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Trimodal distribution of death Approach (initial assessment)

Immediate death 1. Preparation & triage
2. Primary survey (ABCDE) & resuscitation of vital functions
3. Re-evaluation of the patient
4. Secondary survey
5. Post-resus monitoring & re-evaluation
Early death Late death 6. Optimize for transfer & definitive care
Primary Survey
1. Airway assessment with cervical spine control 4. Disability / Intracranial mass lesion
Assess for Establish Cervical • Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS)
airway a patent spine 5. Exposure / Environment
obstruction airway control

2. Breathing
Life-threatening ATOM TC
3. Circulation with hemorrhage control
• Apply direct pressure to external site of bleeding
• Insert 2 large bore (14g/16g) IV branula
• IV fluid therapy
• ECG, pulse oximeter, BP monitor
• CBD, NG tube
• Prevent hypothermia
• Reassess frequently
Secondary Survey
Review patient history (SAMPLE) Subsequent physical examination
S: Symptoms Head/Face Any fracture, bleeding, open head injury, watery discharge from ear/nose
A: Allergy Neck Palpate neck ant & post for crepitus/hematoma/tenderness
M: Medication Chest Full palpation & auscultation for fracture/paradoxical chest mvmt/ diminished
P: Past medical history breath sound
L: Last meal Neurological GCS every 15 min & full neurological examination
E: Event of incidence Abdomen & Examine for abdominal distension, depth of wound, pelvic spring, perineum for
pelvis ecchymosis, bleeding, rectal examination
Extremities Fracture, neovascular condition
Log roll Spine fracture/deformity, open wounds

Abdominal Trauma
Classified into:
1. Hemodynamically ‘normal’ – ix can bd full & tx planned accordingly
2. Hemodynamically ‘stable’ – ix is more limited & is aimed at fixing the treatment modalities
3. Hemodynamically ‘unstable’ – immediate surgical intervention (laparotomy) after basic routine ix & primary resuscitation
1. Focused abdominal sonography for trauma (FAST)
• Subcostal view
• RUQ view – Morison’s pouch
• LUQ view
• Suprapubic view – Pouch of Douglas
• E-FAST: add bilateral ant thoracic - pneumothorax
2. CT Scan
• Gold standard for dx of injury in stable patient
• Sensitive for retroperitoneal injury
3. Diagnostic laparotomy
• Evisceration, stab wound, gunshot wound
• Any penetrating injury
• Obvious signs of peritoneal irritation
• DRE fresh blood
• Persistent fresh blood aspirated from NG tube
• Pneumoperitoneum / diaphragmatic rupture
4. Diagnostic peritoneal lavage (DPL)
• Used to assess the presence of blood in abdomen
• Done when FAST is not available
Head Trauma
AIM: prevention of secondary brain injury (from hypotension, hypoxemia, increase ICP) since neuronal death is irreversible
Concussion Intracranial Hemorrhage
• Physiological dysfunction without anatomical or radiological Extradural hemorrhage
abnormality • Lens-shaped hematoma: between skull & dura
• Usually recovers in 2-3 hours • Laceration of middle meningeal artery
Contusion: Small hematoma • Classically presents with ‘lucid interval’ which
Diffuse axonal injury precedes rapid deterioration
• A major cause of unconsciousness & persistent vegetative state
after head trauma Subdural hemorrhage
• Severe → punctate hemorrhage at the grey-white border • crescent shaped hematoma: between dura &
• Injury that causes rotational & shearing forces arachnoid
• Maximal effects at corpus callosum & brainstem • High speed acceleration/deceleration trauma which
Cerebral edema shears small bridging veins
1. Hypoxic/cytotoxic (cellular) • Underlying brain damage, expanding SOL
• Decrease blood supply (oxygenation) → loss of fx of Na-K Traumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage
pump as ATP decreases → increase intracellular sodium → • Star shaped appearance: at cisterns
cellular swelling • Usually only small amount of blood →conservative tx
• Not respond to medical tx sufficient
2. Interstitial
• Impaired absorption of CSF → increase in transependymal CSF Intraparenchymal hemorrhage
flow → acute hydrocephalus • Require immediate evacuation
• Not respond to medical tx
3. Vasogenic
• Breakdown of BBB → proteins enter interstitial space →
• Seen in TBI, neoplasm, inflammatory condition
• Responsive to both steroid & osmotherapy
Monroe-Kelly doctrine • CPP = MAP – ICP
• When an intracranial mass is introduced, compensation must occur by a reciprocal decrease in the
volume of venous blood & CSF
Compensatory mechanism
- Hyperventilation → vasoconstriction of cerebral vessels due to decrease pCO2 →decrease blood
- CSF pushed into spinal canal
Fixed dilated pupil • Early → gradual dilatation, sluggish response to light ipsilateral to the lesion
• Late → dilatation of ipsilateral pupil & non-reactive to light
• Final → bilateral pupil dilatation fixation

- In raised ICP, the uncus of temporal lobe herniates over the edge of tentorium, compressing the
fibers of the oculomotor nerve
- Fixed dilated pupil occurs on the side of the compression due to unopposed sympathetic supply
Cushing’s reflex • From Monroe-Kellie, increase MAP maintains cerebral perfusion pressure when ICP is raised
- Baroreceptors detect
Achieved by sympathetic abnormal BP → try to
overdrive: decrease it by triggering a
parasympathetic response via
Irregular - Increase HR
Bradycardia Increase blood pressure vagus nerve → decrease HR
breathing - Increase contractility
- Distortion and/or increase
- Increase vasoconstriction
pressure of brainstem →
irregular breathing/apnea


1. 3 important parameters: ABCs, GCS, pupil size

2. CT scan to look for causes, but stabilize patient first
3. Management of increase ICP:
- Medical: osmotic diuresis, loop diuretics
- Surgical: CSF diversion, decompression, removal of mass effect (craniectomy, craniotomy)
- Conservative: raised head of bed, intubate and hyperventilation

Definition: inadequate tissue & organ perfusion to meet metabolic Recognition of shock:
demands leading to eventual global cellular hypoxia 1. Inadequate tissue perfusion
• Skin – cold, pale, decrease CRT
• Renal – decrease urine output
• CNS – anxiety, confusion, lethargy
2. Increase sympathetic tone
• Narrowed pulse pressure
• Tachycardia
Types of shock
Shock classification Causes Signs & symptoms
Hypovolemic Acute hemorrhage (>20%), dehydration (burns), severe GE Pallor, cold-clammy skin, increase
Loss of circulating blood volume HR, CRT>2s
Others: acute pancreatitis, ruptured AAA, ruptured ectopic pregnancy
Cardiogenic Blunt cardiac injury, AMI Pallor, cold-clammy skin, increase
Intrinsic cardiac failure HR, pulmonary edema
Others: valvular stenosis, regurgitation, rupture, ischemia,
arrythmias, cardiomyopathy, AVSD
Obstructive Tension pneumothorax, cardiac tamponade, pulmonary embolism Increase JVP
Impaired venous return
Neurogenic Spinal injury Warm peripheries,
(distributive) normal/reduce HR, neuro deficit,
Loss of sympathetic tone Lack of sympathetic tone → decrease SVR → pooling of blood in decrease JVP
extremities → hypotension
Septic Infection - sepsis Fever, rigor, warm peripheries,
(distributive) increase HR
Anaphylactic Bites/stings Fever, rigors, warm peripheries,
(distributive) Allergens – drugs/food angioedema, bronchospasm

General managements

1. Recognize early features of shock

2. Airway & breathing
- Maintain airway – 100% with non-rebreather mask
- Consider intubation if necessary
3. Circulation
- 2 large bore branula (14G-16G): start IV fluid resus
- Inotropic support
o IV dopamine 5-10µg/kg/min
o IV dobutamine 5-10µg/kg/min (esp for cardiogenic shock)
o IV norepinephrine 5-20µg/kg/min (esp for septic shock)
4. Monitoring
- Vitals – HR, BP, SpO2, RR, temperature
- Urine output – CBD
5. Evaluate life-threatening causes
- Tension pneumothorax: decompress with 14G cannula over the 2nd intercostal space midclavicular line
- Cardiac tamponade: start IV fluid bolus with 500ml NS and/or IV dopamine infusion 5µg/kg/min & prepare for pericardiocentesis
6. Identifying underlying causes
• History, examination, investigation

Neurogenic shock Anaphylactic shock

Hx/PE Trauma – site, mechanism, force Common symptoms:
Neuro exam, DRE – document initial Urticaria, angioedema, anaphylaxis, anaphylactoid reaction
neurological deficits
Triad of hypotension, relative bradycardia, Causes:
hypothermia - Drugs – penicillin, NSAIDS, aspirin, TCA
Immobilize Immobilize spine in neutral position - Food – shellfish, egg white, peanuts
Investigations - C-spine X-ray (AP & Lat) - Venom – bees, wasp, hornets
- Swimmer’s view & open mouth view - Environment – dust, pollen
- Thoracic & lumbar spine X-ray - Infection – EBV, HBV, coxsackie virus, parasites
- CT/MRI scan
Fluid Rx Titrate fluid resuscitate with urine output Stop Stop the drug, gastric lavage, activated charcoal
Vasopressin if BP does not respond to fluid administration
IV high dose - 30mg/kg over 1st hour, followed by 5- Airway Intubation, cricothyroidotomy
methylprednisolone 4mg/kg/h for next 23 hours Fluid rx 2L Hartman’s or NS bolus
- Contraindications: <13yo, pregnancy, >8 Drugs rx Adrenaline, glucagon, antihistamine, cimetidine,
hours after injury, brachial plexus injury nebulized bronchodilator, corticosteroids
Disposition Refer ortho/neurosurgeon

Types of burns Burn depth

1. Thermal
2. Chemical
3. Radical
4. Electrical
Clinical features
Burn size

A. Lifesaving measures for patients with burn injuries include:
1. Establish airway control
• Burns can result in massive edema → upper airway is at risk of obstruction → ETT
• Factors that increase the risk of upper airway obstruction:
- Increasing burn depth & size
- Burns to the head & face
- Inhalation injury
- Burns inside the mouth
2. Stopping the burning process
• Remove all clothing, jewelry
• Brush dry chemical powders from the wound
• Rinse the wound with copious amount of tap water
• Cover the patient with warm, clean, dry linen
3. Get intravenous access
• Large bore
• Upper extremities are preferred
B. Primary survey
1. Airway
• Ensure that the airway is patent
• Clinical manifestation of inhalational injury may be subtle in the 1st 24 hours
• Consider prophylactic intubation
2. Breathing
• Supplemental oxygen
• Always assume carbon monoxide (CO) exposure in patients who were burned in enclosed areas → high-flow oxygen via
non-rebreathing mask
3. Circulation
• Fluid resuscitation with Ringer’s lactate: Parkland formula
• 4ml x body weight (kg) x % BSA burned
• Given half in 1st 8 hours (from onset of incident), half in the next 16 hours
• Fluid maintenance if patient cannot tolerate oral hydration
• Insert CBD to monitor hourly urine output
Care for minor burns Burn Center referral criteria
- Appropriate analgesics 1. Second degree burn >10% TBSA
- Cleanse burn with mild soap and water / diluted antiseptic 2. Burn involving face, hands, feet, genitalia, perineum, major joints
solution 3. 3rd degree burn in any age group
- Debride wound as needed 4. Electrical burns including lightning injury
- Apply topical antibiotic 5. Chemical burns
- Advise patient to return if sx of infection / uncontrolled pain 6. Inhalational injury
7. Burn injury in patients with preexisting comorbidities that could
complicate mx, prolong recovery or affect mortality
8. Circumferential burn

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