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This book is for reference and informational purposes only and is in no way intended
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Copyright © 2016 Rugby Renegade Ltd
First published March 2016

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Rugby Renegade Off Season Program

Weekly Schedule

Monday – Upper Body Strength & Running Conditioning

Tuesday – Lower Body Strength & Met Con

Wednesday – Recovery/Rehab

Thursday – Upper Body Strength & Running Conditioning

Friday – Lower Body Strength & Met Con

Saturday – Conditioning Session

Sunday - Recovery/Rehab

Preseason Block 1 / Day 1 Monday

Our first 4 week Preseason Block will focus on developing Maximal Strength through
the Compound lifts with Assistance Work to develop Hypertrophy and to work on
common weaknesses that individuals have.

Building Athletic Strength and Increasing Muscle Mass

Maximal Strength is the ability to produce the most amount of force and against an
external resistance. Rugby involves fierce body contact at regular intervals combined
with explosive force generation due to the sheer size and body mass of each player as
well as an increased knowledge of, and greater training focus on spinal stability and
core strength which in turn leads to greater body control, awareness, balance and
muscular endurance (Meir, 2001).

Strength is therefore the single most important facet of the game and is a major
ingredient for the production of power (speed strength), that we will work on in
Preaseason Block 2. Maximising a player’s strength level will help to overcome the
loads and forces associated with the game. Strength levels are maximized through
performance of multi joint lifts, such as bench press, squats, deadlifts,

Due to the level of physicality involved in the game, a certain level of muscle mass is
essential to be successful. Hypertrophy training is based on the theory of increasing
the cross sectional area, CSI of the players muscles. Muscular strength is proportional
to CSI and therefore, the aim of the hypertrophy is to increase the player’s lean
muscle mass and in effect produce greater force during the later stages of the training


Our Conditioning element will continue to work on the development of Aerobic Base.

The aerobic system is important for us as it provides a significant amount of the

energy for actions on the pitch and will replenish the phosphocreatine stores during all
low-intensity activities. In addition, it has been shown that players with a good level
of aerobic conditioning are able to perform more high-intensity efforts during a match
than those with lower levels because of the aerobic system’s influence on recovery!

The best way for rugby players to develop the Aerobic energy system in relation to
rugby is to develop ‘Aerobic Power’ which is a training method that will result in
improving the anaerobic threshold and this is where our focus will be during

Our Anaerobic threshold is basically the maximal speed (or effort) that the player can
maintain and still have no increase in lactate. At this speed or effort, lactate levels in
the blood remain constant. Any increase in effort or speed above this level will cause
lactate and its associated high acid levels to increase and if continued will mean the
player slows right down and will be ineffective. This is the main fatiguing factor for
rugby players. In short, the higher the anaerobic threshold of a player the greater the
work capacity of that individual will be!

Aim to have a minimum of 4 hours rest between sessions.

Strength/Hypertrophy Session
Aim to complete Session within 45-60 mins
Mobility Prep

Upper Limb Mobility Circuit

- Thoracic Foam Roller

- Lats Complex Foam Roller
- Rotator Cuff Trigger Release
- Band Shoulder Mobiliser
- Band Lats Mobiliser
- Wrist / Elbow Mobiliser

Plyo Prep.

Incline Ballistic Press Ups - 4 sets x 5reps

Compound Lift

Rest 2-3 Mins between Sets.

A) Bench Press - 6 sets x 3 reps @82.5%

B) Prone Pull - 4 Sets x 8 reps (Progressive - Heavy)

*If you don't have access to a Prone Pull/Bench Pull, supplement for a Horizontal
Pull Variation.

Accessory Lifts

Rest 60-90 seconds between Sets.

C) Seated DB Shoulder Press - 3 sets x 10-12 reps (Progressive - moderate)

D) Single Arm Landmine Press- 3 x 10-12 reps (each arm) Ei) Skull
Crushers - 4 x 15-20 reps
Eii) Reverse Flies - 4 sets x 15-20 reps
F) Tricep Extensions - 200 reps in a fewer sets as possible (light weight)

Conditioning Session Running

Complete the following session or refer to our Rugby Renegade Article on Dan
Bakers MAS Grids. Click on link -
5 Mins Running at 70% Effort - aim to complete 1.2 KM

Rest 90 seconds

10 x 15 sec Hard (80-85% Effort) : 15 sec Jog (25-40% Effort)

Rest 2 mins

10 x 15 sec Hard (80-85% Effort) : 15 sec Jog (25-40% Effort)

Rest 2 mins

Max. Distance in 90 seconds

Rest 90 seconds

Max. Distance in 60 seconds

Rest 60 seconds

Max. Distance in 30 seconds

Preseason Block 1 / Day 2 Tuesday

Strength/Hypertrophy Session
Aim to complete Session within 45-60 mins

Mobility Prep

Lower Limb Mobility Circuit

- ITB Foam Roller

- Quads Foam Roller
- Adductor Foam Roller
- Banded Hip Mobiliser
- Banded Deep Squat Mobiliser
- Banded Ankle Mobiliser

Plyo Prep.

Skipping - 4 x 50 reps

Compound Lift

Rest 2 Mins between Sets.

A) Back Squat - 3 sets x 8 reps @ 70- 75% 1RM

Accessory Lifts

Rest 60-90 seconds between Sets.

B) Barbell Lunges - 3 Sets x 10 reps (10 E/L)

C) Good Mornings - 3 sets x 10 reps (Progressive - moderate)

Di) Calf Raises - 4 sets x 20 reps

Dii) Hanging Knee to Chest - 4 sets x 10 reps

Gym Based Conditioning

5 Rounds

30 sec Max. Rep Burpees (Chest to Floor)

15 sec Rest

30 sec Max. Distance Row

15 sec Rest

30 sec Max. Rep KB Swings

45 sec Rest

Preseason Block 1/Recovery Day 3 Wednesday

Recovery must be an essential part of all training programs, and must be

carefully planned and programmed in order to be optimally effective.

Recovery requires an approach that addresses all aspects of the rugby lifestyle, such
as sleep, nutrition, overall stress levels, etc.

Rugby can produce high levels of fatigue, and given the length of rugby seasons and
the number of games played, proactive recovery is an area that can give rugby teams
and players a real advantage. An important element of any recovery program is to
develop a specific recovery strategy for use after matches.

At Rugby Renegade, through knowledge and experience we have designed reliable

recovery protocols for players to follow.

Recovery protocols range from nutrition to active recovery. What you do in the hours
post game/training will have a profound affect on your performance for the following
weeks game. Here are some recommendations to implement into your weekly training

Post Training Nutrition Protocols

Below are the best Post Training Nutrition Protocols that you should follow in order
to maximize your post training recovery week in, week out.

Activities are decided by the individual post match in order to reach 50 points will
help to optimize recovery.

Points Activity
25 20 minutes Swim/Stretch in a pool.
25 30 minutes Sports Massage
15 15 minute Stretch session
15 Wear Compression Skins for at least 1 hour
15 4 x Hot/Cold water contrast- 2 mins in each.
10 20 minutes Row/Bike
5 20 minutes Walk
5 20 minutes Myofascial Release using a foam roller session

Preseason Block 1 / Day 4 Thursday

Aim to have a minimum of 4 hours rest between sessions.

Strength/Hypertrophy Session
Aim to complete Session within 45-60 mins
Mobility Prep

Upper Limb Mobility Circuit

- Thoracic Foam Roller

- Lats Complex Foam Roller
- Rotator Cuff Trigger Release
- Band Shoulder Mobiliser
- Band Lats Mobiliser
- Wrist / Elbow Mobiliser

Plyo Prep.

Lying Supine MB Chest Throws - 4 sets x 5 reps

Compound Lift

Rest 2-3 Mins between Sets.

A) Bench Press - 5 sets x 10 reps @ 60% 1RM

B) Bodyweight Chin Ups - 3 Sets x Max. Reps

*add weight if you are to do more than 10 reps - rep range 8-10 reps

Accessory Lifts
C) Rest 60-90 seconds between Sets. DB Incline Chest Press - 3 sets x 10-12
reps (Progressive)

D) Single Arm DB Row - 3 x 10-12 reps (eacharm) Ei) EZ Bar Bicep Curls -
3 sets x 28's
* 7 Full Curls / 7 Half Rep Curls (Top Half) / 7 Half Rep Curls (Bottom Half) /
7 Full Curls


Eii) Close Grip Press Ups - 3 sets x 15-20 reps

F) Banded Cuban Face Pulls - 100 reps in a fewer sets as possible (light

Conditioning Session Running

Complete the following session or refer to our Rugby Renegade Article on Dan
Bakers MAS Grids. Click on link -
Perform the following on a Rugby Pitch

200m/100m Drill - Perform 1 set of 4 Repetitions

Start on the try line and run to the far try line turn around and sprint back in 40-45
seconds, rest 20 seconds, then sprint to the far try line in 20 seconds and rest 40
seconds, this is one repetition.

Rest 3 Mins

Perform 1 set of 6 Repetitions

Try Line to Try Line - every 40 seconds

Preseason Block 1 / Day 5 Friday

Strength/Hypertrophy Session
Aim to complete Session within 45-60 mins

Mobility Prep

Lower Limb Mobility Circuit

- ITB Foam Roller

- Quads Foam Roller
- Adductor Foam Roller
- Banded Hip Mobiliser
- Banded Deep Squat Mobiliser
- Banded Ankle Mobiliser

Plyo Prep.

Box Jumps - 6 sets x 3 reps (70% Max. Height)

Compound Lift

Rest 2 Mins between Sets.

A) Trap/Regular Deadlift - 3 sets x 5 reps @ 75% 1RM

B) Front Squats - 4 sets x 8 reps (Progressive)

Accessory Lifts

Rest 60-90 seconds between Sets.

B) Barbell Step Ups - 3 Sets x 10 reps (16 E/L)

C) Weighted Plank Hold - 4 sets x 45 sec Holds

D) Gym Based Conditioning Complete As Fast As Possible 2000 m Row
E) *Every 200 m Complete An Exercise 200m & 800m & 1400m - 8 Toes to Bar
F) 400m & 1000m & 1600m - 16 Plate Overhead Lunges 15kg 600m & 1200m &
1800m - 8 Burpee Box Jump

Preseason Block 1/Day 6 Saturday

Complete As Many Rounds As Possible in 20 Minutes

12 Close Grip Press Ups

10 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls 40kg

8 Burpee with Jump Over the Bar

6 Pull Ups

8 Push Press 40kg

10 KB Swings 24kg

12 Calories on Rower

Preseason Block 1/Recovery Day Sunday

Recovery must be an essential part of all training programs, and must be

carefully planned and programmed in order to be optimally effective.

Recovery requires an approach that addresses all aspects of the rugby lifestyle, such
as sleep, nutrition, overall stress levels, etc.

Rugby can produce high levels of fatigue, and given the length of rugby seasons and
the number of games played, proactive recovery is an area that can give rugby teams
and players a real advantage. An important element of any recovery program is to
develop a specific recovery strategy for use after matches.

At Rugby Renegade, through knowledge and experience we have designed reliable

recovery protocols for players to follow.

Recovery protocols range from nutrition to active recovery. What you do in the hours
post game/training will have a profound affect on your performance for the following
weeks game. Here are some recommendations to implement into your weekly training

Post Training Nutrition Protocols

Below are the best Post Training Nutrition Protocols that you should follow in order
to maximize your post training recovery week in, week out.

Activities are decided by the individual post match in order to reach 50 points will
help to optimize recovery.

Points Activity
25 20 minutes Swim/Stretch in a pool.
25 30 minutes Sports Massage
15 15 minute Stretch session
15 Wear Compression Skins for at least 1 hour
15 4 x Hot/Cold water contrast- 2 mins in each.
10 20 minutes Row/Bike
5 20 minutes Walk
5 20 minutes Myofascial Release using a foam roller session

Preseason 1 - Block 1/Day 8 Monday

Aim to have a minimum of 4 hours rest between sessions.

Strength/Hypertrophy Session
Aim to complete Session within 45-60 mins
Mobility Prep

Upper Limb Mobility Circuit

- Thoracic Foam Roller

- Lats Complex Foam Roller
- Rotator Cuff Trigger Release
- Band Shoulder Mobiliser
- Band Lats Mobiliser
- Wrist / Elbow Mobiliser

Plyo Prep.

Clap Press Ups - 4 sets x 5 reps

Compound Lift

Rest 2-3 Mins between Sets.

A) Bench Press - 6 sets x 3 reps @85%

B) Prone Pull - 4 Sets x 8 reps (Progressive - Heavy)

*If you don't have access to a Prone Pull/Bench Pull, supplement for a Horizontal
Pull Variation.

Accessory Lifts
Rest 60-90 seconds between Sets.

C) Seated DB Shoulder Press - 3 sets x 10-12 reps (Progressive - moderate)

D) Single Arm Landmine Press- 3 x 10-12 reps (each arm) Ei) Close Grip
Dumbell Press - 4 x 15-20 reps
*Palms Facing inwards, Elbows tight.
Eii) Ring Rows/Seated Row - 4 sets x 15-20 reps

F) Shoulder Blast - 150 reps - 3 sets x 50 reps (8-10kg)

Lateral Raises, Front Raises, Reverse Flies, Upright Row, Shoulder Press

Conditioning Session Running

Complete the following session or refer to our Rugby Renegade Article on Dan
Bakers MAS Grids. Click on link -
Shuttle Run 1

10 Reps (start a new rep every 60 seconds)

Start at half way line, run 10 meters, back pedal 10 meters, run to 22m line back pedal
to 10 meter line, run to try line - target 30 seconds.

Recovery Run back to start in 15 seconds. Rest 15 seconds

Rest 3 minutes once all 10 reps are complete

Shuttle Run 2

10 Reps (start a new rep every 30 seconds) Tryline to Far 22 m Line - target 15
seconds Rest 15 seconds

Preseason Block 1/Day 9 Tuesday

Strength/Hypertrophy Session
Aim to complete Session within 45-60 mins

Mobility Prep

Lower Limb Mobility Circuit

- ITB Foam Roller

- Quads Foam Roller
- Adductor Foam Roller
- Banded Hip Mobiliser
- Banded Deep Squat Mobiliser
- Banded Ankle Mobiliser

Plyo Prep.

Skipping - 4 x 50 reps

Compound Lift

Rest 2 Mins between Sets.

A) Back Squat - 4 sets x 6 reps @ 75-77.5% 1RM

Accessory Lifts

Rest 60-90 seconds between Sets.

B) Barbell Lunges - 3 Sets x 10 reps (10 E/L)

C) Good Mornings - 3 sets x 10 reps (Progressive - moderate)

Di) Calf Raises - 4 sets x 20 reps

Dii) Hanging Knee to Chest - 4 sets x 10 reps

Gym Based Conditioning

6 Rounds - 90 seconds On : 90 seconds Off

150m Row

10 KB Swings 24/16kg

Max. Rep Burpees (Target + 10 reps each round)

Once completed all 6 Rounds Rest 2 mins then

100 Sit Ups in as fewer sets as possible

Preseason Block 1/Recovery Day Wednesday

Recovery must be an essential part of all training programs, and must be

carefully planned and programmed in order to be optimally effective.

Recovery requires an approach that addresses all aspects of the rugby lifestyle, such
as sleep, nutrition, overall stress levels, etc.

Rugby can produce high levels of fatigue, and given the length of rugby seasons and
the number of games played, proactive recovery is an area that can give rugby teams
and players a real advantage. An important element of any recovery program is to
develop a specific recovery strategy for use after matches.

At Rugby Renegade, through knowledge and experience we have designed reliable

recovery protocols for players to follow.

Recovery protocols range from nutrition to active recovery. What you do in the hours
post game/training will have a profound affect on your performance for the following
weeks game. Here are some recommendations to implement into your weekly training

Post Training Nutrition Protocols

Below are the best Post Training Nutrition Protocols that you should follow in order
to maximize your post training recovery week in, week out.

Activities are decided by the individual post match in order to reach 50 points will
help to optimize recovery.

Points Activity
25 20 minutes Swim/Stretch in a pool.
25 30 minutes Sports Massage
15 15 minute Stretch session
15 Wear Compression Skins for at least 1 hour
15 4 x Hot/Cold water contrast- 2 mins in each.
10 20 minutes Row/Bike
5 20 minutes Walk
5 20 minutes Myofascial Release using a foam roller session

Preseason Block 1/Day 11 Thursday

Aim to have a minimum of 4 hours rest between sessions.

Strength/Hypertrophy Session
Aim to complete Session within 45-60 mins
Mobility Prep

Upper Limb Mobility Circuit

- Thoracic Foam Roller

- Lats Complex Foam Roller
- Rotator Cuff Trigger Release
- Band Shoulder Mobiliser
- Band Lats Mobiliser
- Wrist / Elbow Mobiliser

Plyo Prep.

Lying Supine MB Chest Throws - 4 sets x 5 reps

Compound Lift

Rest 2-3 Mins between Sets.

A) Bench Press - 5 sets x 8-10 reps @ 65% 1RM

B) Bodyweight Chin Ups - 3 Sets x Max. Reps

*add weight if you are to do more than 10 reps - rep range 8-10 reps. Aim to beat last
weeks reps.

Accessory Lifts
Rest 60-90 seconds between Sets.
C) DB Incline Chest Press - 3 sets x 10-12 reps (Progressive)

D) Single Arm DB Row - 3 x 10-12 reps (each arm) Ei) EZ Bar Bicep Curls -
3 sets x 28's
* 7 Full Curls / 7 Half Rep Curls (Top Half) / 7 Half Rep Curls (Bottom Half) /
7 Full Curls


Eii) Close Grip Press Ups - 3 sets x 15-20 reps

F) Supine Barbell Row - 50 reps in a fewer sets as possible (light resistance)

Conditioning Session Running

Complete the following session or refer to our Rugby Renegade Article on Dan
Bakers MAS Grids. Click on link -
On Pitch Grids

Set 1: 87 meters long x 52 meters wide each side in 20 seconds x 5 minutes Rest
2.5 minutes
Set 2: 72 meters x 39 meters each side in 15 seconds x 5 minutes

Rest 2.5 minutes

Set 3: 50 meters x 22 meters each side in 10 seconds x 5 minutes

Preseason Block 1/Day 12 Friday

Strength/Hypertrophy Session
Aim to complete Session within 45-60 mins

Mobility Prep

Lower Limb Mobility Circuit

- ITB Foam Roller

- Quads Foam Roller
- Adductor Foam Roller
- Banded Hip Mobiliser
- Banded Deep Squat Mobiliser
- Banded Ankle Mobiliser

Plyo Prep.

Box Jumps - 5 sets x 3 reps (80% Max. Height)

Compound Lift

Rest 2 Mins between Sets.

A) Trap/Regular Deadlift - 5 sets x 3 reps @ 80% 1RM

B) Front Squats - 4 sets x 8 reps (Progressive - add 2.5kg from last weeks

Accessory Lifts

Rest 60-90 seconds between Sets.

B) Barbell Step Ups - 3 Sets x 10 reps (16 E/L)

C) Weighted Plank Hold - 4 sets x 45 sec Holds

Gym Based Conditioning

For 15 Mins complete

40 seconds On : 20 seconds Off


Plate Ground to Overhead 20kg

Goblet Squats 16kg


Preseason Block 1/Day 13 Saturday

Complete As Many Rounds As Possible in 20 Minutes

20 Burpees

200 m Run

20 KB Swings 24/16kg

200 m Row

20 Pull Ups

200 m Run

20 Press Ups

200 m Row

Preseason Block 1/Recovery Day Sunday

Recovery must be an essential part of all training programs, and must be

carefully planned and programmed in order to be optimally effective.

Recovery requires an approach that addresses all aspects of the rugby lifestyle, such
as sleep, nutrition, overall stress levels, etc.

Rugby can produce high levels of fatigue, and given the length of rugby seasons and
the number of games played, proactive recovery is an area that can give rugby teams
and players a real advantage. An important element of any recovery program is to
develop a specific recovery strategy for use after matches.

At Rugby Renegade, through knowledge and experience we have designed reliable

recovery protocols for players to follow.

Recovery protocols range from nutrition to active recovery. What you do in the hours
post game/training will have a profound affect on your performance for the following
weeks game. Here are some recommendations to implement into your weekly training

Post Training Nutrition Protocols

Below are the best Post Training Nutrition Protocols that you should follow in order
to maximise your post training recovery week in, week out.

Activities are decided by the individual post match in order to reach 50 points will
help to optimise recovery.

Points Activity
25 20 minutes Swim/Stretch in a pool.
25 30 minutes Sports Massage
15 15 minute Stretch session
15 Wear Compression Skins for at least 1 hour
15 4 x Hot/Cold water contrast- 2 mins in each.
10 20 minutes Row/Bike
5 20 minutes Walk
5 20 minutes Myofascial Release using a foam roller session

Preseason Block 1/Day 15 Monday

Aim to have a minimum of 4 hours rest between sessions.

Strength/Hypertrophy Session
Aim to complete Session within 45-60 mins
Mobility Prep

Upper Limb Mobility Circuit

- Thoracic Foam Roller

- Lats Complex Foam Roller
- Rotator Cuff Trigger Release
- Band Shoulder Mobiliser
- Band Lats Mobiliser
- Wrist / Elbow Mobiliser

Plyo Prep.

Incline Ballistic Press Ups - 4 sets x 5reps

Compound Lift

Rest 2-3 Mins between Sets.

A) Bench Press - 5 sets x 2 reps @87.5%

B) Prone Pull - 4 Sets x 8 reps (Progressive - Heavy)

*If you don't have access to a Prone Pull/Bench Pull, supplement for a Horizontal
Pull Variation.

Accessory Lifts

Rest 60-90 seconds between Sets.

C) Seated DB Shoulder Press - 3 sets x 10-12 reps (Progressive - moderate)

D) Single Arm Landmine Press- 3 x 10-12 reps (each arm) Ei) Skull
Crushers - 4 x 15-20 reps
Eii) Reverse Flies - 4 sets x 15-20 reps
F) Tricep Extensions - 200 reps in a fewer sets as possible (light weight)

Conditioning Session Running

Complete the following session or refer to our Rugby Renegade Article on Dan
Bakers MAS Grids. Click on link -
Perform the following on a Rugby Pitch

200m/100m Drill - Perform 1 set of 4 Repetitions

Start on the try line and run to the far try line turn around and sprint back in 40-45
seconds, rest 20 seconds, then sprint to the far try line in 20 seconds and rest 40
seconds, this is one repetition.

Rest 2 Mins Shuttle Run 2 Sets of

8 Reps (start a new rep every 60 seconds)

Start at half way line, run 10 meters, back pedal 10 meters, run to 22m line back
pedal to 10 meter line, run to try line - target 30 seconds.

Recovery Run back to start in 15 seconds.

Rest 15 seconds

Rest 2 minutes once 8 reps are completed and repeat

Preseason Block 1/Day 16 Tuesday

Strength/Hypertrophy Session
Aim to complete Session within 45-60 mins

Mobility Prep

Lower Limb Mobility Circuit

- ITB Foam Roller

- Quads Foam Roller
- Adductor Foam Roller
- Banded Hip Mobiliser
- Banded Deep Squat Mobiliser
- Banded Ankle Mobiliser

Plyo Prep.

Skipping - 4 x 50 reps

Compound Lift

Rest 2 Mins between Sets.

A) Back Squat - 5 sets x 5 reps @ 77.5-80% 1RM

Accessory Lifts

Rest 60-90 seconds between Sets.

B) DB/KB Walking Lunges - 3 Sets x 10 reps (10 E/L)

C) Good Mornings - 3 sets x 10 reps (Progressive - moderate)

Di) Calf Raises - 4 sets x 20 reps

Dii) Toes 2 Bar - 4 sets x 10 reps

Gym Based Conditioning

6 Rounds 300m Row

4 x 20m Row with a Down/Up on each Cone
15 KB Swings 24kg
10 Box Jumps with step down

60 seconds Rest

Once completed all 6 Rounds Rest 2 mins then

100 Sit Ups in as fewer sets as possible

Preseason Block 1/Recovery Day 17 Wednesday

Recovery must be an essential part of all training programs, and must be

carefully planned and programmed in order to be optimally effective.

Recovery requires an approach that addresses all aspects of the rugby lifestyle, such
as sleep, nutrition, overall stress levels, etc.

Rugby can produce high levels of fatigue, and given the length of rugby seasons and
the number of games played, proactive recovery is an area that can give rugby teams
and players a real advantage. An important element of any recovery program is to
develop a specific recovery strategy for use after matches.

At Rugby Renegade, through knowledge and experience we have designed reliable

recovery protocols for players to follow.

Recovery protocols range from nutrition to active recovery. What you do in the hours
post game/training will have a profound affect on your performance for the following
weeks game. Here are some recommendations to implement into your weekly training

Post Training Nutrition Protocols

Below are the best Post Training Nutrition Protocols that you should follow in order
to maximise your post training recovery week in, week out.

Activities are decided by the individual post match in order to reach 50 points will
help to optimise recovery.

Points Activity
25 20 minutes Swim/Stretch in a pool.
25 30 minutes Sports Massage
15 15 minute Stretch session
15 Wear Compression Skins for at least 1 hour
15 4 x Hot/Cold water contrast- 2 mins in each.
10 20 minutes Row/Bike
5 20 minutes Walk
5 20 minutes Myofascial Release using a foam roller session

Preseason Block 1/Day 18 Thursday

Aim to have a minimum of 4 hours rest between sessions.

Strength/Hypertrophy Session
Aim to complete Session within 45-60 mins
Mobility Prep

Upper Limb Mobility Circuit

- Thoracic Foam Roller

- Lats Complex Foam Roller
- Rotator Cuff Trigger Release
- Band Shoulder Mobiliser
- Band Lats Mobiliser
- Wrist / Elbow Mobiliser

Plyo Prep.

Lying Supine MB Chest Throws - 4 sets x 5 reps

Compound Lift

Rest 2-3 Mins between Sets.

A) Bench Press - 4 sets x 8 reps @ 70% 1RM

B) Bodyweight Chin Ups - 3 Sets x Max. Reps

*add weight if you are to do more than 10 reps - rep range 8-10 reps

Accessory Lifts
Rest 60-90 seconds between Sets.
C) DB Incline Chest Press - 3 sets x 10-12 reps (Progressive)

D) Single Arm DB Row - 3 x 10-12 reps (each arm) Ei) EZ Bar Bicep Curls -
3 sets x 28's
* 7 Full Curls / 7 Half Rep Curls (Top Half) / 7 Half Rep Curls (Bottom Half) /
7 Full Curls


Eii) Close Grip Press Ups - 3 sets x 15-20 reps

F) Banded Cuban Face Pulls - 100 reps in a fewer sets as possible (light

Conditioning Session Running

Complete the following session or refer to our Rugby Renegade Article on Dan
Bakers MAS Grids. Click on link -
Perform the following on a Rugby Pitch

200m/100m Drill - Perform 1 set of 4 Repetitions

Start on the try line and run to the far try line turn around and sprint back in 40-45
seconds, rest 20 seconds, then sprint to the far try line in 20 seconds and rest 40
seconds, this is one repetition.

Rest 3 Mins

Complete 2 sets of 8 Lengths

5 Burpees and Run Tryline to Tryline hard

Recovery jog width of pitch.

Preseason Block 1/Day 19 Friday

Strength/Hypertrophy Session
Aim to complete Session within 45-60 mins

Mobility Prep

Lower Limb Mobility Circuit

- ITB Foam Roller

- Quads Foam Roller
- Adductor Foam Roller
- Banded Hip Mobiliser
- Banded Deep Squat Mobiliser
- Banded Ankle Mobiliser

Plyo Prep.

Box Jumps - 5 sets x 3 reps (80% Max. Height)

Compound Lift

Rest 2 Mins between Sets.

A) Trap/Regular Deadlift - 4 sets x 3 reps @ 82.5% 1RM

B) Front Squats - 4 sets x 8 reps (Progressive - add 2.5kg from last weeks

Accessory Lifts

Rest 60-90 seconds between Sets.

B) Barbell Step Ups - 3 Sets x 10 reps (16 E/L)

C) Weighted Plank Hold - 4 sets x 45 sec Holds

Gym Based Conditioning

5 Rounds

30 seconds Max. Rep Burpees 30 seconds Rest

30 Seconds Max. Rep Thrusters (Bar Only 20kg) 30 seconds Rest
30 seconds Max. Rep Row 30 seconds Rest

Preseason Block 1/Day 20 Saturday

Complete As Many Rounds As Possible in 20 Minutes

12 Close Grip Press Ups

10 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls 40kg

8 Burpee with Jump Over the Bar

6 Pull Ups

8 Push Press 40kg

10 KB Swings 24kg

12 Calories on Rower

Preseason Block 1/Recovery Day 21 Sunday

Recovery must be an essential part of all training programs, and must be

carefully planned and programmed in order to be optimally effective.

Recovery requires an approach that addresses all aspects of the rugby lifestyle, such
as sleep, nutrition, overall stress levels, etc.

Rugby can produce high levels of fatigue, and given the length of rugby seasons and
the number of games played, proactive recovery is an area that can give rugby teams
and players a real advantage. An important element of any recovery program is to
develop a specific recovery strategy for use after matches.

At Rugby Renegade, through knowledge and experience we have designed reliable

recovery protocols for players to follow.

Recovery protocols range from nutrition to active recovery. What you do in the hours
post game/training will have a profound affect on your performance for the following
weeks game. Here are some recommendations to implement into your weekly training

Post Training Nutrition Protocols

Below are the best Post Training Nutrition Protocols that you should follow in order
to maximise your post training recovery week in, week out.

Activities are decided by the individual post match in order to reach 50 points will
help to optimise recovery.

Points Activity
25 20 minutes Swim/Stretch in a pool.
25 30 minutes Sports Massage
15 15 minute Stretch session
15 Wear Compression Skins for at least 1 hour
15 4 x Hot/Cold water contrast- 2 mins in each.
10 20 minutes Row/Bike
5 20 minutes Walk
5 20 minutes Myofascial Release using a foam roller session

Preseason Block 1/Day 22 Monday

Aim to have a minimum of 4 hours rest between sessions.

Strength/Hypertrophy Session
Aim to complete Session within 45-60 mins
Mobility Prep

Upper Limb Mobility Circuit

- Thoracic Foam Roller

- Lats Complex Foam Roller
- Rotator Cuff Trigger Release
- Band Shoulder Mobiliser
- Band Lats Mobiliser
- Wrist / Elbow Mobiliser

Plyo Prep.

Incline Ballistic Press Ups - 4 sets x 5reps

Compound Lift

Rest 2-3 Mins between Sets.

A) Bench Press - 4 sets x 2 reps @90%

B) Prone Pull - 4 Sets x 8 reps (Progressive - Heavy)

*If you don't have access to a Prone Pull/Bench Pull, supplement for a Horizontal
Pull Variation.

Accessory Lifts

Rest 60-90 seconds between Sets.

C) Seated DB Shoulder Press - 3 sets x 10-12 reps (Progressive - moderate)

D) Single Arm Landmine Press- 3 x 10-12 reps (each arm) Ei) Skull
Crushers - 4 x 15-20 reps
Eii) Reverse Flies - 4 sets x 15-20 reps
F) Tricep Extensions - 200 reps in a fewer sets as possible (light weight)

Conditioning Session Running

Complete the following session or refer to our Rugby Renegade Article on Dan
Bakers MAS Grids. Click on link -
Perform the following on a Rugby Pitch

Shuttle Run 1

10 Reps (start a new rep every 60 seconds)

Start at half way line, run 10 meters, back pedal 10 meters, run to 22m line back pedal
to 10 meter line, run to try line - target 30 seconds.

Recovery Run back to start in 15 seconds. Rest 15 seconds

Rest 3 minutes once all 10 reps are complete

Shuttle Run 2

10 Reps (start a new rep every 30 seconds) Tryline to Far 22 m Line - target 15
seconds Rest 15 seconds

Preseason Block 1/Day 23 Tuesday

Strength/Hypertrophy Session
Aim to complete Session within 45-60 mins

Mobility Prep

Lower Limb Mobility Circuit

- ITB Foam Roller

- Quads Foam Roller
- Adductor Foam Roller
- Banded Hip Mobiliser
- Banded Deep Squat Mobiliser
- Banded Ankle Mobiliser

Plyo Prep.

Skipping - 4 x 50 reps

Compound Lift

Rest 2 Mins between Sets.

A) Back Squat - 5 sets x 3 reps @ 80-85% 1RM

Accessory Lifts

Rest 60-90 seconds between Sets.

B) DB/KB Walking Lunges - 3 Sets x 10 reps (10 E/L)

C) Good Mornings - 3 sets x 10 reps (Progressive - moderate)

Di) Calf Raises - 4 sets x 20 reps

Dii) Toes 2 Bar - 4 sets x 10 reps

Gym Based Conditioning
3 Rounds

400 m Run

21 KB Swings 24/16kg

12 Pull Ups

Preseason Block 1/Recovery Day 24 Wednesday

Recovery must be an essential part of all training programs, and must be

carefully planned and programmed in order to be optimally effective.

Recovery requires an approach that addresses all aspects of the rugby lifestyle, such
as sleep, nutrition, overall stress levels, etc.

Rugby can produce high levels of fatigue, and given the length of rugby seasons and
the number of games played, proactive recovery is an area that can give rugby teams
and players a real advantage. An important element of any recovery program is to
develop a specific recovery strategy for use after matches.

At Rugby Renegade, through knowledge and experience we have designed reliable

recovery protocols for players to follow.

Recovery protocols range from nutrition to active recovery. What you do in the hours
post game/training will have a profound affect on your performance for the following
weeks game. Here are some recommendations to implement into your weekly training

Post Training Nutrition Protocols

Below are the best Post Training Nutrition Protocols that you should follow in order
to maximise your post training recovery week in, week out.

Activities are decided by the individual post match in order to reach 50 points will
help to optimise recovery.

Points Activity
25 20 minutes Swim/Stretch in a pool.
25 30 minutes Sports Massage
15 15 minute Stretch session
15 Wear Compression Skins for at least 1 hour
15 4 x Hot/Cold water contrast- 2 mins in each.
10 20 minutes Row/Bike
5 20 minutes Walk
5 20 minutes Myofascial Release using a foam roller session

Preseason Block 1/Day 25 Thursday

Aim to have a minimum of 4 hours rest between sessions.

Strength/Hypertrophy Session
Aim to complete Session within 45-60 mins
Mobility Prep

Upper Limb Mobility Circuit

- Thoracic Foam Roller

- Lats Complex Foam Roller
- Rotator Cuff Trigger Release
- Band Shoulder Mobiliser
- Band Lats Mobiliser
- Wrist / Elbow Mobiliser

Plyo Prep.

Lying Supine MB Chest Throws - 4 sets x 5 reps

Compound Lift

Rest 2-3 Mins between Sets.

A) Bench Press - 5 sets x 6 reps @ 75% 1RM

B) Bodyweight Chin Ups - 3 Sets x Max. Reps

*add weight if you are to do more than 10 reps - rep range 8-10 reps

Accessory Lifts
Rest 60-90 seconds between Sets.
C) DB Incline Chest Press - 3 sets x 10-12 reps (Progressive)

D) Single Arm DB Row - 3 x 10-12 reps (each arm) Ei) EZ Bar Bicep Curls -
3 sets x 28's
* 7 Full Curls / 7 Half Rep Curls (Top Half) / 7 Half Rep Curls (Bottom Half) /
7 Full Curls


Eii) Close Grip Press Ups - 3 sets x 15-20 reps

F) Banded Cuban Face Pulls - 100 reps in a fewer sets as possible (light

Conditioning Session Running

Complete the following session or refer to our Rugby Renegade Article on Dan
Bakers MAS Grids. Click on link -
Perform the following on a Rugby Pitch

Block A 5 Sets
Start a New Rep every 90 seconds

Starting on Tryline, run hard to N22m, back to Tryline, run out to N40m , back to
Tryline, run out to N22m and back to Tryline.

Block B 6 Sets
Start a New Rep every 50 seconds

Tryline to N22m & do a Down/Up, back to Tryline, Down/Up, to N22m

Down/Up....then recovery jog to N40m and back to Tryline.

Block C
15 seconds Max. Burpees/15 seconds Rest x 5 Sprint to N40m and back to
15 seconds Max. Burpees/15 seconds Rest x 5 Sprint to N40m and back to

Preseason Block 1/Day 26 Friday

Strength/Hypertrophy Session
Aim to complete Session within 45-60 mins

Mobility Prep

Lower Limb Mobility Circuit

- ITB Foam Roller

- Quads Foam Roller
- Adductor Foam Roller
- Banded Hip Mobiliser
- Banded Deep Squat Mobiliser
- Banded Ankle Mobiliser

Plyo Prep.

Box Jumps - 5 sets x 3 reps (80% Max. Height)

Compound Lift

Rest 2 Mins between Sets.

A) Trap/Regular Deadlift - 3 sets x 2 reps @ 85% 1RM

B) Front Squats - 4 sets x 8 reps (Progressive - add 2.5kg from last weeks

Accessory Lifts

Rest 60-90 seconds between Sets.

B) Barbell Step Ups - 3 Sets x 10 reps (16 E/L)

C) Weighted Plank Hold - 4 sets x 45 sec Holds

Gym Based Conditioning

20 sec On : 20 Sec Off x 4 on 1 station then move to the next Thrusters 40/20kg
Burpees OTB Ball Slams 20kg
Prowler Push (Light Load)

3 mins Rest For Time 1000m Row

Preseason Block 1/Day 27 Saturday

Pre-hab / Pre-session Fire-Up

25 min AMRAP

Row 300m

200 m Run

16 Box Step Ups 24/20"

16 Kettlebell Swings 24/16kg

Row 300m

200 m Run

10 Burpees

10 Toes 2 Bar

Preseason Block 1/Recovery Day 28 Sunday

Recovery must be an essential part of all training programs, and must be

carefully planned and programmed in order to be optimally effective.

Recovery requires an approach that addresses all aspects of the rugby lifestyle, such
as sleep, nutrition, overall stress levels, etc.

Rugby can produce high levels of fatigue, and given the length of rugby seasons and
the number of games played, proactive recovery is an area that can give rugby teams
and players a real advantage. An important element of any recovery program is to
develop a specific recovery strategy for use after matches.

At Rugby Renegade, through knowledge and experience we have designed reliable

recovery protocols for players to follow.

Recovery protocols range from nutrition to active recovery. What you do in the hours
post game/training will have a profound affect on your performance for the following
weeks game. Here are some recommendations to implement into your weekly training

Post Training Nutrition Protocols

Below are the best Post Training Nutrition Protocols that you should follow in order
to maximise your post training recovery week in, week out.

Activities are decided by the individual post match in order to reach 50 points will
help to optimise recovery.

Points Activity
25 20 minutes Swim/Stretch in a pool.
25 30 minutes Sports Massage
15 15 minute Stretch session
15 Wear Compression Skins for at least 1 hour
15 4 x Hot/Cold water contrast- 2 mins in each.
10 20 minutes Row/Bike
5 20 minutes Walk
5 20 minutes Myofascial Release using a foam roller session


Our second 4 week Preseason Block will continue to focus on developing Maximal
Strength through the Compound lifts with Assistance Work to develop Hypertrophy
and to work on common weaknesses that individuals have.

Building Athletic Strength and Increasing Muscle Mass

Maximal Strength is the ability to produce the most amount of force and against an
external resistance. Rugby involves fierce body contact at regular intervals combined
with explosive force generation due to the sheer size and body mass of each player as
well as an increased knowledge of, and greater training focus on spinal stability and
core strength which in turn leads to greater body control, awareness, balance and
muscular endurance (Meir, 2001).

Strength is therefore the single most important facet of the game and is a major
ingredient for the production of power (speed strength), that we will work on in
Preaseason Block 2. Maximising a player’s strength level will help to overcome the
loads and forces associated with the game. Strength levels are maximized through
performance of multi joint lifts, such as bench press, squats, deadlifts,

Due to the level of physicality involved in the game, a certain level of muscle mass is
essential to be successful. Hypertrophy training is based on the theory of increasing
the cross sectional area, CSI of the players muscles. Muscular strength is proportional
to CSI and therefore, the aim of the hypertrophy is to increase the player’s lean
muscle mass and in effect produce greater force during the later stages of the training


Our Conditioning element will continue to work on the development of Aerobic Base.

The aerobic system is important for us as it provides a significant amount of the

energy for actions on the pitch and will replenish the phosphocreatine stores during all
low-intensity activities. In addition, it has been shown that players with a good level
of aerobic conditioning are able to perform more high-intensity efforts during a match
than those with lower levels because of the aerobic system’s influence on recovery!

The best way for rugby players to develop the Aerobic energy system in relation to
rugby is to develop ‘Aerobic Power’ which is a training method that will result in
improving the anaerobic threshold and this is where our focus will be during

Our Anaerobic threshold is basically the maximal speed (or effort) that the player can
maintain and still have no increase in lactate. At this speed or effort, lactate levels in
the blood remain constant. Any increase in effort or speed above this level will cause
lactate and its associated high acid levels to increase and if continued will mean the
player slows right down and will be ineffective. This is the main fatiguing factor for
rugby players. In short, the higher the anaerobic threshold of a player the greater the
work capacity of that individual will be!

Aim to have a minimum of 4 hours rest between sessions.

Strength/Hypertrophy Session
Aim to complete Session within 45-60 mins
Mobility Prep

Upper Limb Mobility Circuit

- Thoracic Foam Roller

- Lats Complex Foam Roller
- Rotator Cuff Trigger Release
- Band Shoulder Mobiliser
- Band Lats Mobiliser
- Wrist / Elbow Mobiliser

Plyo Prep.

Incline Ballistic Press Ups - 4 sets x 5 reps

Compound Lift

Rest 2-3 Mins between Sets.

A) Build up to a 1 RM Floor Press

Set 1 - 10 reps, Set 2 - 8 reps, Set 3 - 6 reps, Set 4 - 4 reps, Set 5 - 2 reps, Set 6/7/8 -
Single reps

Accessory Lifts

Rest 60-90 seconds between Sets.

B) Weighted Chin Up - 4 Sets x 8-12 reps (Heavy)

C) Incline DB Chest Press - 4 sets x 12-15 reps (Progressive - moderate)

D) Z Press- 3 x 15-20 reps (each arm)

E) DB Prone Pull - 4 x 15-20 reps

F) Close Grip Press Ups - 100 reps in a fewer sets as possible

Conditioning Session Running

Complete the following session or refer to our Rugby Renegade Article on Dan
Bakers MAS Grids. Click on link -
Perform the following on a Rugby Pitch

5-minute Continuous Run

10 X ½ Gasser every 60 seconds

Start lying face down on the sideline, get up and sprint to far side of the field, get
down to ground face down, and then get up and sprint back to start.

3 X set of 6 Malcolm Drill (1:1 - Work/Rest)

Start lying face down on halfway line, get up, backpedal to 10-meter line, go down on
chest, get up and run through to opposite 10-meter line, go down on chest, get up and
backpedal to halfway line and go down—that is one rep.

4 x 100/200 Drill

100 meters in 20 seconds with 40 seconds rest and then 200 meters in 40 seconds with
20 seconds rest, performed on a field, try line to try line being 100 meters

Preseason Block 2/Day 2 Tuesday

Strength/Hypertrophy Session
Aim to complete Session within 45-60 mins

Mobility Prep

Lower Limb Mobility Circuit

- ITB Foam Roller

- Quads Foam Roller
- Adductor Foam Roller
- Banded Hip Mobiliser
- Banded Deep Squat Mobiliser
- Banded Ankle Mobiliser

Explosive Strength

Seated Box Jump - 6 x 3 reps

Compound Lift

Rest 2 Mins between Sets.

A) Back Squat - 10 @ 45%, 7 @ 55%, 5 @ 60%, 5 @ 70%, 5 + @ 80%

*last set at 80%, you are trying get as many reps as possible without failing! No failed

Accessory Lifts

Rest 60-90 seconds between Sets.

B) Clean Pulls - 4 Sets x 5 reps @ 80-90% 1RM Clean

C) Box Step Ups - 3 sets x 8 reps (Progressive - moderate)

D) Romanian Deadlift - 2 sets x 15 reps

Gym Based Conditioning

5 Rounds

300m Row
15 Russian KB Swings
10 Burpees
7 Toes 2 Bar

* Rest 90 seconds beween Rounds

Preseason Block 2/Recovery Day Wednesday

Recovery must be an essential part of all training programs, and must be

carefully planned and programmed in order to be optimally effective.

Recovery requires an approach that addresses all aspects of the rugby lifestyle, such
as sleep, nutrition, overall stress levels, etc.

Rugby can produce high levels of fatigue, and given the length of rugby seasons and
the number of games played, proactive recovery is an area that can give rugby teams
and players a real advantage. An important element of any recovery program is to
develop a specific recovery strategy for use after matches.

At Rugby Renegade, through knowledge and experience we have designed reliable

recovery protocols for players to follow.

Recovery protocols range from nutrition to active recovery. What you do in the hours
post game/training will have a profound affect on your performance for the following
weeks game. Here are some recommendations to implement into your weekly training

Post Training Nutrition Protocols

Below are the best Post Training Nutrition Protocols that you should follow in order
to maximise your post training recovery week in, week out.

Activities are decided by the individual post match in order to reach 50 points will
help to optimise recovery.

Points Activity
25 20 minutes Swim/Stretch in a pool.
25 30 minutes Sports Massage
15 15 minute Stretch session
15 Wear Compression Skins for at least 1 hour
15 4 x Hot/Cold water contrast- 2 mins in each.
10 20 minutes Row/Bike
5 20 minutes Walk
5 20 minutes Myofascial Release using a foam roller session

Preseason Block 2/Day 4 Thursday

Aim to have a minimum of 4 hours rest between sessions.

Strength/Hypertrophy Session
Aim to complete Session within 45-60 mins
Mobility Prep

Upper Limb Mobility Circuit

- Thoracic Foam Roller

- Lats Complex Foam Roller
- Rotator Cuff Trigger Release
- Band Shoulder Mobiliser
- Band Lats Mobiliser
- Wrist / Elbow Mobiliser

Plyo Prep.

Lying Supine MB Chest Throws - 4 sets x 5 reps

Compound Lift

A) Speed Bench Press - 9 sets x 3 reps @ 70% 1RM - New set every 60

3 sets x Wide Grip, 3 sets x Normal Grip, 3 Sets x Narrow Grip

Accessory Lifts
Rest 60-90 seconds between Sets.

B) Bentover Row - 4 Sets x 8-12 reps

C) DB Shoulder Press - 3 sets x 10-12 reps (Progressive)

D) Lat. Pulldown - 3 x 10-12 reps (each arm) Ei) EZ Bar Bicep Curls - 3 sets
x 28's
* 7 Full Curls / 7 Half Rep Curls (Top Half) / 7 Half Rep Curls (Bottom Half) / 7 Full


Eii) Close Grip Press Ups - 3 sets x 15-20 reps

F) Banded Cuban Face Pulls - 100 reps in a fewer sets as possible (light

Conditioning Session Running

Complete the following session or refer to our Rugby Renegade Article on Dan
Bakers MAS Grids. Click on link -
Perform the following on a Rugby Pitch

200m/100m Drill - Perform 1 set of 4 Repetitions

Start on the try line and run to the far try line turn around and sprint back in 40-45
seconds, rest 20 seconds, then sprint to the far try line in 20 seconds and rest 40
seconds, this is one repetition.

Rest 3 Mins

Perform 1 set of 6 Repetitions

Try Line to Try Line - every 40 seconds

Preseason Block 2/Day 5 Friday

Strength/Hypertrophy Session
Aim to complete Session within 45-60 mins

Mobility Prep

Lower Limb Mobility Circuit

- ITB Foam Roller

- Quads Foam Roller
- Adductor Foam Roller
- Banded Hip Mobiliser
- Banded Deep Squat Mobiliser
- Banded Ankle Mobiliser

Explosive Strength

Broad Jump - 6 x 3 reps

Compound Lift

Rest 2 Mins between Sets.

A) Deadlift - 10 @ 45%, 7 @ 55%, 5 @ 60%, 5 @ 70%, 5 + @ 80%

*last set at 80%, you are trying get as many reps as possible without failing! No
failed Reps.

Accessory Lifts

Rest 60-90 seconds between Sets.

B) Box Squats - 4 Sets x 10 reps (Progressive)

C) Box Step Ups - 3 sets x 8 reps (Progressive - moderate)

D) Walking Lunges - 3 sets x 10 reps

Gym Based Conditioning


20 seconds Work : 10 seconds Rest x 8

Row (Target 850-900 m)

Rest 2 mins

Burpees Over the Rower

Preseason Block 2/Day 6 Saturday

Pre-hab / Pre-session Fire-Up

'The Chief'

5 x 3 Minute Rounds

As Many Rounds As Possible

3 Power Cleans 60/40kg

6 Press Ups
9 Air Squats

*Rest 60 seconds after every 3 minute bout.

** Start the next round where you finished the previous one.

Preseason Block 2/Recovery Day Sunday

Recovery must be an essential part of all training programs, and must be carefully
planned and programmed in order to be optimally effective.

Recovery requires an approach that addresses all aspects of the rugby lifestyle, such
as sleep, nutrition, overall stress levels, etc.

Rugby can produce high levels of fatigue, and given the length of rugby seasons and
the number of games played, proactive recovery is an area that can give rugby teams
and players a real advantage. An important element of any recovery program is to
develop a specific recovery strategy for use after matches.

At Rugby Renegade, through knowledge and experience we have designed reliable

recovery protocols for players to follow.

Recovery protocols range from nutrition to active recovery. What you do in the hours
post game/training will have a profound affect on your performance for the following
weeks game. Here are some recommendations to implement into your weekly training

Post Training Nutrition Protocols

Below are the best Post Training Nutrition Protocols that you should follow in order
to maximise your post training recovery week in, week out.

Activities are decided by the individual post match in order to reach 50 points will
help to optimise recovery.

Points Activity
25 20 minutes Swim/Stretch in a pool.
25 30 minutes Sports Massage
15 15 minute Stretch session
15 Wear Compression Skins for at least 1 hour
15 4 x Hot/Cold water contrast- 2 mins in each.
10 20 minutes Row/Bike
5 20 minutes Walk
5 20 minutes Myofascial Release using a foam roller session

Preseason Block 2/Day 8 Monday

Aim to have a minimum of 4 hours rest between sessions.

Strength/Hypertrophy Session
Aim to complete Session within 45-60 mins
Mobility Prep

Upper Limb Mobility Circuit

- Thoracic Foam Roller

- Lats Complex Foam Roller
- Rotator Cuff Trigger Release
- Band Shoulder Mobiliser
- Band Lats Mobiliser
- Wrist / Elbow Mobiliser

Plyo Prep.

Incline Ballistic Press Ups - 4 sets x 5 reps

Compound Lift

Rest 2-3 Mins between Sets.

A) Build up to a 1 RM Close Grip Bench Press

Set 1 - 10 reps, Set 2 - 8 reps, Set 3 - 6 reps, Set 4 - 4 reps, Set 5 - 2 reps, Set 6/7/8
- Single reps

Accessory Lifts

Rest 60-90 seconds between Sets.

B) Weighted Pull Up - 4 Sets x 8-12 reps (Heavy)

C) Incline DB Chest Press - 4 sets x 12-15 reps (Progressive - moderate)

D) Z Press- 3 x 15-20 reps (each arm)

E) DB Prone Pull - 4 x 15-20 reps

F) Cable Tricep Extensions - 150 reps in a fewer sets as possible

Conditioning Session Running

Complete the following session or refer to our Rugby Renegade Article on Dan
Bakers MAS Grids. Click on link -

A) Shuttles 1 6 Sets
Complete New Shuttle Every 60 seconds 0m - 10m - 0m - 20m - 0m - 40m - 0m

B) Shuttle 2 6 Sets
Complete New Shuttle Every 60 seconds

1 Down/Up on 0m, 2 Down/Ups on 10m, 3 Down/Ups on 20m, 4 Down/Ups on 40m

C) Shuttles 3

6 Widths of the Pitch (Touch Line to Touch Line) in 90 seconds Rest 60 seconds
4 Widths of the Pitch in 60 seconds Rest 30 seconds
2 Widths of the Pitch in 30 seconds

Preseason Block 2/Day 9 Tuesday

Strength/Hypertrophy Session
Aim to complete Session within 45-60 mins

Mobility Prep

Lower Limb Mobility Circuit

- ITB Foam Roller

- Quads Foam Roller
- Adductor Foam Roller
- Banded Hip Mobiliser
- Banded Deep Squat Mobiliser
- Banded Ankle Mobiliser

Explosive Strength

Single Legged Box Jump - 6 x 3 reps (each leg)

Compound Lift

Rest 2 Mins between Sets.

A) Back Squat - 10 @ 45%, 7 @ 55%, 3 @ 65%, 3 @ 75%, 3 + @ 85%

*last set at 85%, you are trying get as many reps as possible without failing! No
failed Reps.

Accessory Lifts
Rest 60-90 seconds between Sets.
B) Clean Pulls - 4 Sets x 4 reps @ 90-100% 1RM Clean

C) Box Step Ups - 3 sets x 8 reps (Progressive - moderate)

D) Good Mornings - 2 sets x 15 reps

Gym Based Conditioning

With a Partner

Row 5000m As Fast As Possible - 250m each - 1 Works : 1 Rests

After 2000m is completed complete 8 Burpees after each 250m Row

**Target Time is Sub 19.30 mins

Preseason Block 2/Recovery Day 10 Wednesday

Recovery must be an essential part of all training programs, and must be carefully
planned and programmed in order to be optimally effective.

Recovery requires an approach that addresses all aspects of the rugby lifestyle, such
as sleep, nutrition, overall stress levels, etc.

Rugby can produce high levels of fatigue, and given the length of rugby seasons and
the number of games played, proactive recovery is an area that can give rugby teams
and players a real advantage. An important element of any recovery program is to
develop a specific recovery strategy for use after matches.

At Rugby Renegade, through knowledge and experience we have designed reliable

recovery protocols for players to follow.

Recovery protocols range from nutrition to active recovery. What you do in the hours
post game/training will have a profound affect on your performance for the following
weeks game. Here are some recommendations to implement into your weekly training

Post Training Nutrition Protocols

Below are the best Post Training Nutrition Protocols that you should follow in order
to maximise your post training recovery week in, week out.

Activities are decided by the individual post match in order to reach 50 points will
help to optimise recovery.

Points Activity
25 20 minutes Swim/Stretch in a pool.
25 30 minutes Sports Massage
15 15 minute Stretch session
15 Wear Compression Skins for at least 1 hour
15 4 x Hot/Cold water contrast- 2 mins in each.
10 20 minutes Row/Bike
5 20 minutes Walk
5 20 minutes Myofascial Release using a foam roller session

Preseason Block 2/Day 11 Thursday

Aim to have a minimum of 4 hours rest between sessions.

Strength/Hypertrophy Session
Aim to complete Session within 45-60 mins
Mobility Prep

Upper Limb Mobility Circuit

- Thoracic Foam Roller

- Lats Complex Foam Roller
- Rotator Cuff Trigger Release
- Band Shoulder Mobiliser
- Band Lats Mobiliser
- Wrist / Elbow Mobiliser

Plyo Prep.

Lying Supine MB Chest Throws - 4 sets x 5 reps

Compound Lift

A) Speed Bench Press - 9 sets x 3 reps @ 70% 1RM - New set every 60

3 sets x Wide Grip, 3 sets x Normal Grip, 3 Sets x Narrow Grip

Accessory Lifts

Rest 60-90 seconds between Sets.

B) Single Arm DB Row - 4 Sets x 8-12 reps

C) DB Shoulder Press - 3 sets x 10-12 reps (Progressive)

D) Lat. Pulldown - 3 x 10-12 reps (each arm)

E) DB Shoulder Blast - 4 sets x 10 reps

Conditioning Session Running

Complete the following session or refer to our Rugby Renegade Article on Dan
Bakers MAS Grids. Click on link -

Shuttle Run 1

10 Reps (start a new rep every 60 seconds)

Start at half way line, run 10 meters, back pedal 10 meters, run to 22m line back pedal
to 10 meter line, run to try line - target 30 seconds.

Recovery Run back to start in 15 seconds. Rest 15 seconds

Rest 3 minutes once all 10 reps are complete

Shuttle Run 2

10 Reps (start a new rep every 30 seconds) Tryline to Far 22 m Line - target 15
seconds Rest 15 seconds

Preseason Block 2/Day 12 Friday

Strength/Hypertrophy Session
Aim to complete Session within 45-60 mins

Mobility Prep

Lower Limb Mobility Circuit

- ITB Foam Roller

- Quads Foam Roller
- Adductor Foam Roller
- Banded Hip Mobiliser
- Banded Deep Squat Mobiliser
- Banded Ankle Mobiliser

Explosive Strength

Kneeling Jumps - 6 x 3 reps

Compound Lift

Rest 2 Mins between Sets.

A) Deadlift - 10 @ 45%, 7 @ 55%, 3 @ 65%, 3 @ 75%, 3 + @ 85%

*last set at 85%, you are trying get as many reps as possible without failing! No
failed Reps.

Accessory Lifts
Rest 60-90 seconds between Sets.
B) Box Squats - 4 Sets x 10 reps (Progressive)

C) Box Step Ups - 3 sets x 8 reps (Progressive - moderate)

D) Bulgarian Split Squats - 3 sets x 8 reps

Gym Based Conditioning

15 Min AMRAP

1 : 1 Work : Rest - however long it takes you to complete a round rest for the
same duration.

Prowler Push 30 m

12 American KB Swings

4 x 15 m Shuttle Run with a Down/Up on Each Turn (3)

Preseason Block 2/Day 13 Saturday

Renegade Rugby Warm Up


6 Rounds

5 Deadlifts 60% 1RM

10 Box Jumps (Step Down) 24"

15 KB Swings 24kg

200 m Row

Rest 90 sec between Rounds.

Preseason Block 2/Recovery Day Sunday

Recovery must be an essential part of all training programs, and must be carefully
planned and programmed in order to be optimally effective.

Recovery requires an approach that addresses all aspects of the rugby lifestyle, such
as sleep, nutrition, overall stress levels, etc.

Rugby can produce high levels of fatigue, and given the length of rugby seasons and
the number of games played, proactive recovery is an area that can give rugby teams
and players a real advantage. An important element of any recovery program is to
develop a specific recovery strategy for use after matches.

At Rugby Renegade, through knowledge and experience we have designed reliable

recovery protocols for players to follow.

Recovery protocols range from nutrition to active recovery. What you do in the hours
post game/training will have a profound affect on your performance for the following
weeks game. Here are some recommendations to implement into your weekly training

Post Training Nutrition Protocols

Below are the best Post Training Nutrition Protocols that you should follow in order
to maximise your post training recovery week in, week out.

Activities are decided by the individual post match in order to reach 50 points will
help to optimise recovery.

Points Activity
25 20 minutes Swim/Stretch in a pool.
25 30 minutes Sports Massage
15 15 minute Stretch session
15 Wear Compression Skins for at least 1 hour
15 4 x Hot/Cold water contrast- 2 mins in each.
10 20 minutes Row/Bike
5 20 minutes Walk
5 20 minutes Myofascial Release using a foam roller session

Preseason Block 2/Day 15 Monday

Aim to have a minimum of 4 hours rest between sessions.

Strength/Hypertrophy Session
Aim to complete Session within 45-60 mins
Mobility Prep

Upper Limb Mobility Circuit

- Thoracic Foam Roller

- Lats Complex Foam Roller
- Rotator Cuff Trigger Release
- Band Shoulder Mobiliser
- Band Lats Mobiliser
- Wrist / Elbow Mobiliser

Plyo Prep.

Supine Chest Throws - 4 sets x 5 reps

Compound Lift

Rest 2-3 Mins between Sets.

A) Build up to a 1 RM Incline Bench Press

Set 1 - 10 reps, Set 2 - 8 reps, Set 3 - 6 reps, Set 4 - 4 reps, Set 5 - 2 reps, Set 6/7/8
- Single reps

Accessory Lifts

Rest 60-90 seconds between Sets.

B) Weighted Pull Up - 4 Sets x 8-12 reps (Heavy)

C) DB Chest Press - 4 sets x 12-15 reps (Progressive - moderate)

D) Z Press- 3 x 15-20 reps (each arm)

E) DB Prone Pull - 4 x 15-20 reps

F) Cable Tricep Extensions - 150 reps in a fewer sets as possible

Conditioning Session Running

Complete the following session or refer to our Rugby Renegade Article on Dan
Bakers MAS Grids. Click on link -

5 Mins Running at 70% Effort - aim to complete 1.2 KM

Rest 90 seconds

10 x 15 sec Hard (80-85% Effort) : 15 sec Jog (25-40% Effort)

Rest 2 mins

10 x 15 sec Hard (80-85% Effort) : 15 sec Jog (25-40% Effort)

Rest 2 mins

Max. Distance in 90 seconds

Rest 90 seconds

Max. Distance in 60 seconds

Rest 60 seconds

Max. Distance in 30 seconds

Preseason Block 2/Day 16 Tuesday

Strength/Hypertrophy Session
Aim to complete Session within 45-60 mins

Mobility Prep

Lower Limb Mobility Circuit

- ITB Foam Roller

- Quads Foam Roller
- Adductor Foam Roller
- Banded Hip Mobiliser
- Banded Deep Squat Mobiliser
- Banded Ankle Mobiliser

Explosive Strength

Kneeling Jump into Broad Jump - 10 Reps

Compound Lift

Rest 2 Mins between Sets.

A) Back Squat - 10 @ 45%, 7 @ 55%, 5 @ 75%, 3 @ 85%, 1 + @ 90%

*last set at 90%, you are trying get as many reps as possible without failing! No
failed Reps.

Accessory Lifts
Rest 60-90 seconds between Sets.
B) Clean Pulls - 5 Sets x 3 reps @ 100-110% 1RM Clean

C) Lunges - 3 sets x 8 reps (Progressive - moderate)

D) Romanian Deadlift - 2 sets x 15 reps

Gym Based Conditioning

Death by Burpees

Min 1 - 5 Burpees (rest for the remainder of the minute) Min 2 - 6 Burpees (rest
for the remainder of the minute) Min 3 - 7 Burpees (rest for the remainder of the
minute) Min 4- 8 Burpees (rest for the remainder of the minute)
Continue in the same way until you can no longer complete the burpees within
the 60 seconds

Preseason Block 2/Recovery Day Wednesday

Recovery must be an essential part of all training programs, and must be carefully
planned and programmed in order to be optimally effective.

Recovery requires an approach that addresses all aspects of the rugby lifestyle, such
as sleep, nutrition, overall stress levels, etc.

Rugby can produce high levels of fatigue, and given the length of rugby seasons and
the number of games played, proactive recovery is an area that can give rugby teams
and players a real advantage. An important element of any recovery program is to
develop a specific recovery strategy for use after matches.

At Rugby Renegade, through knowledge and experience we have designed reliable

recovery protocols for players to follow.

Recovery protocols range from nutrition to active recovery. What you do in the hours
post game/training will have a profound affect on your performance for the following
weeks game. Here are some recommendations to implement into your weekly training

Post Training Nutrition Protocols

Below are the best Post Training Nutrition Protocols that you should follow in order
to maximise your post training recovery week in, week out.

Activities are decided by the individual post match in order to reach 50 points will
help to optimise recovery.

Points Activity
25 20 minutes Swim/Stretch in a pool.
25 30 minutes Sports Massage
15 15 minute Stretch session
15 Wear Compression Skins for at least 1 hour
15 4 x Hot/Cold water contrast- 2 mins in each.
10 20 minutes Row/Bike
5 20 minutes Walk
5 20 minutes Myofascial Release using a foam roller session

Preseason Block 2/Day 18 Thursday

Aim to have a minimum of 4 hours rest between sessions.

Strength/Hypertrophy Session
Aim to complete Session within 45-60 mins
Mobility Prep

Upper Limb Mobility Circuit

- Thoracic Foam Roller

- Lats Complex Foam Roller
- Rotator Cuff Trigger Release
- Band Shoulder Mobiliser
- Band Lats Mobiliser
- Wrist / Elbow Mobiliser

Plyo Prep.

Lying Supine MB Chest Throws - 4 sets x 5 reps

Compound Lift

A) Speed Bench Press - 9 sets x 3 reps @ 70% 1RM - New set every 60

3 sets x Wide Grip, 3 sets x Normal Grip, 3 Sets x Narrow Grip

Accessory Lifts

Rest 60-90 seconds between Sets.

B) Single Arm DB Row - 4 Sets x 8-12 reps

C) DB Shoulder Press - 3 sets x 10-12 reps (Progressive)

D) Lat. Pulldown - 3 x 10-12 reps (each arm)

E) DB Shoulder Blast - 4 sets x 10 reps

Conditioning Session Running

Complete the following session or refer to our Rugby Renegade Article on Dan
Bakers MAS Grids. Click on link -

Perform the following on a Rugby Pitch

200m/100m Drill - Perform 1 set of 4 Repetitions

Start on the try line and run to the far try line turn around and sprint back in 40-45
seconds, rest 20 seconds, then sprint to the far try line in 20 seconds and rest 40
seconds, this is one repetition.

Rest 3 Mins

Complete 2 sets of 8 Lengths

5 Burpees and Run Tryline to Tryline hard

Recovery jog width of pitch.

Preseason Block 2/Day 19 Friday

Strength/Hypertrophy Session
Aim to complete Session within 45-60 mins

Mobility Prep

Lower Limb Mobility Circuit

- ITB Foam Roller

- Quads Foam Roller
- Adductor Foam Roller
- Banded Hip Mobiliser
- Banded Deep Squat Mobiliser
- Banded Ankle Mobiliser

Explosive Strength

Kneeling Jumps - 6 x 3 reps

Compound Lift

Rest 2 Mins between Sets.

A) Deadlift - 10 @ 45%, 7 @ 55%, 5 @ 75%, 3 @ 85%, 1 + @ 90%

*last set at 90%, you are trying get as many reps as possible without failing! No
failed Reps.

Accessory Lifts
Rest 60-90 seconds between Sets.
B) Box Squats - 4 Sets x 10 reps (Progressive)

C) Box Step Ups - 3 sets x 8 reps (Progressive - moderate)

D) Jackal Stance Romania Deadlift - 3 sets x 8 reps

Gym Based Conditioning

5 Rounds

Row 250 m

12 KB Swings

12 Burpees

Rest 60 seconds between Rounds

Preseason Block 2/Day 20 Saturday

Renegade Rugby Warm Up

In Pairs complete the following As Fast As Possible Break up the work how ever
you wish, 1 works : 1 Rests For Time

1500 m Row

100 KB Swings 24/16kg

100 Burpees

100 Wall Balls 9/6kg

100 Plate Ground to Overhead

1500 m Row

Preseason Block 2/Recovery Day Sunday

Recovery must be an essential part of all training programs, and must be carefully
planned and programmed in order to be optimally effective.

Recovery requires an approach that addresses all aspects of the rugby lifestyle, such
as sleep, nutrition, overall stress levels, etc.

Rugby can produce high levels of fatigue, and given the length of rugby seasons and
the number of games played, proactive recovery is an area that can give rugby teams
and players a real advantage. An important element of any recovery program is to
develop a specific recovery strategy for use after matches.

At Rugby Renegade, through knowledge and experience we have designed reliable

recovery protocols for players to follow.

Recovery protocols range from nutrition to active recovery. What you do in the hours
post game/training will have a profound affect on your performance for the following
weeks game. Here are some recommendations to implement into your weekly training

Post Training Nutrition Protocols

Below are the best Post Training Nutrition Protocols that you should follow in order
to maximise your post training recovery week in, week out.

Activities are decided by the individual post match in order to reach 50 points will
help to optimise recovery.

Points Activity
25 20 minutes Swim/Stretch in a pool.
25 30 minutes Sports Massage
15 15 minute Stretch session
15 Wear Compression Skins for at least 1 hour
15 4 x Hot/Cold water contrast- 2 mins in each.
10 20 minutes Row/Bike
5 20 minutes Walk
5 20 minutes Myofascial Release using a foam roller session

Preseason Block 2/Day 22 Monday

Aim to have a minimum of 4 hours rest between sessions.

Strength/Hypertrophy Session
Aim to complete Session within 45-60 mins
Mobility Prep

Upper Limb Mobility Circuit

- Thoracic Foam Roller

- Lats Complex Foam Roller
- Rotator Cuff Trigger Release
- Band Shoulder Mobiliser
- Band Lats Mobiliser
- Wrist / Elbow Mobiliser

Plyo Prep.

Supine Chest Throws - 4 sets x 5 reps

Compound Lift

Rest 2-3 Mins between Sets.

A) Build up to a 5 RM DB Chest Press

Set 1 - 10 reps, Set 2 - 8 reps, Set 3 - 5 reps, Set 4 - 5 reps, Set 5 - 5 reps

Accessory Lifts

Rest 60-90 seconds between Sets.

B) Weighted Pull Up - 4 Sets x 8-12 reps (Heavy)

C) DB Chest Press - 4 sets x 12-15 reps (Progressive - moderate)

D) Z Press- 3 x 15-20 reps (each arm)

E) DB Prone Pull - 4 x 15-20 reps

F) Cable Tricep Extensions - 150 reps in a fewer sets as possible

Conditioning Session Running

Complete the following session or refer to our Rugby Renegade Article on Dan
Bakers MAS Grids. Click on link -

Perform the following on a Rugby Pitch

Shuttle Run 1

10 Reps (start a new rep every 60 seconds)

Start at half way line, run 10 meters, back pedal 10 meters, run to 22m line back pedal
to 10 meter line, run to try line - target 30 seconds.

Recovery Run back to start in 15 seconds. Rest 15 seconds

Rest 3 minutes once all 10 reps are complete

Shuttle Run 2

10 Reps (start a new rep every 30 seconds) Tryline to Far 22 m Line - target 15
seconds Rest 15 seconds

Preseason Block 2/Day 23 Tuesday

Strength/Hypertrophy Session
Aim to complete Session within 45-60 mins

Mobility Prep

Lower Limb Mobility Circuit

- ITB Foam Roller

- Quads Foam Roller
- Adductor Foam Roller
- Banded Hip Mobiliser
- Banded Deep Squat Mobiliser
- Banded Ankle Mobiliser

Explosive Strength

Kneeling Jump into Broad Jump - 10 Reps

Compound Lift

Rest 2 Mins between Sets.

A) Box Squat - 10 @ 45%, 7 @ 55%, 3 sets x 5 reps @ 70% 1RM Box Squat

Accessory Lifts

Rest 60-90 seconds between Sets.

B) Clean Pulls - 5 Sets x 3 reps @ 110-115% 1RM Clean

C) Lunges - 3 sets x 8 reps (Progressive - moderate)

D) Romanian Deadlift - 2 sets x 15 reps

Gym Based Conditioning

for time 7 Rounds

7 Power Cleans 60/40kg

7 Burpee Box Jumps 24/20" 100m Run

Preseason Block 2/Recovery Day Wednesday

Recovery must be an essential part of all training programs, and must be carefully
planned and programmed in order to be optimally effective.

Recovery requires an approach that addresses all aspects of the rugby lifestyle, such
as sleep, nutrition, overall stress levels, etc.

Rugby can produce high levels of fatigue, and given the length of rugby seasons and
the number of games played, proactive recovery is an area that can give rugby teams
and players a real advantage. An important element of any recovery program is to
develop a specific recovery strategy for use after matches.

At Rugby Renegade, through knowledge and experience we have designed reliable

recovery protocols for players to follow.

Recovery protocols range from nutrition to active recovery. What you do in the hours
post game/training will have a profound affect on your performance for the following
weeks game. Here are some recommendations to implement into your weekly training

Post Training Nutrition Protocols

Below are the best Post Training Nutrition Protocols that you should follow in order
to maximise your post training recovery week in, week out.

Activities are decided by the individual post match in order to reach 50 points will
help to optimise recovery.

Points Activity
25 20 minutes Swim/Stretch in a pool.
25 30 minutes Sports Massage
15 15 minute Stretch session
15 Wear Compression Skins for at least 1 hour
15 4 x Hot/Cold water contrast- 2 mins in each.
10 20 minutes Row/Bike
5 20 minutes Walk
5 20 minutes Myofascial Release using a foam roller session

Preseason Block 2/Day 25 Thursday

Aim to have a minimum of 4 hours rest between sessions.

Strength/Hypertrophy Session
Aim to complete Session within 45-60 mins
Mobility Prep

Upper Limb Mobility Circuit

- Thoracic Foam Roller

- Lats Complex Foam Roller
- Rotator Cuff Trigger Release
- Band Shoulder Mobiliser
- Band Lats Mobiliser
- Wrist / Elbow Mobiliser

Plyo Prep.

Scoop to Vertical Toss - 4 sets x 3 reps

Compound Lift

A) Push Press - 9 sets x 3 reps @ 70% 1RM - New set every 60 seconds

Accessory Lifts

Rest 60-90 seconds between Sets.

B) Single Arm DB Row - 4 Sets x 8-12 reps

C) DB Chest Press - 3 sets x 10-12 reps (Progressive)

D) Lat. Pulldown - 3 x 10-12 reps (each arm)

Conditioning Session Running

Complete the following session or refer to our Rugby Renegade Article on Dan
Bakers MAS Grids. Click on link -

15 Min AMRAP (As Many Rounds As Possible)

200 m Row
6 Burpees
8 Toes to Bar/or Knees to Chest
10 Plate Ground to Overhead
12 Renegade Row (6 Each Side) 15kg

Preseason Block 2/Day 26 Friday

Strength/Hypertrophy Session
Aim to complete Session within 45-60 mins

Mobility Prep

Lower Limb Mobility Circuit

- ITB Foam Roller

- Quads Foam Roller
- Adductor Foam Roller
- Banded Hip Mobiliser
- Banded Deep Squat Mobiliser
- Banded Ankle Mobiliser

Explosive Strength

Box Jumps - 6 x 3 reps

Compound Lift
Rest 2 Mins between Sets.

A) Power Clean - 3/3/2/2/1/1 (build up to a heavy single with form)

Accessory Lifts

Rest 60-90 seconds between Sets.

B) Box Squats - 4 Sets x 10 reps (Progressive)

C) Box Step Ups - 3 sets x 8 reps (Progressive - moderate)

Gym Based Conditioning

14 Minutes - Every 2 mins complete

6 Burpee with Lateral Jumps
20m Prowler Push (Heavy)

Preseason Block 2/Day 27 Saturday

Renegade Rugby Warm Up

In Pairs complete the following As Fast As Possible Break up the work how ever
you wish, 1 works : 1 Rests For Time

500m Row

400m Run

50 Burpees

40 KB Swings 24/16kg

30 Overhead Walking Lunges 20/15kg

20 Chest to Bar Pull Ups

10 Bodyweight Bench Press

Preseason Block 2/Recovery Day Sunday

Recovery must be an essential part of all training programs, and must be carefully
planned and programmed in order to be optimally effective.

Recovery requires an approach that addresses all aspects of the rugby lifestyle, such
as sleep, nutrition, overall stress levels, etc.

Rugby can produce high levels of fatigue, and given the length of rugby seasons and
the number of games played, proactive recovery is an area that can give rugby teams
and players a real advantage. An important element of any recovery program is to
develop a specific recovery strategy for use after matches.

At Rugby Renegade, through knowledge and experience we have designed reliable

recovery protocols for players to follow.

Recovery protocols range from nutrition to active recovery. What you do in the hours
post game/training will have a profound affect on your performance for the following
weeks game. Here are some recommendations to implement into your weekly training

Post Training Nutrition Protocols

Below are the best Post Training Nutrition Protocols that you should follow in order
to maximise your post training recovery week in, week out.

Activities are decided by the individual post match in order to reach 50 points will
help to optimise recovery.

Points Activity
25 20 minutes Swim/Stretch in a pool.
25 30 minutes Sports Massage
15 15 minute Stretch session
15 Wear Compression Skins for at least 1 hour
15 4 x Hot/Cold water contrast- 2 mins in each.
10 20 minutes Row/Bike
5 20 minutes Walk

Preseason Block 3/Day 1 Monday

Building Athletic Strength and Increasing Muscle Mass

Maximal Strength is the ability to produce the most amount of force and against an
external resistance. Rugby involves fierce body contact at regular intervals combined
with explosive force generation due to the sheer size and body mass of each player as
well as an increased knowledge of, and greater training focus on spinal stability and
core strength which in turn leads to greater body control, awareness, balance and
muscular endurance (Meir, 2001).

Strength is therefore the single most important facet of the game and is a major
ingredient for the production of power (speed strength), that we will work on in
Preseason Block 3. Maximizing a player’s strength level will help to overcome the
loads and forces associated with the game. Strength levels are maximized through
performance of multi joint lifts, such as bench press, squats, deadlifts,

Due to the level of physicality involved in the game, a certain level of muscle mass is
essential to be successful. Hypertrophy training is based on the theory of increasing
the cross sectional area, CSI of the players muscles. Muscular strength is proportional
to CSI and therefore, the aim of the hypertrophy is to increase the player’s lean
muscle mass and in effect produce greater force during the later stages of the training

Aim to have a minimum of 4 hours rest between sessions.

Strength/Hypertrophy Session
Aim to complete Session within 45-60 mins
Mobility Prep

Upper Limb Mobility Circuit

- Thoracic Foam Roller

- Lats Complex Foam Roller
- Rotator Cuff Trigger Release
- Band Shoulder Mobiliser
- Band Lats Mobiliser
- Wrist / Elbow Mobiliser

Plyo Prep.

Supine Chest Throws - 4 sets x 5 reps

Compound Lift

Rest 2-3 Mins between Sets.

A) Build up to a 1 RM Shoulder Press

Set 1 - 10 reps, Set 2 - 8 reps, Set 3 - 6 reps, Set 4 - 4 reps, Set 5 - 2 reps, Set 6/7/8
- Single reps

Accessory Lifts

Rest 60-90 seconds between Sets.

B) Weighted Pull Up - 4 Sets x 5 reps (Heavy-Progressive)

C) Close Grip Bench Press - 4 sets x 12-15 reps (Progressive - moderate)

D) Seated Row - 3 x 15-20 reps (each arm)

E) 6 Mins As Many Rounds As Possible 10 Bicep Curls

10 Close Grip Press Ups 10 DB Reverse Flies
10 DB Lateral Raises

F) Cable Tricep Extensions - 200 reps in a fewer sets as possible

Conditioning Session

5 Rounds

200m Row
200m Run
10 Burpees
5 Toes 2 Bar

Preseason Block 3/Day 2 Tuesday

Strength/Hypertrophy Session
Aim to complete Session within 45-60 mins
Mobility Prep

Lower Limb Mobility Circuit

- ITB Foam Roller

- Quads Foam Roller
- Adductor Foam Roller
- Banded Hip Mobiliser
- Banded Deep Squat Mobiliser
- Banded Ankle Mobiliser

Explosive Strength

Drop Jumps - 5 sets x 3 reps

Compound Lift

Rest 2 Mins between Sets.

A) Back Squat - Establish a Heavy Set of 5 reps for the Day

Accessory Lifts

Rest 60-90 seconds between Sets.

B) Clean Pulls - 5 Sets x 3 reps @ 100-110% 1RM Clean

C) Walking Lunges - 3 sets x 8 reps (Progressive - moderate)

D) Barbell Hip Thrusts - 2 sets x 15 reps

Gym Based Conditioning

For Time 750m Row

50 KB Swings 24/16kg
500m Row
25 KB Swings 24/16kg
250m Row

Preseason Block 3/Recovery Day Wednesday

Recovery must be an essential part of all training programs, and must be carefully
planned and programmed in order to be optimally effective.

Recovery requires an approach that addresses all aspects of the rugby lifestyle, such
as sleep, nutrition, overall stress levels, etc.

Rugby can produce high levels of fatigue, and given the length of rugby seasons and
the number of games played, proactive recovery is an area that can give rugby teams
and players a real advantage. An important element of any recovery program is to
develop a specific recovery strategy for use after matches.

At Rugby Renegade, through knowledge and experience we have designed reliable

recovery protocols for players to follow.

Recovery protocols range from nutrition to active recovery. What you do in the hours
post game/training will have a profound affect on your performance for the following
weeks game. Here are some recommendations to implement into your weekly training

Post Training Nutrition Protocols

Below are the best Post Training Nutrition Protocols that you should follow in order
to maximise your post training recovery week in, week out.

Activities are decided by the individual post match in order to reach 50 points will
help to optimise recovery.

Points Activity
25 20 minutes Swim/Stretch in a pool.
25 30 minutes Sports Massage
15 15 minute Stretch session
15 Wear Compression Skins for at least 1 hour
15 4 x Hot/Cold water contrast- 2 mins in each.
10 20 minutes Row/Bike
5 20 minutes Walk
5 20 minutes Myofascial Release using a foam roller session

Preseason Block 3/Day 4 Thursday

Aim to have a minimum of 4 hours rest between sessions.

Strength/Hypertrophy Session
Aim to complete Session within 45-60 mins
Mobility Prep

Upper Limb Mobility Circuit

- Thoracic Foam Roller

- Lats Complex Foam Roller
- Rotator Cuff Trigger Release
- Band Shoulder Mobiliser
- Band Lats Mobiliser
- Wrist / Elbow Mobiliser

Plyo Prep.

Scoop to Vertical Toss - 4 sets x 3 reps

Compound Lift

A) Push Press - 9 sets x 3 reps @ 70% 1RM - New set every 60 seconds

Accessory Lifts

Rest 60-90 seconds between Sets.

B) Single Arm DB Row - 4 Sets x 8-12 reps

C) DB Chest Press - 3 sets x 10-12 reps (Progressive)

D) Lat. Pulldown - 3 x 10-12 reps (each arm)

Conditioning Session

Complete the following session or refer to our Rugby Renegade Article on Dan
Bakers MAS Grids. Click on link -

For Time 5 Rounds

12 Plate Ground to Overhead

12 Burpees
12 Plate Overhead Sit Ups 15/10kg
200 m Row

Preseason Block 3/Day 5 Friday

Strength/Hypertrophy Session
Aim to complete Session within 45-60 mins
Mobility Prep

Lower Limb Mobility Circuit

- ITB Foam Roller

- Quads Foam Roller
- Adductor Foam Roller
- Banded Hip Mobiliser
- Banded Deep Squat Mobiliser
- Banded Ankle Mobiliser

Explosive Strength

Box Jumps - 6 x 3 reps

Compound Lift

Rest 2 Mins between Sets.

A) Speed Front Squats - 10 sets x 2 reps @60% 1RM

B) Power Clean - 8 sets x 2 reps @ 75% 1RM

Accessory Lifts

Rest 60-90 seconds between Sets.

C) Box Step Ups - 3 sets x 8 reps (Progressive - moderate)

Gym Based Conditioning

100 Russian KB Swings 32/24kg

*On the Minute, Every Minute perform 4 Burpees

Preseason Block 3/Day 6 Saturday

Renegade Rugby Warm Up

For Time

1000m Row

30 Push Press 40/25kg

30 Knees to Chest

30 Burpees

30 KB Swings 24/16kg

1000m Row

Preseason Block 3/Day 7 Sunday

Recovery must be an essential part of all training programs, and must be carefully
planned and programmed in order to be optimally effective.

Recovery requires an approach that addresses all aspects of the rugby lifestyle, such
as sleep, nutrition, overall stress levels, etc.

Rugby can produce high levels of fatigue, and given the length of rugby seasons and
the number of games played, proactive recovery is an area that can give rugby teams
and players a real advantage. An important element of any recovery program is to
develop a specific recovery strategy for use after matches.

At Rugby Renegade, through knowledge and experience we have designed reliable

recovery protocols for players to follow.

Recovery protocols range from nutrition to active recovery. What you do in the hours
post game/training will have a profound affect on your performance for the following
weeks game. Here are some recommendations to implement into your weekly training

Post Training Nutrition Protocols

Below are the best Post Training Nutrition Protocols that you should follow in order
to maximise your post training recovery week in, week out.

Make Sure Avoid

Activities are decided by the individual post match in order to reach 50 points will
help to optimise recovery.

Points Activity
25 20 minutes Swim/Stretch in a pool.
25 30 minutes Sports Massage
15 15 minute Stretch session
15 Wear Compression Skins for at least 1 hour
15 4 x Hot/Cold water contrast- 2 mins in each.
10 20 minutes Row/Bike
5 20 minutes Walk
5 20 minutes Myofascial Release using a foam roller session

Preseason Block 3/Day 8 Monday

Aim to have a minimum of 4 hours rest between sessions.
Strength/Hypertrophy Session
Aim to complete Session within 45-60 mins
Mobility Prep

Upper Limb Mobility Circuit

- Thoracic Foam Roller

- Lats Complex Foam Roller
- Rotator Cuff Trigger Release
- Band Shoulder Mobiliser
- Band Lats Mobiliser
- Wrist / Elbow Mobiliser

Plyo Prep.

Supine Chest Throws - 4 sets x 5 reps

Compound Lift

Rest 2-3 Mins between Sets.

A) Build up to a 1 RM Bench Press

Set 1 - 10 reps, Set 2 - 8 reps, Set 3 - 6 reps, Set 4 - 4 reps, Set 5 - 2 reps, Set 6/7/8
- Single reps

Accessory Lifts

Rest 60-90 seconds between Sets.

B) Weighted Chin Up - 4 Sets x 5 reps (Heavy-Progressive)

C) DB Incline Chest Press - 4 sets x 12-15 reps (Progressive - moderate)

D) Seated Row - 3 x 15-20 reps (each arm)

E) 6 Mins As Many Rounds As Possible 10 Z Press

10 Lat. Pulldown

10 DB Lateral Raises 10 Reverse Flies

F) Cable Tricep Extensions - 200 reps in a fewer sets as possible

Conditioning Session

2 Rounds

8 x 150m Row (sub 29 seconds)

Rest 30 seconds between reps. Rest 3 mins between sets.

Preseason Block 3/Day 9 Tuesday

Strength/Hypertrophy Session
Aim to complete Session within 45-60 mins
Mobility Prep

Lower Limb Mobility Circuit

- ITB Foam Roller

- Quads Foam Roller
- Adductor Foam Roller
- Banded Hip Mobiliser
- Banded Deep Squat Mobiliser
- Banded Ankle Mobiliser

Explosive Strength

Drop Jumps - 5 sets x 3 reps

Compound Lift

Rest 2 Mins between Sets.

A) Back Squat - Establish a Heavy Set of 3 reps for the Day

Accessory Lifts

Rest 60-90 seconds between Sets.

B) Clean Pulls - 5 Sets x 3 reps @ 105-115% 1RM Clean

C) Box Step Ups - 3 sets x 8 reps (Progressive - moderate)

D) Barbell Hip Thrusts - 2 sets x 12 reps

Gym Based Conditioning

For Time 5 Rounds

4 x 20m Shuttle Run (Down/Up on each turn)

25 m Heavy Prowler Push

10 Ball Slams 20kg

8 Burpees

Rest 45s

Preseason Block 3/Day 10 Wednesday

Recovery must be an essential part of all training programs, and must be carefully
planned and programmed in order to be optimally effective.

Recovery requires an approach that addresses all aspects of the rugby lifestyle, such
as sleep, nutrition, overall stress levels, etc.

Rugby can produce high levels of fatigue, and given the length of rugby seasons and
the number of games played, proactive recovery is an area that can give rugby teams
and players a real advantage. An important element of any recovery program is to
develop a specific recovery strategy for use after matches.

At Rugby Renegade, through knowledge and experience we have designed reliable

recovery protocols for players to follow.

Recovery protocols range from nutrition to active recovery. What you do in the hours
post game/training will have a profound affect on your performance for the following
weeks game. Here are some recommendations to implement into your weekly training

Post Training Nutrition Protocols

Below are the best Post Training Nutrition Protocols that you should follow in order
to maximize your post training recovery week in, week out.

Make Sure Avoid

Activities are decided by the individual post match in order to reach 50 points will
help to optimize recovery.

Points Activity
25 20 minutes Swim/Stretch in a pool.
25 30 minutes Sports Massage
15 15 minute Stretch session
15 Wear Compression Skins for at least 1 hour
15 4 x Hot/Cold water contrast- 2 mins in each.
10 20 minutes Row/Bike
5 20 minutes Walk
5 20 minutes Myofascial Release using a foam roller session

Preseason Block 3/Day 11 Thursday

Strength/Hypertrophy Session
Aim to complete Session within 45-60 mins
Mobility Prep

Upper Limb Mobility Circuit

- Thoracic Foam Roller

- Lats Complex Foam Roller
- Rotator Cuff Trigger Release
- Band Shoulder Mobiliser
- Band Lats Mobiliser
- Wrist / Elbow Mobiliser

Plyo Prep.

Supine Chest Throw - 4 sets x 3 reps

Compound Lift

A) Push Press - 9 sets x 3 reps @ 70% 1RM - New set every 60 seconds

Accessory Lifts

Rest 60-90 seconds between Sets.

B) Pull Up (Chest to Bar) - 8 Sets x 3 reps (every 60 seconds)

C) Close Grip Bench Press - 3 sets x 10-12 reps (Progressive)

D) Seated Row - 3 x 10-12 reps (each arm)

Conditioning Session
Complete the following session or refer to our Rugby Renegade Article on Dan
Bakers MAS Grids.
Click on link -

For Time

500m Row

40 KB Swings

30 Close Grip Press Ups

20 Toes to Bar

500m Row

Preseason Block 3/Day 12 Friday

Strength/Hypertrophy Session
Aim to complete Session within 45-60 mins
Mobility Prep

Lower Limb Mobility Circuit

- ITB Foam Roller

- Quads Foam Roller
- Adductor Foam Roller
- Banded Hip Mobiliser
- Banded Deep Squat Mobiliser
- Banded Ankle Mobiliser

Explosive Strength

Box Jumps - 6 x 3 reps

Compound Lift
Rest 2 Mins between Sets.

A) Speed Front Squats - 8 sets x 2 reps @ 65% 1RM

B) Power Clean - 8 sets x 2 reps @ 77.5% 1RM

Accessory Lifts

Rest 60-90 seconds between Sets.

C) Walking Lunges - 3 sets x 8 reps (Progressive - moderate)

Gym Based Conditioning

5 Rounds

20 Kb Swings 24/16kg
10 Burpees

Preseason Block 3/Day 13 Saturday

Complete As Many Rounds As Possible in 20 Minutes

12 Close Grip Press Ups

10 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls 40kg

8 Burpee with Jump Over the Bar

6 Pull Ups

8 Push Press 40kg

10 KB Swings 24kg

12 Calories on Rower

Preseason Block 3/Recovery Day Sunday

Recovery must be an essential part of all training programs, and must be carefully
planned and programmed in order to be optimally effective.

Recovery requires an approach that addresses all aspects of the rugby lifestyle, such
as sleep, nutrition, overall stress levels, etc.

Rugby can produce high levels of fatigue, and given the length of rugby seasons and
the number of games played, proactive recovery is an area that can give rugby teams
and players a real advantage. An important element of any recovery program is to
develop a specific recovery strategy for use after matches.

At Rugby Renegade, through knowledge and experience we have designed reliable

recovery protocols for players to follow.

Recovery protocols range from nutrition to active recovery. What you do in the hours
post game/training will have a profound affect on your performance for the following
weeks game. Here are some recommendations to implement into your weekly training

Post Training Nutrition Protocols

Below are the best Post Training Nutrition Protocols that you should follow in order
to maximise your post training recovery week in, week out.

Activities are decided by the individual post match in order to reach 50 points will
help to optimise recovery.

Points Activity
25 20 minutes Swim/Stretch in a pool.
25 30 minutes Sports Massage
15 15 minute Stretch session
15 Wear Compression Skins for at least 1 hour
15 4 x Hot/Cold water contrast- 2 mins in each.
10 20 minutes Row/Bike
5 20 minutes Walk
5 20 minutes Myofascial Release using a foam roller session

Preseason Block 3/Day 15 Monday

Aim to have a minimum of 4 hours rest between sessions.
Strength/Hypertrophy Session
Aim to complete Session within 45-60 mins
Mobility Prep

Upper Limb Mobility Circuit

- Thoracic Foam Roller

- Lats Complex Foam Roller
- Rotator Cuff Trigger Release
- Band Shoulder Mobiliser
- Band Lats Mobiliser
- Wrist / Elbow Mobiliser

Plyo Prep.

Supine Chest Throws - 4 sets x 5 reps

Compound Lift

Rest 2-3 Mins between Sets.

A) Build up to a 3RM Weight Chin Up

Set 1 - 10 reps, Set 2 - 8 reps, Set 3 - 5 reps, Set 4/5/6 - 3 reps building up to a
Heavy Triple

Accessory Lifts

Rest 60-90 seconds between Sets.

B) Close Grip Bench Press - 4 Sets x 8-10 reps @ 60% 1RM

C) Seated Row - 3 x 10-12 reps

D) Incline DB Chest Press - 3 x 10-12 reps

E) 6 Mins As Many Rounds As Possible 10 Z Press

10 Lat. Pulldown

10 DB Lateral Raises 10 Reverse Flies

F) Cable Tricep Extensions - 200 reps in a fewer sets as possible

Conditioning Session
15 Min Window Complete

1000m Row into AMRAP

10 KB Swings 24/16kg 2 x 20m Shuttle Runs
Ascending Ladder Burpees (Round 1 - 1 Burpee, Round 2 - 2 Burpees and so

Preseason Block 3/Day 16 Tuesday

Strength/Hypertrophy Session
Aim to complete Session within 45-60 mins
Mobility Prep

Lower Limb Mobility Circuit

- ITB Foam Roller

- Quads Foam Roller
- Adductor Foam Roller
- Banded Hip Mobiliser
- Banded Deep Squat Mobiliser
- Banded Ankle Mobiliser

Explosive Strength

Drop Jumps - 5 sets x 3 reps

Compound Lift

Rest 2 Mins between Sets.

A) Back Squat - build up to a Heavy Double

Accessory Lifts

Rest 60-90 seconds between Sets.

B) Clean Pulls - 2 Sets x 5 reps @ 90-105% and 2 sets x 3 reps @ 110-115%


C) Bulgarian Split Squat - 3 sets x 6 reps (Progressive - moderate)

D) Barbell Hip Thrusts - 2 sets x 12 reps

Gym Based Conditioning

5 Rounds For Time

10 Deadlifts 100/60kg

10 Box Jumps 24/20"

Preseason Block 3/Recovery Day Wednesday

Recovery must be an essential part of all training programs, and must be carefully
planned and programmed in order to be optimally effective.

Recovery requires an approach that addresses all aspects of the rugby lifestyle, such
as sleep, nutrition, overall stress levels, etc.

Rugby can produce high levels of fatigue, and given the length of rugby seasons and
the number of games played, proactive recovery is an area that can give rugby teams
and players a real advantage. An important element of any recovery program is to
develop a specific recovery strategy for use after matches.

At Rugby Renegade, through knowledge and experience we have designed reliable

recovery protocols for players to follow.

Recovery protocols range from nutrition to active recovery. What you do in the hours
post game/training will have a profound affect on your performance for the following
weeks game. Here are some recommendations to implement into your weekly training

Post Training Nutrition Protocols

Below are the best Post Training Nutrition Protocols that you should follow in order
to maximise your post training recovery week in, week out.

Make Sure Avoid

Activities are decided by the individual post match in order to reach 50 points will
help to optimise recovery.

Points Activity
25 20 minutes Swim/Stretch in a pool.
25 30 minutes Sports Massage
15 15 minute Stretch session
15 Wear Compression Skins for at least 1 hour
15 4 x Hot/Cold water contrast- 2 mins in each.
10 20 minutes Row/Bike
5 20 minutes Walk
5 20 minutes Myofascial Release using a foam roller session

Preseason Block 3/Day 18 Thursday

Strength/Hypertrophy Session
Aim to complete Session within 45-60 mins
Mobility Prep

Upper Limb Mobility Circuit

- Thoracic Foam Roller
- Lats Complex Foam Roller
- Rotator Cuff Trigger Release
- Band Shoulder Mobiliser
- Band Lats Mobiliser
- Wrist / Elbow Mobiliser

Plyo Prep.

Supine Chest Throw - 4 sets x 3 reps

Compound Lift
A) Push Press - 9 sets x 3 reps @ 70% 1RM - New set every 60 seconds

Accessory Lifts

Rest 60-90 seconds between Sets.

B) Pull Up (Chest to Bar) - 8 Sets x 3 reps (every 60 seconds)

C) Close Grip Bench Press - 3 sets x 10-12 reps (Progressive)

D) Seated Row - 3 x 10-12 reps (each arm)

Conditioning Session
Complete the following session or refer to our Rugby Renegade Article on Dan
Bakers MAS Grids. Click on link -

For Time

1000 m Row (Target sub 3.15 mins)

Rest 5 mins For Time

500 m Row (Target sub 1.42 mins)

Preseason Block 3/Day 19 Friday

Strength/Hypertrophy Session
Aim to complete Session within 45-60 mins
Mobility Prep

Lower Limb Mobility Circuit

- ITB Foam Roller

- Quads Foam Roller
- Adductor Foam Roller
- Banded Hip Mobiliser
- Banded Deep Squat Mobiliser
- Banded Ankle Mobiliser

Explosive Strength

Box Jumps - 6 x 3 reps (Med.)

Compound Lift

Rest 2 Mins between Sets.

A) Speed Front Squats - 10 sets x 2 reps @ 70% 1RM

B) Power Clean - 6 sets x 2 reps @ 80% 1RM

Accessory Lifts

Rest 60-90 seconds between Sets.

C) Box Step Ups - 3 sets x 8 reps (Progressive - moderate)

Gym Based Conditioning

5 Rounds

7 Deadlifts 100/60kg

10 Burpee

13 KB Swing 24/16kg

200m Run

Preseason Block 3/Day 20 Saturday

Renegade Rugby Warm Up

For Time 8 Rounds

3 Hang Power Cleans 80/50kg

5 Burpees

7 Toes to Bar

Sprint 100 m

Rest 90 seconds between Rounds

Preseason Block 3/Recovery 21 Day Sunday

Recovery must be an essential part of all training programs, and must be carefully
planned and programmed in order to be optimally effective.

Recovery requires an approach that addresses all aspects of the rugby lifestyle, such
as sleep, nutrition, overall stress levels, etc.

Rugby can produce high levels of fatigue, and given the length of rugby seasons and
the number of games played, proactive recovery is an area that can give rugby teams
and players a real advantage. An important element of any recovery program is to
develop a specific recovery strategy for use after matches.

At Rugby Renegade, through knowledge and experience we have designed reliable

recovery protocols for players to follow.

Recovery protocols range from nutrition to active recovery. What you do in the hours
post game/training will have a profound affect on your performance for the following
weeks game. Here are some recommendations to implement into your weekly training

Post Training Nutrition Protocols

Below are the best Post Training Nutrition Protocols that you should follow in order
to maximise your post training recovery week in, week out.

Activities are decided by the individual post match in order to reach 50 points will
help to optimise recovery.

Points Activity
25 20 minutes Swim/Stretch in a pool.
25 30 minutes Sports Massage
15 15 minute Stretch session
15 Wear Compression Skins for at least 1 hour
15 4 x Hot/Cold water contrast- 2 mins in each.
10 20 minutes Row/Bike
5 20 minutes Walk
5 20 minutes Myofascial Release using a foam roller session.

Preseason Block 3/Day 22 Monday

Aim to have a minimum of 4 hours rest between sessions.
Strength/Hypertrophy Session
Aim to complete Session within 45-60 mins
Mobility Prep

Upper Limb Mobility Circuit

- Thoracic Foam Roller

- Lats Complex Foam Roller
- Rotator Cuff Trigger Release
- Band Shoulder Mobiliser
- Band Lats Mobiliser
- Wrist / Elbow Mobiliser

Plyo Prep.

Supine Chest Throws - 4 sets x 5 reps

Compound Lift

Rest 2-3 Mins between Sets.

A) Build up to a 1RM Weight Chin Up

Set 1 - 8 reps, Set 2 - 5 reps, Set 3 - 3 reps, Set 4/5/6 – 1 reps building up to a
Heavy Single

Accessory Lifts

Rest 60-90 seconds between Sets.

B) Close Grip Bench Press - 4 Sets x 8-10 reps @ 60% 1RM

C) Seated Row - 3 x 10-12 reps

D) Incline DB Chest Press - 3 x 10-12 reps

E) 6 Mins As Many Rounds As Possible 10 Z Press

10 Lat. Pulldown

10 DB Lateral Raises 10 Reverse Flies

F) Cable Tricep Extensions - 200 reps in a fewer sets as possible

Conditioning Session
For Time
5 Rounds

16 Plate Ground to Overhead 20/10kg

14 Alternating Box Step Ups (with Plate) 20/10kg
12 Burpees

Preseason Block 3/Day 23 Tuesday

Strength/Hypertrophy Session
Aim to complete Session within 45-60 mins
Mobility Prep

Lower Limb Mobility Circuit

- ITB Foam Roller

- Quads Foam Roller
- Adductor Foam Roller
- Banded Hip Mobiliser
- Banded Deep Squat Mobiliser
- Banded Ankle Mobiliser

Explosive Strength

Drop Jumps - 5 sets x 3 reps

Compound Lift

Rest 2 Mins between Sets.

A) Back Squat - build up to a Heavy Single

Accessory Lifts

Rest 60-90 seconds between Sets.

B) Clean Pulls - 2 Sets x 5 reps @ 90-105% and 2 sets x 3 reps @ 110-115%


C) Bulgarian Split Squat - 3 sets x 6 reps (Progressive - moderate)

D) Barbell Hip Thrusts - 2 sets x 12 reps

Gym Based Conditioning

For Time 4 Rounds
In a 2 Min Window Complete:

200m Row
5 Strict Pull Ups
Max. Rep KB Swings 24/16kg

Rest 2 mins

Preseason Block 3/Recovery Day 24 Wednesday

Recovery must be an essential part of all training programs, and must be carefully
planned and programmed in order to be optimally effective.

Recovery requires an approach that addresses all aspects of the rugby lifestyle, such
as sleep, nutrition, overall stress levels, etc.

Rugby can produce high levels of fatigue, and given the length of rugby seasons and
the number of games played, proactive recovery is an area that can give rugby teams
and players a real advantage. An important element of any recovery program is to
develop a specific recovery strategy for use after matches.

At Rugby Renegade, through knowledge and experience we have designed reliable

recovery protocols for players to follow.

Recovery protocols range from nutrition to active recovery. What you do in the hours
post game/training will have a profound affect on your performance for the following
weeks game. Here are some recommendations to implement into your weekly training

Post Training Nutrition Protocols

Below are the best Post Training Nutrition Protocols that you should follow in order
to maximise your post training recovery week in, week out.

Make Sure Avoid

Activities are decided by the individual post match in order to reach 50 points will
help to optimise recovery.

Points Activity
25 20 minutes Swim/Stretch in a pool.
25 30 minutes Sports Massage
15 15 minute Stretch session
15 Wear Compression Skins for at least 1 hour
15 4 x Hot/Cold water contrast- 2 mins in each.
10 20 minutes Row/Bike
5 20 minutes Walk
5 20 minutes Myofascial Release using a foam roller session

Preseason Block 3/Day 25 Thursday

Strength/Hypertrophy Session
Aim to complete Session within 45-60 mins
Mobility Prep

Upper Limb Mobility Circuit

- Thoracic Foam Roller
- Lats Complex Foam Roller
- Rotator Cuff Trigger Release
- Band Shoulder Mobiliser
- Band Lats Mobiliser
- Wrist / Elbow Mobiliser

Plyo Prep.

Supine Chest Throw - 4 sets x 3 reps

Compound Lift
A) Push Press - 9 sets x 3 reps @ 75% 1RM - New set every 60 seconds

Accessory Lifts

Rest 60-90 seconds between Sets.

B) Pull Up (Chest to Bar) - 8 Sets x 4 reps (every 60 seconds)

C) Close Grip Bench Press - 3 sets x 8-10 reps (Progressive)

D) Seated Row - 3 x 8-10 reps (each arm)

Conditioning Session
Complete the following session or refer to our Rugby Renegade Article on Dan
Bakers MAS Grids. Click on link -

For Time

20 sec Work : 20 sec Rest x 4 each Exercise

Max. Distance Row

Box Jumps 24/20"

Preseason Block 3/Day 26 Friday

Strength/Hypertrophy Session
Aim to complete Session within 45-60 mins
Mobility Prep

Lower Limb Mobility Circuit

- ITB Foam Roller

- Quads Foam Roller
- Adductor Foam Roller
- Banded Hip Mobiliser
- Banded Deep Squat Mobiliser
- Banded Ankle Mobiliser

Explosive Strength

Box Jumps - 6 x 3 reps (Med.)

Compound Lift

Rest 2 Mins between Sets.

A) Speed Front Squats - 10 sets x 3 reps @ 70% 1RM

B) Power Clean - 6 sets x 3 reps @ 80% 1RM

Accessory Lifts

Rest 60-90 seconds between Sets.

C) Box Step Ups - 3 sets x 8 reps (Progressive - moderate)

Gym Based Conditioning

For Time

50 Burpees

40 KB Swings 24/16kg

30 Calorie Row

20 Toes 2 Bar

10 Handstand Push Ups

Preseason Block 3/Day 27 Saturday

Renegade Rugby Warm Up

For Time 10 Rounds

3 Hang Power Cleans 80/50kg

5 Burpees

7 Toes to Bar

Sprint 100 m

Rest 90 seconds between Rounds

Preseason Block 3/Recovery Day 28 Sunday

Recovery must be an essential part of all training programs, and must be carefully
planned and programmed in order to be optimally effective.

Recovery requires an approach that addresses all aspects of the rugby lifestyle, such
as sleep, nutrition, overall stress levels, etc.

Rugby can produce high levels of fatigue, and given the length of rugby seasons and
the number of games played, proactive recovery is an area that can give rugby teams
and players a real advantage. An important element of any recovery program is to
develop a specific recovery strategy for use after matches.

At Rugby Renegade, through knowledge and experience we have designed reliable

recovery protocols for players to follow.

Recovery protocols range from nutrition to active recovery. What you do in the hours
post game/training will have a profound affect on your performance for the following
weeks game. Here are some recommendations to implement into your weekly training

Post Training Nutrition Protocols

Below are the best Post Training Nutrition Protocols that you should follow in order
to maximise your post training recovery week in, week out.

Activities are decided by the individual post match in order to reach 50 points will
help to optimise recovery.

Points Activity
25 20 minutes Swim/Stretch in a pool.
25 30 minutes Sports Massage
15 15 minute Stretch session
15 Wear Compression Skins for at least 1 hour
15 4 x Hot/Cold water contrast- 2 mins in each.
10 20 minutes Row/Bike
5 20 minutes Walk
5 20 minutes Myofascial Release using a foam roller session.

Wrap Up!
Thanks for using the Rugby Renegade Pre Season Training Program. If you want
to subscribe to an online program, which includes daily strength, rehab/prehab
and conditioning workouts designed specifically for rugby check out our
subscription options now:

Alternatively you can join the Rugby Renegade following:

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