it becomes a winding dirt path. Follow it across a
bridge, then go all the way south until you reach a forest. At that point, go
east over another bridge. Up ahead you'll find a house; inside is a man who
will heal your ailments and let your party rest for free! Rest here if you
need it, especially if you plan on hanging around the vicinity to gain more
levels. When you're ready to continue, go east and north until you reach a

Caves of Mt. Itoi

You have now just entered a maze of caverns leading up to Mt. Itoi. It is
very possible to get lost here if you're not careful, so pay attention to my
directions. Also, you can find all 4 character's best weapons within these
caves, so I will lead you to those locations. From where you start, go east
and you'll see a path split (you'll be coming back here). For now, continue
east and around the room to a present containing the Katana for Teddy; equip
it right away!

Go back to the first path split and head north into the next room. Follow the
next path down to an intersection. Take the southeast path into a room with
another present inside. Open it to get a Bomb. Return to the previous room,
and go to the northwest cave. Continue in the next cave by going south and
west. When you come to a split, go north to a present with the Iron Skillet
inside for Ana. Go back south and head west into the next room. There, go
south and east to yet another path split. For right now, go east into the
following room and open the present inside to obtain Hank's Bat for Ninten.

Go back a room and take the first path going north when you reach the split.
In the new room ahead, simply follow the path to a present with a PSI Stone
inside. Then, just continue onward to exit the cave maze entirely.

Mt. Itoi

Now you will be on the mountain itself, where you'll be facing even tougher
enemies along the way up. Head southwest and climb the rope to reach the
higher ledge. Then, go north a bit more and up a second rope to another
plateau. Continue north to an even longer rope to a high ledge, then head
east for a while. You will eventually come to a house; inside is a healer who
will take care of your party free of charge. There is also a telephone here
in case you wanted to save your game.

After you save and rest, go over to the west door and Teddy will "make a few
calls" while Ninten and Ana go into the back room. Talk to Ana and answer her
questions however you want, then after some dancing Teddy will come back in.
He will mention hearing some loud noises from outside, and you will then be
put into battle against a giant robot called R7038. As you try to fight it,
you'll quickly realize this is a lost cause. After the utter defeat, Lloyd
will appear in the tank and save your party.

The next scene shows Ninten and Ana in a room. Exit the room and talk to
Teddy who is lying on the bed. He will not go any further with you, so he
calls upon Lloyd to rejoin the group for the remainder of the adventure. Now
that Lloyd is back, head out of the healer's house in the middle of seclusion
and make your way east/north through the caves to Mt. Itoi again (consult the
previous sections of the walkthrough for directions if you don't remember the

Back on Mt. Otoi, go up the ropes and make your way east toward the healer
house where you can rest/save for free. From that point, go north and you'll
come to a lake. Follow the path going northeast around it and you will soon
see a dock with a boat in the water. Upon checking the boat, the motor will
appear to be broken but Lloyd will fix it. Aboard your new boat, head toward
the middle of the lake where you'll find a whirlpool. Get yourself sucked
into it and you will end up in a laboratory of sorts below.

Whirlpool Lab

In this underwater lab apparently, go down to an elevator and ride it to a

much lower floor. Once you stop, head into the west room. Continue going west
for quite a while, until you reach a ladder. At that point climb up it and
check the robot that's standing there. The robot will introduce itself as
EVE, and then the windows will shatter and you'll all wash up on the shore
Mt. Itoi

Outside with EVE following you around, make your way northward. The good
thing about EVE is that it is extremely powerful and will one-hit kill any
mob you face, one at a time. Anyway, continue north, going up the hills and
ropes you encounter. When you find the upward path reaches a dead end, head
east for a while and then northward along more hills and ropes. If you're
going the right way you'll see a cave and a final rope nearby. Go up the rope
and head left to enter battle against another robot: R7038XX.

Basically for this fight, EVE and the robot will exchange blows. After a few
rounds, EVE will explode, destroying itself and the enemy robot. You do gain
experience in this fight so don't despair. Following this mess, check EVE's
wreckage and you'll learn the sixth melody, and receive a Memory Chip. Go
back down the rope and enter that cave to find a present containing the Sea
Pendant. It defends against all PSI so equip it to whoever you want (probably
Ana because she is the most valuable member you have).

Now that the path ahead is clear, continue west of EVE's destruction and go
up several more ropes to the summit. There, you will find a tombstone; check
it and a crystal will appear and speak to you. It will teach you the seventh
melody which you'll memorize. You will also be fully recovered when the
crystal disappears. We are now done here, so use the Onyx Hook to return to
the land of Magicant.


Here again, head north and east of town, and drop down the proper hole to
reach the maze. Fall into the right, left, left, and right holes, then follow
the passage around to the sleeping dragon. Now that you've played through the
entire game pretty much, you should be strong enough to take this beast. Use
the check option from the menu screen and the dragon will engage you in
battle. An easy way to end this is to have Ninten use Defense Up Beta on the
party, Ana uses Freeze Pi on the Dragon, then Lloyd attacks once to kill the
Dragon (since Freeze Pi will bring the Dragon's HP down to nil). It's cheap,
but it will work, saving you a ton of frustration.

After the dragon fight, talk to it and you will receive the final melody! Use
the Onyx Hook to return back to Magicant, then rest in town and head to the
castle to the north. Inside, go into the second door, then the first door in
the following room. You should then be in the throne room, so go left along
the red carpet. Talk to Queen Mary and she will have you sing the entire song
like she asked earlier. Upon completing this, she will mention the name
Giegue and some dialogue will take place. After this, Queen Mary will
disappear, as will Magicant.

Mt. Itoi

Following the demise of Magicant, you will be back on the mountain summit in
front of the tombstone. Check it again to fully recover if you need to,
otherwise go north into the cave.
Final Cave

In here, go north and you'll find another opening and a path going northward
some more. In the side room, check the top container and you'll realize
people are being trapped inside. You can't do anything more for now, so exit
and continue along the final path. When you reach the cave at the top, be
ready to go since there's no turning back once you go in. Also, make sure
Ninten and Ana each have a PSI Stone or two in their inventory. Once you walk
inside, the mother ship will approach and Giegue will attack.

In dealing with Giegue, have Ninten and Ana use Lifeup Beta/Pi to keep the
party alive while the enemy goes through his dialogue (there are about 8
rounds of this). When the dialogue ends (fall into a long sleep with your
friends and the other ugly Earth People), you'll have a Sing option on your
menu. Have Lloyd and possibly Ninten use this every round while Ana does
Lifeup Pi to continue keeping the party alive. Use PSI Stones if needed.
After you've done Sing about 10 times, Giegue will be defeated; at this
point, congratulations on beating the game!


-= 5. Enemies -=

Alarm Ghost
Found: Rosemary Mansion
Experience: 80
Money: $27
HP: 50
PP: 0
Offense: 34
Defense: 64
Fight: 20
Speed: 35
Wisdom: 50
Strength: 60
Force: 30

Found: City Zoo
Experience: 21
Money: $18
HP: 30
PP: 0
Offense: 18
Defense: 22
Fight: 10
Speed: 15
Wisdom: 10
Strength: 15
Force: 5

Found: Rosemary Mansion
Experience: 200
Money: $30
HP: 120
PP: 100
Offense: 68
Defense: 150
Fight: 50
Speed: 60
Wisdom: 50
Strength: 100
Force: 100

B.B. Gang
Found: Ellay
Experience: 72
Money: $60
HP: 80
PP: 0
Offense: 60
Defense: 125
Fight: 40
Speed: 40
Wisdom: 20
Strength: 20
Force: 20
Item Dropped: Flame Thrower

B.B.'s Boss
Found: Ellay
Experience: N/A
Money: N/A
PP: 0
Offense: 57
Defense: 51
Fight: 50
Speed: 81
Wisdom: 18
Strength: 54
Force: 36

Bag Lady
Found: Merrysville
Experience: 63
Money: $150
HP: 90
PP: 0
Offense: 12
Defense: 38
Fight: 20
Speed: 40
Wisdom: 30
Strength: 30
Force: 10
Item Dropped: Hamburger

Found: Sweet's Little Factory, Spookane
Experience: 32
Money: $45
HP: 60
PP: 40
Offense: 24
Defense: 36
Fight: 30
Speed: 35
Wisdom: 35
Strength: 100
Force: 100

Found: Merrysville, Reindeer, Spookane
Experience: 70
Money: $250
HP: 80
PP: 0
Offense: 42
Defense: 64
Fight: 30
Speed: 28
Wisdom: 20
Strength: 40
Force: 10

Big Foot
Found: Snowman
Experience: 150
Money: $48
HP: 90
PP: 50
Offense: 50
Defense: 90
Fight: 50
Speed: 38
Wisdom: 30
Strength: 60
Force: 15

Big Woodoh
Found: Magicant
Experience: 100
Money: $140
HP: 70
PP: 0
Offense: 18
Defense: 50
Fight: 20
Speed: 23
Wisdom: 60
Strength: 60
Force: 18
Item Dropped: Noble Seed

Bionic Bat
Found: Rosemary Mansion
Experience: 40
Money: $34
HP: 50
PP: 0
Offense: 34
Defense: 64
Fight: 20
Speed: 35
Wisdom: 50
Strength: 60
Force: 30

Bionic Centipede
Found: City Zoo
Experience: 18
Money: $14
HP: 35
PP: 0
Offense: 16
Defense: 32
Fight: 15
Speed: 28
Wisdom: 60
Strength: 30
Force: 30

Bionic Scorpion
Found: Merrysville Train Tunnel, Yucca Desert
Experience: 61
Money: $56
HP: 100
PP: 0
Offense: 60
Defense: 150
Fight: 40
Speed: 70
Wisdom: 80
Strength: 60
Force: 60

Found: Swamp, Ellay
Experience: 186
Money: $63
HP: 160
PP: 0
Offense: 70
Defense: 160
Fight: 50
Speed: 50
Wisdom: 80
Strength: 80
Force: 80

Blue Starman
Found: Caves of Mt. Itoi
Experience: 150
Money: $91
HP: 100
PP: 80
Offense: 74
Defense: 120
Fight: 40
Speed: 42
Wisdom: 60
Strength: 50
Force: 45

Found: Duncan Factory
Experience: 56
Money: $32
HP: 60
PP: 0
Offense: 10
Defense: 64
Fight: 20
Speed: 35
Wisdom: 30
Strength: 100
Force: 100
Item Dropped: Bomb

Found: Swamp, Ellay
Experience: 103
Money: $95
HP: 150
PP: 0
Offense: 68
Defense: 150
Fight: 60
Speed: 43
Wisdom: 40
Strength: 40
Force: 20

Found: Podunk
Experience: 1
Money: $1
HP: 12
PP: 0
Offense: 4
Defense: 12
Fight: 3
Speed: 17
Wisdom: 40
Strength: 20
Force: 1

Found: Caves of Mt. Itoi, Mt. Itoi
Experience: 89
Money: $80
HP: 200
PP: 180
Offense: 60
Defense: 280
Fight: 120
Speed: 120
Wisdom: 80
Strength: 100
Force: 100

Found: Merrysville, Reindeer, Spookane
Experience: 32
Money: $25
HP: 42
PP: 0
Offense: 28
Defense: 40
Fight: 35
Speed: 78
Wisdom: 30
Strength: 20
Force: 20

Found: Swamp
Experience: 172
Money: $88
HP: 120
PP: 0
Offense: 80
Defense: 150
Fight: 40
Speed: 30
Wisdom: 40
Strength: 80
Force: 20

Found: Podunk
Experience: 3
Money: $4
HP: 22
PP: 0
Offense: 8
Defense: 12
Fight: 8
Speed: 12
Wisdom: 1
Strength: 5
Force: 10

Found: Magicant
Experience: 35
Money: $53
HP: 40
PP: 0
Offense: 20
Defense: 32
Fight: 20
Speed: 20
Wisdom: 20
Strength: 20
Force: 20
Found: Ninten's House
Experience: 10
Money: $50
HP: 12
PP: 0
Offense: 4
Defense: 5
Fight: 3
Speed: 5
Wisdom: 1
Strength: 1
Force: 1

Dr. Distorto
Found: Duncan Factory
Experience: 45
Money: $40
HP: 60
PP: 0
Offense: 38
Defense: 48
Fight: 25
Speed: 45
Wisdom: 30
Strength: 30
Force: 30

Found: Magicant
Experience: 500
Money: $1200
HP: 650
PP: 200
Offense: 180
Defense: 200
Fight: 60
Speed: 60
Wisdom: 20
Strength: 100
Force: 60

Dust Ball
Found: Rosemary Mansion
Experience: 80
Money: $100
HP: 78
PP: 0
Offense: 40
Defense: 120
Fight: 30
Speed: 50
Wisdom: 50
Strength: 60
Force: 20

Found: Merrysville, Reindeer, Spookane
Experience: 36
Money: $30
HP: 45
PP: 0
Offense: 32
Defense: 44
Fight: 20
Speed: 60
Wisdom: 30
Strength: 20
Force: 40

Found: City Zoo
Experience: 60
Money: $99
HP: 70
PP: 0
Offense: 20
Defense: 34
Fight: 30
Speed: 10
Wisdom: 5
Strength: 30
Force: 8

Energy Robot
Found: Merrysville Train Tunnel, Youngtown, Yucca Desert, Swamp, Ellay
Experience: 202
Money: $70
HP: 80
PP: 0
Offense: 60
Defense: 90
Fight: 20
Speed: 20
Wisdom: 40
Strength: 100
Force: 100

Fire Ball
Found: Duncan Factory
Experience: 61
Money: $35
HP: 58
PP: 50
Offense: 34
Defense: 58
Fight: 35
Speed: 40
Wisdom: 30
Strength: 50
Force: 30

Found: Magicant
Experience: 140
Money: $180
HP: 65
PP: 0
Offense: 38
Defense: 60
Fight: 45
Speed: 30
Wisdom: 20
Strength: 40
Force: 40

Found: City Zoo
Experience: 1
Money: $1
HP: 10
PP: 0
Offense: 1
Defense: 40
Fight: 32
Speed: 40
Wisdom: 10
Strength: 1
Force: 40

Found: Magicant
Experience: 32
Money: $26
HP: 40
PP: 0
Offense: 22
Defense: 32
Fight: 20
Speed: 40
Wisdom: 20
Strength: 20
Force: 20

Found: Merrysville, Reindeer, Spookane
Experience: 60
Money: $350
HP: 60
PP: 0
Offense: 32
Defense: 45
Fight: 20
Speed: 22
Wisdom: 6
Strength: 18
Force: 8

Found: Merrysville Train Tunnel, Yucca Desert
Experience: 72
Money: $43
HP: 100
PP: 0
Offense: 62
Defense: 100
Fight: 50
Speed: 68
Wisdom: 70
Strength: 15
Force: 15

Gang Zombie
Found: Cemetery
Experience: 12
Money: $32
HP: 34
PP: 0
Offense: 18
Defense: 20
Fight: 8
Speed: 8
Wisdom: 5
Strength: 40
Force: 5

Found: Mt. Itoi
Experience: 110
Money: $86
HP: 180
PP: 60
Offense: 90
Defense: 160
Fight: 80
Speed: 70
Wisdom: 70
Strength: 100
Force: 100

Found: Cemetery, Rosemary Mansion
Experience: 5
Money: $10
HP: 20
PP: 0
Offense: 12
Defense: 24
Fight: 6
Speed: 22
Wisdom: 5
Strength: 40
Force: 15

Found: Final Cave
Experience: N/A
Money: N/A
PP: 0
Offense: 15
Defense: 20
Fight: 20
Speed: 69
Wisdom: 14
Strength: 10
Force: 23

Giga Borg
Found: Mt. Itoi
Experience: 98
Money: $143
HP: 180
PP: 80
Offense: 100
Defense: 180
Fight: 80
Speed: 60
Wisdom: 80
Strength: 100
Force: 100
Item Dropped: Laser Beam

Found: City Zoo
Experience: 23
Money: $52
HP: 40
PP: 0
Offense: 20
Defense: 26
Fight: 35
Speed: 15
Wisdom: 5
Strength: 10
Force: 20

Grizzly Bear
Found: Mt. Itoi
Experience: 250
Money: $65
HP: 340
PP: 0
Offense: 160
Defense: 340
Fight: 100
Speed: 100
Wisdom: 60
Strength: 100
Force: 25

Found: Magicant
Experience: 3
Money: $12
HP: 35
PP: 0
Offense: 12
Defense: 40
Fight: 20
Speed: 20
Wisdom: 20
Strength: 20
Force: 20
Found: Podunk
Experience: 6
Money: $35
HP: 25
PP: 0
Offense: 8
Defense: 14
Fight: 3
Speed: 6
Wisdom: 1
Strength: 1
Force: 3

Found: City Zoo
Experience: 12
Money: $20
HP: 30
PP: 0
Offense: 10
Defense: 16
Fight: 10
Speed: 22
Wisdom: 18
Strength: 10
Force: 5

Found: Mt. Itoi
Experience: 270
Money: $362
HP: 300
PP: 200
Offense: 200
Defense: 250
Fight: 200
Speed: 120
Wisdom: 100
Strength: 100
Force: 100
Item Dropped: PSI Stone

Found: Swamp
Experience: 102
Money: $88
HP: 120
PP: 80
Offense: 80
Defense: 150
Fight: 50
Speed: 70
Wisdom: 60
Strength: 100
Force: 100

Found: Ninten's House
Experience: 1
Money: N/A
HP: 6
PP: 0
Offense: 3
Defense: 5
Fight: 1
Speed: 5
Wisdom: 3
Strength: 3
Force: 3

Last Starman
Found: Mt. Itoi
Experience: 330
Money: $389
HP: 120
PP: 100
Offense: 90
Defense: 140
Fight: 70
Speed: 60
Wisdom: 60
Strength: 80
Force: 50
Item Dropped: PSI Stone

Lil Saucer
Found: City Zoo, Merrysville, Reindeer, Spookane
Experience: 20
Money: $22
HP: 32
PP: 20
Offense: 20
Defense: 30
Fight: 15
Speed: 20
Wisdom: 18
Strength: 100
Force: 100

Lone Wolf
Found: Snowman
Experience: 100
Money: $41
HP: 80
PP: 0
Offense: 60
Defense: 150
Fight: 50
Speed: 60
Wisdom: 30
Strength: 30
Force: 60

Mad Car
Found: Merrysville, Reindeer, Spookane
Experience: 55
Money: $32
HP: 40
PP: 0
Offense: 20
Defense: 38
Fight: 45
Speed: 40
Wisdom: 35
Strength: 100
Force: 100

Mad Truck
Found: Merrysville, Reindeer, Spookane
Experience: 57
Money: $30
HP: 60
PP: 0
Offense: 22
Defense: 40
Fight: 38
Speed: 35
Wisdom: 35
Strength: 100
Force: 100

Magic Snail
Found: Magicant
Experience: 42
Money: $28
HP: 50
PP: 0
Offense: 20
Defense: 90
Fight: 20
Speed: 18
Wisdom: 18
Strength: 40
Force: 18

Maniac Truck
Found: Merrysville, Reindeer, Spookane
Experience: 75
Money: $58
HP: 80
PP: 0
Offense: 34
Defense: 48
Fight: 45
Speed: 35
Wisdom: 35
Strength: 100
Force: 100

Found: Mt. Itoi
Experience: 197
Money: $109
HP: 160
PP: 60
Offense: 80
Defense: 170
Fight: 60
Speed: 50
Wisdom: 60
Strength: 100
Force: 100

Found: Magicant
Experience: 35
Money: $34
HP: 40
PP: 0
Offense: 24
Defense: 20
Fight: 50
Speed: 50
Wisdom: 20
Strength: 20
Force: 20

Found: Swamp, Ellay
Experience: 166
Money: $42
HP: 85
PP: 80
Offense: 50
Defense: 110
Fight: 50
Speed: 40
Wisdom: 100
Strength: 30
Force: 30

Mr. Bat
Found: Cemetery
Experience: 4
Money: $7
HP: 20
PP: 0
Offense: 8
Defense: 10
Fight: 8
Speed: 5
Wisdom: 5
Strength: 4
Force: 8

Found: Merrysville Train Tunnel, Yucca Desert, Swamp
Experience: 68
Money: $50
HP: 120
PP: 60
Offense: 62
Defense: 170
Fight: 50
Speed: 72
Wisdom: 60
Strength: 100
Force: 100

Nasty Zombie
Found: Rosemary Mansion
Experience: 54
Money: $58
HP: 90
PP: 0
Offense: 62
Defense: 90
Fight: 30
Speed: 30
Wisdom: 50
Strength: 60
Force: 20

Found: Mt. Itoi
Experience: 175
Money: $110
HP: 160
PP: 250
Offense: 60
Defense: 140
Fight: 100
Speed: 65
Wisdom: 250
Strength: 100
Force: 100

Old Robot
Found: Duncan Factory
Experience: 54
Money: $38
HP: 60
PP: 30
Offense: 48
Defense: 72
Fight: 25
Speed: 20
Wisdom: 20
Strength: 100
Force: 100

Omega Borg
Found: Mt. Itoi
Experience: 180
Money: $205
HP: 230
PP: 150
Offense: 150
Defense: 200
Fight: 200
Speed: 100
Wisdom: 90
Strength: 100
Force: 100

Omega Saucer
Found: Merrysville Train Tunnel, Yucca Desert, Youngtown, Swamp
Experience: 82
Money: $57
HP: 65
PP: 50
Offense: 42
Defense: 50
Fight: 20
Speed: 60
Wisdom: 40
Strength: 100
Force: 100

Polar Bear
Found: Snowman
Experience: 160
Money: $50
HP: 100
PP: 0
Offense: 52
Defense: 180
Fight: 30
Speed: 40
Wisdom: 30
Strength: 40
Force: 30

Pseudo Zombie
Found: Podunk, Cemetery
Experience: 8
Money: $12
HP: 30
PP: 0
Offense: 16
Defense: 16
Fight: 10
Speed: 12
Wisdom: 5
Strength: 40
Force: 7

Psycho Car
Found: Merrysville, Reindeer, Spookane
Experience: 61
Money: $45
HP: 40
PP: 0
Offense: 18
Defense: 40
Fight: 45
Speed: 40
Wisdom: 35
Strength: 100
Force: 100

Psycho Truck
Found: Merrysville, Reindeer, Spookane
Experience: 34
Money: $27
HP: 58
PP: 0
Offense: 20
Defense: 40
Fight: 30
Speed: 32
Wisdom: 35
Strength: 100
Force: 100

Found: Yucca Desert
Experience: 205
Money: $71
HP: 1000
PP: 0
Offense: 300
Defense: 600
Fight: 100
Speed: 100
Wisdom: 40
Strength: 100
Force: 100

Found: Mt. Itoi
Experience: N/A
Money: $101
HP: 1000
PP: 0
Offense: 600
Defense: 1000
Fight: 40
Speed: 50
Wisdom: 60
Strength: 100
Force: 100

Found: Mt. Itoi
Experience: 550
Money: $180
HP: 1000
PP: 0
Offense: 900
Defense: 1000
Fight: 60
Speed: 60
Wisdom: 60
Strength: 100
Force: 100

Raeb Yddet
Found: Magicant
Experience: 25
Money: $27
HP: 40
PP: 0
Offense: 22
Defense: 38
Fight: 25
Speed: 25
Wisdom: 18
Strength: 25
Force: 18

Found: Ninten's House, City Zoo, Sweet's Little Factory
Experience: 3
Money: $2
HP: 10
PP: 0
Offense: 4
Defense: 8
Fight: 6
Speed: 5
Wisdom: 1
Strength: 3
Force: 7

Found: Merrysville Train Tunnel, Yucca Desert
Experience: 57
Money: $54
HP: 100
PP: 0
Offense: 65
Defense: 128
Fight: 60
Speed: 80
Wisdom: 80
Strength: 60
Force: 20

Red Snake
Found: Spookane, Youngtown, Swamp
Experience: 500
Money: $330
HP: 150
PP: 0
Offense: 50
Defense: 160
Fight: 90
Speed: 100
Wisdom: 60
Strength: 60
Force: 40
Item Dropped: Magic Coin

Found: Mt. Itoi
Experience: 162
Money: $93
HP: 120
PP: 60
Offense: 70
Defense: 150
Fight: 60
Speed: 65
Wisdom: 120
Strength: 30
Force: 100

Found: Merrysville
Experience: 48
Money: $80
HP: 80
PP: 0
Offense: 35
Defense: 50
Fight: 50
Speed: 30
Wisdom: 5
Strength: 80
Force: 80
Item Dropped: Rope

Found: Merrysville Train Tunnel, Yucca Desert
Experience: 50
Money: $36
HP: 75
PP: 0
Offense: 60
Defense: 80
Fight: 40
Speed: 60
Wisdom: 80
Strength: 60
Force: 15

Found: Duncan Factory
Experience: 65
Money: $38
HP: 70
PP: 30
Offense: 26
Defense: 76
Fight: 25
Speed: 20
Wisdom: 20
Strength: 100
Force: 100
Item Dropped: Laser Beam

Found: Swamp, Ellay
Experience: 100
Money: $44
HP: 90
PP: 0
Offense: 68
Defense: 90
Fight: 50
Speed: 70
Wisdom: 40
Strength: 20
Force: 20

Found: Rosemary Mansion
Experience: 58
Money: $34
HP: 90
PP: 0
Offense: 42
Defense: 128
Fight: 25
Speed: 35
Wisdom: 55
Strength: 70
Force: 10

Silver Wolf
Found: Snowman
Experience: 66
Money: $43
HP: 80
PP: 0
Offense: 44
Defense: 76
Fight: 40
Speed: 42
Wisdom: 30
Strength: 30
Force: 25

Found: Merrysville, Reindeer, Spookane
Experience: 32
Money: $32
HP: 40
PP: 0
Offense: 26
Defense: 48
Fight: 52
Speed: 30
Wisdom: 30
Strength: 20
Force: 20

Sky Yddet
Found: Magicant
Experience: 40
Money: $23
HP: 74
PP: 0
Offense: 24
Defense: 50
Fight: 20
Speed: 30
Wisdom: 20
Strength: 50
Force: 20
Item Dropped: PSI Stone

Found: Podunk
Experience: 2
Money: $8
HP: 18
PP: 0
Offense: 6
Defense: 8
Fight: 5
Speed: 10
Wisdom: 1
Strength: 10
Force: 1
Item Dropped: Magic Herb

Found: Youngtown, Swamp, Ellay
Experience: 48
Money: $40
HP: 80
PP: 0
Offense: 45
Defense: 95
Fight: 60
Speed: 80
Wisdom: 80
Strength: 60
Force: 15

Star Miner
Found: Mt. Itoi
Experience: 209
Money: $138
HP: 200
PP: 0
Offense: 140
Defense: 200
Fight: 100
Speed: 100
Wisdom: 60
Strength: 100
Force: 100
Item Dropped: Super Bomb

Found: Spookane, Yucca Desert, Swamp, Ellay
Experience: 165
Money: $68
HP: 80
PP: 50
Offense: 45
Defense: 80
Fight: 30
Speed: 40
Wisdom: 60
Strength: 40
Force: 35
Item Dropped: PSI Stone

Starman Jr.
Found: City Zoo
Experience: 30
Money: $5
HP: 52
PP: 16
Offense: 32
Defense: 52
Fight: 35
Speed: 20
Wisdom: 18
Strength: 30
Force: 30

Stray Dog
Found: Podunk
Experience: 4
Money: $10
HP: 16
PP: 0
Offense: 8
Defense: 10
Fight: 8
Speed: 12
Wisdom: 2
Strength: 5
Force: 8
Item Dropped: Flea Bag

Super Energy
Found: Mt. Itoi
Experience: 230
Money: $260
HP: 120
PP: 0
Offense: 50
Defense: 120
Fight: 30
Speed: 35
Wisdom: 60
Strength: 100
Force: 100

Found: Merrysville, Yucca Desert
Experience: 205
Money: $85
HP: 120
PP: 0
Offense: 84
Defense: 160
Fight: 70
Speed: 80
Wisdom: 80
Strength: 60
Force: 15

Found: City Zoo
Experience: 24
Money: $47
HP: 35
PP: 0
Offense: 26
Defense: 24
Fight: 40
Speed: 20
Wisdom: 5
Strength: 10
Force: 20

Found: Youngtown, Swamp
Experience: 78
Money: $50
HP: 130
PP: 40
Offense: 54
Defense: 200
Fight: 30
Speed: 58
Wisdom: 80
Strength: 60
Force: 10

Found: Mt. Itoi
Experience: 180
Money: $130
HP: 320
PP: 0
Offense: 100
Defense: 420
Fight: 60
Speed: 70
Wisdom: 200
Strength: 80
Force: 25

Found: Magicant
Experience: 65
Money: $65
HP: 40
PP: 60
Offense: 18
Defense: 40
Fight: 40
Speed: 30
Wisdom: 30
Strength: 10
Force: 20
Ultra Barbot
Found: Merrysville Train Tunnel, Yucca Desert, Youngtown, Swamp, Ellay
Experience: 220
Money: $87
HP: 80
PP: 50
Offense: 54
Defense: 80
Fight: 30
Speed: 50
Wisdom: 40
Strength: 100
Force: 100
Item Dropped: Plasma Beam

Found: Podunk
Experience: 5
Money: $20
HP: 20
PP: 0
Offense: 8
Defense: 12
Fight: 6
Speed: 4
Wisdom: 1
Strength: 1
Force: 2

Found: Magicant
Experience: 30
Money: $20
HP: 30
PP: 0
Offense: 16
Defense: 24
Fight: 25
Speed: 30
Wisdom: 20
Strength: 20
Force: 20

Found: Merrysville
Experience: 34
Money: $31
HP: 50
PP: 0
Offense: 30
Defense: 46
Fight: 25
Speed: 30
Wisdom: 30
Strength: 30
Force: 30

Found: Magicant
Experience: 40
Money: $38
HP: 40
PP: 0
Offense: 20
Defense: 38
Fight: 25
Speed: 25
Wisdom: 30
Strength: 40
Force: 20

Found: Rosemary Mansion
Experience: 48
Money: $43
HP: 70
PP: 50
Offense: 50
Defense: 80
Fight: 45
Speed: 48
Wisdom: 80
Strength: 60
Force: 15


-= 6. Weapons -=


Frying Pan
Attack: 8

Iron Skillet
Attack: 36

Nonstick Pan
Attack: 16


Air Gun
Attack: 42

Stun Gun
Attack: 15


Aluminum Bat
Attack: 30

Hank's Bat
Attack: 48

Plastic Bat
Attack: 3

Wooden Bat
Attack: 12


Butter Knife
Attack: 15

Attack: 58

Survival Knife
Attack: 38

Attack: 46

Weapons All Can Equip

Attack: 32

Attack: 7


-= 7. Body Equipment -=


Peace Coin
Defense: 5

Protect Coin
Defense: 11

Magic Coin
Defense: 20


Earth Pendant
Use: Protects wearer against PK Thunder.

Fire Pendant
Use: Protects wearer against PK Freeze.

H2O Pendant
Use: Protects wearer against PK Fire.

Sea Pendant
Use: Protects wearer against all PSI spells.


Brass Ring
Defense: 8

Gold Ring
Defense: 28

Silver Ring
Defense: 14


-= 8. Items -=

Use: Cures poison status.

Asthma Spray
Use: Cures the asthma effect in battle.

Basement Key
Use: Opens the door to the basement in Ninten's House.

Berry Tofu
Use: Eat and it restores 10 HP.

Big Bag
Use: Holds 30 Magic Herbs inside.

Use: Use it in battle to cause explosive damage in battle (only Lloyd can

Bottle Rocket
Use: Shoot off in battle to cause damage (only Lloyd can use).

Use: Eat it to recover 20 HP, or use it to make crumbs and mark your
trail (use the Crumbs to return to the spot where you broke the

Use: Can lower enemy's fight stat in battle, or increases your offense.

Canary Chick
Use: This is the baby chick you must return to the Canary Village.

Cash Card
Use: Use at ATM machines to withdraw/deposit cash.

Use: After you use Bread, select these to return to the spot where you
used the bread initially.

Use: Give them to the man in the house north of Reindeer for some $10

Fight Capsule
Use: Permanently raises the fight stat by 5 of whoever uses it.

Flame Thrower
Use: Use in battle to cause lots of damage (only Lloyd can use; can be
used multiple times).

Flash Dark
Use: When used in battle, it blinds the enemy.

Flea Bag
Use: When used in battle, it lowers the enemy's offense and defense.

Force Capsule
Use: Permanently raises the force stat by 5 of whoever uses it.

Franklin Badge
Use: When you carry it in your Goods, it will reflect PK Beam attacks.

French Fries
Use: Eat to recover a small amount of HP.

Ghost Key
Use: Get it from a lady in east Spookane; used to enter Rosemary Mansion.

Great Grandfather's Diary

Use: A book you find which is full of mystery, and aids you in entering

Use: Eat to recover 50 HP.

Use: Get it from a lady at Snowman station; use it when you meet Ana and
she will join your party.
Use: Helps to stun bug enemies in battle.

Use: Causes damage to the enemy in battle (only Lloyd can use; can be
used multiple times).

Last Weapon
Use: There appears to be no use for it, almost like it's a joke item.

LifeUp Cream
Use: Use it to fully recover your HP.

Magic Candy
Use: Permanently raises Lloyd's fight stat by 5 (only Lloyd can use).

Magic Herb
Use: Use it to recover 30 HP and cure some status ailments.

Magic Ribbon
Use: Permanently raises Ana's force stat by 5 (only Ana can use).

Use: Cures the cold status effect.

Noble Seed
Use: Stops a party member from being confused in battle.

Use: Get it in Magicant from one of the people; it is useless.

Onyx Hook
Use: Used to return to Magicant from anywhere at anytime.

Orange Juice
Use: Drink it to recover 10 HP.

Use: Allows you to enter the Duncan Factory.

Phone Card
Use: When you're at a pay phone and you use this, you'll never have to
pay for a call; get it by doing a guy's survey outside the
Merrysville Department store).

Physical Capsule
Use: Permanently raises the strength stat by 5 of whoever uses it.

Plasma Beam
Use: Causes a higher amount of damage to an enemy in battle (only Lloyd
can use; can be used multiple times).

PSI Stone
Use: When used, it recovers 20 PP (can be used multiple times).

Quick Capsule
Use: Permanently raises the speed stat by 5 of whoever uses it.
Real Rocket
Use: You never get to use it, since it's "accidentally" launched into
orbit when you buy it.

Red Weed
Use: When you use this at the Magicant fountain, it will turn into a
Magic Herb (you can pick an infinite amount of these in central
Magicant, too).

Repel Ring
Use: When used, it will keep enemies from attacking you for a short
period of time.

Use: When used in battle, it will stop an enemy from moving.

Use: It's a useless measuring tool.

Sticky Machine
Use: When used in battle, it will stop an enemy from moving (only Lloyd
can use; can be used multiple times).

Super Bomb
Use: When used in battle, it can cause lots of damage to kill all the
enemies (only Lloyd can use).

Super Spray
Use: It's a stronger version of the Insecticide item.

Swear Words
Use: Another item(?) of no use whatsoever.

Use: Buy in Ellay to enter the Live House.

Ticket Stub
Use: Get from riding the plane in Yucca Desert; if you get 10, use one in
front of the war veteran and you can ride the tank!

Wisdom Capsule
Use: Permanently raises the wisdom stat by 5 of whoever uses it.

Words o' Love

Use: Another item(?) of no use whatsoever.

Zoo Key
Use: Its purpose is to open the gate to the City Zoo.


-= 9. PSI Spells -=

NOTE: You learn spells totally at random in this game. Since there is no set
level or time for Ninten or Ana to learn a given spell, it can happen
at any time after any battle. It just comes down to luck; if you have
yet to learn a spell you want, just keep fighting until you get it.
4-D Slip
Can Learn: Ninten
PP: 16
Description: Allows your party to escape from battle with a high success

Can Learn: Ana
PP: 10
Description: Blinds a single enemy.

Defense Down Alpha

Can Learn: Ninten
PP: 3
Description: Lowers the defense power of one enemy.

Defense Down Beta

Can Learn: Ninten
PP: 9
Description: Lowers the defense power of all enemies.

Defense Up Alpha
Can Learn: Ninten
PP: 3
Description: Raises the defense power of one party member.

Defense Up Beta
Can Learn: Ninten
PP: 8
Description: Raises the defense power of all party members.

Healing Alpha
Can Learn: Ninten, Ana
PP: 3
Description: Cures the poison status ailment from a party member.

Healing Beta
Can Learn: Ninten, Ana
PP: 5
Description: Cures the paralysis status ailment from a party member.

Healing Gamma
Can Learn: Ninten, Ana
PP: 6
Description: Cures the stone status ailment from a party member.

Healing Pi
Can Learn: Ninten, Ana
PP: 6
Description: Cures the sleep status ailment from a party member.

Can Learn: Ninten, Ana
PP: 5
Description: Puts a single enemy to sleep.

LifeUp Alpha
Can Learn: Ninten
PP: 3
Description: Recovers about 30 HP to one party member.

LifeUp Beta
Can Learn: Ninten, Ana
PP: 5
Description: Recovers about 70 HP to one party member.

LifeUp Gamma
Can Learn: Ninten, Ana
PP: 9
Description: Recovers all HP to one party member.

LifeUp Pi
Can Learn: Ninten, Ana
PP: 17
Description: Recovers about 70 HP to all party members.

Offense Up
Can Learn: Ninten
PP: 6
Description: Raises the offense power of one party member.

Can Learn: Ana
PP: 8
Description: Paralyzes a single enemy.

PK Beam Alpha
Can Learn: Ana
PP: 4
Description: Attack a single enemy with about 30 HP of damage.

PK Beam Beta
Can Learn: Ana
PP: 7
Description: Attack a single enemy with about 80 HP of damage.

PK Beam Gamma
Can Learn: Ana
PP: 12
Description: Kills a single enemy with a powerful attack.

PK Beam Omega
Can Learn: Ana
PP: 24
Description: Attack all enemies with about 100 HP of damage.

PK Fire Alpha
Can Learn: Ana
PP: 8
Description: Attack all enemies with about 20 HP of fire damage.

PK Fire Beta
Can Learn: Ana
PP: 12
Description: Attack all enemies with about 50 HP of fire damage.

PK Fire Gamma
Can Learn: Ana
PP: 14
Description: Attack all enemies with about 100 HP of fire damage.

PK Fire Omega
Can Learn: Ana
PP: 30
Description: Kill all enemies with a powerful fire attack.

PK Freeze Alpha
Can Learn: Ana
PP: 3
Description: Attack a single enemy with about 10 HP of ice damage.

PK Freeze Beta
Can Learn: Ana
PP: 5
Description: Attack a single enemy with about 50 HP of ice damage.

PK Freeze Gamma
Can Learn: Ana
PP: 8
Description: Critically injures a single enemy in battle, leaving them
with very few HP.

PK Freeze Omega
Can Learn: Ana
PP: 13
Description: Attack all enemies with about 50 HP of ice damage.

PK Thunder Alpha
Can Learn: Ana
PP: 3
Description: Attack a single enemy with about 10 HP of thunder damage.

PK Thunder Beta
Can Learn: Ana
PP: 6
Description: Attack a single enemy with about 50 HP of thunder damage.

PK Thunder Gamma
Can Learn: Ana
PP: 12
Description: Attack all enemies with about 50 HP of thunder damage.

Power Shield
Can Learn: Ninten, Ana
PP: 9
Description: Bounces an enemy's physical attack back at them.

PSI Shield Alpha

Can Learn: Ninten
PP: 4
Description: Raises defense so you only take 50% damage from PSI attacks.

PSI Shield Beta

Can Learn: Ninten
PP: 9
Description: Raises all party member's defense so you only take 50%
damage from PSI attacks.

Can Learn: Ana
PP: 5
Description: Stops a single enemy from using PSI.

Can Learn: Ana
PP: 0
Description: Drains some PP from an enemy if they have PP to begin with.

Quick Up
Can Learn: Ninten
PP: 3
Description: Raises the speed of one party member.

Can Learn: Ana
PP: 8
Description: Nullifies a single enemy's shield.

Super Healing
Can Learn: Ninten, Ana
PP: 36
Description: Can bring back a dead party member with full HP.

Can Learn: Ninten, Ana
PP: 1
Description: Allows you to see into the minds of certain people and
trigger some events.

Can Learn: Ninten, Ana
PP: 3
Description: Lets you warp back to any previously visited town (you will
need a good amount of room to run in a straight line, so
crowded/cramped areas are not good for this).


-= 10. Shops -=


Burger Shop

Name Price
---- -----
Orange Juice $5
French Fries $15
Hamburger $25
Drug Store

Name Price
---- -----
Antidote $20
Asthma Spray $148
Life Up Cream $194
Insecticide $300

Sports Shop

Name Price
---- -----
Plastic Bat $80
Slingshot $120
Wooden Bat $500

Food Store

Name Price
---- -----
Orange Juice $5
Bread $30
Sports Drink $75


Item Shop 1

Name Price
---- -----
Magic Herb $30
Peace Coin $260
Protect Coin $648
Magic Coin $1200

Item Shop 2

Name Price
---- -----
Magic Herb $30
Brass Ring $460
Silver Ring $825
Gold Ring $1510

Item Shop 3

Name Price
---- -----
Repel Ring $160
H2O Pendant $700
Fire Pendant $700
Earth Pendant $700


Burger Shop

Name Price
---- -----
Orange Juice $5
French Fries $15
Hamburger $25

Drug Store

Name Price
---- -----
Antidote $20
Asthma Spray $148
LifeUp Cream $194
Insecticide $300

Sports Shop

Name Price
---- -----
Wooden Bat $500
Aluminum Bat $1000
Boomerang $1100

Food Store

Name Price
---- -----
Orange Juice $5
Bread $30
Sports Drink $75

Variety Store

Name Price
---- -----
Ruler $22
Stun Gun $300
Rope $600
Repel Ring $160

Mysterious Teacher (School)


Name Price
---- -----
Last Weapon $1048
Super Bomb $1800
Sticky Machine $3200
Real Rocket $3485


Burger Shop

Name Price
---- -----
Orange Juice $5
French Fries $15
Hamburger $25

Drug Store

Name Price
---- -----
Antidote $20
Asthma Spray $148
LifeUp Cream $194
Insecticide $300

Sports Shop

Name Price
---- -----
Aluminum Bat $1000
Boomerang $1100

Food Store

Name Price
---- -----
Orange Juice $5
Bread $30
Sports Drink $75
Berry Tofu $975

Weapons Shop

Name Price
---- -----
Bomb $280
Laser Beam $760
Plasma Beam $1300


Item Shop

Name Price
---- -----
Bread $30
Mouthwash $175
LifeUp Cream $194
Frying Pan $300


Item Shop

Name Price
---- -----
Bread $30
LifeUp Cream $194
Nonstick Pan $700
Air Gun $1400


Burger Shop

Name Price
---- -----
Orange Juice $5
French Fries $15
Hamburger $25

Drug Store

Name Price
---- -----
Antidote $20
Asthma Spray $148
LifeUp Cream $194
Insecticide $300

Food Store

Name Price
---- -----
Orange Juice $5
Bread $30
Sports Drink $75
Berry Tofu $975

Variety Shop

Name Price
---- -----
Ticket $350
Butter Knife $580
Rope $600
Surv. Knife $1200


-= 11. Secrets/Tips and Tricks -=

Cheaper Mouthwash

If you go far to the north and west of Reindeer you will come to a large
house in the middle of nowhere. Inside is a boy and an old man. Talking to
the man, you won't understand anything he says. Leave the house and take the
southeast ramp, then follow the path counter-clockwise to a signpost. Check
it to find Dentures. Return to the old man and he will give you a free
Mouthwash. If you talk to the boy anytime after this he will sell you more of
the Mouthwash for $10 each!

Free Magic Herbs

In Magicant, if you go north of the town area you will find red plants
growing at random. Check one and you will get a Red Weed (they are infinite,
take as many as you want). If you go to the fountain in the northwest corner
and use a Red Weed there, it will turn into a Magic Herb. This trick can save
you lots of money in the long run, as well as giving you an infinite supply
of healing items.


End Mother 1 FAQ.



Mother 2 FAQ/Walkthrough

This file is Copyright (c)2005 Devin Morgan. All rights reserved.


Table of Contents

1. Story
2. Controls
3. Overview
4. Walkthrough
5. Enemies
6. Bosses
7. Weapons
8. Body Equipment
9. Arm Equipment
10. Accessories
11. Items
12. Food
13. PSI Spells
14. Photo-Op Locations
15. Shops


-= 1. Story -=

Can four average kids save the world from certain destruction at the hands of
an evil, alien invader? They might be inexperienced, but don't count them


-= 2. Controls -=

Control Pad: Move your character

Start: Check your map

Select: Open player info window

A: Access menu screen, confirm selection on menus

B: Open player info window, cancel selection on menus

L: Check/talk to whatever is in front of you

R: Not used


-= 3. Overview -=

Character Special Abilities (In Battle)

In this game, you will lead a full party of 4 heroes. The main hero, Ness,
has no real special moves apart from having the best attack power of the
group. The other 3, however, do have special powers, as listed below:

Pray (Paula): When used in battle, one of many various effects can take
place. The most common are HP and PP recovery.

Spy (Jeff): Gain information on the targeted enemy, including their HP and
weaknesses they may have.

Shoot (Jeff): Use items that Jeff has fixed, or items already in the item
inventory, to shoot at enemies. This includes, but is not
limited to, guns, bottle rockets, etc.

Mirror (Poo): Allows Poo to take the form of the targeted enemy for a period
of time.

Saving Your Game

As opposed to most other games, you cannot just step outside and "save". You
must first get to a phone, and call up Dad. He will tell you how much money
he deposited to your account, how much experience you need to reach the next
level, and finally the option to save/quit your game. There are 2 types of
phones, too. The small black ones (such as the one at Ness's house, and in
Hotels) is free; however, the phone booths you see in most other stores and
such are not free, and you must pay $1 to use.

Using the ATM

Right from when you start the game, you will be introduced to your first ATM
Card. With this, you can obviously visit one of the many ATM machines
throughout the world and withdraw or deposit some cash. When you win battles,
your Dad deposits money into your account, which you can withdraw as needed.
If you want to keep updated with your balance, use a phone and call Dad;
he'll tell you over the phone. So basically, carry your ATM Card with you
EVERYWHERE; you never know when there's something you need some extra cash
for further ahead.


One of Paula's special abilities to offer your party is the ability to pray.
There are many things that can happen as a result of a simple prayer, so here
are all the possible effects that can take place:

Dazzling Light: A dose of PSI Flash hits all allies and enemies.

Golden Light: All the HP of a single ally is randomly restored.

Heavy Air: The defense of all allies and enemies is lowered slightly.

Mysterious Aroma: All allies and enemies are put to sleep.

Mysterious Light: Restores a small amount of PP to all allies.

Rainbow Colored Light: All unconscious allies are brought back to life.

Sheet Lightning: Some lightning is used to attack; if it hits, the effects of

PSI Flash are induced on the target.

Thunder: All the allies and enemies are hit with a PSI Brainshock attack.

Very Subtle Light: Restores 2x as much HP as the Warm Light to all allies and

Warm Light: Restores HP to all allies and enemies.

Broken Item Repairs

As you will quickly come to learn, Jeff is a mechanical genius who can fix
many broken devices. However, what he can fix is determined by his IQ (see
his status screen for details). For instance, say you have a Broken Spray Can
in your inventory. If you go to a Hotel or somewhere, and stay the night,
Jeff will fix it into a Defense Spray overnight. He can only fix one item
each night. Here is a chart of just what he can fix, and when he can do so:

IQ Broken New Item

-- ------ --------
1 Machine Counter PSI Unit
1 Spray Can Defense Spray
10 Iron Slime Generator
12 Air Gun Magnum Air Gun
24 Laser Laser Beam
30 Pipe Shield Killer
32 Cannon Spectrum Beam
34 Gadget Double Beam
36 Tube Hungry HP-Sucker
40 Trumpet Defense Shower
45 Bazooka Heavy Bazooka
55 Harmonica Baddest Beam
65 Antenna Gaia Beam

Enemy Confrontations

As with all RPGs, there are enemy confrontations, but the way attacks take
place are a bit different with this title. First off, you can see the enemies
in the overworld, so you can try and avoid them if you don't wish to battle.
However, the way you approach/are approached by an enemy determines the way
the battle starts. Sometimes, when you approach an enemy for battle, other
nearby enemies will join in for added fun, so keep that in mind when
exploring certain areas.

Enemy Attacks First: When you have your back to an enemy, and it approaches
you. A red swirl floods the screen, and the enemies
proceed to attack you before you can do anything else.
This shouldn't happen too often, provided you are
careful in the wild.

Heroes Attack First: When your group sneaks up behind an enemy to attack. In
this situation, a green swirl fills the screen, and
you'll have an opportunity for your entire party to
attack the enemy(ies) an extra time before they can get
to you. This is what I get much of the time, as should
you, if you are stealthy enough. An added perk to this
sneak tactic is that if you're quite a bit stronger than
the enemy, the enemy is automatically defeated, saving
you time in fighting.

Normal Combat: When you and the enemy are face to face on the approach.
Neither party gets an advantage over the other; it just comes
down to which group has more agility at this point.

Status Ailments

As with most RPG titles, there are various things that can happen to your
party in battle, apart from taking physical damage. These are known as status
effects, or ailments, whichever you prefer. Most ailments will wear off after
a period of time, but some of the more serious conditions require a strong
Healing PSI, or a hospital visit, in order to cure. Here is a quick rundown
of each of those found throughout this game.

Cold: Character will sneeze at the start of every round of battle, losing
small amounts of HP each time.

Crying: Lowers the character's hit accuracy, making attacking the enemy a bit
more difficult for them.

Diamondize: The character turns into a diamond, and cannot do anything.

Feeling Strange: The character in question acts oddly in battle, not doing
what you commanded them to do (attacking other allies,
healing enemies, using the wrong PSI, etc).
Homesick: Only Ness can get this ailment. In battle, Ness loses concentration
and misses attacks more often than usual. A phone call to Mom, a
visit to My Sanctuary locations, or a soaking in the Saturn Valley
Hot Spring will cure this ailment.

Mushroomized: A mushroom sits atop the character's head, making them feel
strange in battle. Outside of battle, the Control Pad's
function becomes jumbled, making the controls go backwards.

Nausea: The character feels sick in battle, taking damage at the start of
each attack round.

Numbness: Cannot move; can use PSI, items, and defend, however.

Poison: Character is poisoned, gradually losing HP every round until an

antidote is used.

Sleep: The character is sleeping, and cannot do anything, obviously. They

will wake up by themselves within a few rounds or so.

Sunstroke: Occurs when you are wandering in the desert for too long. You
gradually take damage until a Wet Towel or Healing PSI is used.

Visiting the Hospital

When battles turn ugly, there may be times where you have to pay a visit to
the local hospital. There are 3 people that work there: Doctor, Nurse, and a
Healer. The Doctor can cure some of the more common ailments, such as a cold,
nausea, etc. Whereas the Healer can get some of the more tricky ones, such as
mushrooms and numbness. If you have an unconscious ally (their ghost is
following you), you have to pay the Nurse to revive them. Be prepared to pay
if you use any of the services in the Hospital. If you want to play smart,
just stay alive and use lots of healing items to prevent such a situation!


-= 4. Walkthrough -=


When you first choose to start a new file, you will be given a few of the
usual options. You can pick the text speed, and a "flavor", which is
basically the color that the window box frames will be in. Then, choose the
names of the characters, your pet, favorite food, and favorite thing (I stuck
with the defaults by picking Don't Care in the bottom-left corner: Ness,
Paula, Jeff, Poo, Chibi, Hamburger, Kiai (Rockin)).

After that's set, the game itself will open. A nighttime view of Onett will
be panned across, eventually leading to Ness's House.

Ness's House

The scene inside shows Ness peacefully sleeping in his bed. Suddenly, a loud
sound is heard outside, awaking the hero. You will gain control of Ness at
this point, so head out of this room. The hallway will be lit, lucky for you.
So, enter your sister's room (it's the first door you see). Talk to her if
you wish, then open the present in the corner to get a Cracked Bat. Be sure
to equip this as Ness's weapon right away! Leave this room and continue
downstairs. Go all the way right and out of the house.

North of Onett

Outside, you will see the police blocking off access to Onett. Talk to them,
and some people nearby to learn that a meteorite has crash-landed atop the
cliff. Follow the dirt path to the south, then to the west past several
officers. Continue to the north and east with the path, then when you reach a
split, continue east to a present containing a Bread Roll. Go north and talk
to the man outside his house, known as Lier X. Agerate. Up ahead, you will
come to a blockade of more policemen, but you can catch a glimpse of the
meteorite on the cliff above. Your friend Pokey is by the barrier; talk to
him and he will smugly send you back home. So, do just that. When you reach
home, your mother will be waiting outside. Talk to her, and agree to sleep
until morning.

Ness's House

Despite your mother sending you to sleep, you don't make it to the morning
without being awakened once more. This time, it's because of someone knocking
at the door downstairs. Leave your room and head downstairs, and check the
door. When you reach the door, Pokey darts in and alerts you of some news.
Apparently, his brother, Picky, is stuck atop the mountain, but there are
monsters around, so he needs your help. Your mother makes you change into
regular clothes before you go.

When you're ready, talk to Chibi (the dog) and Pokey to have them join you.
Say good-bye to your mother, and approach the door. Before you get to leave,
the phone will ring. Go pick it up, for it is your (Ness's) father. He gives
some encouragement, as well as $30 into your ATM account. You finally learn
that you can save your progress by calling Pa later on. Now that you're all
set, leave your house.

North of Onett

Out here with your rugged group, head to the south and along the path to the
meteorite again. This time, you will have to face some weak enemies along the
way, including Coil Snakes and Spiteful Crows. Eventually you will reach the
summit, where the meteorite landed. When you arrive, Chibi will bark and run
back home. Check out the meteorite if you wish, then talk to Picky. He will
join your party. As you leave, you will hear a buzzing sound nearby. After
that, a beam will be emitted above the meteorite, and a bee-type creature
will appear, called Buzz Buzz. He is apparently from 10 years into the
future, and speaks of total devastation at the hands of Giygas. After hearing
his story, he will join you.

Now, make your way back down the path to your house again. When you're just
about at the end, another being from the future will appear and do battle
with you. The Starman Junior isn't really a threat, as Buzz Buzz protects the
party with a shield spell. Attack normally and after a few rounds, it'll be
over. You should also be at Level 3 by now. Now, instead of going to your
house, visit the house to the west, which is Pokey's.

Pokey's House

Inside, go forward and talk to the boys' father sitting on the couch. They
will both run upstairs, then the father will come back and speak to you
briefly. Buzz Buzz will fly over to the mother, who panics and kills it,
mistaking it for a dung beetle. Talk to Buzz Buzz on the floor and hear his
final words, which heavily pertain to your adventures ahead. He will also
give you the Sound Stone (you'll learn more on this later). Now that Buzz
Buzz is gone, you can leave here.

North of Onett

Before you head off on your adventure, it would be best for you to stop home
and rest for another night, then call your Dad to save. When you are back
outside again, head to the southeast and follow that path into the town of


When you make it into the town, you will start to see people and buildings
around, obviously. Enter the Library, as it's the first place you should
pass. Talk to the lady behind the counter and borrow the Town Map from her
(view by pressing X). Go back outside and consult the map if you wish. Before
you continue, go west and north, then east through the wooded area behind the
library. You will come to a hidden clubhouse there; talk to the kids inside
to get a free Baseball Cap, great! Now get out of there and make your way to
the Burger Shop (see the map). Check the trash can next to the Burger Shop to
find a Hamburger. You may also want to visit the Drug Store nearby, as well.
Withdraw some cash from the ATM machine inside, and buy the Tee Ball Bat to

Next, you may want to visit the Hotel and call Dad to save your progress.
Following this, head southward towards the Game Room. You may notice the
several characters dressed entirely in black wandering around. They are
tough, so you may want to fight them to quickly level up. Check the trash can
by the Game Room to get a Can of Fruit Juice, too. When you've fought enough,
be sure to call up Dad and withdraw money from the ATM, and buy the Cheap
Bracelet; it'll help you in the battle ahead.

Anyway, continue with the outdoor battles until you've fought off many of the
Sharks. After you've reached at least Level 6, and have bought all you can to
better your stats at the Drug Store, go into the Game Room to the south.
There will be more Sharks for you to face, so defeat them in both rooms
inside. After you've fought everyone you can, go back to the arcade's first
floor. Talk to the Shark by the door, and when he asks if you want to become
a member, tell him no to initiate a battle. Defeat him, then go through the

Out in the yard, use a Hamburger to recover your health fully. When you are
ready, talk to Frank and you will enter battle with him. Fight him with
regular attacks to defeat him. When you beat Frank, you will then be pitted
against his creation, Frankystein Mark II, so destroy that as well. After the
battles are over, Frank will tell you about the Giant Step region in the
northern cave. There is a shack blocking it, but you can obtain a key to it
from Mayor Pirkle. So, get out of the Game Room and head to Town Hall.

In there, go left through a few rooms until you reach the room with the mayor
inside. Talk to Pirkle from across his desk, and he will give you the Key to
the Shack. Leave Town Hall and head all the way north by the Library. From
there, follow the path going west and to the north. Follow it until you reach
the locked shack; use the key to unlock it and go inside. Walk through to the
yard in the back, then enter the cave you see.

Giant Step Cave

Inside this cave, you will face new and stronger enemies than the ones you
faced in Onett before. However, it's all for the better, because you gain
more money and experience from these battles! Anyway, defeat the Rowdy Mice,
Black Antoids, and Attack Slugs you find wandering around (by the way, Attack
Slugs are excellent for experience gaining, so keep that in mind). Enter the
first room to the north, and open the present inside to get a Skip Sandwich.
Leave the room and continue west, then climb the rope to the upper level.

Continue to the east on this level, defeating more enemies you come across.
Enter the room at the end and collect the Cold Remedy, then climb to the top
level. Go all the way west and head outside via the open cave at the end. On
the outside cliff, simply go west into the second half of the cave. In that
area, defeat some nearby enemies and open the present to get a Hamburger. Go
north into the next chamber. Defeat the Black Antoids in this small passage,
and continue onward. In the next room, climb up the 2 ropes and you'll
approach a Shining Spot. Recover your health, then check it out to enter
battle against the Titanic Ant. Visit the Bosses section for help winning

After it's over, head outside via the exit in front of you. Here, you will
see the Giant Foot, which is the first "My Sanctuary" spot you will visit.
When you approach, its sound will play, only to be recorded by your Sound
Stone for later. When you gain control again, head back into the cave, and
backtrack out of it.


When you're totally outside of the cave again, a cop will greet you. He will
be angry that you entered the cave, totally disregarding the sign outside
telling you not to. Pick either response to his question, as they both lead
to the same result; you will be asked to visit the police station later. So,
head through the shack and continue south into town. Visit the Hotel and use
the phone to call Dad, and save your game.
Once you do that, head to the Police Station, which is next to the Bakery.
Inside, talk to the police chief (he's the man with the moustache talking to
another man up ahead). Tell him you really want to go to Twoson, and he will
have you follow him into an empty back room. There are 5 cops in here, all of
whom you have to do battle against. Defeat the 5 Crooked Cops, then you will
have to fight Captain Strong himself. Use a couple of PSI Rockin spells to
quickly dispose of him.

After this, Captain Strong will admit defeat, and therefore opens the way to
Twoson for you. Leave the station, and head to the Hotel to rest up for the
night. You will be contacted telepathically by a girl named Paula, whom you
will later meet. When you awake, save your game by calling Dad, then leave.
Head all the way south and onto a dirt path leading out of town.

Onett/Twoson Path

As you make your way southward on this path, you will pass by a house. If you
wish, go inside and take an Exit Mouse, for one can help you get out of a
dungeon quickly when used. If you don't want to, that's als fine. Continue
south and open a present you see to get a Hamburger. Keep heading further to
the south and west, and defeat a Ramblin' Evil Mushroom that you come across.
Be careful, as it can make you feel strange (the status effect). Anyway,
continue onward to Twoson.


When you arrive here, continue down the dirt path to the paved street. Go
east and as you pass the Bicycle Shop, the photographer will come and take a
snapshot. After he's gone, enter the shop. Talk to the guy running the shop,
and rent a Bicycle from him. Exit the shop and enter the department store
next door. Withdraw some money from the nearby ATM, and head up the
escalators to the top floor. Visit the Drug Store and buy the Slingshot for
Ness here. Go back downstairs and take out $200 from the ATM, then leave the

After you're done in the department store, go back outside and continue east
and southward along the road. You will pass by a park to the west; walk into
it. At the end of the path going through the middle, you will be confronted
by a man standing on the roof of his home. He will jump down and attack you.
Defeat Mr. Everdred and he will come back to his senses.

Now that Everdred is back to normal, he will explain the situation with Paula
and the Peaceful Rest Valley. When he's done talking, Everdred will go back
inside. So, leave the park and head further south and east through town. You
will then pass by the Polestar Preschool to the north. Go inside and enter
the second room. Talk to Paula's father, who goes to fetch her, only to
return alone. Head upstairs and open the present in Paula's room to get a
Teddy Bear (provides great protection for later).

Leave the school and head south to find the homes of Orange Kid and Apple
Kid, the so-called "genius" kids of Twoson. Visit Apple Kid, for he is more
reliable than Orange Kid, apparently. Give him something to eat as he wants,
then give him the $200 donation he requests of you. After that, his mouse
will block the way out. Check out the garbage can first to get the Broken
Machine. Then, talk to the mouse and he will give you the Receiver Phone, as
thanks for helping his master. Now, leave here. Go back north and head all
the way east into a cave. Run through the 2 small chambers, and you will end
up at the start of the Peaceful Rest Valley.

Peaceful Rest Valley

In this new region, make your way east and northward. You may have to face a
Li'l UFO enemy along the way, but you shouldn't be worried. If you have that
Teddy Bear with you, it'll take damage instead of Ness, so no need to worry
for now! Anyway, continue ahead and you will find an iron statue in the form
of a pencil point (how odd). Check it, then since you cannot continue, make
your way back to Twoson.


Back in this town, as soon as you reenter, Apple Kid will contact you via the
Receiver Phone. He mentions a great invention he just finished, and wants to
meet with you immediately. Since he isn't at his home, go to the park. Check
the grassy field in the south area to find Apple Kid under a tree. He will
give you the Pencil Eraser, which will remove the iron statue you saw not too
long ago. Now, leave the park and rest at the Hotel if you wish. Phone Dad to
save your game, then head back to the Peaceful Rest Valley.

Peaceful Rest Valley

Back here, make your way north to the pencil statue once more. This time, you
can clear it by using the Pencil Eraser, yay! So, now you can proceed onward
to the next town. If you want, go north and the photographer will come and
take your picture for memories. Then, cross the bridge and make your way to
the east. Go south and west onto the upper plateau, where you'll find a path
split. Go north and west to a present containing a Travel Charm.

From here, continue west and to the south. At the next path split, go
southeast and southward to a second present box with a Luck Capsule inside.
Go back north a tiny bit, and then continue along the lower southbound path.
All the way to the south, open a present to get a Croissant. Go east to find
a fourth present with a Bomb inside of it. Head back west and continue to the
northeast along the path. Cross the second bridge you reach up ahead.

On the other side of the river, continue northward a bit. You will reach yet
another path split ahead, so go northwest to a present containing a Hard Hat.
Return to the split and go eastward this time. Continue to the south and
southwest, to a final present, where you'll find a Cup of Lifenoodles. Now,
head back north and east to a cave. Enter it. Go through the short chamber
and you will emerge in Happy Happy Village.

Happy Happy Village

Well, when you arrive here, you must be relieved that there's a place you can
rest at now; I sure was after all those battles! By now, you should be at
least Level 15-16. Anyway, start by visiting the Drug Store in the northeast
corner of town, and buy the Sand Lot Bat and Copper Bracelet, equipping them
both. Phone Dad and save your game there, then withdraw an extra $50 from the
ATM. Leave the store and go into the building in the southwest region of
town; this is the "hotel". Pay $50 to rest, you'll really need it by now!

The next day, leave the home and head towards the Drug Store a second time.
You will notice a cavern in the north wall to the left of the store. Go
through it to reach an isolated building outside of the village. Go inside
and you will find a girl stuck inside the jail. Talk to the girl, whom you
learn is Paula, the one you were sent to look for. She tells you that you
need a key from the evil Carpainter in order to free her. Paula will then
give you the Franklin Badge, which is your only hope in defeating Carpainter.

As you leave the jail, you will be confronted by Pokey and some cult members.
He will run off, as usual, leaving you to fight 2 Insane Cultists and a
Spiteful Crow. Finish them off quickly, then go through the cave into town
again. This time, save at the phone inside the Drug Store, then enter the
large building in the center of the village.

Inside, you will find MANY of those cult members standing all around this
room. Some of them block your path, which means you'll have to persuade some
of them to move. Have a close look at some of them; certain cultists move
quicker than others, so those are the ones you should talk to. Make your way
through this room, fighting and moving the fast-paced cultists. When you make
it to the other side of the room, enter the second chamber to the left.

Continue upstairs, where you will see Carpainter standing in front of a gold
statue. Talk to him and he will speak for a moment. Agree to join him, and he
will attempt to hit you with lightning. Luckily, the Franklin Badge reflects
that, allowing you to stay and fight. Read the Bosses section for help
beating him. After it's over, he will give up the Key to the Cabin, so you
can free Paula.

When you leave the temple, Pokey will be waiting outside. He will supposedly
apologize for his actions before running off, saying he lied all along. He'll
get his soon enough, so let's not worry about him yet! Head back to the
isolated cabin, and free Paula with the key. She will join your party, and
better yet, she starts with a Teddy Bear, which can protect your group
somewhat more. Head to the Drug Store and withdraw a good amount of money,
and buy Paula some equipment she can use (Fry Pan, Copper Bracelet, and the
Ribbon). Save your game by phoning Dad, then rest at the hotel.

Before you make a grand return to Twoson, there is something else you need to
do in this region still. Head into the cave to the east.

Lilliput Cave

From the start of this cavern, head north, then to the southeast. At the path
split, you will be able to go either eastward or to the south. For now, head
south and west to a gift box containing a Great Charm; equip this to Paula if
you wish. Head back to the split, and continue eastward this time. Go all the
way east to a second box with a Croissant inside. Go west a little, and to
the south as per the path.

Keep on progressing into the cave by following the path around, while
defeating the various enemies you'll face along the way. The path is pretty
much straightforward, so I don't have to really explain it further. Towards
the end, make sure you take the PSI Caramel from the last gift box. Also, try
to get Paula up to around Level 15 in experience; that way she'll be fine
enough to last in battle. When you're ready, fully recover your party's HP,
and check out the shining spot at the cave end. You will be faced against
Mondo Mole, the second guardian. Read the Bosses section for help winning
this fight.

Once you win, head through the cave that the shining spot was guarding. Step
outside and you will hear the music from Lilliput Steps, which will be
recorded within the Sound Stone. Also, Ness and Paula will have fully
restored HP and PP, which is a great reward as well. So, head back through
the cave. This time through, the enemies run away from you, so you won't have
to do battle unless you really want to. Anyway, continue out to the village.

Happy Happy Village

Upon your return, your first means of business should definitely be a call to
Dad. After that, there's pretty much nothing more for you to do in this
village, so head to the northwest and through the cavern into the Peaceful
Rest Valley.

Peaceful Rest Valley

Back out here, make your way to the north again. At the far north end, go
west and south, then across the first bridge. Head west a little, and
northward. You will find that the bridge that was broken earlier is now
fixed, so head across that for a great shortcut through the valley. Continue
westward and through the cave to enter Twoson again.


When you rearrive here, head straight ahead into the town itself. Go into the
Polestar Preschool and walk through to the second room. Paula's father will
come from behind and greet you both. He will be very grateful to Ness because
of Paula's rescue. He will become sad that Paula will be leaving to help you,
but eventually he lets go. Leave the school and a man will call to you guys
from nearby. He will alert you that Everdred wants to speak with you in the
park. Because you are sought after, go north and west into the park, and
enter Everdred's house. He will speak about being partnered with you, but
since he can't do that, he dumps $10,000 (Wad of Bills) into your hands.

Now, you may be wondering just what you'll need this much money for.
Obviously, you cannot spend it as your own, so that is out of the question.
Head out of the park and up the street to the Chaos Theater. Talk to the
people and you will learn of the Runaway Five group, which performs here
because they are in debt. You'll find 2 of the group's members by their bus
alongside the building; talk to them and they'll give up a Backstage Pass.
Now, enter the theater.

In here, approach the girl standing in between the counters and use the
Backstage Pass to enter. Walk across the room, and talk to a blonde girl
standing near the opposite door. She will notice the pass, and pulls you into
the room ahead. There, talk to the entire Runaway Five group, then leave the
room. Just in time, too, as the show is about to begin. Watch this form of
entertainment, then after it ends, leave the room to the east. Talk to the
girl to have her move, then enter the manager's office to the left. Go behind
the counter and show the Wad of Bills, and he will allow the Runaway Five to
leave for good! Following this, each of the group will come in and say their
piece, and then wait outside for you.

So, leave the theater and talk to one of the lead singers standing outside.
He will agree to take your group to Threed, and ensures you'll make it there
because the tour bus is loud enough to keep the ghosts from bothering them.
So, board the bus and away you'll go!


At the end of the long bus ride, you will finally arrive in the gloomy town
of Threed. The group will say goodbye for now, before continuing to Fourside.
As for Ness and Paula, start by heading to the Drug Store nearby. Withdraw
some cash and buy new weapons for your 2 party members. Go outside and talk
to the townspeople to learn of a problem with the zombies. Head to the
graveyard in the northwest area of town, and you may have to fight Zombie
Possessors. Follow the path to the west, north, and east, where you'll
confront 2 zombie guards. They won't move for you, so you're stuck in Threed
for now. Go back south and open a trash can you passed to get an Insectide

From here, head back into the center of town. As you walk past the Hotel, you
will notice an odd woman who quickly runs inside. Follow her in there, and
into the second room of the hotel. There, head into the room she enters, and
you will be ganged upon by some zombies and ghosts. They will knock you both
out, and lock you in some underground room. Check out the nearby door, only
to find it is locked. At this point, Paula will tap into her PK powers and
contact Jeff, a distant friend who is the only one able to help Ness and
Paula out.

Snow Wood Boarding House

Upon being contacted, Jeff will be awakened in his school. Since you have
control of him, make your way out of this room, only to be stopped by Tony, a
fellow friend. He will join you, and mentions visiting the locker room to
gather supplies. So, leave Jeff's room. Talk to the nearby kids, and enter
the room next to the one you came out of. There, you will find 7 gift boxes,
all of which carrying Cookies. Take some if you wish, for you will need them
outside. Leave the room and head downstairs.

Here, enter the upper-left room. You will meet Jeff's teacher, Maxwell, here.
Talk to him and he will give you a bent Key to the Locker. He also mentions
that you can call him to record your adventure if you wish, much like Ness
calling his Dad. Leave this room and enter the one next door; that is the
locker room. Try opening any of the lockers by using the key, only to find it
won't work. Go see Maxwell a second time and he will give up the Bad Key
Machine to correct that problem. Return to the locker room and open all the
lockers to find a Broken Air Gun, a Pop Gun, and a Holmes Hat. Equip those 2
good items and leave the room.

Head right through the main door to exit the school. Outside, Tony will squat
down by the gate, acting as a step so you can climb over. Talk to him and
climb over, then enter the nearby Drug Store. Sell off the useless items you
don't need; you can't buy anything new, so don't worry about that. Talk to
the woman standing to the side and buy a Pak of Chewing Gum from her for $1.
Then, talk to the monkey by the door and give him a piece of gum. He will
blow a bubble, and joins your group. Before you go, phone Maxwell and save
your game. Then, exit the store.


Obviously, your next goal is to make your way southward with Jeff, as per
Paula's request. So from the shop, walk to the south and westward. You will
have to fight Gruff Goats and Spiteful Crows along the way, which are good
for experience building. Head along the path until you come across a tent;
enter it. Talk to the boys in here and they will invite you to stay for tea,
recovering your HP and PP fully in the process.

Afterward, leave the tent and continue onward through the woods, and you'll
reach a group of tents. Talk to the people around here to learn about the sea
monster, Tessie, whom they are watching out for. Visit the second tent and
use the phone to call Maxwell and save. Then, go to the westmost tent, and
have some stew with the guy inside. You will rest overnight here, only to be
called upon by Paula a second time. You will also notice that Jeff will fix a
broken item in the inventory during the night. For now, he'll fix a Broken
Spray Can to get the Defense Spray item. He can fix more items as his IQ
rises; check the Secrets/Tips and Tricks section for a list of such items.

When morning comes, leave the tent and it will be daytime. The wind will also
have kicked in at this point, too. Head east towards the small peninsula
jutting out to the south, and walk onto the clear patch of land. The Bubble
Monkey will take a piece of gum and float over the lake, only to land on the
head of the legendary Tessie. The monster will come to the shore, allowing
Jeff to walk onto its back. Tessie will then carry you both across the lake,
to the south shore of Winters.

Upon reaching land, continue your southward journey. You will see a cavern,
and a pencil point iron statue blocking the way southward. That means your
only choice is to enter the cave, so do so.

Brick Road

As you will see for yourself, Brick Road is nothing but a small maze for you
to navigate. Make your way through it while defeating the Rowdy Mice, Mad
Ducks, and Worthless Protoplasms on the way. You can open up some presents as
well, containing a Broken Iron, Croissant, Insecticide Spray, and a Stun Gun
(equip this one). At the end, use the phone to call Maxwell and save again.
Then, go outside again.


Back outside, talk to the man standing to your right. He turns out to be the
dungeon creator, Brickroad. He will also let you rest up by speaking to him,
good deal. When you're ready, continue southward and into the Pond Cave.
Pond Cave

Start off in this cave by following the westward path. Fight the Rowdy Mice
and Attack Slugs you encounter here for some good, quick experience. Collect
the Hamburger from the box, and continue to the second chamber. There,
continue westward while defeating some more enemies along the way. In the
large final chamber, start by climbing the rope to reach the upper ledge.
Climb up a second rope to the peak, and open the gift box to get a Cheap
Bracelet. Equip it, then climb back to the bottom level again.

Next, head to the western corner of this room. Open a box to get a Bottle
Rocket. Then, stand below the upper ledge where the rope isn't hanging. Use
the Pak of Bubble Gum and the Bubble Monkey will fly up and drop the rope for
you. Climb up to the top area, and you will spot a Shining Spot for another
of the My Sanctuary positions. Don't bother with it now, as Ness must be in
your group for it to be of any effect. So, simply exit the cave.


When you step outside, there will be a female Bubble Monkey standing around.
Your companion will run off with her, leaving you alone once more. Head
southwest past Stonehenge, and try to avoid conflict with the Cave Boys,
unless you have enough HP and healing items, and want some great experience.
Anyway, continue southward to reach the Lab; go inside.

Andonuts Lab

At long last, you have finally arrived at the lab of Jeff's father, the
legendary Dr. Andonuts! Talk to him right away, and he will be surprised to
meet up with Jeff (you) after such a long time. He will explain how to use
the Sky Runner device, used to fly you to your destination. After he's done,
check out the machine by the back wall; it fully revitalizes you. Check
upstairs to find a Broken Pipe from the gift box. Also, now would be a great
time to call up Maxwell and save your game.

When you're ready, approach the Sky Runner across the room and board it. The
good doctor will bid you farewell, and you will then take off for Threed,
crossing various landscapes during the journey.


Upon entering the Threed region, the Sky Runner will circle above the town a
couple of times, emitting a beeping sound. Eventually it will stop above a
path in the middle of the graveyard, and crash land into the chamber below,
which happens to be where Ness and Paula are being held captive. Accept Jeff
into the group, and you will have a 3-person party now! So, go to the door
and use the Bad Key Machine to open it. Go up the steps and climb the ladder
to exit the underground prison.

Outside once more, make your way southward towards the shops. Stop in the
Drug Store and withdraw several hundred dollars, and buy Jeff the Hard Hat
and Copper Bracelet. Go outside and behind the Pizza Shop, and buy the Toy
Air Gun and a couple of Bottle Rockets for Jeff, too. Then, go back to the
Drug Store and phone Dad to save your game. After you do that, leave the
store and head to the field to the south. You will find a dark-colored circus
tent here; approach its frontside and it'll come to life and attack you.

After you destroy the Boogey Tent (Jeff's Bottle Rockets, Ness's PSI Rockin,
and Paula's attack PSI will help), it will disappear. Open the nearby trash
can to receive the Jar of Fly Honey. Wander around Threed a bit more, and
Apple Kid will contact you, in regard to his Zombie Paper invention. He will
send a Mach Pizza delivery man to give it to you. So, just hang around until
he shows up, and get the Zombie Paper from him. Now, enter the normal circus
tent and use the Zombie Paper inside. It won't work right away, so head to
the Hotel and stay the night.

During the night, all the zombies will come out of the graveyard and into the
tent. They will be stuck to the floors inside, posing no threat to the
outside any longer. When morning comes, leave the Hotel and buy more Bottle
Rockets from the Arms Dealer. Then, head northwest into the graveyard. Follow
the path going west and north to where the zombies were blocking the way
earlier. Now that you can proceed, climb down into the Underground Road.

Underground Road

In this subterranean passage, head down the 2 sets of steps and into the next
chamber. There, fight the enemies you encounter; they are all easy, so no
need to worry here. Also, be sure to open the coffin to receive a Skip
Sandwich DX. In the following room, go downstairs, and into another large
room. Open another coffin to get a Silver Bracelet, then go to the next room.
Head up the stairs in the next 2 rooms, fighting your way through zombies and
such. When you reach the exit, you will have to fight a Mini Barf; visit the
Bosses section for help beating it. When it's over, climb out to the surface.

Grapefruit Falls

Back in an outdoors area, talk to the man standing nearby. He has a couple of
food items for sale, in case you are in need of quick re-energizing. If not,
make your way northward through the area. Fight the rather simple enemies for
some good experience, and open the gift boxes along the way to get a Bomb and
Protein Drink. After a while, you will eventually come to a cave. Go inside.

In the cave, go right and enter the first side room. Take the Bottle Rocket
from the box inside, then exit. Continue to the east through the next couple
of areas, and you will be in the elusive Saturn Valley.

Saturn Valley

Upon your arrival here, you are probably worn out from the last bunch of
battles you went through. So, follow the path into the village and enter the
first building to the west; this is the hotel. It's free of charge, so just
talk to the Mr. Saturn to rest. Call Dad on the phone and save your game
while you're here. The hospital is to the east of this building, and the Mr.
Saturn there will operate for free, which is also excellent.

Anyway, go up the northeast ladder and open the gift box at the top to get a
Rust Promoter. Enter the ground-level cave to the left, where you'll find 3
garbage cans. Check them all out to get a Sudden Guts Pill, Protractor, and a
Broken Spray Can. Leave the room, and go west, climb the ladder, and enter
that cave. Talk to the Mr. Saturns in this area. One will tell you about a
spot behind the Grapefruit Falls where you need a password, then tells you to
stay still back there for 3 minutes to enter the secret lair. Take note of
this, and climb up the ladder to exit here.

Climb the ladder to the right of the cave exit, and you will be in the Drug
Store. Here, withdraw a good amount of money from the funky-looking ATM, then
buy some new equipment, particularly new weapons and defense equipment for
your party; they'll need it by now! When you're done, leave the store and get
back through the cave to the lower area. Save in the hotel again, then follow
the path southward, through the caves, and out of the village.

Grapefruit Falls

Back outside, continue northward, battling all sorts of enemies on the way.
You should really take the time to fight, and get up to at least Level 25 for
Ness, and in the 20s for Paula and Jeff. When you approach the waterfall
ahead, you will have your picture taken yet again. After that, go behind the
waterfall and walk to the left, and press Up. You will be asked for a
password. At this point, DO NOT MOVE for 3 minutes, otherwise it won't work.
After that time has elapsed, you can then enter.

Belch Base

In this lair of Master Belch, start by heading east. A small Belch Jr. will
approach and ask if you have Fly Honey; tell it yes to continue. Enter the
room ahead and check the garbage to get a Bomb. Leave that room, and climb
down the ladder to the lower area. Be sure to fight those red Foppy enemies,
as they are excellent sources of experience points. Head left at the bottom,
and climb down a second ladder, and go into the room at the bottom there.
Check out the 2 garbage cans in there to receive an IQ Capsule and a Broken

Next, leave the garbage room and go back up the ladder. Continue westward
while fighting more Foppys and other lair inhabitants. Climb up the next
ladder you see and enter that chamber. There, check the garbage cans to find
a Vital Capsure, HP-Sucker, and a Calorie Stick. Leave the room and climb
back down, and head left. Enter the room you walk by, for it is a special
room. A Magic Butterfly is constantly regenerated in here, which allows you
to recover 20 PP each time you come here. Take advantage by using Lifeup and
Healing PSI to recharge your party, then leave/reenter the room until you've
restored your PP as well.

When you're ready, exit the room and continue westward, then enter the next
room ahead. Go forward and confront the Master Belch himself. After some
conversation (nice burping sounds in between, heh), the battle will begin.
Visit the Bosses section for help getting through this fight.

After it's over, go through the door Belch was guarding to reach the next
room. Head straight all the way through the cave, and you'll emerge in Saturn
Valley again.

Saturn Valley

When you reemerge here, you will be on an upper ledge you couldn't have
reached before. Soak in the hot springs to cure all status effects, then talk
to a nearby Mr. Saturn. Agree to have coffee with him, and an interlude will
scroll on your screen, telling of your past/future adventures. When it's
done, climb down the ladder and head to the Hotel. Rest up for the night,
then go into the cave below the Drug Store. Talk to the Mr. Saturns in there,
and one will give you 3 gifts: Cup of Lifenoodles, Mr. Saturn Coin, and a
Stag Beetle.

Next, head to the Drug Store and sell off alot of the items you don't need.
Buying some Secret Herbs can come in handy ahead, so stock up on those, too.
Finally, call up Dad to save your game, as well as Mom (Ness should be
homesick by now). From this point, head back to the hot spring, and enter the
cave to the northeast.

Milky Well Hole

In this cave, you will be faced by some increasingly difficult enemies.

Defeat them, and exit to a valley ahead. Out here, head south and east while
fighting some more tough baddies. Enter the cave at the other end of the
valley. Inside, open a nearby gift box to get a Coin of Slumber. Continue
onward and you will see the next shining spot. Heal your group as best as you
can, then check it out to enter battle versus the Trillionage Sprout. Check
out the Bosses section of this guide for help defeating it.

After you win, exit through the cave in front of you to reach the My
Sanctuary spot. Record the sounds here as you are fully recovered (which is
VERY well-needed after that last fight). Now, head back to Saturn Valley.

Saturn Valley

When you revisit this area, take a rest in the Hot Springs to cure all status
effects. After that, go down to the Hotel and rest, then phone Dad to save
the game. Then, head southeast and follow the path through the caves and out
of the village. From there, simply head all the way south and through the
Underground Road, until you end up in Threed again.


Upon your arrival in Threed, you will first notice that the town is no longer
dark and dreary. The ghosts and zombies are gone, the people are happy, and
the buses can now operate without further hassle. Before you continue with
your quest, head to the Drug Store and withdraw some cash, then buy Bottle
Rockets from the Arms Dealer outside. Also, you may want to phone Mom to get
Tracy's (your sister) phone number for Escargo Express, which is her job.
Call Escargo Express and have them store a bunch of those unsellable items
you have no use for now, for an $18 charge. When you're ready, phone Dad to
save your game.

After that, get to the street just north of the stores. Check out the bus
stop sign on the south side of the street, and a bus will arrive. Pay $6 to
board, and you will be on your way to Fourside (or will you?).

Dusty Dunes Desert

During the bus ride, you will pass through this desert. However, there is
bumper to bumper traffic, and since the bus cannot continue further, it drops
your group off there. Since it's hot outside, and you will all get sunstroke
shortly, run over to the Drug Store just a little ways back. There, take out
a good wad of cash from the ATM, and buy upgraded equipment for those who
need it. Also, make sure you stock up on Wet Towels as well; you WILL need
them! Before you go, it would be wise to phone Dad again, too.

Leave the Drug Store and check out the Arms Dealer's wares behind the shop.
Then, start walking northward into the desert itself. Take a Double Burger
from a gift box in the northwest area, then go east a little. You'll see a
couple of sunbathers out there; ignore them if you wish, because they have
some very bad attitudes towards you "kids".

From here, open a gift box to the north to receive a Cup of Lifenoodles.
Then, head south and east to an oasis. Take the Skip Sandwich DX from the box
there, and talk to the nearby monkey if you wish. Continue to the southeast
and open another gift box by the rocks to get a Big Bottle Rocket. Head
north, and you will come to a signpost. Check the sand to the northeast to
find a shiny speck of dust. Investigate further to find that it is a Contact
Lens; take it. Open the gift box to the north to get a Double Burger, too.
Continue to the east and southeast along the edge of the desert to find 2
more gift boxes, containing a PSI Caramel and a Sudden Guts Pill.

Next, go to the south and west of the last gift box to come across a mine.
Talk to the man outside, and give him some food. As thanks, he will offer you
whatever gold they dig up from the mine below. Enter the shack nearby and
talk to the miner there to rest for the night, for free! Use the phone to
call Dad and save, then leave. Continue to the east, and south to the other
end of the highway. Walk eastward through the tunnels and you will reach the
big city of Fourside (it's a LONG walk, but well worth it).


When you arrive in this metropolis, you will immediately notice some strange
happenings. Talk to the people around town to learn about the Runaway Five,
who are at the Topolla Theater, apparently stuck in a botched deal again. The
department store is also closed, due to strange happenings inside, so you
can't even buy new items yet. So, head to the Topolla Theater. Inside, buy a
Show Ticket for $30, then go into the theater itself.

Go across the audience hall and talk to the man standing in front of the
door. He says the Runaway Five is looking for Ness (you), and lets you in.
Talk to the Runaway Five to hear of their latest predicament, then go outside
to see the show. When it's over, leave the auditorium and enter the side room
to the left. Talk to the manager, who gloats about how they owe 1 million
dollars this time. You cannot help just yet, so leave the building entirely.
If you want, go to the second floor of the Bakery, and return the Contact
Lens to the Mr. T lookalike there. He will give you a Pair of Dirty Socks as
thanks (this is optional, but since you went to get the lenses, why not?).

Now, leave the Bakery and head southwest to the bus stop. Check the sign and
board the bus when it comes, and ride back to the desert.

Dusty Dunes Desert

After you disembark from the bus stop, you will have to visit the mine again.
So, head all the way east along the road to the end, then go north and west
into the desert itself. When you arrive at the mine, you will find it has
been dug out a bit more, which means you'll have much more to explore this
time around. When you get there, rest in the shack and save your game, then
walk into the dug up mine.

Desert Gold Mine

When you start off in this cool, dark mine, talk to the miner nearby. He will
tell you that there are monsters in the mine, including 5 giant moles to be
fought. Since you guys are the ones meant to handle this sort of situation,
head northward. At the path split, go north and down a ladder. In the next
room, go left and up to encounter the first Guardian Digger. Defeat it
quickly by having Paula use PSI Freeze Gamma, and the others attack normally,
and the battle should end VERY quickly.

Take the IQ Capsule from the gift box, then go up the ladder to the west.
Back on the main floor, make your way southward. At the path split, continue
to the south and west as the path turns. Pick up the Big Bottle Rocket from
the next gift box, and go all the way north to a ladder. Go down it and head
around the corner to meet the second mole. Defeat it and open the gift box it
was guarding to receive the Coin of Defense. Then, head all the way westward.
Open a gift box in an alcove to the south to get a Calorie Stick. Continue on
to a ladder, and climb to the above level.

In this room, go south and east to find a gift box containing a Teddy Bear.
This will really be of great use, in case you get in trouble within these
caves. Anyway, go back west, and continue all the way to the southwest. Go
down the ladder you reach, open the gift box you find to get a Super Bomb,
then climb back up. Go west from there and you'll find the third Guardian
Digger. Defeat it, and open the box it was guarding to find a PSI Caramel.

Next, head back east and north to an intersection. Go east to find a couple
of Exit Mice wandering around. Talk to one to have it join your group, if
needed. Open the gift boxes to get a Picnic Lunch and a Croissant. Continue
to the north and you will reach another path split. Go east and open the box
to get a Secret Herb. Then, go back west and north to the fourth mole. Beat
it, open the box to get a Guts Capsule, and then revisit the Exit Mice. Head
south from that point, and open the next gift box to get a Bomb. Continue to
the end of the path to meet the final mole. Defeat it, then open the boxes it
guarded to get a Platinum Band and a Luck Capsule.

Now that you have defeated all 5 Guardian Diggers, you will notice the
background music in the mine has changed to a more "outside" beat. Make your
way back to the Exit Mouse area, then go east and follow the path around and
out of the mine.

Dusty Dunes Desert

Back above ground, walk to the right and the legendary photographer will
appear yet again. After he takes your picture and jets, go around and rest in
the shack nearby. Calling Dad would be nice, as well. When you're ready, go
east and south to the main road, then go all the way west to the bus stop.
Pay $6 and take a bus eastward to Fourside. Along the way, the miner's
brother will stop you and give you a Diamond as thanks. You will then
continue to the big city.


Back in town, your first means of business should be at the Topolla Theater.
Go there and pay $30 for a Show Ticket, then get into the lobby area with it.
Enter the manager's office to the left and show her the Diamond up close
(from behind). She will let the Runaway Five go free once more. The band will
all come in and say their pieces, then run off. When you have control, go to
the theater itself and watch their final show.

After the show, leave the theater. If you talk to the citizens, you will hear
that the department store has been reopened. So, head northeast and check it
out. Inside, withdraw a decent amount of cash from the ATM, then make your
way upstairs. On the second floor, enter the back room to the west to meet an
Arms Dealer. Buy some Big Bottle Rockets if you wish, for Jeff. Continue
upstairs and buy upgraded equipment for your party, too.

After you're done shopping for the day, head back downstairs. When you make
it to the bottom floor, walk a little bit forward. Suddenly, the lights will
go off, and a weird creature will snatch Paula away from your party. An eerie
message will call to you to visit the fourth floor office. Now that you are
called, head up the escalators to the top floor while doing battle with the
tough enemies along the way. When you reach the office, talk to the creature
and it'll enter battle with you. Use Big Bottle Rockets and PSI Rockin Beta
to defeat the spook.

Upon winning the fight, the spook will tell you that Paula is at the Monotoli
Building at this point. Leave the office and the lights will be back on
throughout the store. Go all the way downstairs and exit. Back outside, you
will now have to get into the Monotoli Building. You won't go far if you
enter right now, so you have to go elsewhere.

Visit the Cafe in the northwest area of town. Talk to everyone inside, and
you'll learn of a loud noise outside. Go back out to find Everdred, the man
from Twoson's park, lying in the side alley. Talk to the messy looking kid
and give him something to make him move aside. Then, go speak to Everdred. He
will tell you that Monotoli stole the Mani Mani Statue (last seen with
Carpainter in Happy Happy Village), and is taking advantage of its evil
powers. He will give you a hint on what to do next, so let him leave when
he's done talking. Reenter the Cafe and check the bottles on the wall behind
the counter, and you will suddenly warp away.


The place where you warp to is the backwards version of Fourside, also known
as Moonside. Talk to some of the people and you'll quickly figure that out.
Go outside and be ready to fight some rather odd-looking enemies wandering
around. There are 5 gift boxes in the different city, which you must reach by
talking to certain people, who can warp you to different areas of the city.

From the Cafe, start by heading down the street, and to the northeast. Follow
the street as it goes north, and east again. Take a side road north into an
alley, and open the gift box you find to get a Double Burger. Go to the
northwest and rest at the Hotel, if you wish (say No to actually stay there).
Phone Dad the next day, then head outside once more. Go southeast just a
small bit, and talk to a man with a blonde crew cut and sunglasses; he will
warp you to another area. When you appear again, open the gift box you're
next to, to receive the Night Pendant.

Next, talk to the same guy nearby and he will warp you elsewhere. Go north
from the spot you reappear at, and open another gift box to find a Handbag
Strap. Speak to the blonde man walking around nearby and you'll be warped
behind the Monotoli Building. Go north and open another box for a Secret
Herb. There should be a man in a suit standing around; talk to him and answer
"No" to warp into a room with no doors. You'll notice the shadow of a man
walking around; talk to it and answer properly (say "No") to its question.
Talk to the Mr. T look-alike to leave the room, and appear in the regular
Hotel. The invisible man will be there, and chooses to follow you now.

Exit the Hotel and make your way southward. When you reach the Monotoli
Building vicinity, check the east side of it to find a man with a beard,
dressed in blue. Talk to him and he will notice the invisible man's features,
and walks off. Now, go to the front of the building, where you'll find an old
man and the Mani Mani Statue. Talk to him, and he will just seem to
disappear. Check out the statue, and it'll engage in battle; read the Bosses
section for help destroying it.

Once the statue is destroyed, you will reappear in a storage room with the
crumbled statue nearby. Exit the room, and you will be contacted by Apple
Kid. He will tell you about the Gourmet Yogurt Machine that he created, and
how he's sending it over via Neglected Class. Go outside.


Back in the normal city, you will be visited by a total of 3 characters

outside the Cafe. First is a monkey who tells you that Tarah Rama wants to
meet you, in a cave in the desert. Next will be the delivery man, who ends up
losing the machine he was supposed to deliver; it's in the monkey cave, which
you'll explore soon. Finally, Mr. Monotoli's maid will come out and ask you
about the Yogurt Machine, as she is interested in obtaining it. She will then
walk away, leaving you two alone.

Now, your next destination will be the Monkey Cave, but you can't just go
there alone. The gimmick inside the cave is that you must trade items with
monkeys inside, in order to proceed further into the cave. Starting off, you
must have a Skip Sandwich and a Picnic Lunch, both of which you can buy in
the desert.
Before you leave, however, stop by the Hotel and rest for the night. Phone up
Dad in the morning, then head by the bus stop and board the bus when it
comes. Ride it into the desert, and stop there.

Dusty Dunes Desert

When you arrive out here once again, visit the Drug Store nearby. Buy the
Picnic Lunch and Skip Sandwich here. If you don't have it with you, have
Escargo Express bring back the Pencil Eraser, too. Call up Dad before you go,
just to be safe. Then, go outside and collect your delivery (if you needed to
get the eraser that way). Now that you have all 3 items, go north into the
desert and you'll find a monkey standing next to an underground cave. Climb
down the ladder and go inside.

Tarah Rama's Cave

From the start, head left through the long chamber, into the first room of
the puzzling cave. To make things easier, view the chart I made at this URL:

After you collect whatever you wish, get to the last room, where you'll meet
the Tarah Rama. Speak to him and he will talk of your destiny, then give up
the Yogurt Dispenser. He will then direct you to the nearby monkey. Talk to
the monkey and it'll offer to teach you teleportation, if you follow him
outside. So, make your way out of this cave (a quick way to do this is to
continuously go through the east exit of every room).

Dusty Dunes Desert

Back out here, talk to the monkey to the west and follow him to the paved
road. The monkey will demonstrate how to teleport, and explain to you how
it's done. Test it out by running straight down the road, and Ness will have
learned PSI Teleport Alpha! Make use of this ability by warping to Fourside.


Upon arriving, stop at the Hotel and use the phone to save your game. Then,
go by the Dept. Store to find Monotoli's maid standing around. Talk to her
and she will take the Yogurt Dispenser from you. She will then run into the
Monotoli Building, mentioning to visit her on the 48th Floor. So, follow her
into that building to progress in the game.

Monotoli Building

Inside, go straight ahead and into the elevator. Talk to the pretty girl you
find there, and after scolding you briefly, will take you to the 47th Floor.
Up there, you will spot 2 bodyguards standing around. If you want, enter the
room to the north and visit Pokey and his dad in the rooms ahead. Otherwise,
go straight into the next elevator, where a woman will rush you to the 48th
Floor secretly.

Once on this floor, go left into the following hall. Defeat the Sentry Robots
you see here and enter one of the far-left doors. Defeat another robot and go
through the north door. In the next room, go into the north room and open the
gift box to get a Sudden Guts Pill. Leave that room and continue into the
west room. Here, you will see 2 doors in the north wall that you can go
through. Enter the left room and take the Vital Capsule from the box. Then,
return and enter the room to the right. There, go into the north room and
talk to the maid from earlier. She will give you some Trout Yogurt. Leave the
room and enter the next area. A Clumsy Robot will approach and enter battle
with you; read the Bosses section for help destroying it.

Once you defeat the robot (with the Runaway Five's help of course), head into
the following chamber. You will confront Monotoli himself here, who will give
up at this point. Your HP/PP will completely be refilled, too. Talk to
Monotoli and he will give Paula back. Listen to his story following the
return, which will give you information on where to head next (Summers).
He'll open the heliport door so you can get there, so head to the heliport
through the hall ahead. As soon as you step outside, though, you are too
late. Pokey will taunt you before flying away in the helicopter.

Since you can't quite reach Summers yet, go back inside. Talk to Monotoli,
then approach the north door. Paula will have a quick dizzy spell, and will
suddenly remember that you must return to Threed first. Go to the next room,
where the Runaway Five is waiting for you. They will offer to take you to
Threed in their bus, after hearing of your plight. Make your way to the
elevator, and you will be contacted by Apple Kid. He will speak of a Phase
Distorter, which you need in order to reach the final enemy. Anyway, head all
the way downstairs and out of the building, and board the bus to be on your


Once you make it back to Threed, the Runaway Five will wish you luck before
leaving themselves. As for your party, you need to get to Summers. So, head
north to the graveyard area. Visit the eastern graveyard, where Jeff crashed
through the ground earlier. Climb down into the passage, and enter the next
room. You will find the Sky Runner, and a couple of people who painted it up.
Check it out, and Jeff will fix it so it works again. After he's done, you
will all board it and fly back to Winters.


Upon arriving in Winters, you will be in Andonuts' Lab. Talk to him to learn
of the Rainy Circle, found in a cave to the north. Phone Dad to save, then
leave. Head north and east into the cave you went through earlier with Jeff.

Pond Cave

Back in here, go right and check out the shining spot. After speaking to you,
Shrooom! will fight you. Read the Bosses section for help beating it. Once
you win, go outside and check out the Fourth My Sanctuary, known as Rainy
Circle. Now that you've recorded the fourth sound, go back inside. Avoid the
now-tough enemies that roam the Pond Cave, and continue outside again, and
head to the lab.

Andonuts Lab

Back here, talk to Dr. Andonuts to learn that the Sky Runner is now fixed,
and can take you to Summers. Call up Dad to save, then board the vehicle and
make your way to the new land.


After flying over to this beach, you will end up crash landing on the sand
below. From where you end up, go north and up the steps to the paved road.
Enter the building with "Shop" above the doorway, for this is the Drug Store
in Summers. Take out ALOT of cash from the ATM, and buy the best equipment
for your party (Big League Bat for Ness, Diamond Bands and Lucky Coins for
all). Leave the shop and continue eastward along the road. When you make it
to the village area, enter the second shop in the middle of the mess.

Inside, buy some supplies if you need to. Then, phone Dad before leaving the
store. Continue eastward and south to the water, and talk to a man standing
atop some stairs. Say yes when he asks if you want to go on a boat ride. He
will deny taking you, but mentions his concern for his wife, who has been
spending too much time at a club. Enter the house directly to the northwest
and talk to the man inside; he will give you the phone number for the Stoic
Club. Enter the shop and use their phone to call the club.

Now that you have a reservation, you can enter the club. Head back west to
the Stoic Club and walk inside. There, talk to the people, especially a man
sitting at the left table. Then, talk to the woman near the club entrance;
she is the sailor's wife you just found out about. Tell her you want Magic
Cake and she will tell you to stop by the beach later on, then leaves. Exit
the club too, and go southwest to find the woman at her Magic Cake stand.
Talk to her and she'll give you some cake. The effects of the cake will put
everyone to sleep, and a rather odd "dream" starts to play out.


The scene will show this foreign land in the Far East, where Prince Poo
resides. His advisor will tell him to visit the Place of Emptiness for his
final trial. When you have control, open the 3 boxes to get a Brain Stone,
Brain Food Lunch, and a Cup of Lifenoodles. Head east and exit the palace.

Outside, make your way down the path through Dalaam, talking to the people
along the way. Enter the houses you pass by and open the boxes inside to get
a Bottle of Water, and a Jar of Delisauce. Also, check out the Restaurant in
the southwest area if you wish. You cannot purchase anything from them, so
don't worry about it. Open the boxes to receive another Bottle of Water, and
a Bowl of Rice Gruel. Continue south and east, and you'll reach Mu, the Place
of Emptiness.
At the bottom of Mu, talk to the old man standing next to the sign. He will
speak to you briefly before teleporting away. Climb the ropes to the peak,
where you will begin to meditate. You will be called away by a messenger, but
ignore her, or else you will not progress. After a while, the spirit of Poo's
lineage will appear and the trial will begin. Accept everything the spirit
does to Poo, and the trial will soon end successfully. Return to the palace.

Back in the palace, speak to the Master. He will tell you to seek out Ness,
for he leads the way to Poo's destiny. You will then start to gain some
levels, learning both Teleport PSI and Shield Beta. Poo will then warp back
to Summers, where he will meet up with Ness.


Now that Poo has arrived and joined your party, your group is now totally
complete! So, head back onto the paved road and enter the Museum. Pay $3 per
person to get in, and make your way upstairs. Talk to the man standing in
front of the door and give him Poo's gem to continue into the next room.
There, talk to him and check out the giant Hieroglyph that is on display here
to learn about your next destination. Defeat the 2 Shattered Men that attack
you, then the man will give you a Hieroglyph Copy.

Head back downstairs and make your way out of the Museum. You'll spot a phone
that is ringing off the hook; pick it up and speak with Mr. Spoon from the
Fourside Museum. When he's done, leave the Museum. Use a Teleport spell and
warp back to Fourside.


Back here, head south and enter the Dinosaur Museum. Pay $20 to get in, then
go into the next room. Talk to everyone, as well as the man by the door
across the room. He'll ask you to get the autograph of Venus, who is
performing at the Topolla Theater. Agree to help him, and leave the Museum.
Go to Topolla Theater and pay $30 for a ticket, then see the show. After
Venus is done, go visit her in the dressing room. She will give you the
Signed Banana, as well as a smack (probably for catching her in this room)!

Go back to the Museum and pay $20 to get back in, then give the man the
autograph as he wanted. He will tell you about the extraordinary thing he was
referring to, which happens to be a shining glow coming from the manhole in
the next room. Go into that room and climb down into the sewers.

Fourside Sewers

Below the city in the sewers, start by heading west into the next area. Check
the trash can to find a Croissant. Go back to the starting area and head
eastward from the ladder. Enter the first room you pass, and open the can
inside to find a Broken Iron. Go back to the main area and head all the way
west, then down the ladder into the watery area. Make your way eastward and
onto the dry ledge at the far end. Enter the room to the west and grab a
Broken Spray Can in there. Then, go east into the second area.

In this area, go down the ladder into the muck and continue eastward. Climb
onto the ledge at the far end, and make your way back west. Check the trash
can at the end of the path to get a Rust Promoter DX. Then, enter the room
you just passed by. This is a room where the Magic Butterfly will constantly
reappear when you exit/enter the room. Use your PP to recover everyone's
health, then do this trick to get back the PP, too. Then, leave the room and
go east into the third area.

There, go east and enter the room ahead. Open the trash can inside to find a
Broken Bazooka. Leave that room and climb into the sewer water, and head
east. Climb up at the end and check out the Shining Spot. It'll speak to you
before initiating battle. Visit the Bosses section for help on defeating the
Plague Rat of Doom.

Once you defeat the giant rat, climb out of the sewers, where you'll find the
fifth My Sanctuary spot. Record the sounds of Magnet Hill, then open the box
behind it to get a Carrot Key. Now, make your way back through the sewers and
into the Museum, then out onto the streets of Fourside again. From here, go
to the Hotel and use the phone to call Escargo Express. Have them deliver the
Franklin Badge to you, in case you put it in storage earlier. After that,
phone Dad to save your game. Stop by the Dept. Store and sell off some
useless junk you may have, then use a Teleport PSI to warp to Dalaam.


When your party arrives here, enter the palace nearby. Go talk to the Master
to fully recover your HP/PP, then talk to the phone guy and call up Dad to
save. Leave the palace and head to the bottom of the path. Check out the
western gateway, which is blocked by 3 rabbit statues, oddly enough. Use the
Carrot Key to make them all disappear. Enter that cave.

Cave of the Pink Cloud

Start off in here by climbing up the rope against the north wall. Continue to
the top peak and go west. Drop into a hole to reach the room below. There,
open the box nearby to find a Sudden Guts Pill. Then, head all the way west,
passing the other holes in the floor and defeating some enemies for good
experience on the way. Drop down the westmost hole into the next area. There,
open a gift box to get some Rock Candy.

Drop down the next hole to the left, into the room below. There, drop down
the following hole to the lowest area of the cave. There, open the last gift
box to get the Bracer of Kings, for Poo. From here, go east and up the rope,
and east into the first area of the cave. Go up and around until you reach
the room with the Rock Candy again. Drop into the hole there, but this time,
continue to the west. You will reach the next Shining Spot here; check it out
to do battle with Thunder and Storm. Read the Bosses section for help beating
this duo.

Once you win, exit through the cave ahead. You will emerge atop a pink cloud,
hence the cavern's name you just passed through. The Sound Stone will record
the Pink Cloud's sound, and your party will be fully recovered, as usual.
Now, go back inside and make your way back to the entrance, and leave from


When you're back out here, make your way to the top of the area, where you'll
have lots of room. Go inside the palace and speak to the Master to recover,
then use the phone guy to save your game with Dad. Go back outside and use
Teleport Beta to return to Summers.


As soon as you arrive here, head eastward to the boating area. Talk to the
sailor from before and accept his offer to give you a boat ride. Pay him $80
($20 per person) to board the vessel and you'll be on your way.


While you're out at sea, the sailor will become seasick for a moment. After
some quick conversation, he will be well again, and continues to sail you to
the south. Suddenly, the area gets dark and the Kraken appears to do battle.
Defeat it by using your party's strongest attacks, while keeping everyone
alive. After the battle, you'll continue southward to Scaraba.


Upon docking here, your group will step onto the hot, sandy ground. If you
stay here too long, you will get sunstroke, so walk into the village area.
Check out the different stands set up as you wander around. Make sure you buy
some Crystal Charms for your party, as well as some Wet Towels, Secret Herbs,
and a Piggy Nose (you'll see why later). Go rest at the Hotel if you need to,
and call Dad to save your game. When you're ready, go southward out of the
village and into the desert.

Out here, make your way to the southeast while battling the enemies along the
way. If you end up getting sunstroke, use a Wet Towel to cure yourself.
You'll eventually reach a pyramid with the Sphinx in front of it, with 5
buttons set up. If you have the Hieroglyph Copy, it tells you what order to
step on the buttons, but in case you don't remember, starting from the top
center button: bottom-left, upper-right, upper-left, bottom-right, and the
top center. This will open up the pyramid; enter it.


As soon as you enter this ancient crypt, head into the next room. Go up the
steps and into the following chamber. In the next room, open the casket to
find a Viper. Continue upstairs in the room ahead, and you'll end up in a
room with the Pharaoh's casket in the middle area. Enter the northwest room
and go upstairs, and open a casket to get a Bag of Dragonite. Then, go back

From here, go east into the following chamber. When you make it to the next
main chamber, open the caskets to find a Speed Capsule and a Cup of
Lifenoodles. Continue onward until you reach a casket that blocks your
progress forward. You will then have to face the Guardian General enemy;
defeat it with your best attacks. Once you win, go into the next room. Defeat
the enemies in here and open the casket to find a Rain Pendant. Step on the
tile outlined in the ground to open the tomb you passed earlier in the
Pyramid. Now, return to that tomb.

Once you make it there, you will find the tomb has been moved, revealing a
hole in the floor. Drop through it to reach the room below. There, grab the
Hawk Eye treasure from the platform. Continue through the next couple rooms,
where you'll find another hole in the floor. Open the casket in the corner to
get a Diamond Band, then drop to the area below. Continue east through the
next couple of rooms until you exit the Pyramid.


Outside again, go forward and an old man will appear in front of you. He will
call to Poo, and take him from your group for a while so he can learn the
ways of Starstorm. With Poo gone, it's just the 3 of you for a while. So,
talk to the man to the left of the pyramid exit and he will give you a Key to
the Tower. Talk to the man with the camel up ahead and he will try to sell
you some wares; even if you don't have enough cash for now, you can use the
ATM at Brick Road and return. You will spot a giant statue tower, known as
Brick Road. Enter it by using the key you were given not too long ago.

Brick Road

Inside this giant dungeon, start by going northwest to find an ATM, phone,
and a bench to rest on. Rest now, then phone Dad to save your game. Use the
ATM and withdraw some cash, then go back to the dealer in the desert, and buy
some better equipment, as well as some Multi Bottle Rockets and Bazookas for
Jeff. Back in the dungeon man, head to the east and northward. Take the
upper-right path to a box containing Molokheiya Soup. Go back a tiny bit, and
up the middle path to reach a bench. Go west and around to another gift box
to receive a Cup of Lifenoodles.

From here, go back east and south, then to the northwest on the lower tier.
Follow the path to a box with $5 inside. Walk up the ramp to the upper
platforms. Go down both ends of the path (they're both dead ends anyway), and
you'll find 2 gift boxes with a Snake and a Super Plush Bear inside. Go back
down to the lower area and continue to the northwest, and you'll come to a
dead end with 4 ropes, all leading upstairs. The third one from the left is
the one to take, so climb up that one to reach the second floor.

Now, head southward until you come to a path split of sorts. At this point,
go west and open the gift box you come across to get $10. Go back to the
right and continue along the south path, as it goes south and west. Go north
when you reach that point, and climb the rope you see to get onto the upper
level. Open the 3 gift boxes scattered around here to get a Sudden Guts Pill,
Pizza, and a PSI Caramel. Next, climb the rope to the north to reach the
third floor.

Upstairs, go right, south, and west to a gift box. Open it to receive a Wet
Towel. Rest on the bench for a good night's rest if you wish. Make your way
to the middle area and climb the rope to the fourth floor. Go forward up
there and talk to the head in the wall; that is the Brick Road man you met in
Winters earlier in the game. Speak to him and he will help you by following
you around. Now, drop down the Return Hole to the south and make your way to
the first floor. Open a box you pass on the way to get an IQ Capsule. At the
bottom, phone Dad to save, then exit the Brick Road.


Outside, head to the south, while Brick Road follows you from behind. You'll
come to a narrow segment of land with palm trees on either side; walk through
and Brick Road will get stuck and stay there for now. Go east and talk to a
man, who will tell you about Deep Darkness and the bottomless swamp leading
to it. Go back to Brick Road and talk to him, and he will mention how he has
a submarine inside. He allows you to get it, so you have to reenter again.

Brick Road

Back in the dungeon man, make your way back up to the fourth floor. Once
there, talk to the Brick Road guy and he will direct you to a Goodbye Exit
further along the path. Go south and around the bend, and down the second
now-unblocked hole. Drop down the series of holes, all the way to the first
floor again. Once there, open a box nearby to get a Talisman Ribbon, then
head west and north along the upper path. When you reach the yellow submarine
(Beatles reference here, in case you didn't notice all the other 60s
references in this game :P), check it out. Jeff will fix it, and your crew
will take it out, and sail to the Deep Darkness.

Deep Darkness

In this new area, head southward and talk to the monkey you encounter to rest
in the Hotel, for free! Check out the parrot, which acts as a telephone, and
call Dad to save. From this point, head eastward into the swampy waters. So
you know, there will be many deep areas you must wander through. Be quick in
such areas, as you slowly lose health when you are completely submerged like

Anyway, go into the deep area to the east. Go south and to an alcove to the
southwest. Use the Piggy Nose (told you it would help) to sniff out the Magic
Truffle in this area. Check around where it tells you and you'll find it
(each recovers 80PP, so they're great to have). Continue to the east and walk
onto the piece of dry land to the north. Visit the businessman's shop and buy
supplies if you need, then talk to the monkey to the east. Teach him to
teleport and he will give you the Monkey's Love. Go into the swamp area and
buy some wares from the Arms Dealer if you wish, too. Check behind the tree
to the north of the dealer to find a second Magic Truffle.

When you're ready to continue, go south and use the Hawk Eye from your
inventory to light up the area. Continue ahead and open the box to get a
Banana. Continue to the south and you'll see a snorkel sticking out of the
water. This is an ATM guy, who charges you the amount of whatever you
withdraw, so it's kinda pointless to use his services. Go south and west onto
a patch of dry land, while defeating the toughies along the way. Go west and
north into the next segment of the swamp. Go northwest and open the gift box
you reach to get a Beef Jerky. Go to the northwest from the box, and use the
Piggy Nose again to sniff out a third Magic Truffle.

From here, go onto the dry land to the southwest. Open the box to get an IQ
Capsule, and talk to the bird to learn of the Tenda Village, which is still a
ways off. Head back east and to the south along the shallow path, then
through a deep segment again. At the next dry land patch, you'll find a
helicopter that has apparently crashed due to the darkness here. Open the box
nearby to find a Cup of Lifenoodles. Continue westward through the deep swamp
waters. Towards the end of the deep area, use the Piggy Nose to scope out a
fourth Magic Truffle.

Once on the dry land ahead, go forward to get a Souvenir Coin from the box
ahead. Go right and to the north, straight across some swamp, to a piece of
dry land. Open the box there to find some Rock Candy. Go back into the swamp
and follow a winding path to the east, until you come across this reddish
creature. Talk to it and you will find it is in fact Master Belch from
earlier, but with more power. He is now called Master Barf, too. Read the
Bosses section for help beating it.

Once you win, you will see that Poo is back in your group again. Continue by
going north through the swamp to a more open region. Check the northmost area
of the deep segment with the Piggy Nose to find the fifth and final Magic
Truffle. Now, go west and north into the Tenda Village via the cave opening.

Tenda Village

When you wander around this village, try talking to the natives; you will
quickly find out they are all shy and hesitate to even speak with you. Rest
at the Hot Springs and the Hotel (free stay), and use the phone in the
southeast area to call Dad. Also, check out the trash can to find a Death Ray
(good weapon for Jeff). Talk to the chief Tenda in the middle area (he's the
one with horns). He will mention a book about overcoming shyness. Since you
can't do much more here for now, exit the village.

Deep Darkness

As soon as you step outside, you will be contacted by Apple Kid via phone. He
will tell you that he made it to Winters, but suddenly the phone goes dead
and he is apparently captured, judging by the sounds heard before the phone
disconnects. Shortly after, Orange Kid will call you and mention that Apple
Kid had the book called "Overcoming Shyness". Your next destination should be
clear right now, so teleport to Winters.


When you arrive here, you will be in the northern continent. Make your way
southward through the forest while defeating the futuristic baddies you'll
face. When you reach the south shore, talk to the Bubble Monkey, who will get
Tessie to carry you over to the southern land. Once there, continue southward
to the cave. If you have the Pencil Eraser, you can take a shortcut and avoid
the maze. If not, get through the maze and continue through the Pond Cave to
the last area of Winters. There, continue onward to the Andonuts Lab.
Andonuts Lab

Here, the lab is basically deserted of all human life, except for Apple Kid's
mouse, and the good doctor's servant. Talk to the mouse and he will give you
the Eraser Eraser, a device used to remove iron eraser statues in the way.
Recover your party's health with the revitalizer machine, then call Dad to
save your game. Leave the lab and walk northward to Stonehenge; enter it by
walking into the round hole in the middle.


In this rater intriguing area, go forward until you reach an iron eraser in
your way. Use your new machine to get rid of it, then continue onward. In the
second area, go west and south to an open area, where you will find a split
in the path. Go east along that path into the next area. Follow the path to a
gift box containing a Spicy Jerky. Continue eastward into another large
chamber. In there, go east and northward to a box with a Guts Capsule inside.

Next, go back south to the wide open area, and continue southward. Make your
way into the following area. In this next area, follow the path until you
reach an area with a 3-way split. Go north and east to a box with a Cup of
Lifenoodles inside. Go back to the central area and go east into the next
area of the underground lair.

Here, the lair has become a bit more flashy than before, I think. But aside
from that, go east and open a gift box to get a Broken Harmonica. Head back
to the start of this room, and climb down a ladder to reach the lower area.
Go eastward and open a gift box to get a PSI Caramel. Fight some enemies
around here if you wish, as you continue to the next ladder. Climb down the
second ladder to the lowest area, and go right into the next room. There,
take an Exit Mouse if you wish, then continue onward.

In this next room, you will be in a maze of sorts. It's not too hard to
navigate, but the enemies inside can be annoying, however. Anyway, go all the
way east, then north to a box containing a Broken Trumpet. Backtrack a
little, and go northwest on a path more towards the middle of the room.
Follow it all the way northwest, then to the east. At the path split, you can
go to the southwest to find a Pixie's Bracelet, or to the northeast to get a
Speed Capsule. Get both, then take the southeast path into the last room. You
will find many of your friends in test tubes here. Don't panic yet; go to the
next room and confront the Starman Deluxe. Fight it; use the Bosses section
for some help if you need it.

When you win the fight, the entire Stonehenge base will cease to function,
removing the enemies from the area in the process. Go back to the room before
and talk to everyone you just freed. Mr. Saturn will give you a Saturn Ribbon
as thanks, which you could equip on Paula. If you speak to Dr. Andonuts, he
will tell you that he'll start work on a device called the Phase Distorter
right away. Talk to Apple Kid and he will mention how he returned the
"Overcoming Shyness" book to the Onett Library already, so that's where
you'll be going next. So, backtrack out of this cave, then when you're
outside, teleport to Onett.


Back in Ness's hometown, make your way northward into the town Library. Enter
the first doorway past the desk to find some bookshelves. Check the leftmost
shelf to find the Shyness Book. Exit the library and go out to the street,
and teleport to the Tenda Village.

Tenda Village

When you arrive, your first stop should be to visit the village chief. Give
him the book, and he will read it to everyone, causing everyone to overcome
their shyness! The chief will give you some Tendakraut as a sign of gratitude
for the book. Talk to the chief a second time to get a Bag of Dragonite. Now,
rest at the Hotel, and check out the Item Shop. This shop is way different
than what you've been used to. He gives you a list of items, but in order to
receive each item on his list, you must give him a Horn of Life. The big
prize at the end is the Hall of Fame Bat; you decide if it's worth it.
Personally, I went through the trading process and received the bat, for it
was a good upgrade to what I already had. The best way of doing this is to go
to Saturn Valley, buy a whole bunch of Horns of Life, return here, and trade
them all off to get what you want.

Anyway, use the phone in the southeast section, and call Dad to save your
game. Then, head to the southwest area of the village. There, you will find a
large stone, and a couple of Tenda natives standing around. Talk to the one
standing next to the stone, and he will lift it up, revealing a hole to climb
into. Go down into that lower chamber. Talk to the special rock in there and
it will mention another rock in the Lost Underworld that talks, too. Go left
and you will be in the Lumine Hall.

Lumine Hall

Start off in this series of caverns by going up and to the left. Head south
and down a ladder into the room below. Talk to the rather quiet rock there,
and open a gift box to find a Super Bomb. Back on the upper level, head north
and all the way to the west, then climb into the room below. In there, go
south and open another box to get an IQ Capsule. Climb up the south ladder to
the area above. Go right and open another gift box to find the Diadem of
Kings, which is good to equip on Poo immediately.

Next, go back down the ladder, and up the one to the north. In the first
area, go back east a little until you can go north. At that point, go north
and east around the winding path. Open the box you come to, containing a Luck
Capsule. Climb down the hole to the left into the basement again. Head along
the path, making sure to open a gift box you pass along the way to get a Rock
Candy. When you reach the first ladder, go east a little more and take a
Bottle of DX Water from the box. Then, head back west and up that ladder.

Upstairs again, go to the northwest, where you'll find a hole to fall into.
Grab the Cup of Lifenoodles from the box, then drop into the area below. Go
through this passage, taking a Luxury Jerky from a box, then climbing to the
area above once more. In this next area, go to the southwest and open the
gift box to get a Rabbit's Foot. Go back a little and check out the Shining
Spot to the north. Recover your party's HP and PP if needed, then talk to it.
You will enter battle against the Electro Specter; visit the Bosses section
for help winning here.

Once you beat the seventh Shining Spot, go forward and drop into the next
area. Go past the lit-up walls until you are stopped in front of a long wall.
Ness's thoughts will supposedly be written out across the wall, then the My
Sanctuary melody of the hall will play. Now that you have 7 of the 8 sounds
recorded, drop through the next hole and take a nice long dive into the grand

Lost Underworld

When you fall into this world, you will figure out that this place is HUGE,
hence your party is tiny. Start by heading to the west through this area.
Along the way, you will notice some geysers, surrounded by trees. They erupt
every so often, following an earthquake. Blue geysers recover HP and PP, and
the red ones cure status ailments and HP. Stop by the blue geyser (that's
what the one you first see is), and recover there if you wish. Continue to
the northwest by a small lake/river region. Open a box to get a Brain Food
Lunch. Go south and to the east, then north to a Refuge. There, talk to the
people, and use the bird phone to call Dad and save your game.

From here, continue all the way to the east, where you'll find a Horn of Life
in a second box. Head to the north from this point, fighting the dinosaurs
you encounter along the way. Take the Sea Pendant from a box to the far
north, then continue westward. To the north, before you reach the village, is
another box containing a Guts Capsule, if you want it. After that, go back to
the south, and continue to the west until you reach a large, gated village.
Go to the front, and the native Tenda will smell the Tendakraut. They'll open
the gate and take the Tendakraut as a price for admission.

Underworld Tenda Village

In this tiny village, start by talking to the Tenda in the northwest corner.
He will let you withdraw money, much like an ATM, but he charges you a
handling fee of the same amount that you withdraw. Take out some money (you
have enough as it is, so no need to worry about handling fees). Check out the
shop and buy some upgraded equipment, and some food for later, just in case.
Then, talk to the giant rock, where you will learn more about the My
Sanctuary spots around the world. It will also tell you of the last one, at
Fire Spring. When it's done, rest at the Hotel for $400 and use the bird
phone to save your game with Dad. When you're ready, leave this safe haven.

Lost Underworld

Out here again, make your way to the west, then to the south. Go east a bit,
then to the north to find a box containing the Cloak of Kings for Poo.
Continue southward and wait in front of the geyser to recover when it erupts.
Then, use the phone at the Refuge to the south and save your game. When you
feel ready to continue, go into the northwest cave, which is the Fire Spring.

Fire Spring

Inside of this hot spot, start by entering the side cave in front of you.
Take the Speed Capsule from the box, then return to the first area. Climb up
the first 2 ropes to reach the third level, and enter the cave. Go through
the small room to another area. There, climb down the rope and open the gift
box to get a Bag of Dragonite. Now, backtrack to the start of the spring.

Once you're back in the bottom area, go right and enter the second cave. Go
through it to the other end, then continue to the right and open the box in
the corner to find a Cherub's Band. Go left and climb the rope to the second
level. If you need PP, go into the left cave, for a Magic Butterfly will
constantly regenerate there. You can climb the next rope and enter the cave
atop it to find a Horn of Life. Otherwise, enter the eastern cave. Go through
it, then at the other end, climb up a couple more ropes and enter the cave a
few levels above.

In this cave, take the first exit to the outer area again. There, go up a
rope, then down the other side, and open the box to get a Moon Beam Gun. Go
back into that cave, and continue to the west exit. Climb up the ropes to the
very top area, where you'll see the last Shining Spot. Make sure your party
is in good shape, then check it out to engage in battle. Check out the Bosses
section of this guide for help defeating Carbon/Diamond Dog.

After the fight, go into the next room. Follow the path out there to the
fiery spring, where you will record the final melody to the Sound Stone. The
difference now is that Ness will suddenly become knocked out in a daze. He
will walk towards his house atop a hill, in black and white as to signify a
flashback. He will disappear when going into the house, and the scene will
focus on Ness, as a baby in his rocker (prelude of what the adventure you
just played is all about, huh?). You will then gain control of Ness in his
pajamas in his iamginary world, known as Magicant.


When you arrive in this un-reality, start off by visiting your "house" to the
northeast. Talk to Mom and Tracy if you wish. Visit the left building and use
the phone to call Dad and save, and take out some money at the ATM. Visit the
shop next door and buy an Earth Pendant, and a couple of Magic Puddings.
Then, head west along the path to the second area. Talk to your childhood
friends here, and take the PSI Caramel from the gift box you see. Talk to
Pokey at his house, then continue northward.

You will come to a building with a grave in front; it's the grave of Buzz
Buzz from early in the game. Enter the building, where you'll meet some
Flying Men. Talk to one and he will join you as a partner in battle. Go to
the east and speak to the wise old man, who explains the area ahead to you.
When you are ready, go all the way east and north to a gift box containing a
Bag of Dragonite. Talk to the likeness of Ness, and he will give you a
Baseball Cap that you supposedly lost. Go back south and west, and then
northward. Go all the way north to a box with a Goddess Band. Take it, then
go back south a little, and continue to the east.

From here, just follow the winding path through this dark area, fighting the
enemies along the way. Take the Magicant Bat and and Magic Tart from the
boxes you pass, and progress onward until you reach the end. Be very careful,
as the closer you get to the end, the more plentiful the enemies are. You
will come to a tentacle of sorts; check it out and you will warp to the Sea
of Eden.

Sea of Eden

This sea is a rather cursed body of water, for it is based on Ness's "evil"
side, so to speak. The enemies here will be tough, but they give great
experience, keep in mind. You'll only face Krakens in the murky waters, but
they are REALLY tough when it's just Ness fighting them. Make your way
through the sea to an island, with a golden statue standing alone on it. Use
a couple of Magic Puddings to recover some PP, and Lifeup to restore some HP.
When you're ready, check out the statue and you will be faced with a tough
fight. Read the Bosses section for help winning here.

Once you beat the evil statue from before, Ness's mind will speak to you.
It'll tell you to go to Saturn Valley, for you will gain something new there.
After that, Ness will start to be filled with the power from each of the 8
"My Sanctuary" spots, gaining massive amounts of power, as well as Teleport
Beta. He will then awaken at the Fire Spring, and warps the party to Saturn

Saturn Valley

Now that you are here again, there is something you must do. Head to the
middle of the village, and you will meet Apple Kid and Dr. Andonuts, with
their new creation, the Phase Distorter. The thing is, this device cannot
function without the material known as Zexonyte, which can only be found from
a fallen meteorite (like in Onett). Since you need that, it's best to
teleport to Onett now.


Back in your hometown, head to the north and follow the path to your house.
Be careful of the extremely dangerous enemies you will be facing along the
way. Once at home, rest by talking to Mom, then call Dad to save. When you're
ready, exit.

North of Onett

From Ness's home, take the path going to the southwest. You will face many
tough enemies, which will take quite a beating from all of your party to
defeat. Make your way along the path to the summit of the mountain, all while
fighting your way there. Once you get to the top, check out the meteorite to
get the Meteorite Piece. Now, head back down to a spot where you have enough
room around, then teleport back to Saturn Valley, where it's safer for you.

Saturn Valley

When you return, give the Meteorite Piece to Dr. Andonuts. He will repair the
Phase Distorter overnight, so go rest at the Hotel; you will need it after
all the battles you just went through! The next day, talk to Andonuts and he
will present the Phase Distorter II. It can now warp you where you need to
go, save your progress, and recover your HP/PP. When you're ready to go, step
into the machine and it'll warp you to a cave.

Cave to the Past

You will be stuck in this cave, from the moment you enter, with no way of
returning to the Saturn Valley. You can use the Phase Distorter II to recover
and save when needed, though. Anyway, head to the right, and the wise old man
will appear. He will bestow upon Poo the power of Starstorm Omega, the
greatest PSI power he can have. Continue onward to meet the "kidnapped" Mr.
Saturn. Talk to him, and check the rubble of the old Phase Distorter to get a
Horn of Life. Go up by the tentacle, and out on the ledge, then return.

Now, Dr. Andonuts will appear in the Phase Distorter 3, along with Apple Kid
and Mr. Saturn. Talk to them all, and Andonuts will walk off to the far
ledge. Talk to him there and he will discuss how you cannot reach Giygas in
the past unless you go to the past. However, the new Phase Distorter cannot
warp living things, thus your group must be transformed into robots to
undertake the journey. If you are ready to go, say Yes both times, and you'll
be off to your final destination.

Final Cave

When you start off in this last set of caverns, you will all be robots. If
you need to, return to the Phase Distorter 3 to recover/save, when needed.
Head northward along the path, fighting the enemies you'll meet along the way
(this is as tough as they'll get, and they're everywhere, so get used to it).
Open the lone gift box you see to find the Legendary Bat for Ness. Go back
and save/recover if you wish, then go on via the orb to the next segment.

In this next area, simply follow the path through the open area to the next
orb. Before you go, you will notice there aren't really many, if any, enemies
to fight here. There's also a Magic Butterfly that reappears when you take it
and go offscreen. So, recover all your health with PP, then use that trick to
fully recover any lost PP. In the third area, simply go forward and to the
north, into a cavern. Follow the final path through the odd-looking area to
the northmost point.

At the end of the line, you will reach a core area of sorts. The room will
shake and the core will open, revealing a clone of Ness inside. As if things
can't get any worse, Pokey appears and taunts you a bit. Then, he and Giygas
will engage in battle against you. Read the Bosses section one last time for
help defeating them. Once it's over, your party will revert back to human
form in Saturn Valley.

Saturn Valley

Now that the threat of Giygas is over, your party is back again, and in need
of a good long rest. Poo will leave you for Dalaam again, and Jeff will stay
in Saturn Valley with Dr. Andonuts, his father. Paula asks for you to escort
her home, so warp to Twoson and do so. With only Ness left, go back home to

Ness's House

Home again, go talk to Mom and Tracy upstairs. Talk to Mom again and choose
to look at the photo album. After the cast of characters has been scrolled
down, the credits will play, with the backgrounds showing all the photos
taken of your group during the course of the game. After it all ends, the
game will start again like it did early on. Ness will be awakened by a
knocking on the door, and you will have to go answer it. When you do so,
Picky, Pokey's brother, will run inside. He'll give you a letter from Pokey,
taunting you further. The game then ends at this point, so congratulations!


-= 5. Enemies -=

Abstract Art
Found: Moonside
Experience: 4361
Money: $255
HP: 301
PP: 60
Offense: 67
Defense: 79
Speed: 19
IQ: 7
Guts: 7
Item Dropped: Refreshing Herb (1/32)

Annoying Old Party Man

Found: Twoson
Experience: 130
Money: $32
HP: 99
PP: 0
Offense: 20
Defense: 25
Speed: 6
IQ: 15
Guts: 50
Item Dropped: Protein Drink (1/64)

Annoying Reveler
Found: Fourside
Experience: 2373
Money: $268
HP: 288
PP: 0
Offense: 58
Defense: 77
Speed: 17
IQ: 15
Guts: 50
Item Dropped: Protein Drink (1/16)

Found: Pond Cave
Experience: 4933
Money: $296
HP: 216
PP: 0
Offense: 61
Defense: 30
Speed: 23
IQ: 0
Guts: 3
Item Dropped: Jar of Hot Sauce (1/8)

Found: Pyramid
Experience: 10449
Money: $412
HP: 344
PP: 0
Offense: 87
Defense: 86
Speed: 20
IQ: 0
Guts: 4
Item Dropped: Beef Jerky (1/32)

Armored Frog
Found: Grapefruit Falls
Experience: 1566
Money: $77
HP: 202
PP: 0
Offense: 7
Defense: 108
Speed: 37
IQ: 8
Guts: 5
Item Dropped: Broken Spray Can (1/8)

Atomic Power Robot

Found: Stonehenge
Experience: 26937
Money: $730
HP: 594
PP: 0
Offense: 119
Defense: 133
Speed: 25
IQ: 12
Guts: 8
Item Dropped: Super Bomb (1/16)

Attack Slug
Found: Giant Step Cave
Experience: 27
Money; $6
HP: 30
PP: 6
Offense: 9
Defense: 3
Speed: 1
IQ: 3
Guts: 0
Item Dropped: Bomb (1/128)

Bad Buffalo
Found: Dusty Dunes Desert
Experience: 4108
Money: $172
HP: 341
PP: 0
Offense: 164
Defense: 104
Speed: 11
IQ: 5
Guts: 5
Item Dropped: Wet Towel (1/32)

Beautiful UFO
Found: Scaraba
Experience: 8257
Money: $426
HP: 339
PP: 15
Offense: 86
Defense: 87
Speed: 59
IQ: 71
Guts: 1
Item Dropped: Vial of Serum, Protein Drink (1/32)

Big Pile of Puke

Found: Deep Darkness
Experience: 19659
Money: $728
HP: 631
PP: 0
Offense: 120
Defense: 158
Speed: 16
IQ: 32
Guts: 26
Item Dropped: Meteotite (1/64)

Bionic Kraken
Found: Final Cave
Experience: 50308
Money: $960
HP: 900
PP: 60
Offense: 155
Defense: 195
Speed: 42
IQ: 32
Guts: 1
Item Dropped: Gutsy Bat (1/128)
Black Antoid
Found: Giant Step Cave, Onett/Twoson Path
Experience: 37
Money: $7
HP: 34
PP: 25
Offense: 14
Defense: 13
Speed: 4
IQ: 0
Guts: 3
Item Dropped: Cookie (1/4)

Boogey Tent
Found: Threed
Experience: 5500
Money: $407
HP: 579
PP: 56
Offense: 43
Defense: 69
Speed: 10
IQ: 32
Guts: 16
Item Dropped: N/A

Captain Strong
Found: Onett
Experience: 492
Money: $159
HP: 140
PP: 0
Offense: 20
Defense: 24
Speed: 15
IQ: 18
Guts: 8
Item Dropped: N/A

Carefree Bomb
Found: Magicant
Experience: 14941
Money: $641
HP: 504
PP: 0
Offense: 135
Defense: 215
Speed: 31
IQ: 8
Guts: 15
Item Dropped: Super Bomb (1/32)

Cave Boy
Found: Winters
Experience: 618
Money: $17
HP: 314
PP: 0
Offense: 21
Defense: 33
Speed: 79
IQ: 80
Guts: 0
Item Dropped: Double Burger (1/32)

Found: Lost Underworld
Experience: 44378
Money: $896
HP: 1288
PP: 320
Offense: 139
Defense: 183
Speed: 17
IQ: 16
Guts: 3
Item Dropped: Magic Fry Pan (N/A)

Coil Snake
Found: North of Onett
Experience: 1
Money: $4
HP: 18
PP: 0
Offense: 3
Defense: 4
Speed: 2
IQ: 6
Guts: 0
Item Dropped: Cookie (1/32)

Conducting Menace
Found: Cave of the Pink Cloud
Experience: 14792
Money: $574
HP: 445
PP: 238
Offense: 107
Defense: 107
Speed: 20
IQ: 8
Guts: 5
Item Dropped: Bottle of Water (1/32)

Conducting Pink Spirit

Found: Lumine Hall
Experience: 30390
Money: $804
HP: 587
PP: 329
Offense: 130
Defense: 139
Speed: 26
IQ: 8
Guts: 5
Item Dropped: Brain Food Lunch (1/128)
Found: Onett
Experience: 86
Money: $18
HP: 75
PP: 0
Offense: 15
Defense: 18
Speed: 5
IQ: 16
Guts: 7
Item Dropped: Hamburger (1/8)

Cranky Lady
Found: Twoson
Experience: 200
Money: $17
HP: 95
PP: 0
Offense: 16
Defense: 18
Speed: 6
IQ: 32
Guts: 3
Item Dropped: Handbag Strap (1/64)

Crazed Sign
Found: Fourside, Summers
Experience: 3618
Money: $244
HP: 295
PP: 98
Offense: 64
Defense: 96
Speed: 17
IQ: 11
Guts: 5
Item Dropped: Big Bottle Rocket (1/64)

Crested Booka
Found: Dusty Dunes Desert
Experience: 3011
Money: $130
HP: 265
PP: 0
Offense: 53
Defense: 73
Speed: 17
IQ: 37
Guts: 24
Item Dropped: Picnic Lunch (1/32)

Criminal Caterpillar
Found: Dusty Dunes Desert
Experience: 30384
Money: N/A
HP: 250
PP: 168
Offense: 37
Defense: 16
Speed: 134
IQ: 0
Guts: 0
Item Dropped: N/A

Cute Li'l UFO

Found: Dusty Dunes Desert
Experience: 1519
Money: $110
HP: 162
PP: 25
Offense: 49
Defense: 32
Speed: 58
IQ: 70
Guts: 1
Item Dropped: Fresh Egg, Hamburger (N/A)

Dali's Clock
Found: Moonside
Experience: 2503
Money: $314
HP: 296
PP: 0
Offense: 65
Defense: 66
Speed: 4
IQ: 4
Guts: 5
Item Dropped: PSI Caramel (1/128)

Deadly Mouse
Found: Fourside Sewers
Experience: 9225
Money: $406
HP: 416
PP: 0
Offense: 63
Defense: 98
Speed: 18
IQ: 13
Guts: 225
Item Dropped: Rust Promoter DX (1/64)

Demonic Petunia
Found: Deep Darkness
Experience: 15171
Money: $724
HP: 478
PP: 0
Offense: 102
Defense: 111
Speed: 26
IQ: 9
Guts: 5
Item Dropped: N/A

Desert Wolf
Found: Dusty Dunes Desert
Experience: 3740
Money: $114
HP: 247
PP: 0
Offense: 57
Defense: 67
Speed: 33
IQ: 11
Guts: 2
Item Dropped: Sudden Guts Pill (1/64)

Dread Skelpion
Found: Scaraba
Experience: 9908
Money: $609
HP: 214
PP: 125
Offense: 82
Defense: 57
Speed: 40
IQ: 8
Guts: 88
Item Dropped: Packet of Ketchup (1/8)

Ego Orb
Found: Lost Underworld
Experience: 24180
Money: $836
HP: 592
PP: 0
Offense: 125
Defense: 140
Speed: 17
IQ: 8
Guts: 1
Item Dropped: Skip Sandwich (1/16)

Elder Batty
Found: Pond Cave
Experience: 4177
Money: $371
HP: 294
PP: 0
Offense: 66
Defense: 72
Speed: 33
IQ: 4
Guts: 8
Item Dropped: Double Burger (1/32)

Electro Swoosh
Found: Magicant
Experience: 17075
Money: $791
HP: 543
PP: 338
Offense: 140
Defense: 156
Speed: 40
IQ: 10
Guts: 5
Item Dropped: Sudden Guts Pill (1/32)

Enraged Fire Plug

Found: Moonside
Experience: 4321
Money: $346
HP: 309
PP: 0
Offense: 60
Defense: 81
Speed: 14
IQ: 4
Guts: 5
Item Dropped: Sudden Guts Pill (1/128)

Even Slimier Little Pile

Found: Deep Darkness
Experience: 15075
Money: $579
HP: 326
PP: 0
Offense: 103
Defense: 101
Speed: 22
IQ: 39
Guts: 9
Item Dropped: Multi Bottle Rocket (1/32)

Found: Twoson
Experience: 986
Money: $171
HP: 182
PP: 0
Offense: 25
Defense: 35
Speed: 6
IQ: 40
Guts: 10
Item Dropped: N/A

Evil Elemental
Found: Fire Spring
Experience: 35737
Money: $853
HP: 564
PP: 0
Offense: 121
Defense: 136
Speed: 30
IQ: 16
Guts: 7
Item Dropped: Luxury Jerky (1/64)

Evil Eye
Found: North of Onett
Experience: 46376
Money: $896
HP: 720
PP: 400
Offense: 141
Defense: 162
Speed: 38
IQ: 16
Guts: 25
Item Dropped: Meteotite (1/16)

Extra Cranky Lady

Found: Fourside
Experience: 3651
Money: $134
HP: 277
PP: 0
Offense: 48
Defense: 70
Speed: 17
IQ: 32
Guts: 5
Item Dropped: Handbag Strap (1/8)

Farm Zombie
Found: Grapefruit Falls
Experience: 700
Money: $58
HP: 171
PP: 0
Offense: 31
Defense: 24
Speed: 10
IQ: 24
Guts: 15
Item Dropped: Skip Sandwich (1/16)

Fierce Shattered Man

Found: Pyramid
Experience: 17423
Money: $577
HP: 516
PP: 0
Offense: 101
Defense: 116
Speed: 12
IQ: 4
Guts: 5
Item Dropped: Mummy Wrap (1/2)

Filthy Attack Roach

Found: Fourside Sewers
Experience: 10543
Money: $432
HP: 399
PP: 0
Offense: 84
Defense: 33
Speed: 77
IQ: 24
Guts: 9
Item Dropped: Secret Herb (1/16)

Final Starman
Found: Final Cave
Experience: 61929
Money: $915
HP: 840
PP: 860
Offense: 178
Defense: 187
Speed: 47
IQ: 24
Guts: 25
Item Dropped: PSI Caramel (1/32)

Found: Lumine Hall
Experience: 18348
Money: $620
HP: 240
PP: 19
Offense: 98
Defense: 84
Speed: 5
IQ: 3
Guts: 5
Item Dropped: PSI Caramel (1/32)

Found: Belch Base
Experience: 1311
Money: $93
HP: 120
PP: 10
Offense: 29
Defense: 9
Speed: 1
IQ: 3
Guts: 5
Item Dropped: PSI CarameL (1/64)

Found: Onett
Experience: 50
Money: $48
HP: 63
PP: 0
Offense: 12
Defense: 17
Speed: 7
IQ: 32
Guts: 5
Item Dropped: N/A

Frankystein Mark II
Found: Onett
Experience: 76
Money: $31
HP: 91
PP: 0
Offense: 15
Defense: 18
Speed: 4
IQ: 40
Guts: 0
Item Dropped: N/A

French Kiss of Death

Found: Magicant
Experience: 19210
Money: $879
HP: 588
PP: 0
Offense: 160
Defense: 160
Speed: 30
IQ: 16
Guts: 7
Item Dropped: Horn of Life (1/64)

Ghost of Starman
Found: North of Onett, Final Cave
Experience: 48695
Money: $807
HP: 750
PP: 462
Offense: 152
Defense: 170
Speed: 46
IQ: 16
Guts: 43
Item Dropped: Goddess Ribbon (1/128)

Gigantic Ant
Found: Desert Gold Mine
Experience: 3980
Money: $304
HP: 308
PP: 81
Offense: 54
Defense: 112
Speed: 17
IQ: 6
Guts: 5
Item Dropped: Double Burger (1/32)

Great Crested Booka

Found: Scaraba
Experience: 16365
Money: $604
HP: 452
PP: 0
Offense: 100
Defense: 110
Speed: 20
IQ: 40
Guts: 28
Item Dropped: Beef Jerky (1/64)

Gruff Goat
Found: Winters
Experience: 20
Money: $9
HP: 45
PP: 0
Offense: 8
Defense: 23
Speed: 12
IQ: 16
Guts: 0
Item Dropped: Salt Packet (1/8)

Guardian Digger
Found: Desert Gold Mine
Experience: 17301
Money: $1467
HP: 386
PP: 110
Offense: 59
Defense: 129
Speed: 17
IQ: 55
Guts: 21
Item Dropped: N/A

Guardian General
Found: Pyramid
Experience: 95390
Money: $3235
HP: 831
PP: 6
Offense: 109
Defense: 214
Speed: 21
IQ: 7
Guts: 1
Item Dropped: N/A

Guardian Hieroglyph
Found: Pyramid
Experience: 13064
Money: $470
HP: 470
PP: 126
Offense: 94
Defense: 106
Speed: 20
IQ: 38
Guts: 20
Item Dropped: Pharaoh's Curse (1/16)

Handsome Tom
Found: Threed
Experience: 520
Money: $45
HP: 133
PP: 16
Offense: 27
Defense: 25
Speed: 11
IQ: 8
Guts: 5
Item Dropped: Tin of Cocoa (1/16)

Hard Crocodile
Found: Deep Darkness
Experience: 19484
Money: $692
HP: 522
PP: 0
Offense: 110
Defense: 128
Speed: 23
IQ: 4
Guts: 10
Item Dropped: Super Plush Bear (1/64)

High-Class UFO
Found: Scaraba
Experience: 12385
Money: $456
HP: 433
PP: 72
Offense: 93
Defense: 103
Speed: 60
IQ: 24
Guts: 25
Item Dropped: Skip Sandwich DX (1/32)

Hostile Elder Oak

Found: Deep Darkness
Experience: 17567
Money: $690
HP: 609
PP: 76
Offense: 134
Defense: 146
Speed: 14
IQ: 5
Guts: 11
Item Dropped: Viper (1/8)

Hyper Spinning Robo

Found: Lumine Hall
Experience: 28866
Money: $756
HP: 553
PP: 83
Offense: 122
Defense: 130
Speed: 28
IQ: 12
Guts: 5
Item Dropped: Meteotite (1/128)

Insane Cultist
Found: Happy Happy Village
Experience: 353
Money: $33
HP: 94
PP: 0
Offense: 19
Defense: 25
Speed: 8
IQ: 64
Guts: 20
Item Dropped: PSI Caramel (1/128)

Kiss of Death
Found: Cave of the Pink Cloud
Experience: 10354
Money: $528
HP: 333
PP: 0
Offense: 91
Defense: 100
Speed: 19
IQ: 16
Guts: 7
Item Dropped: Jar of Delisauce (1/64)

Found: Sea of Eden
Experience: 79267
Money: $3049
HP: 1097
PP: 176
Offense: 105
Defense: 166
Speed: 21
IQ: 32
Guts: 1
Item Dropped: N/A

Lesser Mook
Found: Brick Road, Winters
Experience: 7640
Money: $467
HP: 401
PP: 190
Offense: 76
Defense: 102
Speed: 17
IQ: 16
Guts: 7
Item Dropped: PSI Caramel (1/64)

Lethal Asp Hieroglyph

Found: Pyramid
Experience: 11321
Money: $625
HP: 458
PP: 0
Offense: 89
Defense: 94
Speed: 21
IQ: 36
Guts: 5
Item Dropped: Pharaoh's Curse (1/32)

Li'l UFO
Found: Peaceful Rest Valley
Experience: 223
Money: $14
HP: 82
PP: 0
Offense: 18
Defense: 17
Speed: 53
IQ: 8
Guts: 13
Item Dropped: Skip Sandwich (1/32)

Loaded Dice
Found: Magicant
Experience: 10672
Money: $703
HP: 307
PP: 0
Offense: 146
Defense: 113
Speed: 77
IQ: 6
Guts: 75
Item Dropped: PSI Caramel (1/32)

Mad Duck
Found: Winters, Desert Gold Mine
Experience: 41
Money: $12
HP: 51
PP: 0
Offense: 12
Defense: 24
Speed: 30
IQ: 1
Guts: 5
Item Dropped: Fresh Egg (1/16)

Mad Taxi
Found: Fourside, Summers
Experience: 2336
Money: $216
HP: 253
PP: 0
Offense: 53
Defense: 68
Speed: 38
IQ: 8
Guts: 5
Item Dropped: Xterminator Spray (1/128)
Major Psychic Psycho
Found: Fire Spring
Experience: 39247
Money: $862
HP: 618
PP: 574
Offense: 145
Defense: 152
Speed: 31
IQ: 24
Guts: 1
Item Dropped: Star Pendant (1/128)

Manly Fish
Found: Deep Darkness
Experience: 15826
Money: $624
HP: 500
PP: 0
Offense: 83
Defense: 114
Speed: 22
IQ: 20
Guts: 9
Item Dropped: Beef Jerky (1/32)

Manly Fish's Brother

Found: Deep Darkness
Experience: 15970
Money: $686
HP: 526
PP: 210
Offense: 114
Defense: 123
Speed: 24
IQ: 24
Guts: 11
Item Dropped: Horn of Life (1/128)

Marauder Octobot
Found: Scaraba
Experience: 14475
Money: $499
HP: 482
PP: 0
Offense: 99
Defense: 121
Speed: 23
IQ: 24
Guts: 8
Item Dropped: N/A

Master Criminal Worm

Found: Scaraba
Experience: 82570
Money: N/A
HP: 377
PP: 300
Offense: 73
Defense: 40
Speed: 136
IQ: 0
Guts: 0
Item Dropped: N/A

Mechanical Octobot
Found: North of Onett
Experience: 41738
Money: $744
HP: 768
PP: 0
Offense: 163
Defense: 81
Speed: 44
IQ: 24
Guts: 8
Item Dropped: Meteotite (1/128)

Mighty Bear
Found: Lilliput Cave
Experience: 609
Money: $49
HP: 167
PP: 0
Offense: 29
Defense: 31
Speed: 7
IQ: 5
Guts: 1
Item Dropped: Teddy Bear (1/64)

Mighty Bear Seven

Found: Winters
Experience: 8884
Money: $440
HP: 367
PP: 0
Offense: 85
Defense: 76
Speed: 11
IQ: 4
Guts: 1
Item Dropped: Super Plush Bear (1/128)

Military Octobot
Found: Stonehenge
Experience: 25607
Money: $637
HP: 604
PP: 0
Offense: 138
Defense: 147
Speed: 26
IQ: 18
Guts: 8
Item Dropped: Meteotite (1/128)
Mobile Sprout
Found: Twoson, Peaceful Rest Valley
Experience: 133
Money: $13
HP: 79
PP: 9
Offense: 17
Defense: 12
Speed: 6
IQ: 1
Guts: 5
Item Dropped: Croissant (1/32)

Mole Playing Rough

Found: Lilliput Cave
Experience: 456
Money: $36
HP: 103
PP: 0
Offense: 22
Defense: 28
Speed: 9
IQ: 8
Guts: 2
Item Dropped: Croissant (1/32)

Mook Senior
Found: Stonehenge
Experience: 21056
Money: $715
HP: 501
PP: 700
Offense: 108
Defense: 122
Speed: 25
IQ: 16
Guts: 7
Item Dropped: Brain Food Lunch (1/128)

Mostly Bad Fly

Found: Belch Base
Experience: 1116
Money: $84
HP: 141
PP: 0
Offense: 32
Defense: 16
Speed: 15
IQ: 0
Guts: 4
Item Dropped: Pizza (1/32)

Mr. Batty
Found: Lilliput Cave
Experience: 304
Money: $30
HP: 86
PP: 0
Offense: 25
Defense: 5
Speed: 29
IQ: 3
Guts: 4
Item Dropped: Jar of Hot Sauce (1/64)

Mr. Molecule
Found: Magicant
Experience: 8708
Money: $659
HP: 280
PP: 21
Offense: 118
Defense: 97
Speed: 18
IQ: 4
Guts: 5
Item Dropped: Magic Tart (1/64)

Found: Fourside Dept. Store
Experience: 3748
Money: $341
HP: 292
PP: 0
Offense: 69
Defense: 85
Speed: 21
IQ: 8
Guts: 20
Item Dropped: Sudden Guts Pill (1/128)

Mystical Record
Found: Fourside Dept. Store, Brick Road
Experience: 2736
Money: $310
HP: 263
PP: 35
Offense: 63
Defense: 78
Speed: 20
IQ: 7
Guts: 12
Item Dropped: Pizza (1/64)

New Age Retro Hippie

Found: Twoson
Experience: 160
Money: $23
HP: 87
PP: 0
Offense: 19
Defense: 14
Speed: 5
IQ: 16
Guts: 10
Item Dropped: Ruler (1/16)

No Good Fly
Found: Grapefruit Falls
Experience: 415
Money: $26
HP: 100
PP: 0
Offense: 23
Defense: 13
Speed: 10
IQ: 0
Guts: 3
Item Dropped: Boiled Egg (1/32)

Noose Man
Found: Desert Gold Mine
Experience: 1990
Money: $220
HP: 237
PP: 0
Offense: 47
Defense: 52
Speed: 18
IQ: 4
Guts: 5
Item Dropped: Carton of Cream (1/8)

Nuclear Reactor Robot

Found: Final Cave
Experience: 53142
Money: $820
HP: 768
PP: 0
Offense: 147
Defense: 176
Speed: 43
IQ: 12
Guts: 8
Item Dropped: Super Bomb (1/8)

Overzealous Cop
Found: Summers
Experience: 7448
Money: $420
HP: 325
PP: 0
Offense: 69
Defense: 75
Speed: 18
IQ: 16
Guts: 7
Item Dropped: Double Burger (1/32)

Petrified Royal Guard

Found: Pyramid
Experience: 19163
Money: $628
HP: 573
PP: 0
Offense: 106
Defense: 173
Speed: 12
IQ: 5
Guts: 5
Item Dropped: Sudden Guts Pill (1/32)

Pitbull Slug
Found: Deep Darkness
Experience: 9994
Money: $543
HP: 217
PP: 11
Offense: 79
Defense: 77
Speed: 2
IQ: 7
Guts: 5
Item Dropped: Salt Packet (1/4)

Plain Crocodile
Found: Grapefruit Falls
Experience: 1928
Money: $62
HP: 234
PP: 0
Offense: 40
Defense: 55
Speed: 10
IQ: 5
Guts: 1
Item Dropped: Meteornium (1/128)

Pogo Punk
Found: Onett
Experience: 15
Money: $18
HP: 35
PP: 0
Offense: 8
Defense: 10
Speed: 3
IQ: 15
Guts: 0
Item Dropped: Hamburger (1/1)

Psychic Psycho
Found: Fire Spring
Experience: 30094
Money: $682
HP: 591
PP: 252
Offense: 124
Defense: 144
Speed: 30
IQ: 24
Guts: 1
Item Dropped: PSI Caramel (1/32)

Putrid Moldy Man

Found: Threed
Experience: 830
Money: $53
HP: 203
PP: 0
Offense: 35
Defense: 89
Speed: 9
IQ: 17
Guts: 5
Item Dropped: Croissant (1/32)

Ramblin' Evil Mushroom

Found: Onett/Twoson Path
Experience: 95
Money: $15
HP: 60
PP: 0
Offense: 15
Defense: 10
Speed: 5
IQ: 1
Guts: 5
Item Dropped: Packet of Ketchup (1/16)

Found: Milky Well Hole
Experience: 2486
Money: $158
HP: 232
PP: 42
Offense: 41
Defense: 63
Speed: 20
IQ: 9
Guts: 1
Item Dropped: Picnic Lunch (1/64)

Red Antoid
Found: Grapefruit Falls
Experience: 1175
Money: $35
HP: 112
PP: 30
Offense: 29
Defense: 27
Speed: 10
IQ: 0
Guts: 4
Item Dropped: Sugar Packet (1/8)

Found: Moonside
Experience: 4797
Money: $349
HP: 431
PP: 0
Offense: 70
Defense: 113
Speed: 19
IQ: 4
Guts: 5
Item Dropped: Super Bomb (1/64)

Rowdy Mouse
Found: Giant Step Cave, Pond Cave
Experience: 34
Money: $9
HP: 36
PP: 0
Offense: 7
Defense: 20
Speed: 5
IQ: 2
Guts: 225
Item Dropped: Bread Roll (1/32)

Runaway Dog
Found: North of Onett
Experience: 4
Money: $3
HP: 21
PP: 0
Offense: 4
Defense: 5
Speed: 26
IQ: 1
Guts: 0
Item Dropped: Bread Roll (1/32)

Scalding Coffee Cup

Found: Fourside Dept. Store, Brick Road
Experience: 2462
Money: $280
HP: 190
PP: 0
Offense: 55
Defense: 20
Speed: 23
IQ: 1
Guts: 5
Item Dropped: Cup of Coffee (1/2)

Sentry Robot
Found: Monotoli Building
Experience: 5034
Money: $392
HP: 372
PP: 0
Offense: 77
Defense: 105
Speed: 17
IQ: 4
Guts: 10
Item Dropped: Big Bottle Rocket (1/64)

Shattered Man
Found: Summers Museum
Experience: 44690
Money: $2630
HP: 694
PP: 0
Offense: 72
Defense: 92
Speed: 18
IQ: 38
Guts: 25
Item Dropped: Mummy Wrap (1/2)

Skate Punk
Found: Onett
Experience: 12
Money: $17
HP: 31
PP: 0
Offense: 7
Defense: 8
Speed: 5
IQ: 13
Guts: 0
Item Dropped: Pizza (1/128)

Found: Dusty Dunes Desert
Experience: 1823
Money: $140
HP: 137
PP: 21
Offense: 41
Defense: 23
Speed: 37
IQ: 7
Guts: 80
Item Dropped: Vial of Serum (1/32)

Slimy Little Pile

Found: Belch Base
Experience: 1978
Money: $124
HP: 616
PP: 0
Offense: 45
Defense: 71
Speed: 10
IQ: 38
Guts: 7
Item Dropped: Bomb (1/32)

Smelly Ghost
Found: Threed
Experience: 606
Money: $71
HP: 194
PP: 50
Offense: 35
Defense: 89
Speed: 10
IQ: 9
Guts: 2
Item Dropped: Broken Iron (1/16)

Smilin' Sam
Found: Threed
Experience: 712
Money: $48
HP: 161
PP: 55
Offense: 34
Defense: 44
Speed: 17
IQ: 16
Guts: 16
Item Dropped: Refreshing Herb (1/32)

Smilin' Sphere
Found: Dusty Dunes Desert
Experience: 2218
Money: $191
HP: 233
PP: 60
Offense: 50
Defense: 65
Speed: 17
IQ: 13
Guts: 5
Item Dropped: Meteornium (1/128)

Soul Consuming Flame

Found: Fire Spring
Experience: 37618
Money: $768
HP: 602
PP: 0
Offense: 131
Defense: 262
Speed: 30
IQ: 8
Guts: 14
Item Dropped: Meteotite (1/64)

Spinning Robo
Found: Peaceful Rest Valley
Experience: 297
Money: $21
HP: 113
PP: 17
Offense: 21
Defense: 22
Speed: 7
IQ: 12
Guts: 5
Item Dropped: Meteornium (1/64)

Spiteful Crow
Found: North of Onett
Experience: 3
Money: $5
HP: 24
PP: 0
Offense: 5
Defense: 3
Speed: 77
IQ: 1
Guts: 0
Item Dropped: Cookie (1/1)

Squatter Demon
Found: Final Cave
Experience: 48311
Money: $897
HP: 774
PP: 60
Offense: 158
Defense: 192
Speed: 45
IQ: 32
Guts: 25
Item Dropped: Horn of Life (1/64)

Found: Stonehenge
Experience: 23396
Money: $720
HP: 545
PP: 155
Offense: 103
Defense: 126
Speed: 24
IQ: 16
Guts: 25
Item Dropped: Brain Food Lunch (1/128)

Starman Jr.
Found: North of Onett
Experience: 16
Money: $20
HP: 200
PP: 999
Offense: 11
Defense: 10
Speed: 1
IQ: 80
Guts: 0
Item Dropped: N/A

Starman Super
Found: Stonehenge
Experience: 30145
Money: $735
HP: 568
PP: 310
Offense: 112
Defense: 129
Speed: 24
IQ: 16
Guts: 25
Item Dropped: Sword of Kings (1/128)

Stinky Ghost
Found: Fourside Sewers
Experience: 13179
Money: $541
HP: 444
PP: 0
Offense: 90
Defense: 179
Speed: 18
IQ: 7
Guts: 4
Item Dropped: Large Pizza (1/64)

Strong Crocodile
Found: Pond Cave
Experience: 10122
Money: $495
HP: 417
PP: 0
Offense: 85
Defense: 131
Speed: 17
IQ: 6
Guts: 5
Item Dropped: Super Bomb (1/64)

Struttin' Evil Mushroom

Found: Milky Well Hole
Experience: 1492
Money: $95
HP: 157
PP: 0
Offense: 29
Defense: 22
Speed: 22
IQ: 1
Guts: 7
Item Dropped: Rust Promoter (1/16)

Found: Cave of the Pink Cloud
Experience: 14718
Money: $572
HP: 371
PP: 5
Offense: 96
Defense: 99
Speed: 19
IQ: 16
Guts: 20
Item Dropped: Snake (1/8)

Territorial Oak
Found: Peaceful Rest Valley
Experience: 356
Money: $29
HP: 145
PP: 41
Offense: 26
Defense: 30
Speed: 5
IQ: 4
Guts: 9
Item Dropped: PSI Caramel (1/128)

Thirsty Coil Snake

Found: Desert Gold Mine
Experience: 2786
Money: $276
HP: 270
PP: 0
Offense: 52
Defense: 80
Speed: 18
IQ: 7
Guts: 5
Item Dropped: Chick (1/16)

Thunder Mite
Found: Cave of the Pink Cloud
Experience: 10798
Money: $430
HP: 293
PP: 200
Offense: 85
Defense: 83
Speed: 20
IQ: 8
Guts: 13
Item Dropped: Bottle of Water (1/32)

Tough Guy
Found: Summers
Experience: 9310
Money: $525
HP: 342
PP: 0
Offense: 69
Defense: 75
Speed: 18
IQ: 16
Guts: 20
Item Dropped: Chick (1/4)

Tough Mobile Sprout

Found: Milky Well Hole
Experience: 1865
Money: $19
HP: 179
PP: 13
Offense: 33
Defense: 27
Speed: 18
IQ: 1
Guts: 6
Item Dropped: Sprig of Parsley (1/16)
Trick or Trick Kid
Found: Threed
Experience: 570
Money: $47
HP: 142
PP: 0
Offense: 30
Defense: 37
Speed: 7
IQ: 12
Guts: 12
Item Dropped: Bomb (1/32)

Ultimate Octobot
Found: Final Cave
Experience: 47876
Money: $815
HP: 768
PP: 0
Offense: 147
Defense: 176
Speed: 43
IQ: 24
Guts: 8
Item Dropped: PSI Caramel (1/8)

Unassuming Local Guy

Found: Twoson
Experience: 146
Money: $19
HP: 73
PP: 0
Offense: 18
Defense: 13
Speed: 5
IQ: 14
Guts: 1
Item Dropped: Toothbrush (1/8)

Uncontrollable Sphere
Found: Lumine Hall
Experience: 20389
Money: $796
HP: 577
PP: 180
Offense: 116
Defense: 134
Speed: 27
IQ: 15
Guts: 5
Item Dropped: Broken Antenna (1/128)

Urban Zombie
Found: Threed, Underground Road
Experience: 700
Money: $58
HP: 171
PP: 0
Offense: 31
Defense: 24
Speed: 10
IQ: 24
Guts: 25
Item Dropped: Hamburger (1/32)

Violent Roach
Found: Grapefruit Falls
Experience: 1757
Money: $80
HP: 209
PP: 0
Offense: 30
Defense: 26
Speed: 35
IQ: 24
Guts: 9
Item Dropped: Secret Herb (1/128)

Found: Lost Underworld
Experience: 33098
Money: $745
HP: 1030
PP: 0
Offense: 126
Defense: 172
Speed: 17
IQ: 16
Guts: 2
Item Dropped: Luxury Jerky (1/64)

Whirling Robo
Found: Winters
Experience: 5782
Money: $256
HP: 374
PP: 36
Offense: 78
Defense: 90
Speed: 18
IQ: 12
Guts: 5
Item Dropped: Meteotite (1/128)

Wild n' Wooly Shambler

Found: North of Onett, Final Cave
Experience: 33818
Money: $906
HP: 722
PP: 212
Offense: 171
Defense: 38
Speed: 144
IQ: 63
Guts: 5
Item Dropped: Multi Bottle Rocket (1/16)
Wooly Shambler
Found: Winters
Experience: 5397
Money: $458
HP: 391
PP: 140
Offense: 81
Defense: 91
Speed: 18
IQ: 63
Guts: 5
Item Dropped: Multi Bottle Rocket (1/64)

Worthless Protoplasm
Found: Winters, Brick Road
Experience: 17
Money: $11
HP: 38
PP: 0
Offense: 11
Defense: 21
Speed: 27
IQ: 1
Guts: 0
Item Dropped: Cookie (1/4)

Yes Man Jr.

Found: Onett
Experience: 13
Money: $18
HP: 33
PP: 0
Offense: 8
Defense: 9
Speed: 4
IQ: 14
Guts: 0
Item Dropped: Bag of Fries (1/32)

Zap Eel
Found: Deep Darkness
Experience: 12170
Money: $611
HP: 370
PP: 0
Offense: 97
Defense: 93
Speed: 29
IQ: 8
Guts: 5
Item Dropped: N/A

Zombie Dog
Found: Underground Road
Experience: 1354
Money: $54
HP: 210
PP: 0
Offense: 39
Defense: 51
Speed: 30
IQ: 11
Guts: 10
Item Dropped: Bottle Rocket (1/32)

Zombie Possessor
Found: Belch Base
Experience: 950
Money: $81
HP: 176
PP: 0
Offense: 28
Defense: 19
Speed: 30
IQ: 6
Guts: 9
Item Dropped: Secret Herb (1/64)


-= 6. Bosses -=

Titanic Ant
Found: Giant Step Cave
Experience: 685
Money: $150
HP: 235
PP: 102
Offense: 19
Defense: 23
Speed: 6
IQ: 72
Guts: 9
Item Dropped: N/A
Strategy: For your very first "My Sanctuary" boss battle, this one should
not be too much of a problem for you. Start by using PSI Rockin
Alpha to destroy the Black Antoids in the back row, as they use
Lifeup on the boss itself. Titanic Ant's attacks can be a bit
brutal, so here is a good battle plan. Use PSI Rockin a couple
rounds, then for the third round, you should use a Hamburger to
recover a bit of health. After that, repeat with the PSI until
you run out, then use regular attacks until you win shortly

Mr. Carpainter
Found: Happy Happy Village
Experience: 1412
Money: $195
HP: 262
PP: 70
Offense: 33
Defense: 45
Speed: 8
IQ: 72
Guts: 13
Item Dropped: N/A
Strategy: Fighting Carpainter here is actually pretty simple, especially
because of your new equipment and high experience levels. As
for attacking him, stick to regular attacks, and some PSI
Rockin for added damage. Carpainter's regular attacks won't
bother you much, but if he tries to use an electrical attack,
it'll reflect back onto him, causing further damage. He may
also try using Lifeup Alpha, but a couple hits from Rockin
Alpha will render that useless. This battle should be done in
just a few rounds, more or less.

Mondo Mole
Found: Lilliput Cave
Experience: 5791
Money: $400
HP: 498
PP: 161
Offense: 37
Defense: 50
Speed: 9
IQ: 36
Guts: 15
Item Dropped: N/A
Strategy: This will definitely be a tough battle, especially if you are
unprepared for it! Before you get here, you should definitely
make sure Paula is strong enough to withstand a battle like
this (Level 15 or so is good). Anyway, Mondo Mole uses regular
attacks which can take off 50+ HP each time, and he uses a PSI
Shield to block PSI attacks. If he does that, have Paula use
PSI Thunder to break the shield. As for attacking, have Ness
use PSI Rockin Alpha, and Paula use PSI Fire Alpha to cause
damage. Every other round, you may want to have Ness use PSI
Lifeup to keep your group alive, or Paula use recovery items in
your inventory. The idea is to keep your HP up and attack hard
with the PSI attacks to win this battle.

Mini Barf
Found: Underground Road
Experience: 7521
Money: $460
HP: 616
PP: 0
Offense: 45
Defense: 71
Speed: 10
IQ: 30
Guts: 19
Item Dropped: N/A
Strategy: Despite the public opinion, this miniature version of Master
Belch is really not all that bad. Have Ness use regular
attacks, Paula use PSI Fire, and Jeff attack normally or shoot
Bottle Rockets for massive damage. Mini Barf's regular attacks
can cause alot of damage, so be ready to use PSI Lifeup when
the going gets tough. After a while, this boss will use its
stench to make your entire party cry; counter this by having
Ness use Healing Beta on each person. Then, continue the
barrage of attacks until you defeat it.

Master Belch
Found: Belch Base
Experience: 12509
Money: $664
HP: 650
PP: 0
Offense: 50
Defense: 88
Speed: 16
IQ: 61
Guts: 20
Item Dropped: N/A
Strategy: Now, for this battle, it can either be insanely easy, or it can
be quite a pain in the ass. I prefer the easier strategy, so
we'll go with that one here. As soon as the battle starts, have
whichever character that's carrying it use the Fly Honey. The
next round or so, Master Belch will lose all interest in
fighting, and eats the Fly Honey instead. Use this grand
opportunity to make quick work of him: use Ness's PSI Rockin
Beta, and Paula's PSI Fire Beta, and have Jeff attack normally.
With this attack pattern, the battle will be over in roughly 3
or 4 rounds at most!

Trillionage Sprout
Found: Milky Well Hole
Experience: 30303
Money: $1358
HP: 1048
PP: 240
Offense: 54
Defense: 88
Speed: 16
IQ: 71
Guts: 21
Item Dropped: N/A
Strategy: Well, it should be expected, but THIS is quite a tough battle!
This boss comes accompanied by 2 Tough Mobile Sprouts, so your
first means of business should be to get rid of them. Have Ness
use PSI Rockin Beta, Paula's PSI Fire Beta, and Jeff attack
normally, or use Bottle Rockets. This should definitely
eliminate the sprouts in the first round. If your party gets
messed up due to their attacks, use Secret Herbs if you have
any in store, and attack constantly. If the giant sprout uses
PSI Shield, have Paula use PSI Thunder to nullify it, then
continue with your high-powered PSI to eventually win.

Dept. Store Spook

Found: Fourside Dept. Store
Experience: 24291
Money: $1648
HP: 610
PP: 290
Offense: 82
Defense: 135
Speed: 19
IQ: 62
Guts: 24
Item Dropped: N/A
Strategy: For a mini-boss that only 2/3 of your party will face, it's a
real toughie. Despite that, you can end the battle really
quickly if you come prepared. If you let the spook get a few
hits in, it'll use PSI Fire and Freeze, among other attacks,
causing great devastation to your group. Have Jeff shoot Bottle
Rockets, and a Big Bottle Rocket if he has one, and Ness use
PSI Rockin Beta. If you do that, the battle should be over in
just a couple rounds. In case it doesn't work out that way, be
ready to keep your HP up while attacking, to win.

Evil Mani-Mani
Found: Moonside
Experience: 28139
Money: $1852
HP: 860
PP: 88
Offense: 86
Defense: 145
Speed: 15
IQ: 80
Guts: 1
Item Dropped: N/A
Strategy: Despite the speculation surrounding this statue, it really
isn't much more than a statue in battle. Use Jeff's Big Bottle
Rockets, and Ness's PSI Rockin to cause massive damage right
off the bat. The evil statue will use PSI Magnet, and regular
attacks to bother you. That shouldn't bother you too much, so
complete a second round of hard-hitting attacks, and the battle
should be over.

Clumsy Robot
Found: Monotoli Building
Experience: 32378
Money: $2081
HP: 962
PP: 0
Offense: 88
Defense: 137
Speed: 83
IQ: 49
Guts: 30
Item Dropped: N/A
Strategy: If there are any tough bosses you've faced to this point in the
game, it would HAVE to be this one. This small robot, despite
its size, is a real pain in the neck to beat. First off, Bottle
Rockets don't work on it, nor do PSI spells. Also, it uses
Lifeup and completely heals itself every couple rounds or so,
thus making your efforts futile. Just attack normally with Ness
and Jeff. When the Clumsy Robot spins and shoots missiles, get
ready with Ness's Lifeup Beta to quickly get you both on your
feet again, and continue. After enough rounds, the Runaway Five
will make a surprise appearance and put the robot's destruction
to a halt.

Found: Pond Cave
Experience: 96323
Money: $4086
HP: 1700
PP: 112
Offense: 95
Defense: 154
Speed: 18
IQ: 72
Guts: 32
Item Dropped: N/A
Strategy: As would be expected, Shrooom! is a strong boss whose attacks
can really annoy you, if you're not careful. The boss can
spread spores, placing a mushroom on an ally's head, or poison
members of your group, so be ready with Healing PSI to stop the
poisoning (you can't help the mushroom too much). Use PSI
Rockin Beta, PSI Freeze Gamma, and Jeff's Bottle Rockets if he
has any left. If Shrooom! starts to attack normally, be careful
so you don't lose a party member in the battle. Just keep up
the attacking, and you will suffice.

Plague Rat of Doom

Found: Fourside Sewers
Experience: 115272
Money: $4464
HP: 1827
PP: 60
Offense: 71
Defense: 180
Speed: 19
IQ: 45
Guts: 250
Item Dropped: N/A
Strategy: For this disgusting, giant rat, you will need to be strong with
your attacks, because it'll be just as fierce towards your
party! Most of, if not all, this rat's attacks are SMASH hits,
causing massive damage to members of your party. Have Ness
attack or use Lifeup Beta/Gamma on those who need it, Paula use
Fire Gamma, Jeff fire Big Bottle Rockets, and Poo use Lifeup
Beta or Freeze Beta on the boss. The bottle rockets should
cause LOTS of damage each shot, so you may want to focus on
using those as your main attacks. Keep your party alive and
constantly attack strongly in order to win.

Thunder and Storm

Found: Cave of the Pink Cloud
Experience: 129026
Money: $4736
HP: 2065
PP: 70
Offense: 111
Defense: 171
Speed: 21
IQ: 55
Guts: 35
Item Dropped: N/A
Strategy: Despite being a big boss, at this point in the game, your party
should be strong enough to make quick work of such baddies.
This duo can use Thunder attacks on your party, so if you have
the Franklin Badge, it can help reflect their attacks back at
them. Don't rely on just that to beat them, however. Use Ness's
PSI Rockin Gamma, Paula and Poo's PSI Freeze Gamma, and Jeff
shoot Big Bottle Rockets. If you do this attack pattern for a
couple rounds or so, the battle will be ended rather quickly.

Master Barf
Found: Deep Darkness
Experience: 125056
Money: $3536
HP: 1319
PP: 0
Offense: 136
Defense: 177
Speed: 24
IQ: 64
Guts: 39
Item Dropped: Casey Bat (1/1)
Strategy: Since your group should be geared up for this type of battle,
it should go VERY quickly for you. Use Ness and Paula's best
PSI spells, and have Jeff launch a Multi Bottle Rocket (one
should do the trick). If Jeff has fixed up the Heavy Bazooka,
that would be a good item to use, too. After you caused enough
damage, Poo will suddenly appear again and finish off the mess
with Starstorm Alpha!

Starman Deluxe
Found: Stonehenge
Experience: 160524
Money: $3827
HP: 1400
PP: 418
Offense: 143
Defense: 186
Speed: 27
IQ: 21
Guts: 43
Item Dropped: N/A
Strategy: As would be expected, the Starman Deluxe is going to be a truly
tough boss for you to defeat. Because of its PSI Shield, this
will be a real slugfest rather than a simple psychic power
clash. Start off by having Paula use PSI Shield Beta on the
entire party, and do it a few times to make its powers that
much stronger. That way when the boss starts using PSI
Starstorm and other strong spells, you won't be devastated by
them. As for the others, have Ness and Poo attack or use Lifeup
Beta on whoever needs it, while Jeff launches Multi Bottle
Rockets. If your party's PSI Shield starts to fall apart, make
sure Paula can quickly fix it up again, so having her PP high
is essential to you winning this battle.

Electro Specter
Found: Lumine Hall
Experience: 261637
Money: $6564
HP: 3092
PP: 80
Offense: 148
Defense: 203
Speed: 29
IQ: 56
Guts: 47
Item Dropped: N/A
Strategy: Like the Starman Deluxe fight, this will be another one of the
slugfest battles you may be used to now. As before, have Paula
use a PSI Shield on the entire party, so the Electro Specter's
Thunder attacks won't bother you too much. This boss can use a
Hungry HP-Sucker to weaken your party, PSI Thunder, and also a
Neutralizer, which will remove its PSI Shield, and your own.
So, be ready to put up another PSI Shield quickly after it's
disabled. Once the Neutralizer is used, your party should use
strong PSI attacks, Lifeup on fellow allies as needed, and
launch some Multi Bottle Rockets at it. Basically, if you can
keep your party alive for enough rounds, you'll be able to win,
I would think.

Carbon/Diamond Dog
Found: Fire Spring
Experience: 337738
Money: $6968
HP: 1672 (Carbon), 3344 (Diamond)
PP: 0 (Carbon), 154 (Diamond)
Offense: 159 (Carbon), 167 (Diamond)
Defense: 174 (Carbon), 230 (Diamond)
Speed: 31
IQ: 53 (Carbon), 47 (Diamond)
Guts: 52 (Carbon), 10 (Diamond)
Item Dropped: N/A
Strategy: This is going to be the final My Sanctuary battle, which makes
it a long and hard battle. The boss starts off in the form of
Carbon Dog, with no barriers whatsoever. This is a good time to
let loose with PSI spells and Bottle Rockets. When Carbon Dog
bites a party member, be ready to use Lifeup Beta because the
attack packs quite a punch. After enough damage is taken,
Carbon Dog turns into the fierce Diamond Dog. This one comes
prepared with a powered up Shield, so whenever you use a
regular attack, it reflects the attack back your way. Continue
using PSI spells, and if Jeff has it, use a Neutralizer to
nullify the shield. If you want to take your chances though,
have your weaker party members go through a quick round of
regular attacking to break down the shield manually. Either
way, once it's gone, have Jeff whip out the Multi Bottle
Rockets to cause massive damage. Keep your group's HP high when
Diamond Dog attacks, and you'll have this battle won very soon!

Ness's Nightmare
Found: Sea of Eden
Experience: 89004
Money: $4442
HP: 1654
PP: 882
Offense: 172
Defense: 253
Speed: 31
IQ: 80
Guts: 1
Item Dropped: N/A
Strategy: Starting off, this nightmare is the "evil" side of Ness. Hence
it has all the abilities Ness would have, lots of HP and PP,
and is relentless with attacking. The evil statue begins with a
PSI Shield, blocking your PSI Rockin attacks, so just use
regular attacks to start. When the boss starts using Shield
Beta, it'll cancel out the PSI Shield, so that's when you
should use PSI Rockin Omega or Gamma. Be careful when the
nightmare does the same thing, for it can be fatal. When you
are dealt mortal damage, quickly use Lifeup Gamma to recover
from it, then continue. If your PP runs low, use a couple of
Magic Puddings to stay in the game. This boss will also use
Lifeup Beta to keep itself going, but if you can keep attacking
constantly, you'll be able to beat it to the punch and win
after all.

Heavily Armed Pokey/Giygas

Found: Final Cave
HP: 2000 (Pokey), 9999 (Giygas)
PP: 999 (Pokey), 0 (Giygas)
Offense: 145 (Pokey), 255 (Giygas)
Defense: 255
Speed: 60 (Pokey), 80 (Giygas)
IQ: 255
Guts: 5
Item Dropped: N/A
Strategy: As you may know, this is the final battle of the game. In the
first part, Pokey stays around to attack and taunt you. Giygas,
bearing a resemblance to Ness, has his abilities to use against
you. Have Paula put up a PSI Shield on the group, while
everyone uses their best attacks on Pokey. After he takes
enough damage, Pokey will run off and reveal Giygas' true form.
Now, it'll be just you four versus Giygas, so continue to use
your strongest attacks to cause damage to it. He doesn't attack
too often, so don't worry too much about that. If anyone in
your group is weak, have Ness or Poo use Lifeup Gamma to keep
them going. After a while, Pokey will return and taunt you guys
a bit more. After he goes away, the battle will continue. Since
attacking will not help your cause, you must resort to other
measures. You must have Paula use her Pray command to call out
for strength from everyone you've met in the past. If she goes
unconscious, have someone revive her, and continue the praying.
She must pray 9 times in order for it all to be a success. Once
she has prayed for the required amount of times, Giygas will
crumble from the massive power the prayers have obtained, and
the battle will be over.


-= 7. Weapons -=


Big League Bat

Attack: +54

Casey Bat
Attack: +125
Note: Has very low hit%.

Cracked Bat
Attack: +4

Gutsy Bat
Attack: +100
Guts: +127

Hall of Fame Bat

Attack: +62

Legendary Bat
Attack: +110

Magicant Bat
Attack: +80

Minor League Bat

Attack: +26

Mr. Baseball Bat

Attack: +38

Sand Lot Bat

Attack: +15

T-Rex's Bat
Attack: +48

Tee Ball Bat

Attack: +8

Ultimate Bat
Attack: +68


Chef's Fry Pan

Attack: +40

Deluxe Fry Pan

Attack: +30

French Fry Pan

Attack: +60

Fry Pan
Attack: +10

Holy Fry Pan

Attack: +80
Guts: +10

Magic Fry Pan

Attack: +50
Guts: +100

Non-Stick Fry Pan

Attack: +50

Thick Fry Pan

Attack: +20


Baddest Beam
Attack: +98

Crusher Beam
Attack: +72

Death Ray
Attack: +90

Double Beam
Attack: +66

Gaia Beam
Attack: +125

Hyper Beam
Attack: +58

Laser Gun
Attack: +48

Magnum Air Gun

Attack: +36

Moon Beam Gun

Attack: +110

Pop Gun
Attack: +16

Spectrum Beam
Attack: +78

Stun Gun
Attack: +24

Toy Air Gun

Attack: +32

Zip Gun
Attack: +40


Sword of Kings
Attack: +30

Weapons All Can Equip

Bionic Slingshot
Attack: +32

Combat Yo-yo
Attack: +54

Attack: +12

Trick Yo-yo
Attack: +46

Attack: +6


-= 8. Body Equipment -=

Cloak of Kings
Defense: +20
Note: Can only be equipped by Poo.

Crystal Charm
Defense: +2
Speed: +15
Note: Protects from paralysis.

Earth Pendant
Defense: +16
Note: Protects from fire, ice, and flash.

Flame Pendant
Defense: +15
Note: Protects from fire attacks.

Great Charm
Defense: +1
Note: Protects from paralysis, increases the wearer's speed.

Night Pendant
Defense: +15
Note: Protects from flash.

Rain Pendant
Defense: +15
Note: Protects from ice attacks.

Sea Pendant
Defense: +20
Note: Protects from fire, ice, and flash.

Star Pendant
Defense: +30
Note: Protects from fire, ice, flash, and paralysis.

Travel Charm
Note: Protects from paralysis.


-= 9. Arm Equipment -=

Bracer of Kings
Defense: +30
Note: Can only be equipped by Poo.

Cheap Bracelet
Defense: +5

Cherub's Band
Defense: +70
Luck: +20
Note: Protects from sleep.

Copper Bracelet
Defense: +10

Diamond Band
Defense: +50

Gold Bracelet
Defense: +30

Goddess Band
Defense: +80
Luck: +30
Note: Protects from sleep.

Pixie's Bracelet
Defense: +60
Luck: +10
Note: Protects against sleep.

Platinum Band
Defense: +40

Silver Bracelet
Defense: +15


-= 10. Accessories -=

Baseball Cap
Defense: +5

Charm Coin
Defense: +50
Luck: +20

Coin of Defense
Defense: +40

Coin of Silence
Defense: +45
Luck: +16

Coin of Slumber
Defense: +30
Luck: +18

Defense Ribbon
Defense: +40
Luck: +15
Note: Can only be equipped by Paula.

Diadem of Kings
Defense: +20
Luck: +30
Note: Can only be equipped by Poo.

Goddess Ribbon
Defense: +110
Note: Can only be equipped by Paula.

Hard Hat
Defense: +15

Holmes Hat
Defense: +10

Lucky Coin
Defense: +50
Luck: +20

Mr. Baseball Cap

Defense: +6

Mr. Saturn Coin

Defense: +47
Luck: +18

Rabbit's Foot
Defense: +3
Speed: +40
Note: Protects from paralysis.

Red Ribbon
Defense: +25
Note: Can only be equipped by Paula.

Defense: +20
Note: Can only be equipped by Paula.

Saturn Ribbon
Defense: +90
Luck: +40
Note: Can only be equipped by Paula.

Shiny Coin
Defense: +70
Luck: +30

Souvenir Coin
Defense: +80
Luck: +35

Talisman Coin
Defense: +60
Luck: +25

Talisman Ribbon
Defense: +60
Luck: +25
Note: Can only be equipped by Paula.


-= 11. Items -=


ATM Card: Allows you to withdraw/deposit cash at one of the many ATM machines
throughout the game.

Backstage Pass: Use this to get into the Runaway Five's dressing room at the
Chaos Theater in Twoson.

Bad Key Machine: Use this to open locked doors without a key.

Bag of Dragonite: Turn an ally into a dragon to attack all the enemies once
in battle.

Bazooka: Shoot at enemies in battle to cause damage; only Jeff can use.

Bicycle: Use this to quickly navigate through a town or outside region. You
cannot enter buildings or caves while on the bike, however. You can
ring the bell by pressing R.

Big Bottle Rocket: A larger Bottle Rocket, which causes several hundred HP of
damage to a single enemy; only Jeff can use.

Bomb: Throw at the enemies to cause a good amount of damage to all of them.

Bottle Rocket: Launch this at a single enemy to cause a small amount of

damage; only Jeff can use.

Brain Stone: Prevents the holder from being restricted on PSI use in battle.

Carrot Key: Use to remove the rabbit statues in Dalaam.

Chick: This is the hatchling from a Fresh Egg, after a period of time. Hold
onto it for a while and it'll grow into a full-size Chicken.

Chicken: The fully-grown hatchling from the Fresh Egg, sells for good money.

Contact Lens: Find these in the Desert, give to the man above the Fourside
Bakery to get a Pair of Dirty Socks.

Counter-PSI Unit: Counters PSI attacks used in battle; only Jeff can use.

Cup of Lifenoodles: Fully revive a fallen ally, and fully recover their HP.

Defense Shower: Temporarily increasess all ally's defense in battle; only

Jeff can use.

Defense Spray: Temporarily increases the targeted ally's defense.

Diamond: Found in the Desert after clearing the mine; give to the Topolla
Theater manager to free the Runaway Five.

Eraser Eraser: Use to clear the iron eraser-shaped statue below Stonehenge.

Exit Mouse: When used inside a dungeon, this mouse takes you directly outside
again. This is especially useful when you are low on HP and
cannot make it back out of a dungeon alive normally.

For Sale Sign: Outside, set this sign up and a customer will run up. Select
an item from your inventory you wish to sell, and they will
buy it from you for a cheap price. It's good for getting rid
of useless items quickly.

Franklin Badge: Deflects Thunder attacks from the holder back at the enemy.

Hand Aid: Fully restores an ally's HP.

Handbag Strap: Use to temporarily stun an enemy in battle.

Hawk Eye: Get inside the Pyramid; use to find your way through the inner
areas of Deep Darkness.

Heavy Bazooka: Repaired from the Broken Bazooka, use to shoot at the targeted
enemy to cause lots of damage; only Jeff can use.

Hieroglyph Copy: Simply a copy of the giant Hieroglyph in the Summers Museum.

HP Sucker: Sucks out some of an enemy's HP and gives it to the user; only
Jeff can use.

Hungry HP Sucker: Sucks out some HP from all enemies and gives it to the
user; only Jeff can use.

Insecticide Spray: Use this on insect enemies in battle to kill them.

Jar of Fly Honey: Use this against Master Belch to distract his attention,
keeping him from attacking you in battle.

Key to the Cabin: Allows you to unlock Paula's jail cell in the Peaceful Rest
Key to the Locker: Broken key that is meant to open lockers at Jeff's school;
must have Bad Key Machine to make use of.

Key to the Shack: Allows you to enter the shack north of Onett.

Key to the Tower: Allows you to enter Brick Road (Dungeon Man) in Scaraba.

King Banana: One of the items given to you, to trade away in the Tarah Rama's

Meteorite Piece: Get this by checking the meteorite north of Onett late in
the game; used to extract Zexonyte material.

Meteornium: Dropped by an enemy in battle; sell for lots of money.

Meteorite: Dropped by an enemy in battle; sell for lots of money.

Monkey's Love: Get by teaching a monkey in Deep Darkness how to teleport; if

used in battle, the monkey will appear and stun an enemy.

Multi Bottle Rocket: Several Bottle Rockets attached together in one device,
launch at a single enemy to cause 1000+ HP of damage;
only Jeff can use.

Mummy Wrap: Use in battle to temporarily stun an enemy.

Neutralizer: When used, it removes all effects of PSI (shields included) from
all enemies and all allies; only Jeff can use.

Pair of Dirty Socks: Get from a man in Fourside in exchange for his Contact
Lens, use in battle to temporarily stun an enemy.

Pak of Bubble Gum: Give to the Bubble Monkey to have him call Tessie, reach
upper ledges and lower ropes for you in Winters.

Pencil Eraser: Use this to clear the pencil point iron statue within the
Peaceful Rest Valley.

Pharaoh's Curse: Poisons a single enemy in battle.

Picture Postcard: It's just a postcard of the Saturn Valley area.

Piggy Nose: Use when wandering in the Deep Darkness to sniff out the hidden
Magic Truffles.

Protractor: Used in battle to "get an angle of things"; in other words, it is

of no use whatsoever.

Receiver Phone: This allows you to contact Apple Kid when needed, and vice

Ruler: Has no real use, except to "size things up" in battle.

Rust Promoter: Causes damage against robotic and mechanical enemies.

Rust Promoter DX: Causes more damage against robotic and mechanical enemies.

Shield Killer: Nullifies the targeted enemy's shield when used; only Jeff can
Show Ticket: Use to enter the Topolla Theater to see the Runaway Five or
Venus perform.

Shyness Book: Find in the Onett Library, bring it to the Tenda Village to
help them overcome their shyness.

Signed Banana: It has Venus' signature on it!

Slime Generator: Temporarily stuns an enemy in battle; only Jeff can use.

Snake: Poisons a single enemy in battle.

Snake Bag: Use a snake inside to poison an enemy in battle.

Sound Stone: It stores all the music you've heard at each of the My Sanctuary
spots you've visited.

Stag Beetle: Temporarily stuns an enemy in battle.

Sudden Guts Pill: Increases the ally's Guts during battle.

Super Bomb: Throw at a single enemy in battle to cause lots of damage.

Super Plush Bear: In battle, it absorbs more damage from enemies than the
regular Teddy Bear. If it's damaged enough, it turns into a
pile of fluff, however.

Suporma: Get from the Orange Kid; plays a song when used.

Teddy Bear: In battle, it absorbs a good amount of damage from enemies. After
it is damaged enough, it turns into fluff.

Tendakraut: This is the smelly delicacy of the Tenda Village; use to enter
the Underworld Tenda Village.

Tiny Ruby: A small jewel that Poo carries; must have to access the Hieroglyph
in the Summers Museum.

Toothbrush: Can temporarily freeze an enemy in battle.

Town Map: Use this to view an overhead map of the town you're currently in.

Trout Yogurt: Recover around 30HP when used.

Viper: Poisons a single enemy in battle.

Wad of Bills: Get from Everdred after rescuing Paula; give to the Chaos
Theater manager to free the Runaway Five.

Xterminator Spray: Kills all insect enemies in battle.

Yogury Dispenser: Get from the Tarah Rama at the end of his cave; give to
Monotoli's maid to get to the 48th Floor of the building.

Zombie Paper: Use in the circus tent in Threed to capture all the zombies
Medicinal Items

Cold Remedy: Cures the cold status effect.

Guts Capsule: Permanently increases Guts by 1.

Horn of Life: Brings an unconscious character back to life outside of a

hospital, cures all status effects.

IQ Capsure: Permanently increases IQ by 1.

Luck Capsule: Permanently increases Luck by 1.

Refreshing Herb: Cures cold, sunstroke, crying, poison, feeling strange, and
nausea status effets.

Rock Candy: Permanently increase any one statistic by 1.

Secret Herb: Cures all status effects, brings an unconscious character back
to life.

Speed Capsule: Permanently increases Speed by 1.

Vital Capsule: Permanently increases Vitality by 1.

Vial of Serum: Cures the poison status effect.

Wet Towel: Cures the sunstroke status effect.


-= 12. Food -=

NOTE: For all food items, Poo recovers 6HP only, unless otherwise noted.

Food List

Bag of Fries: Restores 24HP.

Banana: Restores 25HP.

Bean Croquette: Restores 42HP.

Beef Jerky: Restores 150HP.

Boiled Egg: Restores 42HP.

Bottle of DX Water: Restores 40PP to Poo; 1PP to others.

Bottle of Water: Restores 10PP to Poo; 1PP to others.

Bowl of Rice Gruel: Restures 216HP.

Brain Food Lunch: Restores 300HP and 50PP; restores all HP/PP to Poo.

Bread Roll: Restores 30HP.

Calorie Stick: Restores 60HP.

Can of Fruit Juice: Restores 6HP.

Chef's Special: Restores 216HP.

Cookie: Restores 6HP.

Croissant: Restores 60HP.

Cup of Coffee: Restores 12HP.

Cup of Noodles: Restores 42HP.

Double Burger: Restores 96HP.

Fresh Egg: Restores 84HP.

Gelato de Resort: Restores 30HP.

Hamburger: Restores 48HP.

Kabob: Restores 126HP.

Kraken Soup: Fully restores HP; 6HP to Poo.

Large Pizza: Restores 240HP.

Lucky Sandwich: Recover random amounts of HP and PP.

Luxury Jerky: Restores 300HP.

Magic Pudding: Restores 40PP.

Magic Tart: Restores 20PP.

Magic Truffle: Restores 80PP.

Mammoth Burger: Restores 204HP.

Molokheiya Soup: Restores 84HP.

Pasta di Summers: Restores 108HP.

Peanut Cheese Bar: Restores 108HP.

Picnic Lunch: Restores 84HP.

Piggy Jelly: Restores 300HP.

Pizza: Restores 120HP.

Plain Roll: Restores 24HP.

Plain Yogurt: Restores 168HP.

Popsicle: Restores 18HP.

Protein Drink: Restores 84HP.

PSI Caramel: Restores 20PP.

Royal Iced Tea: Restores 60HP.

Skip Sandwich: Restores 6HP; allows you to move quicker for 10 seconds.

Skip Sandwich DX: Restores 6HP; allows you to move quicker for 20 seconds.

Spicy Jerky: Restores 252HP.


NOTE: When you use a condiment with a compatible item, it enhances the amount
of HP or PP you recover from it. If you use a bad mix of condiment and
food, the effect is hindered.

Carton of Cream
Compatible With: Banana
Lucky Sandwich
Trout Yogurt

Jar of Delisauce
Compatible With: All

Jar of Hot Sauce

Compatible With: Cup of Noodles
Pasta di Summers

Ketchup Packet
Compatible With: Bag of Fries
Bean Croquette
Beef Jerky
Double Burger
Fresh Egg
Luxury Jerky
Magic Truffle
Mammoth Burger
Spicy Jerky

Salt Packet
Compatible With: Boiled Egg
Brain Food Lunch
Chef's Special
Picnic Lunch

Sprig of Parsley
Compatible With: Bowl of Rice Gruel
Peanut Cheese Bar
Piggy Jelly

Sugar Packet
Compatible With: Bread Roll
Calorie Stick
Magic Pudding
Magic Tart
Plain Yogurt
PSI Caramel
Rock Candy

Tin of Cocoa
Compatible With: Cookie
Gelato de Resort
Plain Roll
Skip Sandwich
Skip Sandwich DX


-= 13. PSI Spells -=

Brainshock Alpha
Level Learned: 24 (Poo)
PP: 10
Description: Can cause an enemy to feel strange in battle.

Brainshock Omega
Level Learned: 44 (Poo)
PP: 30
Description: Can cause all enemies to feel strange in battle.

Defense Down Alpha

Level Learned: 29 (Paula)
PP: 6
Description: Decreases an enemy's defensive power for the rest of the
battle. Can be cast multiple times on the same enemy to
enhance the effects.

Defense Down Omega

Level Learned: 54 (Paula)
PP: 18
Description: Decreases all enemy's defensive power for the rest of the
battle. Can be cast multiple times to enhance the effects.

Fire Alpha
Level Learned: 3 (Paula)
PP: 6
Description: Attack an entire row of enemies for roughly 80HP of fire

Fire Beta
Level Learned: 19 (Paula)
PP: 12
Description: Attack an entire row of enemies for roughly 160HP of fire
Fire Gamma
Level Learned: 37 (Paula)
PP: 20
Description: Attack an entire row of enemies for roughly 240HP of fire

Fire Omega
Level Learned: 64 (Paula)
PP: 42
Description: Attack an entire row of enemies for roughly 320HP of fire

Flash Alpha
Level Learned: 18 (Ness)
PP: 8
Description: Can cause the targeted enemies to feel strange or cry, thus
lowering their accuracy in battle.

Flash Beta
Level Learned: 38 (Ness)
PP: 16
Description: Can cause all enemies to feel strange, cry, become numb, or
even defeated in battle.

Flash Gamma
Level Learned: 61 (Ness)
PP: 24
Description: Can cause all enemies to feel strange, cry, become numb, or
even defeated in battle. It has a stronger effect than the
weaker versions of this PSI.

Flash Omega
Level Learned: 67 (Ness)
PP: 32
Description: The strongest version of the Flash PSI. It has a great
chance of killing all the enemies in the battle in one shot.

Freeze Alpha
Level Learned: N/A (Paula)
PP: 4
Description: Hit a single enemy with about 180HP of ice damage; can
potentially freeze some enemies.

Freeze Beta
Level Learned: 11 (Paula)
PP: 9
Description: Hit a single enemy with about 360HP of ice damage; can
potentially freeze some enemies.

Freeze Gamma
Level Learned: 31 (Paula)
33 (Poo)
PP: 18
Description: Hit a single enemy with about 540HP of ice damage; can
potentially freeze some enemies.

Freeze Omega
Level Learned: 46 (Paula)
PP: 28
Description: Hit a single enemy with about 720HP of ice damage; can
potentially freeze some enemies.

Healing Alpha
Level Learned: 10 (Ness)
PP: 5
Description: Cures cold, sunstroke, and sleep status effects.

Healing Beta
Level Learned: 24 (Ness)
PP: 8
Description: Cures cold, sunstroke, sleep, poison, nausea, feeling
strange, and crying status effects.

Healing Gamma
Level Learned: 36 (Poo)
53 (Ness)
PP: 20
Description: Cures all the effects that Beta can, as well as paralysis,
being diamondized, and brings back an ally from being
unconscious, although it doesn't restore their HP.

Healing Omega
Level Learned: 52 (Poo)
PP: 38
Description: Cures all the effects that Beta can, as well as paralysis,
being diamondized, and brings back an ally from being
unconscious, fully restoring their HP.

Hypnosis Alpha
Level Learned: 4 (Ness)
PP: 6
Description: Puts a single enemy to sleep.

Hypnosis Omega
Level Learned: 27 (Ness)
PP: 18
Description: Puts all the enemies to sleep.

Lifeup Alpha
Level Learned: 2 (Ness)
PP: 5
Description: Restores around 100HP to one ally.

Lifeup Beta
Level Learned: 20 (Ness)
PP: 8
Description: Restores around 300HP to one ally.

Lifeup Gamma
Level Learned: 39 (Ness)
46 (Poo)
PP: 13
Description: Fully restores all HP to one ally.

Lifeup Omega
Level Learned: 70 (Ness)
PP: 24
Description: Restores 400HP to all allies.

Magnet Alpha
Level Learned: 15 (Paula)
21 (Poo)
PP: 0
Description: Steal a small amount of PP from an enemy, and take it as
your own.

Magnet Omega
Level Learned: 24 (Paula)
27 (Poo)
PP: 0
Description: Steal a small amount of PP from all enemies, and take it as
your own.

Offense Up Alpha
Level Learned: 21 (Paula)
PP: 10
Description: Increases an ally's offensive power for the rest of the
battle. Can be cast multiple times on the same person to
enhance the effects.

Offense Up Omega
Level Learned: 40 (Paula)
PP: 30
Description: Increases all ally's offensive power for the rest of the
battle. Can be cast multiple times to enhance the effects.

Paralysis Alpha
Level Learned: 14 (Ness)
PP: 8
Description: Paralyzes a single enemy, rendering them immobile for a
period of time.

Paralysis Omega
Level Learned: 29 (Ness)
PP: 24
Description: Paralyzes all enemies, rendering them immobile for a period
of time.

PSI Shield Alpha

Level Learned: 6 (Paula)
PP: 8
Description: Protects a single ally from all PSI damage. Can be cast
multiple times on the same person to enhance the effects.

PSI Shield Sigma

Level Learned: 27 (Paula)
PP: 24
Description: Protects all allies from all PSI damage. Can be cast
multiple times to enhance the effects.

Rockin Alpha
Level Learned: 8 (Ness)
PP: 10
Description: A psychokinetic wave will be sent after all the enemies in
battle, causing around 50HP of damage to each. It's an
excellent attack spell that only Ness can make use of.
Rockin Beta
Level Learned: 22 (Ness)
PP: 14
Description: A psychokinetic wave will be sent after all the enemies in
battle, causing around 180HP of damage to each. It's an
excellent attack spell, which only Ness can use.

Rockin Gamma
Level Learned: 49 (Ness)
PP: 40
Description: A psychokinetic wave will be sent after all the enemies in
battle, causing around 320HP of damage to each. It's an
excellent attack spell, which only Ness can use.

Rockin Omega
Level Learned: 75 (Ness)
PP: 98
Description: A psychokinetic wave will be sent after all the enemies in
battle, causing around 640HP of damage to each. This has to
be Ness's ultimate PSI ability in this game!

Shield Alpha
Level Learned: 12 (Ness)
PP: 6
Description: Protects a single ally from damage, reducing the damage they
take by 50%. Can be cast multiple times on the same person
to enhance the effects.

Shield Beta
Level Learned: 34 (Ness)
16 (Poo)
51 (Paula)
PP: 10
Description: Protects a single ally from damage, reducing the damage they
take by 50%. Also, some of the shielded attack will be dealt
back at the enemy to cause damage to them. Can be cast
multiple times on the same person to enhance the effects.

Shield Omega
Level Learned: 51 (Poo)
60 (Paula)
PP: 30
Description: Protects a single ally from damage, reducing the damage they
take by 50%. Also, some of the shielded attack will be dealt
back at the enemy to cause damage to them. Can be cast
multiple times on the same person to enhance the effects. As
is expected, this shield's powers are stronger than the
Sigma level.

Shield Sigma
Level Learned: N/A (Poo)
PP: 18
Description: Protects all allies from damage, reducing the damage they
take by 50%. Also, some of the shielded attack will be dealt
back at the enemy to cause damage to them. Can be cast
multiple times to enhance the effects.

Starstorm Alpha
Level Learned: N/A (Poo; get from man after Pyramid training)
PP: 24
Description: Use the power of the stars to cause around 360HP of damage
to all enemies onscreen. It is an excellent PSI spell for
the later areas of the game, that only Poo can make use of.

Starstorm Omega
Level Learned: N/A (Poo; get from man before Final Cave)
PP: 42
Description: Use the power of the stars to cause around 720HP of damage
to all enemies onscreen. It's quite possibly THE greatest
PSI spell in the entire game, and only Poo can use it!

Teleport Alpha
Level Learned: N/A (Ness; get from monkey after seeing Tarah Rama)
17 (Poo)
PP: 2
Description: Warp your party to any town/area you've already visited. In
order for it to work, you need a long stretch of straight
path to race down, or an open field to run around in circles
to gather speed.

Teleport Beta
Level Learned: 18 (Poo)
N/A (Ness; get after leaving Magicant)
PP: 8
Description: Warp your party to any town/area you've already visited. As
opposed to the weaker version, you don't need any running
space to teleport. You spin around quickly to warp, so make
sure you don't crash into anything and you'll be fine.

Thunder Alpha
Level Learned: 8 (Paula)
PP: 3
Description: Hit a single enemy with about 120HP of lightning damage.
Also, this attack can destroy a PSI/regular shield barrier.

Thunder Beta
Level Learned: 25 (Paula)
PP: 7
Description: Hit a single enemy with about 120HP of lightning damage two
times in a row. Also, this attack can destroy a PSI/regular
shield barrier.

Thunder Gamma
Level Learned: 41 (Poo)
57 (Paula)
PP: 16
Description: Hit a single enemy with about 200HP of lightning damage
three times in a row. Also, this attack can destroy a
PSI/regular shield barrier.

Thunder Omega
Level Learned: 55 (Poo)
PP: 20
Description: Hit a single enemy with about 200HP of lightning damage four
times in a row. Also, this attack can destroy a PSI/regular
shield barrier.

-= 14. Photo-Op Locations -=


1. Right between the fence posts at Ness's House, after Pokey and Picky have
been returned home.

2. Buy the house by the sea, and step inside of the dump.


3. Outside the Cycle Shop, by the entrance.

4. Just outside the Chaos Theatre, by the entrance.

Peaceful Rest Valley

5. North of the spot where the Iron Octopus Statue stood (near a waterfall).

6. After rescuing Paula, outside of the Cabin she was held in.


7. In front of the Tessie Watchers Club Tents.

8. In Brick Road's Dungeon, examine the falling rocks sign.

9. Around the entrance to the Stonehenge Base.


10. Check out the solo Tombstone between the two cemeteries.

11. Visit the Large Tent after eradicating the Zombies.

Saturn Valley

12. Approach Grapefruit Falls north of Saturn Valley.

13. Just to the right of the Mr. Saturn Hot Springs.

14. After returning from Magicant, but before you become Robots.

Dusty Dunes Desert

15. The Black Sesame (located to the north of the drug store in the desert)
will talk to you, triggering the picture.

16. After clearing the Gold Mine, exit the underground area of the mine.


17. On the fourth floor of the Department Store, in front of the Toy Store.

18. Inside of the Museum, near the Dinosaur bones.

19. Outside the Dinosaur Museum, on the steps.

20. Near Fourside, on the suspension bridge between the tunnels.

21. Walk around the grass between two trees to the right of the Monotoli


22. Directly below the burrito vendor on the beach, among the beach chairs.

23. Near the Hotel entrance.

24. Inside the Restaurant, beside the top-left table on the far left of the
dining room.

25. Enter the port town of Toto connected to Summers and look for the first
sailor you can find. Walk near the trees.


26. Outside the Palace, once all four characters are there together.

27. In front of the Dalaam throne in the Throne Room, once all four
characters are there together.


28. In Scaraba, walk between the small oasis and the market area.

29. In front of the Pyramid south of Scaraba.

30. In the desert around Dungeon Man, walk south towards an oasis.

Deep Darkness

31. Near the canary and a Giftbox with an IQ Capsule inside.

Tenda Village

32. After teaching the Tendas how not to be shy.


-= 15. Shops -=


Drug Store

Name Price
---- -----
Cracked Bat $18
Tee Ball Bat $48
Yo-yo $29
Baseball Cap $19
Cheap Bracelet $98
Cold Remedy $22

Burger Shop

Name Price
---- -----
Can of Fruit Juice $4
Cup of Coffee $6
Bag of Fries $8
Hamburger $14

Name Price
---- -----
Cookie $7
Bread Roll $12
Skip Sandwich $38
Lucky Sandwich $128


Burger Shop

Name Price
---- -----
Can of Fruit Juice $4
Cup of Coffee $6
Bag of Fries $8
Hamburger $14

Bakery (Dept. Store)


Name Price
---- -----
Cookie $7
Bread Roll $12
Skip Sandwich $38
Lucky Sandwich $128

Drug Store

Name Price
---- -----
Tee Ball Bat $48
Fry Pan $56
Slingshot $89
Cheap Bracelet $98
Baseball Cap $19
Ribbon $89
Cold Remedy $22
Teddy Bear $178

Bakery (Park)

Name Price
---- -----
Cookie $7
Bread Roll $12
Skip Sandwich $38
Lucky Sandwich $128
Can of Fruit Juice $4
Cup of Coffee $6

Antique Shop (Park)


Name Price
---- -----
For Sale Sign $98

Thrift Shop (Park)


Name Price
---- -----
Defense Spray $500
Rust Promoter $89
Travel Charm $60
Copper Bracelet $349
Broken Spray Can $189
Broken Iron $149

Banana Shop (Park)


Name Price
---- -----
Banana $5

Tool Shop (Park)


Name Price
---- -----
Ruler $2

Egg Shop (Park)


Name Price
---- -----
Egg $12

Condiment Shop (Park)


Name Price
---- -----
Ketchup Packet $2
Sugar Packet $3
Tin of Cocoa $4
Carton of Cream $4
Sprig of Parsley $2
Jar of Hot Sauce $3
Salt Packet $2

Happy Happy Village

Drug Store

Name Price
---- -----
Sand Lot Bat $98
Fry Pan $56
Copper Bracelet $349
Holmes Hat $59
Ribbon $89
Cold Remedy $22
Refreshing Herb $80
Croissant $18
Skip Sandwich $38
Lucky Sandwich $128
Can of Fruit Juice $4
Cup of Coffee $6

Self-Service Shop

Name Price
---- -----
Banana $5
Fresh Egg $12


Drug Store

Name Price
---- -----
Minor League Bat $399
Thick Fry Pan $198
Hard Hat $298
Insectide Spray $19
Copper Bracelet $349
Cold Remedy $22
Vial of Serum $58
Refreshing Herb $80
Toothbrush $3
Calorie Stick $18

Bakery (Park)
Name Price
---- -----
Cookie $7
Bread Roll $12
Croissant $18
Skip Sandwich $38
Lucky Sandwich $128
Can of Fruit Juice $4
Cup of Coffee $6

Arms Dealer (Behind Pizza Shop)


Name Price
---- -----
Toy Air Gun $215
Bomb $149
Bottle Rocket $29
Rust Promoter $89


Drug Store

Name Price
---- -----
T-Rex's Bat $698
Non-Stick Frypan $1490
Coin of Silence $2500
Picnic Lunch $24
Skip Sandwich DX $98
Lucky Sandwich $128
Cup of Coffee $6

Cave Man (Andonuts Lab)


Name Price
---- -----
Cup of Noodles $98
Beef Jerky $70
Protein Drink $38
Cup of Coffee $6
Bottle of DX Water $198
Secret Herb $380

Grapefruit Falls

Old Man
Name Price
---- -----
Croissant $18
Calorie Stick $18
Cup of Coffee $6

Saturn Valley

Drug Store

Name Price
---- -----
Bionic Slingshot $449
Travel Charm $60
Great Charm $400
Silver Bracelet $599
Red Ribbon $179
Insecticide Spray $19
Stag Beetle $8
Refreshing Herb $80
Peanut Cheese Bar $22
Horn of Life $1780
Secret Herb $380
Picture Postcard $2
Flame Pendant $3000 (after Magicant)
Rain Pendant $3000 (after Magicant)
Night Pendant $3000 (after Magicant)
Piggy Jelly $222 (after Magicant)

Dusty Dunes Desert

Drug Store

Name Price
---- -----
Mr. Baseball Bat $498
Thick Fry Pan $198
Deluxe Fry Pan $598
Silver Bracelet $599
Coin of Slumber $1500
Wet Towel $24
Refreshing Herb $80
Calorie Stick $18
Skip Sandwich $38
Lucky Sandwich $128
Can of Fruit Juice $4
Picnic Lunch $24

Arms Dealer (Behind Drug Store)


Name Price
---- -----
Zip Gun $425
Bomb $149
Bottle Rocket $29
Rust Promoter $89

Vendor (Outside Mine)


Name Price
---- -----
Can of Fruit Juice $4
Cup of Coffee $6
Hamburger $14
Picnic Lunch $24
Skip Sandwich $38
Wet Towel $24
Popsicle $7



Name Price
---- -----
Cookie $7
Bread Roll $12
Croissant $18
Skip Sandwich $38
Skip Sandwich DX $98
Lucky Sandwich $128

Street Salesman (North of Dept. Store)


Name Price
---- -----
Broken Gadget $109
Broken Iron $149
Defense Spray $500
Rust Promoter $89

Seasoning Saleswoman (Dept. Store)


Name Price
---- -----
Ketchup Packet $2
Sugar Packet $3
Tin of Cocoa $4
Carton of Cream $4
Sprig of Parsley $2
Jar of Hot Sauce $3
Salt Packet $2

Burger Shop (Dept. Store)


Name Price
---- -----
Can of Fruit Juice $4
Cup of Coffee $6
Bag of Fries $8
Hamburger $14
Double Burger $24

Food Shop (Dept. Store)


Name Price
---- -----
Boiled Egg $9
Bread Roll $12
Croissant $18
Banana $5
Picnic Lunch $24

Tool Shop (Dept. Store)


Name Price
---- -----
Deluxe Fry Pan $598
Chef's Fry Pan $1198
Silver Bracelet $599
Gold Bracelet $2799
Insecticide Spray $19
Toothbrush $3
Protractor $2

Drug Store (Dept. Store)


Name Price
---- -----
Cold Remedy $22
Refreshing Herb $80
Protein Drink $38
Calorie Stick $18

Sports Shop (Dept. Store)

Name Price
---- -----
Sand Lot Bat $98
Minor League Bat $399
Mr. Baseball Bat $498
Baseball Cap $19

Toy Shop (Dept. Store)


Name Price
---- -----
Trick Yo-yo $998
Coin of Slumber $1500
Coin of Defense $2000
Red Ribbon $179
Defense Ribbon $389
Teddy Bear $178

Arms Dealer (Dept. Store, 2nd Floor Side Room)


Name Price
---- -----
Hyper Beam $850
Bomb $149
Super Bomb $399
Bottle Rocket $29
Big Bottle Rocket $139


Drug Store

Name Price
---- -----
Big League Bat $3080
Chef's Fry Pan $1198
Lucky Coin $6000
Gold Bracelet $2799
Platinum Band $6899
Diamond Band $9998
Super Plush Bear $1198

Grocery Store

Name Price
---- -----
Coin of Defense $2000
Bottle of Water $4
Secret Herb $380
Skip Sandwich DX $98
Lucky Sandwich $128
Cup of Coffee $6
Can of Fruit Juice $4


Name Price
---- -----
Chef's Special $298
Pasta di Summers $128
Kraken Soup $648
Royal Iced Tea $78
Can of Fruit Juice $4
Cup of Coffee $6



Name Price
---- -----
Bottle of Water $4
Bowl of Rice Gruel $88
Jar of Delisauce $300
Brain Food Lunch $800


Arms Dealer (Hotel)


Name Price
---- -----
Bomb $149
Super Bomb $399
Bottle Rocket $29
Big Bottle Rocket $139

Hassan's Shop

Name Price
---- -----
Wet Towel $24
Vial of Serum $58
Secret Herb $380
Sudden Guts Pill $500
Protein Drink $38
Banana $5

Snake Shop

Name Price
---- -----
Snake $220
Viper $550
Vial of Serum $58

Condiment Shop

Name Price
---- -----
Ketchup Packet $2
Sugar Packet $3
Tin of Cocoa $4
Carton of Cream $4
Sprig of Parsley $2
Jar of Hot Sauce $3
Salt Packet $2

Item Shop

Name Price
---- -----
Big League Bat $1380
Platinum Band $3899
Defense Spray $500
Crystal Charm $600
Broken Cannon $218
Piggy Nose $300

Snake Bag Shop


Name Price
---- -----
Snake Bag $290

Delicacy Shop

Name Price
---- -----
Bean Croquette $12
Molokheiya Soup $20
Kabob $54
Boiled Egg $9
Fresh Egg $12
Cup of Coffee $6
Bottle of Water $4

Rough Wares Salesman (South of Pyramid)


Name Price
---- -----
French Fry Pan $1790
Crusher Beam $1150
Multi Bottle Rocket $2139
Bazooka $950
Bottle of DX Water $198
Beef Jerky $70
Secret Herb $380

Deep Darkness


Name Price
---- -----
Diamond Band $5198
Charm Coin $3000
Secret Herb $380
Beef Jerky $70
Cup of Noodles $98
Protein Drink $38
Bottle of DX Water $198

Arms Dealer

Name Price
---- -----
Combat Yo-yo $1148
Super Bomb $399
Multi Bottle Rocket $2139
Rust Promoter DX $289

Underworld Tenda Village

Drug Store

Name Price
---- -----
Ultimate Bat $2298
Holy Fry Pan $3480
Shiny Coin $4000
Horn of Life $1780
Mammoth Burger $98
Luxury Jerky $210
Bottle of DX Water $198


Drug Store

Name Price
---- -----
Magic Pudding $680
Earth Pendant $4000


End Mother 2 FAQ.


-= 3. Credits -=

Mother 1
======== For some random bits of information I missed along the way. For enemy data I was missing after playing through the game.

Mother 2

CyricZ (cyricz42(at) For allowing me to use some of his details

for the enemies, such as experience, money, IQ, guts, and item droppings.

Brian Sulpher: Thanks to him, this FAQ now has an accurate listing of all the
places where the photographer shows up and takes your picture!

GravyFlood: For sending me a couple bits of info I felt should be included.


-= 4. Copyright Notice -=

This file is Copyright (c)2005 Devin Morgan. All rights reserved. Please view
the following URL to see the list of sites that are allowed to post my work:

This list is comprised of sites I know and trust well. If your site is not on
the aforementioned list, you are currently not allowed to post any of my
files on your site. Please respect my work and do not steal it or post it
without my permission. I only want my most recent work to be available and I
do not feel that can be achieved if others take from me without my knowledge
or permission.

If you are writing a FAQ for this game as well, and would like to use some
information, credit me for what you use. Please do not rip me off, as that is
blatant plagiarism and such will not be tolerated.

If you wish to contact me, do so at dbmfaqs(at)gmail(dot)com. Please only

contact me if there are corrections to be made to information that's
currently included. Thanks!

=- End of File -=
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