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Didactics of Science

Presentado por:

Lidia Calderón Gaona

C.C. 45622496

Trabajo presentado para el curso de Didactics of Science

Para el tutor: Fredy Arley Molano

Universidad Abierta y a Distancia UNAD

Periodo Académico
2021 - I
Link of my digital mural ......................................................................................................................3
References .........................................................................................................................................4


a. Explanation of the 4Cs-Framework (Content, cognition,

communication, and culture)
-First we have the content which is consider as the content taht learners
create to acquire their own knowledge and develop skills.
-The second is cognition. To enable the learners to create their ow
interpretation of contenc, it must be analysed for its linguistic demands. That is
why thinking processes need to be analysed in terms of their linguistic
-In third place we found communication in which context is basical in view of
this language needs to be transparent and accessible. In consequence,
interaction in the learning context is fundamental to learning.
-The last is culture. Relationship between cultures and languages is complex.
Intercultural knowledge is fundamental to CLIL.

b. Summary of the six quality principles proposed in the document.

Rich, challenging and meanigful input is one of the main pilars of foreign
language acquisition. That is why classroom content should be connecting with
the daily lives of students and their areas of interest. For example, we can use
clips, flash-animations, web-quests or pod-casts to combine motivating and
illustrative materials with language input. With this principle we can design
creative tasks.
As students learn teachers have to support them. When languages skills
advance of students progress the quantity and intensity of scaffolding can be
reduced. To achieve that goal, teachers have to design tasks that students can
easily understand and develop. Also is necessary to teach with strategies and
skills that students can acquire.
Rich interactions and pushed output are fundamental for the students's
progress. Conversational interactions areone way to promote interlanguage
development because it allows to connects input, internal learner capacities and
selective attention. But in these cases it is necessary to reduce the planing time
to get more fluency.
Adding the (Inter-) cultural Dimension is the way if we want to prepare our
students to succed in a globalizated world. Students need to learn about other
countries and culures. Thus, students have to work in teams across national and
cultural boarders intercultural communicative competence. In this way they can
learn about cultural codes, appropiate linguistic and non.linguistic means or
stategies to address them and they.
Make it H.O.T. refers to thinking skills that are the key to succes in the
Information age. Students need to be shown how to express clearly their
thoughts in an increasingly learning .

The last principle is the Sustainable Learning. It suggests that to make
learning more sustainable in the CLIL classroom, teachers have to create
connections between students and attitudes, experience and knowledge; make
the learning pocess transparent with a clear structure; share with all students
the sesults of group work; promote autonomous learning and introduce portfolio
work, adopt a translanguaging approach, among others.
c. What are the components of creating and adapting didactic
learning materials?
Teaching materials are really important. That is why teachers hace to
accommodate them to different learning styles. Materials have to activate
various language skills. Also is neccesary to concentrate in the specific needs of
the content subject. Texts, charts, maps, video clips, among others have to be
determinated by the students's familiarities in view in this way teachers can
determinate how much students need scaffolfing.
d. Presentation and explanation of the CLIL-Pyramid.

The CLIL-Pyramid was designed to visyally represent waht CLIL quality represents. The
base of it are the 4Cs-Framework. That is to say, THe four Cs are the cornerstones of the
base area of the CLIL-Pyramid which exist when one tries to find the point where lines
originating from each corners meer. The pyramid is the tool for teachers planning because
it shows the way to incorporate materials, straegies and skilss.

When we analyze the advantages of using the CLIL-Pyramid we realise that it makes
possible to teachers create interdisciplinary material and progress in students habilities and
comunicative competences.

Link of my digital mural

Meyer, Oliver. (2013). Introducing the CLIL-Pyramid: Key
Strategies and Principles for CLIL Planning and

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